Why doesn't Israel declare all out war?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Why do they allow their people to continually be subjected to rocket attacks?
I can't imagine the US standing by while constant rocket attacks come in from Canada or Mexico
Why do they allow their people to continually be subjected to rocket attacks?
I can't imagine the US standing by while constant rocket attacks come in from Canada or Mexico

Because hamas wins the propagada war. Europe always has been anti Jew and that hasn't changed. The US is moving inexorably pro terrorist. That has changed. Israel will stand alone, and will win.
Why do they allow their people to continually be subjected to rocket attacks?
I can't imagine the US standing by while constant rocket attacks come in from Canada or Mexico

Maybe they are saving up for an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.

Their government held a war game a few weeks ago in which they attacked Iran on December 9.

Why do they allow their people to continually be subjected to rocket attacks?
I can't imagine the US standing by while constant rocket attacks come in from Canada or Mexico

Because hamas wins the propagada war. Europe always has been anti Jew and that hasn't changed. The US is moving inexorably pro terrorist. That has changed. Israel will stand alone, and will win.

This is a dumb answer, since winning a "propaganda war" is no win at all.

The correct answer is that Israel can only "win" such a war by invading and destroying neighboring states--but they are destined to lose such a war in the long term. Imperialism seldom provides lasting victory, as history has always reminded us.

Their neighboring middle eastern states, in fact, already see Israel as an unwanted invader that took their land and occupies their territory without consideration. That is the problem, and expanding Israeli agression will hardly help anything.
Why do they allow their people to continually be subjected to rocket attacks?
I can't imagine the US standing by while constant rocket attacks come in from Canada or Mexico

Because hamas wins the propagada war. Europe always has been anti Jew and that hasn't changed. The US is moving inexorably pro terrorist. That has changed. Israel will stand alone, and will win.

This is a dumb answer, since winning a "propaganda war" is no win at all.

The correct answer is that Israel can only "win" such a war by invading and destroying neighboring states--but they are destined to lose such a war in the long term. Imperialism seldom provides lasting victory, as history has always reminded us.

Their neighboring middle eastern states, in fact, already see Israel as an unwanted invader that took their land and occupies their territory without consideration. That is the problem, and expanding Israeli agression will hardly help anything.

In the topsy turvey world of the Middle East, a propaganda war is always a win for terrorists like Hamas. That they swept the 2006 elections is all the proof you need to see that.

You can fire missiles into Israel all the live long day, and then the second they hit back, lay down and scream like a victim. Your dead babies are THEIR fault.

Works every time.

Why do they allow their people to continually be subjected to rocket attacks?
I can't imagine the US standing by while constant rocket attacks come in from Canada or Mexico

i think i already said that about mexico. but you'd have to actually go into the CDZ to see it.

as for 'all out war'... israel's dropped over a thousand bombs on gaza, i think.

that seems pretty all out.
Why do they allow their people to continually be subjected to rocket attacks?
I can't imagine the US standing by while constant rocket attacks come in from Canada or Mexico

Because hamas wins the propagada war. Europe always has been anti Jew and that hasn't changed. The US is moving inexorably pro terrorist. That has changed. Israel will stand alone, and will win.

This is a dumb answer, since winning a "propaganda war" is no win at all.

The correct answer is that Israel can only "win" such a war by invading and destroying neighboring states--but they are destined to lose such a war in the long term. Imperialism seldom provides lasting victory, as history has always reminded us.

