Why Does The Left Hate Israel?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Yesterday many of us viewed the circular firing squad known as the Democrat Party.

The following gives context to the spectacle....


For decades, most American Jews have believed there were far greater threats from the fringe right than the fringe left in this country. While this view may have been reasonable in the past, it is certainly not so today. The fringe right still exists— the neo—Nazis in Northwest Idaho, Matthew Hale, and David Duke, and the remnants of the KKK. But the views of the fringe right have been marginalized by their repudiation by virtually all mainstream elements on the political right.

The fringe left, on the other hand, has evolved into a broader left, and become more mainstream. The political perspective of this new left is vehemently anti—Israel, and the power and reach of this movement represent a real threat to Israel, and by extension to Jews who support Israel.

The left in this country includes large numbers of academics, journalists, human rights activists, environmental and animal rights activists, entertainers, and some church groups, women's groups, racial advocacy groups and unions. There are also liberals who are members of these same groups. I distinguish between leftists and liberals by one key test: how they feel about the country in which they live. If you tend to regard America as a primarily flawed, evil, unjust, racist country (or at least when Republicans are running it), and most importantly, believe that the US is the primary threat to world peace internationally, then you are a leftist, and not a liberal.

I believe there are several reasons:

1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.

2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.

3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.

4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.

5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.

6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.

7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists."
Archived-Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?

Also from the article, and clearly directed at Jewish Obama-supporters:
"The reason for this hypocrisy I think is the triumph in the academy, and among many in the journalistic profession and the intelligentsia of many western nations, of the noxious notion of moral and especially cultural relativism....that Israel faces far greater threats from the left than the right."

Be aware.
You're a fucking idiot. The question should be why the right wants perpetual war in the Middle East? Why does the Republican Party support this Armageddon policy? Why do most Israelis and Jews around the world, support a two state solution?
You're a fucking idiot. The question should be why the right wants perpetual war in the Middle East? Why does the Republican Party support this Armageddon policy? Why do most Israelis and Jews around the world, support a two state solution?

How many times have the Palestinians been offered a two state solution?? They don't want an Israeli state, period. They never will, and their sole reason for existance is to eventually annhilate the state of Israel and any Jews that live there. Otherwise, there would have been peace 30 to 40 years ago, peace is not the goal, not for the Palestinians or any of their supporters.

And as far as the op goes, it's right on target, the left sides with the Palestinians in every way.
You're a fucking idiot. The question should be why the right wants perpetual war in the Middle East? Why does the Republican Party support this Armageddon policy? Why do most Israelis and Jews around the world, support a two state solution?

How many times have the Palestinians been offered a two state solution?? They don't want an Israeli state, period. They never will, and their sole reason for existance is to eventually annhilate the state of Israel and any Jews that live there. Otherwise, there would have been peace 30 to 40 years ago, peace is not the goal, not for the Palestinians or any of their supporters.

And as far as the op goes, it's right on target, the left sides with the Palestinians in every way.

How many times? Sure, they've been brought to the table, and the Likud position has always been give us more land. When did the right wing in Israel ever propose a solution that both sides could live with?

To claim that Likud represents Jews is a joke. It's like saying that George W Bush or Mitt Romney represents Christians. Most Jews know this. It's the Armageddon right wing Christians that don't seem to be honest. It's their aim to have a perpetual war, until Jesus returns, and convinces Jews that shrimp salad is the real path to salvation.
Because they need to empathize with the "oppressed" palestinians whom they can relate to as their downtrodden brethren in the struggle for "justice"..........And because theyre enemies of America of course............

The communists, AKA the Democrat party, need to bring down the Judea-Christian culture.

We have seen this all before.

It ends ugly.

Do you always jerk off while laying on your back? I bet you keep your mouth open so you can swallow the jizz you try to sell on this board.
Because they need to empathize with the "oppressed" palestinians whom they can relate to as their downtrodden brethren in the struggle for "justice"..........And because theyre enemies of America of course............


I talk only for myself. I empathize with both sides of the dispute. I'd prefer to see a real solution, that doesn't base itself on Armageddon nut cases.
The left hates Israel because hatred of Jews is a long standing feeling in Europe and the left idolizes Europe. What the left despises is the principles upon which the Judeo-Christian culture is based. Which makes Jews hated first, but followed almost immediately by Christians.
The communists, AKA the Democrat party, need to bring down the Judea-Christian culture.

