Zone1 Why don’t USMB Mods sign their work product?

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Funny it is not linked backward to the thread and post. Remember the mod actions screen, everything linked backwardly? The writers obviously knew how, but did not anticipate a need (possibly due to original intent for software), so setting up the array did not include it, and now the array is beyond restructuring to fill that need, providing that benefit, similar to the inability to track ban histories, as well as it automatically tracks warning/infraction histories.

It gets linked back to the thread, but it doesn't give you any hint about which post. So, if you post a whole lot of comments to a thread or are jumping all around as I and I suspect many do, you have no idea what post it was being referred to. A snapshot or an embedded file photo of it or even just part of it would be great, otherwise, you often have no idea what the offending post was unless it was such a lulu that you just can't help but remember it.
Certain leftists indulge in pedo references quite regularly. They do so within the context of their defending the sexual grooming of children and sling the accusations against those who DON'T support the pedo shit.

It seems to me that at this site, a person can support pedophilia but not be called on it, but it is open season on those who oppose it.

The bias with which you people moderate this issue is absolutely staggering.
Come on, lefty, try stating the FACTS! Pedophilia and grooming did not exist until February 2023. Everything was hunky dory, but then Disney unleashed drag queens (again, unheard of before 2/2023) and gay cartoon characters. Indeed, no children were ever molested prior to February 2023, so let's unleash all of the fake outrage we can muster!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
we need to get this pedo thingey straight.......................someone called someone a biden?

when i see a drag queen show flashing their junk in front of 3 yr olds and people here are fine with it

we have an incestous pedophile in the wh and people are fine with it..................homo erotic books fot 6 yr olds in skewl libraries

if one does not call this out, i assume a pedophile sympathizer
The pedo rule has been on this forum since before I was a member. Up until a couple years ago, it wasn't really a problem at USMB. We'd get the occasional flame reference thrown at another member, but it was rare. People were warned then, just like they are now. When the Biden administration took office, the pedo (and subsequent groomer) reference started getting thrown around in replies all across the forum as if people were lining up for food samples at your local Sam's Club. It became the standard "thing" to call anyone that another person didn't like or that didn't agree with them.

Question to you all: Have any of you that make pedo/groomer accusations towards other members bothered to gather evidence and contact the appropriate authorities about it? That IS mentioned in our rules. Instead of throwing words up on a screen, (you know, the easy thing to do) take REAL action to do something about it.
It gets linked back to the thread, but it doesn't give you any hint about which post. So, if you post a whole lot of comments to a thread or are jumping all around as I and I suspect many do, you have no idea what post it was being referred to. A snapshot or an embedded file photo of it or even just part of it would be great, otherwise, you often have no idea what the offending post was unless it was such a lulu that you just can't help but remember it.
Thank you for that info. I'll pass this on to admin to see if there are any settings that they can adjust.
The pedo rule has been on this forum since before I was a member. Up until a couple years ago, it wasn't really a problem at USMB. We'd get the occasional flame reference thrown at another member, but it was rare. People were warned then, just like they are now. When the Biden administration took office, the pedo (and subsequent groomer) reference started getting thrown around in replies all across the forum as if people were lining up for food samples at your local Sam's Club. It became the standard "thing" to call anyone that another person didn't like or that didn't agree with them.

Question to you all: Have any of you that make pedo/groomer accusations towards other members bothered to gather evidence and contact the appropriate authorities about it? That IS mentioned in our rules. Instead of throwing words up on a screen, (you know, the easy thing to do) take REAL action to do something about it.
What you should ACTUALLY be considering is whether or not a poster is defending the sexual abuse of children.

The usual pattern is for poster A to to voice objection to such, whereupon poster B responds by calling them every name in the book. Poster A then responds in kind.

When this happens, you punish and silence poster A and reward poster B in doing so. More importantly, you are supporting the AGENDA of poster B.

This happens over and over and over again as you wield power to control the overall point of view of the entire forum.
The pedo rule has been on this forum since before I was a member. Up until a couple years ago, it wasn't really a problem at USMB. We'd get the occasional flame reference thrown at another member, but it was rare

Up until a few years ago, we didn't have those on the left wrong so openly promoting and defending pedophilia; and up until a few years ago, we didn't have the management of this forum openly giving cover and support for pedophiles; as we are now very clearly seeing.

Somehow, you want to make it the fault of those of us who still stand against the sexual abuse of children, that you and your colleagues are taking so much heat for openly supporting this sick shit.
we didn't have the management of this forum openly giving cover and support for pedophiles; as we are now very clearly seeing.
Quote for me an example of this, I like to know what you mean.

I'm curious.

I don't think this is true, but perhaps we have different perceptions of this.

Up until a few years ago, we didn't have those on the left wrong so openly promoting and defending pedophilia; and up until a few years ago, we didn't have the management of this forum openly giving cover and support for pedophiles; as we are now very clearly seeing.

Somehow, you want to make it the fault of those of us who still stand against the sexual abuse of children, that you and your colleagues are taking so much heat for openly supporting this sick shit.
......and as we can all see, some posters here think the sexual abuse of children is FUNNY.
Quote for me an example of this, I like to know what you mean.

I'm curious.

I don't think this is true, but perhaps we have different perceptions of this.


There's no use in playing dumb on this matter.

You know damned well what I am talking about.

Pedophiles are allowed, here, to openly defend and promote the sexual abuse of children, and yet I, and several others, have been repeatedly infracted and punished and censored for daring to call them out.

