Why does the Left fondle and dehumanize women so often?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Every day it's a new story of some disgusting Leftist fondling, grabbing, humiliating or making fun of women.

The Left doesn't just JOKE about it like Donald Trump did, they ACTUALLY DO IT. OFTEN.
There is evidence everywhere of the vile, out of control, womanizing Left.

New York Times star reporter suspended after sex harassment claim

Al Franken hit with groping allegation from second woman

The Left makes Donald Trump look like a Pure Saint and Angel from Heaven.

AL Franken is just the latest. Another woman has come forward.
Harvey Weinstein and on and on and on.
Are these people even fit for public office?

Add in the Leftist pedophiles, mass murderers and Corrupt like the Clintons, Lois Lerner and Obama and My God....why are ANY of these people allowed in public? Much less to hold public office?!?!?

What a plague and disease Leftists are to humanity.


:dance:Da Truth Done Been Told......Deal Wit it !!!!
Every day it's a new story of some disgusting Leftist fondling, grabbing, humiliating or making fun of women.

The Left doesn't just JOKE about it like Donald Trump did, they ACTUALLY DO IT. OFTEN.
Who the hell are these Republicans kidding? Theirs is the party of Larry “Wide Stance” Craig, caught cruising in a men’s room; Tim Murphy, the bluenose, anti-abortion congressman who just had to resign over urging his mistress to have an abortion; Newt Gingrich—how many extra-marital affairs has he had?; Mike Duvall, the California assemblyman who had to resign after bragging about his sexual exploits; Mark Sanford, the South Carolina governor whose “hiking the Appalachian Trail” was an excuse for his affair with another woman; David Vitter, the Bible-pounding Louisiana Senator whose phone number turned up in the D.C. Madam’s logbook; Bob Allen, the Florida Republican, who was arrested for soliciting oral sex in a public park; Mark Foley, the Republican congressman whose gay sexting to teenaged boys forced him to resign; Rudi Giuliani, the ex-New York Mayor, whose numerous sexual indiscretions were the talk of the town; Bob Livingston, the former Speaker of the House, who had to quit after revelations of his illicit sexual affairs; Republican Congressman Jon Hinson, caught soliciting sexual favors in a House men’s room; Robert Bauman, a GOP conservative whose political career went up in flames after he sought sex with a 16-year old boy; Charlie Crist, the Florida governor and now congressman, who allegedly paid hush money to two men to cover up his gay liaisons; Dennis Hastert, another Republican Speaker of the House, who went to jail for homosexual affairs with young boys.

Have I omitted any other Republican sexual freaks? Yes, dozens upon dozens, too many to mention.

Republican criticism of Weinstein? Bull. Here’s a partial list of Repubs caught in sex scandals
Both Democrats and Republicans like to fondle the women. Let's be fair.
Old pussy-grabber is a saint? Get some morals and drop the ultra-partisan BS.

Can't handle the truth?

Trump is a Sin Free SAINT compared to almost ANY Leftist. FACT

Your claim is Fake News....btw.
All the atrocities of Leftists is documented....ya know...there is "evidence"

With The pussy grabbing thing it's just hearse. You want to believe that so you do.
Get a grip.
Last edited:
Dems: Women should vote for us, yes we'll rape women voters, we'll force women voters to perform sex acts to get a job, we'll fondle and grope women voters, but hey we'll make sure they can get an abortion after.
Every day it's a new story of some disgusting Leftist fondling, grabbing, humiliating or making fun of women.

The Left doesn't just JOKE about it like Donald Trump did, they ACTUALLY DO IT. OFTEN.
There is evidence everywhere of the vile, out of control, womanizing Left.

New York Times star reporter suspended after sex harassment claim

Al Franken hit with groping allegation from second woman

The Left makes Donald Trump look like a Pure Saint and Angel from Heaven.

AL Franken is just the latest. Another woman has come forward.
Harvey Weinstein and on and on and on.
Are these people even fit for public office?

Add in the Leftist pedophiles, mass murderers and Corrupt like the Clintons, Lois Lerner and Obama and My God....why are ANY of these people allowed in public? Much less to hold public office?!?!?

What a plague and disease Leftists are to humanity.


:dance:Da Truth Done Been Told......Deal Wit it !!!!
I'll tell you why. Because getting women drunk and vulnerable and or passed out so you can take advantage of them is the ONLY way these LIB jerk-offs can get near a female.
Every day it's a new story of some disgusting Leftist fondling, grabbing, humiliating or making fun of women.

The Left doesn't just JOKE about it like Donald Trump did, they ACTUALLY DO IT. OFTEN.
There is evidence everywhere of the vile, out of control, womanizing Left.

New York Times star reporter suspended after sex harassment claim

Al Franken hit with groping allegation from second woman

The Left makes Donald Trump look like a Pure Saint and Angel from Heaven.

AL Franken is just the latest. Another woman has come forward.
Harvey Weinstein and on and on and on.
Are these people even fit for public office?

Add in the Leftist pedophiles, mass murderers and Corrupt like the Clintons, Lois Lerner and Obama and My God....why are ANY of these people allowed in public? Much less to hold public office?!?!?

What a plague and disease Leftists are to humanity.


:dance:Da Truth Done Been Told......Deal Wit it !!!!
I'll tell you why. Because getting women drunk and vulnerable and or passed out so you can take advantage of them is the ONLY way these LIB jerk-offs can get near a female.
Bill Cosby.
Old pussy-grabber is a saint? Get some morals and drop the ultra-partisan BS.
You like dick grabbers then?
I like humans with morals which means I might as well be seeking unicorns. The chances are the same.
What is immoral about grabbing a womans crotch if they are willing?
He never asked them. He just did it.
OMG! An eyewitness!
Every day it's a new story of some disgusting Leftist fondling, grabbing, humiliating or making fun of women.