We have seen this all before.

It ends ugly.

Do you always jerk off while laying on your back? I bet you keep your mouth open so you can swallow the jizz you try to sell on this board.

Why is it when an argument nails you to the wall....your first reaction is to reach for the lowest vulgar response?

Don't you realize that it merely documents what Coulter pointed out long ago:

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
The left hates Christians first and since Israel is the holy land for Christians, then that puts Israel in their crosshairs.

Today's left is a mix of supporters of communism, socialism, and Nazism...movements that hated the Jews and killed many too.

Over time they have sided with the Arabs/muslims in the Israel debate because that is the other side against Christians and the Jews.

Israel is seen as the grand prize for anti-Christian/Jewish secular scum and they will even buddy up with islamofascist terrorists based on their hatred of Christians and Jews.
Whats really sad is that the sub human neanderthals in the oil drenched, wealthy Arab world continue to use the palestinians as their disposable pawns in this needless drama............
You're a fucking idiot. The question should be why the right wants perpetual war in the Middle East? Why does the Republican Party support this Armageddon policy? Why do most Israelis and Jews around the world, support a two state solution?

which proves my point why do the left hate so much? I get your point PC, but the left keeps going on and hating so much i dont know why we just dont flat out call them on it every chance we get.
You're a fucking idiot. The question should be why the right wants perpetual war in the Middle East? Why does the Republican Party support this Armageddon policy? Why do most Israelis and Jews around the world, support a two state solution?

How many times have the Palestinians been offered a two state solution?? They don't want an Israeli state, period. They never will, and their sole reason for existance is to eventually annhilate the state of Israel and any Jews that live there. Otherwise, there would have been peace 30 to 40 years ago, peace is not the goal, not for the Palestinians or any of their supporters.

And as far as the op goes, it's right on target, the left sides with the Palestinians in every way.

How many times? Sure, they've been brought to the table, and the Likud position has always been give us more land. When did the right wing in Israel ever propose a solution that both sides could live with?

To claim that Likud represents Jews is a joke. It's like saying that George W Bush or Mitt Romney represents Christians. Most Jews know this. It's the Armageddon right wing Christians that don't seem to be honest. It's their aim to have a perpetual war, until Jesus returns, and convinces Jews that shrimp salad is the real path to salvation.

What would you have added to the 2000 proposal?

Israel's Acceptance of the Two State Solution

In 1967, after defending itself against another war of annihilation, the Israeli government accepted UN Resolution 242 and voted unanimously to return the vast majority of territories it had captured (the Sinai Desert, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip and West Bank) in exchange for peace. The Arab response was unequivocal: “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it”.

In 2000, Israel made a series of two-state proposals which (contrary to popular myth) eventually included almost all of the West Bank (plus additional territory from Israel proper), the entire Gaza strip, Palestinian control over East Jerusalem, and a $30 billion solution for the Palestinian refugees. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat not only refused – he made no counter-offer, abandoned negotiations, and immediately began planning the Al-Aqsa Intifada. Arafat was heavily criticized for this, both by the American mediators and by fellow Arabs and Palestinians.

Those Arab countries that eventually came to accept Israel’s existence – Egypt (1979, despite widespread Arab opposition) and Jordan (1994) – signed peace treaties which have been mutually honored to this day.
The communists, AKA the Democrat party, need to bring down the Judea-Christian culture.

We have seen this all before.

It ends ugly.

Do you always jerk off while laying on your back? I bet you keep your mouth open so you can swallow the jizz you try to sell on this board.

Why is it when an argument nails you to the wall....your first reaction is to reach for the lowest vulgar response?

Don't you realize that it merely documents what Coulter pointed out long ago:

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"

Why do you continue to post arguments based on lies? You're a piece of filth, and your argument disgusts me. I gave you the counter argument based on facts, but you and your butt buddies want to continue to lie.

Fuck you and your Armageddon Republicans. You're lust for perpetual war to try to bring back the Messiah shows what cultist pigs you are.
How many times have the Palestinians been offered a two state solution?? They don't want an Israeli state, period. They never will, and their sole reason for existance is to eventually annhilate the state of Israel and any Jews that live there. Otherwise, there would have been peace 30 to 40 years ago, peace is not the goal, not for the Palestinians or any of their supporters.

