Why does management here allow...

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Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
...atheists to incessantly troll, insult and flame in threads about God?
Do you know how to report those posts? Mods can't read every single post on this forum every day. We rely on the members to report posts that violate the rules.
Unfortunately, it's the free speech thing. Their arguments are easily refuted if you're so inclined.
...atheists to incessantly troll, insult and flame in threads about God?
It's not very nice, is it? If you really want to have a discussion about religion, this probably isn't the best place to do it. Freedom of speech and all that.
Let'em troll....I've yet to meet an atheist on here that can carry water defending themselves and beliefs (or non beliefs)
Atheists live to bash religion............well all except the Muslim religion, they get cowardly and spineless at that point.
Atheists live to bash religion............well all except the Muslim religion, they get cowardly and spineless at that point.
Christians live to bash atheists.
Seems more like people bash people that believe differently than they do.
Atheists live to bash religion............well all except the Muslim religion, they get cowardly and spineless at that point.
Christians live to bash atheists.
Seems more like people bash people that believe differently than they do.

No they don't, I personally find atheists annoying, they sure spend a lot of time squawking about something they supposedly don't believe in. Almost like they are trying to convince themselves
Atheists live to bash religion............well all except the Muslim religion, they get cowardly and spineless at that point.
Christians live to bash atheists.
Seems more like people bash people that believe differently than they do.

No they don't, I personally find atheists annoying, they sure spend a lot of time squawking about something they supposedly don't believe in. Almost like they are trying to convince themselves
I would bet that has a lot to do with it, honestly.
I see it all the time, personally. As soon as someone mentions they dont believe in their version of a god, they are miserable sinners who are going to spend eternity burning in a pit of fire beside rosie odonnel..
Atheists live to bash religion............well all except the Muslim religion, they get cowardly and spineless at that point.
Christians live to bash atheists.
Seems more like people bash people that believe differently than they do.

No they don't, I personally find atheists annoying, they sure spend a lot of time squawking about something they supposedly don't believe in. Almost like they are trying to convince themselves
I would bet that has a lot to do with it, honestly.
I see it all the time, personally. As soon as someone mentions they dont believe in their version of a god, they are miserable sinners who are going to spend eternity burning in a pit of fire beside rosie odonnel..

Meh if they don't believe that's their business. My attitude is leave me alone and I'll leave you alone.
...atheists to incessantly troll, insult and flame in threads about God?

Just debate them I suppose. Trying to convince people of God is like trying to convince an alt-left socialist to love America or that the Russian Collusion "investigation" is a witch hunt. It's a tough sell.
...atheists to incessantly troll, insult and flame in threads about God?
So only theists should be allowed to incessantly troll, insult and flame? Right now there is a battle between Mormons and non-Mormons in the Religion and Ethics thread and it is nasty.
This is pretty deep for Announcements.
Now that Management has spoken, should it get moved to Religion and Ethics?
Atheists live to bash religion............well all except the Muslim religion, they get cowardly and spineless at that point.
In general, most atheists do not bother trolling Christian threads....imo.

Call me an optimist, but I see it as the ones that do so, are the ones that are torn and conflicted over their decision to deny God's existence....and this torment that they seem to be going through, is God ''working'' on them, to help them see ''the light''....?
Atheists live to bash religion............well all except the Muslim religion, they get cowardly and spineless at that point.
In general, most atheists do not bother trolling Christian threads....imo.

Call me an optimist, but I see it as the ones that do so, are the ones that are torn and conflicted over their decision to deny God's existence....and this torment that they seem to be going through, is God ''working'' on them, to help them see ''the light''....?
Every single solitary Christmas that rolls around.
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