Their neighboring middle eastern states, in fact, already see Israel as an unwanted invader that took their land and occupies their territory without consideration. That is the problem, and expanding Israeli agression will hardly help anything.

really? is that how israel's neighbors see them? the people they made peace with in jordan and egypt see them that way?

perhaps you don't really understand the politics of the area and why the imams and sheiks keep israel as the thorn in the side of their downtrodden, uneducated people
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I don't think Israel will attack. I think the Palestinians started rocket attacks in Israel to test Obama. Now that they understand he's not on their side just yet, they'll end the attacks.
I don't think Israel will attack. I think the Palestinians started rocket attacks in Israel to test Obama. Now that they understand he's not on their side just yet, they'll end the attacks.

it didn't have anything to do with the president.... no matter how many times you put things in like "yet".

they were testing their alliance with the new government in egypt....
I don't think Israel will attack. I think the Palestinians started rocket attacks in Israel to test Obama. Now that they understand he's not on their side just yet, they'll end the attacks.

it didn't have anything to do with the president.... no matter how many times you put things in like "yet".

they were testing their alliance with the new government in egypt....

Why didn't they test them before the U.S. elections?
Why do they allow their people to continually be subjected to rocket attacks?
I can't imagine the US standing by while constant rocket attacks come in from Canada or Mexico

Why haven't we declared war every time we invade or bomb another country?
Why do they allow their people to continually be subjected to rocket attacks?
I can't imagine the US standing by while constant rocket attacks come in from Canada or Mexico

i think i already said that about mexico. but you'd have to actually go into the CDZ to see it.

as for 'all out war'... israel's dropped over a thousand bombs on gaza, i think.

that seems pretty all out.
They haven't dropped one more like attack on Gaza than Gaza dropped on them. Israel is not interested in dying by defending their homes from attacks by terrorists who attack first, hiding behind babies who take flak for them.

They're also not interested in doing anything but stopping the shelling from Gaza that not only endangers their lives, some of them get killed from it.

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin was assassinated by someone who opposed the Oslo accords he had just signed. Some of Rabin's last words (and the sentiments of the nation up to that time were "The peace is an open door to economic and social progress. The peace is not only in prayer but it is the true desire of the Jewish people. There are enemies to the peace process, and they are trying to hurt us in order to destroy it. I want to say we have found partners in peace among the Palestinians. Without partners to the peace, there is no peace."

I truly don't think anyone relished returning fire, but that's the only way they have figured out to stop the nonsense. We're all sad and sorry that people who hide behind babies are being so vicious. They need to leave Israel alone. Israel is not an aggressor, but they don't yield to bullies.

Just an observation I've made through the years.
Why do they allow their people to continually be subjected to rocket attacks?
I can't imagine the US standing by while constant rocket attacks come in from Canada or Mexico

The world is like a dysfunctional family, the Palestinians are the crazy member that everyone has 'adapted' for:


The Morally Reprehensible ‘Iron Dome’ – Hamas’s Best Friend
Israel and the world have become one dysfunctional family, with the crazy member being the Gaza Palestinians.
By: Yori Yanover
Published: November 19th, 2012

A social worker friend of mine used to talk about the ways dysfunctional families adapt and adjust to the craziness of an abnormal family member. Typically, they are so used to making allowances for the neediest family member, that they stop noticing his or her deficiencies. Only a visiting social worker, dropping in unannounced on a home visit, is able to recognize that the fact that Moishe’le is sitting naked under the dinner table eating the scraps his siblings hand him from above the table is crazy.

Israel and the world have become one such a dysfunctional family, with the crazy member being the Gaza Palestinians, most notably the Hamas and its sub groups of various degrees of terrorist and Islamist zeal.

Israel has invented a magnificent tool that allows those truly horrible people to continue fire lengthy cylinders full of explosives at civilian men, women and children, without having to confront too often the fact that those are horrible criminals who should be either dead or in prison. We call it the Iron Dome.

To be perfectly frank, Israel would have been much better off if the Iron Dome had proven to be a flop, like the U.S. made Patriot system, which is notorious for causing as much damage as it attempts to prevent.

The Iron Dome is a great technical device which cuts in half and even better than that the number of terrorist missiles entering Israel. So far it has failed only once, in Kiryat Malachi, this week, resulting in the killing of three civilians. But it has saved countless lives.

Iron Dome is the best terror-containing system known to mankind. The only problem is, containing terrorism is morally corrupt, and a society that dedicates its resources to continuing to live next-door to a community run by terrorists is inherently insane.


