Why Does the Right Embrace Ignorance as a Virtue?


You really believe the caption, don't you?

What's truly funny is in a Yale research paper it was found conservatives have a much better grasp of science than the libs who think they do.:lol::lol:

It turns out that there is about as strong a correlation between scores on the science comprehension scale and identifying with the Tea Party as there is between scores on the science comprehension scale and Conservrepub.

Except that it has the opposite sign: that is, identifying with the Tea Party correlates positively (r = 0.05, p = 0.05) with scores on the science comprehension measure:

www.culturalcognition.net - Cultural Cognition Blog - Some data on education, religiosity, ideology, and science*comprehension
Good rebuttal *shaking head*

Conservatives are mostly dumb, simple minded and with zero honesty today

Interesting response. Based on your elementary rantings above I had the impression you were a so-called "liberal."

You mean like the Founding fathers, the most radical liberals of the day, not the conservatives (Torries) who stood with King George in 1776? Yes, I am a huge liberal, unlike a conservative who can''t/doesn't use reason, logic or honesty....

You're a Big Daddy Government supporter. The FF valued freedom and personal liberty -- things progressives hate.

You'd have informed on the FF to King George. Guaranteed.
I don't get it. Will you include pictures, please?

They won't help. Not with "determined ignorance".
Here's a picture that illustrates the stupidity and dishonesty of conservatives:

Big D little a double L ----> AS! And that spells Dallas.

The file name says that's the Fen River. The Fen river is in China.

Oh, but wait...that was RDEAN that dishonestly and stupidly tried to claim a Chinese river is in Dallas, Texas.

Sorry. Kerry on with your proglodyte circle jerk.
This ill considered remark provides a good example of the kind of ignorance the OP seeks to address.

the op is the ignorant one to lump everyone into the right as if they ALL embrace ignorance FROM some left wing hate site calle, ALTEREDWORLDNET
go bitch at them, I dare ya

I see, so then your solution is to compound ignorance with more ignorance. It's always good to hear from a voice of reason.
When was the last time you read an article from Fox News or the National Review, or any other conservative media?

Bonus points for reading it with an open mind and considering the content.
What's truly funny is in a Yale research paper it was found conservatives have a much better grasp of science than the libs who think they do.:lol::lol:

It turns out that there is about as strong a correlation between scores on the science comprehension scale and identifying with the Tea Party as there is between scores on the science comprehension scale and Conservrepub.

Except that it has the opposite sign: that is, identifying with the Tea Party correlates positively (r = 0.05, p = 0.05) with scores on the science comprehension measure:

www.culturalcognition.net - Cultural Cognition Blog - Some data on education, religiosity, ideology, and science*comprehension
Proof of the old Reagan quote:

How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.​
oh stuff it,...we're not impressed with the oh so high and the mighty....... go kick your dog or something you feel you need to scold something

Thank you for taking the time to elevate the conversation.

reading your 300 word spew's is boring
just trying to help... get a clue
see ya zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thank you for the helpful advise, you can be sure that I will give your suggestions all the consideration they deserve.
Thank you for taking the time to elevate the conversation.

reading your 300 word spew's is boring
just trying to help... get a clue
see ya zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thank you for the helpful advise, you can be sure that I will give your suggestions all the consideration they deserve.
Have you ever done anything to merit the level of arrogance you're displaying? Or do you just think you're entitled to it?

Lots of participation medals will do that do a guy.
the op is the ignorant one to lump everyone into the right as if they ALL embrace ignorance FROM some left wing hate site calle, ALTEREDWORLDNET
go bitch at them, I dare ya

I see, so then your solution is to compound ignorance with more ignorance. It's always good to hear from a voice of reason.
When was the last time you read an article from Fox News or the National Review, or any other conservative media?

Bonus points for reading it with an open mind and considering the content.

I often watch FOX News when I want my mind opened in one direction.
reading your 300 word spew's is boring
just trying to help... get a clue
see ya zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thank you for the helpful advise, you can be sure that I will give your suggestions all the consideration they deserve.
Have you ever done anything to merit the level of arrogance you're displaying? Or do you just think you're entitled to it?

Lots of participation medals will do that do a guy.

My apologies, I had no idea you were chairman of the awards committee.
I see, so then your solution is to compound ignorance with more ignorance. It's always good to hear from a voice of reason.
When was the last time you read an article from Fox News or the National Review, or any other conservative media?

Bonus points for reading it with an open mind and considering the content.

I often watch FOX News when I want my mind opened in one direction.
Yeah, progs watching Fox just to get angry doesn't count. No points for you.
Thank you for the helpful advise, you can be sure that I will give your suggestions all the consideration they deserve.
Have you ever done anything to merit the level of arrogance you're displaying? Or do you just think you're entitled to it?

Lots of participation medals will do that do a guy.

My apologies, I had no idea you were chairman of the awards committee.

I'm just a guy who notices that progressives seem to believe "being a progressive" is an actual accomplishment worthy of respect that gives their opinions the weight of fact.

In reality, they seem to be a rather stupid and hateful lot.
When was the last time you read an article from Fox News or the National Review, or any other conservative media?

Bonus points for reading it with an open mind and considering the content.

I often watch FOX News when I want my mind opened in one direction.
Yeah, progs watching Fox just to get angry doesn't count. No points for you.

Had I known you were clairvoyant I could have saved myself the trouble of responding to your posts. See if you can guess what I'm thinking now.
Dave, what made you so extra bitchy today? Normally you're more of a little bitch, but lately, you've been ramping it up to major bitch.

Would you like me to lay off, to stop pointing out your bad behavior? You could just try asking nicely. I can be a real sweetie if approached the right way. And I care. I'd hate to see you end up self-destructing like some of my other fan club members.
I don't get it. Will you include pictures, please?

The Republican Party hasn't had a single idea that benefited the majority of Americans since before Reagan.

They've embraced anti intellectualism as a virtue for 40+ years, why do you think less than 10% of scientists self ID as Conservative/GOPers?

Obama and the Democrats have been in power for six years now. The wealthy have got wealthier, the percentage of people who qualify as poor has grown to the highest level in 40 years, energy costs have been the highest in over a decade for six continuous years, more people need public assistance than ever before and you think the Repubs are to blame?:cuckoo:

No they haven't. The Repubs said they would bring the govt down and that's what they've done. Nothing but obstructing, lying, gerrymandering.

In spite of that, Obama has made huge progress. Just think what he could have done if the damn R had gotten out of the way and if they actually worked for the United States.

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