Why don't the GOP just spit it out and tell the truth instead of pretending


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
they care about the citizens they represent, they should just come out and say we are out to make our lobbyist happy because we need their support for re-election, we need their money, their ads and their propaganda.

As you know , a single person will pay an extra .9% on an AGI over 200,000 and a married couple with an AGI over 250,000. Few people make that, and that is not considered the middle income. The median income in about 55 grand a year for a family up to 100 grand.

I mean the elites made their money off the backs of workers and the workers got poorer and the elites got richer, never has there been a class divide like today, and Trump wants to lower their taxes as well.
The employers do everything they can to get out of paying health insurance and bennies to workers , gone are the unions and prevailing wages.

Ask yourself why the Democrats are not for this, do you really think its for votes, I don't, I just think the GOP are all about greed and big business. Many congressmen when they leave office become lobbyist, so they are also thinking about when they get booted out of office, and lobbyist make big bucks.

Ask yourself if these businesses can spend this money for lobbyist and donations to think tanks and congressmen can't they spend a few bucks on the poorer who worked for them. Instead they hide their money in off shore accounts, and even start their own foundations which many are tax havens.

So I say the GOP , fess up, this is what its about , money and taxes. Then again we have a President who doesn't like to pay taxes, so us the median income have to pay taxes, but the wealthy can get away with it, like Trump.

Trump , deregulating everything, cut taxes, increase HSA's and make them inheritance free, remove the inheritance tax. All big business.

We know there is greed on both sides, but at least the Dems do send some lifesavers to the poor , median income and aged.
This is more of Reagan and of "W" Bush, correct.

ACA is their hot potato.

But basically the rich are going to get a 14% tax cut and the non-rich are going to get a 1%.
they care about the citizens they represent, they should just come out and say we are out to make our lobbyist happy because we need their support for re-election, we need their money, their ads and their propaganda.

As you know , a single person will pay an extra .9% on an AGI over 200,000 and a married couple with an AGI over 250,000. Few people make that, and that is not considered the middle income. The median income in about 55 grand a year for a family up to 100 grand.

I mean the elites made their money off the backs of workers and the workers got poorer and the elites got richer, never has there been a class divide like today, and Trump wants to lower their taxes as well.
The employers do everything they can to get out of paying health insurance and bennies to workers , gone are the unions and prevailing wages.

Ask yourself why the Democrats are not for this, do you really think its for votes, I don't, I just think the GOP are all about greed and big business. Many congressmen when they leave office become lobbyist, so they are also thinking about when they get booted out of office, and lobbyist make big bucks.

Ask yourself if these businesses can spend this money for lobbyist and donations to think tanks and congressmen can't they spend a few bucks on the poorer who worked for them. Instead they hide their money in off shore accounts, and even start their own foundations which many are tax havens.

So I say the GOP , fess up, this is what its about , money and taxes. Then again we have a President who doesn't like to pay taxes, so us the median income have to pay taxes, but the wealthy can get away with it, like Trump.

Trump , deregulating everything, cut taxes, increase HSA's and make them inheritance free, remove the inheritance tax. All big business.

We know there is greed on both sides, but at least the Dems do send some lifesavers to the poor , median income and aged.
. Trump has stated his new rules about lobbyist in the latest national address, and it came with great applause (did you miss it) ???
they care about the citizens they represent, they should just come out and say we are out to make our lobbyist happy because we need their support for re-election, we need their money, their ads and their propaganda.

As you know , a single person will pay an extra .9% on an AGI over 200,000 and a married couple with an AGI over 250,000. Few people make that, and that is not considered the middle income. The median income in about 55 grand a year for a family up to 100 grand.

I mean the elites made their money off the backs of workers and the workers got poorer and the elites got richer, never has there been a class divide like today, and Trump wants to lower their taxes as well.
The employers do everything they can to get out of paying health insurance and bennies to workers , gone are the unions and prevailing wages.

Ask yourself why the Democrats are not for this, do you really think its for votes, I don't, I just think the GOP are all about greed and big business. Many congressmen when they leave office become lobbyist, so they are also thinking about when they get booted out of office, and lobbyist make big bucks.

Ask yourself if these businesses can spend this money for lobbyist and donations to think tanks and congressmen can't they spend a few bucks on the poorer who worked for them. Instead they hide their money in off shore accounts, and even start their own foundations which many are tax havens.

So I say the GOP , fess up, this is what its about , money and taxes. Then again we have a President who doesn't like to pay taxes, so us the median income have to pay taxes, but the wealthy can get away with it, like Trump.

Trump , deregulating everything, cut taxes, increase HSA's and make them inheritance free, remove the inheritance tax. All big business.

We know there is greed on both sides, but at least the Dems do send some lifesavers to the poor , median income and aged.
. Trump has stated his new rules about lobbyist in the latest national address, and it came with great applause (did you miss it) ???

Obama tried it too,
Everything you need to know about Trump's lobbying rules
they care about the citizens they represent, they should just come out and say we are out to make our lobbyist happy because we need their support for re-election, we need their money, their ads and their propaganda.
Well, they can't. There is something about the air or the water in DC that turns otherwise normal people into tunnel-visioned maniacs who care only about fundraising and re-election.

The GOP politicians know there's a long list of things our health care "system" (ha) cannot include or they'll lose their cushy gubmit jobs. So they have to defend Obamacare 2.0 because it's as close as they can get given their partisan parameters.

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