Except, here’s a true story: Back in mid-June, during the great Paris weapons show, the Rafael pavilion was absolutely the busiest around, and everybody wanted to look at the new, exciting, Iron Dome system, the greatest achievement in rocket defense ever. But by the end of the show, Rafael hadn’t made a single sale. The Arrow sold well, other systems did great – Iron Dome wasn’t moving. So they contacted their big clients, the serious ones, and asked what gives. And those clients told them no one except Israel has any use for these things. Because in any normal, sane country, if some hooligans were to start targeting civilians with rockets – the army would go and kill them.

Like it or not, there is only one solution to the Hamas tyranny of terror in Gaza: they need to be rounded up and killed, and their terrified subjects need to be permitted to pursue their lives with dignity and liberty and happiness.

The state of Israel did just that in 2002, with Operation Defensive Shield, following a suicide bombing in the Park Hotel in Netanya, that killed 30 on the Seder night. It took several weeks and enormous resources, and then a lot of follow up procedures. But today the terror infrastructure in the PA is not operational. And the result is a much better life for the civilian population, a touch of prosperity, new construction – and a significant drop in the birth rate, for your information, demographic doomsayers.

This is the only viable solution to the Gaza predicament: round up the bad guys, take them in, take out absolutely every last shred of a firearm, and free up Gaza’s civilian population.

In a briefing with an IDF official this week, I asked what’s the end goal of the current operation, and the answer was: to bring the rocket attacks down to a reasonable number. It wasn’t this officer’s fault, it’s what the political echelon has been dictating.

Blame our national hero, the relentless Amir Peretz, the man who made the devil an offer he himself didn’t understand.
A conventional war would be out of the question as Israel is now standing in the shoes of the one who needs to defend against attack. There is no reason to declare war at this level. Israel would lose a great deal of goodwill and would have to fight off being considered a belligerent element.
I don't think Israel will attack. I think the Palestinians started rocket attacks in Israel to test Obama. Now that they understand he's not on their side just yet, they'll end the attacks.

it didn't have anything to do with the president.... no matter how many times you put things in like "yet".

they were testing their alliance with the new government in egypt....

Why didn't they test them before the U.S. elections?

they were. about 100 missiles came down on israel before they retaliated. israel chose not to respond til after the election.

so again... i don't think it has anything to do with us.
Why do they allow their people to continually be subjected to rocket attacks?
I can't imagine the US standing by while constant rocket attacks come in from Canada or Mexico

The only real solution is to invade Gaza and attempt to wipe out Hamas and the other war criminal terrorists, together with the stock of Iranian and Chinese supplied missiles, in order to teach these thugs that their criminal activity doesn't pay.

However, Israel is already facing severe criticism as usual, from part of misguided, idiotic fools, which does extract a a heavy toll of good will.

Rocket firing is continuing so unless Israel can be assured of optimum cease fire terms, an invasion will have to take place out of sheer necessity.

The problem is that even with a favorable cease fire the terrorists will continue their missile attacks sooner rather than later.

So yes, it is a complicated situation with no easy answers.
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I don't think Israel will attack. I think the Palestinians started rocket attacks in Israel to test Obama. Now that they understand he's not on their side just yet, they'll end the attacks.
Been there...done that! Israel whipped ass in the Six Day War years ago...took over Gaza Strip. Israel doesn't need the Gaza strip. Israel gave the Gaza strip back to the so-called Palestinians. The rocket fire resumed some time thereafter.

It is not Israel that keeps the hostilities going. It is the relentless Arabs that follow the lead of Iranian assholes whose goal is to wipe Israel off the map.

It would suit me fine if Israel nuked Iran, killed that arrogant asswipe that calls himself a leader and destroyed all of Iran's nuclear capabilities.

Since the Jews and the Arabs both have claims to Jerusalem, the fighting will continue until both sides get shed of the ridiculous hatred they have for the other!

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