Deny it, if you will, which will only show everyone here what a lying piece o shit you are along with the whole corrupt staff of this site.

In fact, if I were to spend the time to hunt down and post examples, here, you'd probably infract me for that.
What you should ACTUALLY be considering is whether or not a poster is defending the sexual abuse of children.

The usual pattern is for poster A to to voice objection to such, whereupon poster B responds by calling them every name in the book. Poster A then responds in kind.

When this happens, you punish and silence poster A and reward poster B in doing so. More importantly, you are supporting the AGENDA of poster B.

This happens over and over and over again as you wield power to control the overall point of view of the entire forum.
Mods act upon what the rules state. We are not here to "consider" who is defending what. If people start a pedo accusation pissing contest with each other in a thread and it is brought to our attention, we act upon it. I can't speak for the other mods, but I typically read thru the thread and infract not only the person making the accusation, but others involved as well if they are doing the same.
In fact, if I were to spend the time to hunt down and post examples, here, you'd probably infract me for that.
If a mod asks you to do something, they aren't going to infract you. I'd like to see the examples as well. It'd help us understand what you are saying. You can PM them to me if you'd like.
It gets linked back to the thread, but it doesn't give you any hint about which post. So, if you post a whole lot of comments to a thread or are jumping all around as I and I suspect many do, you have no idea what post it was being referred to. A snapshot or an embedded file photo of it or even just part of it would be great, otherwise, you often have no idea what the offending post was unless it was such a lulu that you just can't help but remember it.
If online, feel free to ask me, but PM is the best way. If my name is mentioned, I get an alert, but not cool to call me by changing subject of a thread started by someone else for a specific reason and topic, to inquiries on actions taken or declined to take. If I have time, I have no problem taking a few minutes to look, even if it wasn't my work. Will be glad to tell you if me or not, and best guess as why an action was taken, but I do not volunteer other mods names as not my place, and nobody on this side ever denies an action taken, as all mods can see all logs.
I hate to weigh in on this topic. But I will.. I have seen too many posters on here go into total meltdown on this topic. You can't handle it. Management is right on this rule...
Be very careful- all of you accusing other people of this. You could ruin decent people- just because YOU believe it. and you just might be wrong. touche
There's no use in playing dumb on this matter.

You know damned well what I am talking about.
I'm not playing dumb Bob.

If everyone perceived the world the same?

Then we would not have conservatives, and we would not have liberals.

You don't actually believe folks think of themselves as, "evil," and desire to be that way, do you?

My point here, is if we want to constructively address this issue, you will need to point out the area and controversy that you are talking about. If not, we can't get down to the crux of the issue. Folks view the world through a different lenses, your truth, is not other folks truth.


This? Was a brilliant post today, by one of our members who is a conservative and a public school teacher, she faces this issue on the regular it appears;

Yeah, talking to very young children about sexuality is a form of grooming, even if the one doing the talking is too stupid to realize it. And I believe there are some too stupid to realize it.

Gender Ideology is stupid, but may or may not be grooming.

Pronoun fantasies, same.

Not everything you don't like is "grooming", in the same way not everything Leftists don't like is "racism"

Not everyone that is gay, or lgbtq, or attempts to teach understanding and compassion, is necessarily a groomer, so you folks should not assume they are. Not at least, unless you have PROOOF, and are willing to post it.

. . . and if you REFUSE to post, or link to conversations about this, claiming we are, "playing dumb," IMO? You are using this issue to shoe horn in your politics, and not posting with integrity. Post up, or shut up please.
we need to get this pedo thingey straight.......................someone called someone a biden?

when i see a drag queen show flashing their junk in front of 3 yr olds and people here are fine with it

we have an incestous pedophile in the wh and people are fine with it..................homo erotic books fot 6 yr olds in skewl libraries

if one does not call this out, i assume a pedophile sympathizer
Proper grammar and punctuation would help your argument.
Up until a few years ago, we didn't have those on the left wrong so openly promoting and defending pedophilia; and up until a few years ago, we didn't have the management of this forum openly giving cover and support for pedophiles; as we are now very clearly seeing.

Somehow, you want to make it the fault of those of us who still stand against the sexual abuse of children, that you and your colleagues are taking so much heat for openly supporting this sick shit.
The difficulty with your argument of course, is that you now accuse LGBTQ of all being pedophiles, along with all schools, all teachers, all Democrats, all coaches. If they have a policy or behavior you disagree with - like thinking its bad to throw gays off a roof, or that public libraries are for everyone, not just fundamentalists - then you immediately scream that they are "groomers" and support pedophilia.
If people start a pedo accusation pissing contest with each other in a thread and it is brought to our attention, we act upon it.

Well, Aye, I really didn't want to get into this, but you've asked before, and since it is being discussed now, I've been called a groomer, and before that, ostensibly a pedo just for suggesting that maybe Zelensky ought to consider sending his own family into combat before asking other countries to send their soldiers for him, got called a Pedo for it twice in bold print, reported it, and to my knowledge, zilch happened. This guy has never skipped a beat AFAICT.

You asked: here it is, from 1/20/23, according to my file specs:



Proper grammar and punctuation would help your argument.

The difficulty with your argument of course, is that you now accuse LGBTQ of all being pedophiles, along with all schools, all teachers, all Democrats, all coaches. If they have a policy or behavior you disagree with - like thinking its bad to throw gays off a roof, or that public libraries are for everyone, not just fundamentalists - then you immediately scream that they are "groomers" and support pedophilia.
Proper grammar and punctuation would help your argument.

He's too old to go back to school.
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