Why does everyone hate Jews?

Jews have been running the US forever. And it’s a great country. Better that Polackland.

Jews ruined Eastern Europe, and they're in the process of ruining America.

Eastern Europeans largely knew, especially Poles that the Jews were a threat.

Americans being such inferior idiots, don't grasp much, they're Individualist savages, who just grasp getting mine now, and nothing more.
I bet you wish that Poland’s ovens were still working.

Like the fake smoke the Wiesenthal Center added to a photo of Nazi German concentration camps?

So that's a yes, you fucking crybaby who runs to the mods because he can't handle the tough questions?

Runs to the mods?
Who's running to the mods?
fact is more people went with Jesus, the people who spent 2,000 years rejecting Jesus certainly aren't more pro-Jesus than Christians.

Are you complaining about Jews rejecting the stupid things that Christians claimed to believe about Jesus for the past 2000 years, or are you complaining about them rejecting you because you wish them a merry Christmas and then they look at you as if you are an idiot?

You should be thanking them for having enough faith and self respect to reject your ignorant beliefs about a triune edible mangod .

I am an Agnostic of Catholic heritage.
Even so I value Christmas.

Jews spent 2,000 years surrounded by Christians & still refused to assimilate.

Then can't grasp why they are despised
You have already explicitly stated you hate Observant and assimilated Jews.
Be consistent.
Jews spent 2,000 years surrounded by Christians & still refused to assimilate.

Then can't grasp why they are despised

Maybe it's you who can't grasp faith and dedication to God?

If you took a minute to investigate why they refuse to be assimilated by any people that profess a belief in a trinity that diddled a virgin to become a god made man made matzo made by human hands you would see that they have always been right to reject what christians profess to believe about Jesus.

If you despise them for doing what is right in Gods eyes why shouldn't they despise you for perpetuating what is evil?

As it is they most likely just feel sorry for you.
I once knew a guy who blamed all of his problems on his girlfriend.

Well, he lost his girl friend, and he still has problems.

Haven't talked to him in a while so I don't know who he is blaming now.
I told Sobie to seek help.
His parents are toxic by enabling him.

Every country with a sizable Jewish population has seen expulsions or pogroms against Jews.

Either we're wrong or you are wrong.

Well during the Black Plague everyone was dying except the Jews.

Do you know why? It's because they followed the Mosaic cleanliness laws and avoided it.

Naturally, outsiders decided that it was because they made a deal with the devil and rounded them up and murdered them.

That is the type of intellect I'm talking to now.

Not really, Poland, Lithuania, and the Netherlands all didn't get much of a Plague either.

Also the Plague period is only a small amount of the anti-Jewish Pogroms, and Expulsions.

That's why Poland did accept Jewish refugees, mostly starting in the Plague, and granted them Statute of Kalisz Civil Rights.

Even though Poland had the highest Number of Righteous Among the Nations, and was the first to fight the Nazis in WW2.

Dumb Jews tend to hate Poles more than all other Europeans, it's really telling, and a sign of uber disrespect, and ignorance on Jews behalf.
Jews look down on Poles
Like most people

You sound like a Nazi when it comes to Poles.

Typical Liberal swines getting back at Poles for What? For abolishing Slavery 1300 AD, and giving Jews civil rights in 1300 AD too in the Statute of Kalisz.

You're very thoughtless, and Chimp like.

Poles aren't inferior, YOU ARE.

Your Black, Hispanic, and Muslim buddies are far inferior when compared to Poles.

You don't get it because of your inferior intelligence levels.

A lot of Jews, and Western Europeans are like this too, they don't have the ability to figure things out, they are idiots too.

Poles are way more intelligent on average to follow such stupid Liberalism as you tout of you, you're a brainwashed simpleton at best, everything wrong with Western Culture.
I told Sobie to seek help.
His parents are toxic by enabling him.

Every country with a sizable Jewish population has seen expulsions or pogroms against Jews.

Either we're wrong or you are wrong.

Well during the Black Plague everyone was dying except the Jews.

Do you know why? It's because they followed the Mosaic cleanliness laws and avoided it.

Naturally, outsiders decided that it was because they made a deal with the devil and rounded them up and murdered them.

That is the type of intellect I'm talking to now.

Not really, Poland, Lithuania, and the Netherlands all didn't get much of a Plague either.

Also the Plague period is only a small amount of the anti-Jewish Pogroms, and Expulsions.

That's why Poland did accept Jewish refugees, mostly starting in the Plague, and granted them Statute of Kalisz Civil Rights.

Even though Poland had the highest Number of Righteous Among the Nations, and was the first to fight the Nazis in WW2.

Dumb Jews tend to hate Poles more than all other Europeans, it's really telling, and a sign of uber disrespect, and ignorance on Jews behalf.
Jews look down on Poles
Like most people

You sound like a Nazi when it comes to Poles.

Typical Liberal swines getting back at Poles for What? For abolishing Slavery 1300 AD, and giving Jews civil rights in 1300 AD too in the Statute of Kalisz.

You're very thoughtless, and Chimp like.

Poles aren't inferior, YOU ARE.

Your Black, Hispanic, and Muslim buddies are far inferior when compared to Poles.

You don't get it because of your inferior intelligence levels.

A lot of Jews, and Western Europeans are like this too, they don't have the ability to figure things out, they are idiots too.

Poles are way more intelligent on average to follow such stupid Liberalism as you tout of you, you're a brainwashed simpleton at best, everything wrong with Western Culture.
Why are you so upset when people make fun of Polacks? We do it mainly because you get so upset. :biggrin:
fact is more people went with Jesus, the people who spent 2,000 years rejecting Jesus certainly aren't more pro-Jesus than Christians.