And as far as the op goes, it's right on target, the left sides with the Palestinians in every way.

How many times? Sure, they've been brought to the table, and the Likud position has always been give us more land. When did the right wing in Israel ever propose a solution that both sides could live with?

To claim that Likud represents Jews is a joke. It's like saying that George W Bush or Mitt Romney represents Christians. Most Jews know this. It's the Armageddon right wing Christians that don't seem to be honest. It's their aim to have a perpetual war, until Jesus returns, and convinces Jews that shrimp salad is the real path to salvation.

What would you have added to the 2000 proposal?

Israel's Acceptance of the Two State Solution

In 1967, after defending itself against another war of annihilation, the Israeli government accepted UN Resolution 242 and voted unanimously to return the vast majority of territories it had captured (the Sinai Desert, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip and West Bank) in exchange for peace. The Arab response was unequivocal: “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it”.

In 2000, Israel made a series of two-state proposals which (contrary to popular myth) eventually included almost all of the West Bank (plus additional territory from Israel proper), the entire Gaza strip, Palestinian control over East Jerusalem, and a $30 billion solution for the Palestinian refugees. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat not only refused – he made no counter-offer, abandoned negotiations, and immediately began planning the Al-Aqsa Intifada. Arafat was heavily criticized for this, both by the American mediators and by fellow Arabs and Palestinians.

Those Arab countries that eventually came to accept Israel’s existence – Egypt (1979, despite widespread Arab opposition) and Jordan (1994) – signed peace treaties which have been mutually honored to this day.

Why weren't the '67 boundaries, which the Palestinians said they could live with, ever put on the table? Why were the Likud pretending they were looking for a solution, and allowing new settlements be built in the West Bank?

If anyone is anti-Israel, it's the phony Armageddon Christian, cultist wingnuts. It's their sickening belief that a perpetual war in Israel will bring about the return of the Messiah.
The left hates Israel because hatred of Jews is a long standing feeling in Europe and the left idolizes Europe. What the left despises is the principles upon which the Judeo-Christian culture is based. Which makes Jews hated first, but followed almost immediately by Christians.

News flash, moron. It was blue blood Republicans that had the anti-Jew covenants put on their deeds of property.
Yesterday many of us viewed the circular firing squad known as the Democrat Party.

The following gives context to the spectacle....


For decades, most American Jews have believed there were far greater threats from the fringe right than the fringe left in this country. While this view may have been reasonable in the past, it is certainly not so today. The fringe right still exists— the neo—Nazis in Northwest Idaho, Matthew Hale, and David Duke, and the remnants of the KKK. But the views of the fringe right have been marginalized by their repudiation by virtually all mainstream elements on the political right.

The fringe left, on the other hand, has evolved into a broader left, and become more mainstream. The political perspective of this new left is vehemently anti—Israel, and the power and reach of this movement represent a real threat to Israel, and by extension to Jews who support Israel.

The left in this country includes large numbers of academics, journalists, human rights activists, environmental and animal rights activists, entertainers, and some church groups, women's groups, racial advocacy groups and unions. There are also liberals who are members of these same groups. I distinguish between leftists and liberals by one key test: how they feel about the country in which they live. If you tend to regard America as a primarily flawed, evil, unjust, racist country (or at least when Republicans are running it), and most importantly, believe that the US is the primary threat to world peace internationally, then you are a leftist, and not a liberal.

I believe there are several reasons:

1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.

2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.

3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.

4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.

5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.

6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.

7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists."
Archived-Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?

Also from the article, and clearly directed at Jewish Obama-supporters:
"The reason for this hypocrisy I think is the triumph in the academy, and among many in the journalistic profession and the intelligentsia of many western nations, of the noxious notion of moral and especially cultural relativism....that Israel faces far greater threats from the left than the right."

Be aware.

why are you so fucking stupid? the left doesnt hate Israel. They just don't buy into the notion we need to help them out because of jebus and the rapture of whatever magic you people believe in.

This is the one area conservatives go against their natural affliction for welfare.
Fuck the people here and helping them, but dont you dare not help Israel.
DickSuck is the typical liberal scum that hates Christians, Jews and Israel.

We saw his kind get pissed on TV at the DNC yesterday after the "vote."

Scum like him are also seen on college campuses, OWS, etc.

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