Why Electric cars are still more expensive to buy and drive than gasoline cars

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
It's because they require more energy.

Manufactured items cost more or less based on how much energy it takes to produce them. It isn't about demand, or supply. It's about energy.

A pound of gold cost more than a pound of iron because it take more energy to find and dig the gold ore than the iron ore. Steel cost more than iron becuase it takes additional energy to turn the iron into steel. It takes labor, also, but the labor is a product of energy also.

So, any idea that electric cars will save the planet by using less energy is belied by the fact that they cost more because they use more energy, not less.

Good news is that if electric cars every do become more energy-effecient to make and drive, the free market will guarantee that nearly everyone will get one. Ironically, the only exception will likely be climate activists who will claim that they need their large engine limos to take them to their private jets since their mission of saving the planet is so important.
New York Times contributor Margaret Renkl wrote an opinion piece recently that examined why some Republicans in Congress who have made a career out of bashing electric cars have suddenly gotten religion and become EV supporters. As they say in DC — the District of Corruption — “They were agin’ it a-fore they were for it.” Here are a few examples.

[full article online)

New York Times contributor Margaret Renkl wrote an opinion piece recently that examined why some Republicans in Congress who have made a career out of bashing electric cars have suddenly gotten religion and become EV supporters. As they say in DC — the District of Corruption — “They were agin’ it a-fore they were for it.” Here are a few examples.

[full article online)

Well, if you want off topics posts, how about this one?

WHO. is cleantechnica.
Why, it is a bastion of unbiased and non-partisan journalism. Don't believe me look at this from the link:

Then suddenly in September, the two-faced, lying senator for Tennessee started talking out of the other side of her mouth when Ford announced a partnership with SK Innovtion to build an electric vehicle and battery factory in the Volunteer State. “Altogether, the $5.6 billion in investment will directly create 5,800 jobs in addition to countless opportunities in supporting industries,” the duplicitous Blackburn said in a statement. “Through this historic project, our state will gain access to trainings and work force development for years to come.
Anyone who only owned an EV here in Florida got a rude slap of reality with Hurricane Ian! Because of the limited range and long recharging times EV's make awful evacuation vehicles. Then when power was lost there was no place to recharge. Then to make it ever worse...if you get an EV wet? It tends to burst into flames!

I'll tell you right now...liberals with a house here might posture by having an EV but in their garage they're going to have a gas powered vehicle that they can use when the shit hits the fan!

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