The Left doesn't just JOKE about it like Donald Trump did, they ACTUALLY DO IT. OFTEN.
Who the hell are these Republicans kidding? Theirs is the party of Larry “Wide Stance” Craig, caught cruising in a men’s room; Tim Murphy, the bluenose, anti-abortion congressman who just had to resign over urging his mistress to have an abortion; Newt Gingrich—how many extra-marital affairs has he had?; Mike Duvall, the California assemblyman who had to resign after bragging about his sexual exploits; Mark Sanford, the South Carolina governor whose “hiking the Appalachian Trail” was an excuse for his affair with another woman; David Vitter, the Bible-pounding Louisiana Senator whose phone number turned up in the D.C. Madam’s logbook; Bob Allen, the Florida Republican, who was arrested for soliciting oral sex in a public park; Mark Foley, the Republican congressman whose gay sexting to teenaged boys forced him to resign; Rudi Giuliani, the ex-New York Mayor, whose numerous sexual indiscretions were the talk of the town; Bob Livingston, the former Speaker of the House, who had to quit after revelations of his illicit sexual affairs; Republican Congressman Jon Hinson, caught soliciting sexual favors in a House men’s room; Robert Bauman, a GOP conservative whose political career went up in flames after he sought sex with a 16-year old boy; Charlie Crist, the Florida governor and now congressman, who allegedly paid hush money to two men to cover up his gay liaisons; Dennis Hastert, another Republican Speaker of the House, who went to jail for homosexual affairs with young boys.

Have I omitted any other Republican sexual freaks? Yes, dozens upon dozens, too many to mention.

Republican criticism of Weinstein? Bull. Here’s a partial list of Repubs caught in sex scandals

I think you forgot grab them in the ass GH Bush

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Old pussy-grabber is a saint? Get some morals and drop the ultra-partisan BS.
You like dick grabbers then?
I like humans with morals which means I might as well be seeking unicorns. The chances are the same.
What is immoral about grabbing a womans crotch if they are willing?
He never asked them. He just did it.
OMG! An eyewitness!
The eyewitnesses are those Trump grabbed. You don't believe them because Trump is your kind of guy. Just another pussy-grabber.
In the words of that serial rapist pig Bill Clinton... When asked why he had sex with all those women, he simply replied "Because i could."

That's how power-mad degenerates think.
Every day it's a new story of some disgusting Leftist fondling, grabbing, humiliating or making fun of women.

The Left doesn't just JOKE about it like Donald Trump did, they ACTUALLY DO IT. OFTEN.
Who the hell are these Republicans kidding? Theirs is the party of Larry “Wide Stance” Craig, caught cruising in a men’s room; Tim Murphy, the bluenose, anti-abortion congressman who just had to resign over urging his mistress to have an abortion; Newt Gingrich—how many extra-marital affairs has he had?; Mike Duvall, the California assemblyman who had to resign after bragging about his sexual exploits; Mark Sanford, the South Carolina governor whose “hiking the Appalachian Trail” was an excuse for his affair with another woman; David Vitter, the Bible-pounding Louisiana Senator whose phone number turned up in the D.C. Madam’s logbook; Bob Allen, the Florida Republican, who was arrested for soliciting oral sex in a public park; Mark Foley, the Republican congressman whose gay sexting to teenaged boys forced him to resign; Rudi Giuliani, the ex-New York Mayor, whose numerous sexual indiscretions were the talk of the town; Bob Livingston, the former Speaker of the House, who had to quit after revelations of his illicit sexual affairs; Republican Congressman Jon Hinson, caught soliciting sexual favors in a House men’s room; Robert Bauman, a GOP conservative whose political career went up in flames after he sought sex with a 16-year old boy; Charlie Crist, the Florida governor and now congressman, who allegedly paid hush money to two men to cover up his gay liaisons; Dennis Hastert, another Republican Speaker of the House, who went to jail for homosexual affairs with young boys.

Have I omitted any other Republican sexual freaks? Yes, dozens upon dozens, too many to mention.

Republican criticism of Weinstein? Bull. Here’s a partial list of Repubs caught in sex scandals

I think you forgot grab them in the ass GH Bush

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I'm sure they think those are just lying sluts as well.
In the words of that serial rapist pig Bill Clinton... When asked why did he do it? He simply replied "Because i could."

That's how power-mad degenerates think.
Case in point. You'll believe anything said as long as it goes against the other party.
Every day it's a new story of some disgusting Leftist fondling, grabbing, humiliating or making fun of women.

The Left doesn't just JOKE about it like Donald Trump did, they ACTUALLY DO IT. OFTEN.
There is evidence everywhere of the vile, out of control, womanizing Left.

New York Times star reporter suspended after sex harassment claim

Al Franken hit with groping allegation from second woman

The Left makes Donald Trump look like a Pure Saint and Angel from Heaven.

AL Franken is just the latest. Another woman has come forward.
Harvey Weinstein and on and on and on.
Are these people even fit for public office?

Add in the Leftist pedophiles, mass murderers and Corrupt like the Clintons, Lois Lerner and Obama and My God....why are ANY of these people allowed in public? Much less to hold public office?!?!?

What a plague and disease Leftists are to humanity.


:dance:Da Truth Done Been Told......Deal Wit it !!!!

The left doesn't fondle and dehumanize women as often as you think.

They'd much rather prefer to fondle and dehumanize little boys.

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