Are you complaining about Jews rejecting the stupid things that Christians claimed to believe about Jesus for the past 2000 years, or are you complaining about them rejecting you because you wish them a merry Christmas and then they look at you as if you are an idiot?

You should be thanking them for having enough faith and self respect to reject your ignorant beliefs about a triune edible mangod .

I am an Agnostic of Catholic heritage.
Even so I value Christmas.

Jews spent 2,000 years surrounded by Christians & still refused to assimilate.

Then can't grasp why they are despised
You have already explicitly stated you hate Observant and assimilated Jews.
Be consistent.

Liberal Jews maybe worse poison for the nation because of toxic Liberalism forced down everybody's throats by the institutions. But Hasidim make worse neighbors carry disease being dirty & poor so often & I heard they steal a lot.
Every country with a sizable Jewish population has seen expulsions or pogroms against Jews.

Either we're wrong or you are wrong.

Well during the Black Plague everyone was dying except the Jews.

Do you know why? It's because they followed the Mosaic cleanliness laws and avoided it.

Naturally, outsiders decided that it was because they made a deal with the devil and rounded them up and murdered them.

That is the type of intellect I'm talking to now.

Not really, Poland, Lithuania, and the Netherlands all didn't get much of a Plague either.

Also the Plague period is only a small amount of the anti-Jewish Pogroms, and Expulsions.

That's why Poland did accept Jewish refugees, mostly starting in the Plague, and granted them Statute of Kalisz Civil Rights.

Even though Poland had the highest Number of Righteous Among the Nations, and was the first to fight the Nazis in WW2.

Dumb Jews tend to hate Poles more than all other Europeans, it's really telling, and a sign of uber disrespect, and ignorance on Jews behalf.
Jews look down on Poles
Like most people

You sound like a Nazi when it comes to Poles.

Typical Liberal swines getting back at Poles for What? For abolishing Slavery 1300 AD, and giving Jews civil rights in 1300 AD too in the Statute of Kalisz.

You're very thoughtless, and Chimp like.

Poles aren't inferior, YOU ARE.

Your Black, Hispanic, and Muslim buddies are far inferior when compared to Poles.

You don't get it because of your inferior intelligence levels.

A lot of Jews, and Western Europeans are like this too, they don't have the ability to figure things out, they are idiots too.

Poles are way more intelligent on average to follow such stupid Liberalism as you tout of you, you're a brainwashed simpleton at best, everything wrong with Western Culture.
Why are you so upset when people make fun of Polacks? We do it mainly because you get so upset. :biggrin:

I despise liars, the illogical, the manipulative & hypocrites this guy is all of these.
You sound like a Nazi when it comes to Poles.

Typical Liberal swines getting back at Poles for What? For abolishing Slavery 1300 AD, and giving Jews civil rights in 1300 AD too in the Statute of Kalisz.

You're very thoughtless, and Chimp like.

Poles aren't inferior, YOU ARE.

Your Black, Hispanic, and Muslim buddies are far inferior when compared to Poles.

You don't get it because of your inferior intelligence levels.

A lot of Jews, and Western Europeans are like this too, they don't have the ability to figure things out, they are idiots too.

Poles are way more intelligent on average to follow such stupid Liberalism as you tout of you, you're a brainwashed simpleton at best, everything wrong with Western Culture.
Why are you so upset when people make fun of Polacks? We do it mainly because you get so upset. :biggrin:

That pollack is stupid.
fact is more people went with Jesus, the people who spent 2,000 years rejecting Jesus certainly aren't more pro-Jesus than Christians.

Are you complaining about Jews rejecting the stupid things that Christians claimed to believe about Jesus for the past 2000 years, or are you complaining about them rejecting you because you wish them a merry Christmas and then they look at you as if you are an idiot?

You should be thanking them for having enough faith and self respect to reject your ignorant beliefs about a triune edible mangod .

I am an Agnostic of Catholic heritage.
Even so I value Christmas.

Jews spent 2,000 years surrounded by Christians & still refused to assimilate.

Then can't grasp why they are despised
You have already explicitly stated you hate Observant and assimilated Jews.
Be consistent.

Liberal Jews maybe worse poison for the nation because of toxic Liberalism forced down everybody's throats by the institutions. But Hasidim make worse neighbors carry disease being dirty & poor so often & I heard they steal a lot.
Very poor...they own 99% of NYC.
You sound like a Nazi when it comes to Poles.

Typical Liberal swines getting back at Poles for What? For abolishing Slavery 1300 AD, and giving Jews civil rights in 1300 AD too in the Statute of Kalisz.

You're very thoughtless, and Chimp like.

Poles aren't inferior, YOU ARE.

Your Black, Hispanic, and Muslim buddies are far inferior when compared to Poles.

You don't get it because of your inferior intelligence levels.

A lot of Jews, and Western Europeans are like this too, they don't have the ability to figure things out, they are idiots too.

Poles are way more intelligent on average to follow such stupid Liberalism as you tout of you, you're a brainwashed simpleton at best, everything wrong with Western Culture.
Why are you so upset when people make fun of Polacks? We do it mainly because you get so upset. :biggrin:

That pollack is stupid.
Pete puts Jews first & Poles last.

Either you're a honorary Jew or a severely dumb Polak.
fact is more people went with Jesus, the people who spent 2,000 years rejecting Jesus certainly aren't more pro-Jesus than Christians.

Are you complaining about Jews rejecting the stupid things that Christians claimed to believe about Jesus for the past 2000 years, or are you complaining about them rejecting you because you wish them a merry Christmas and then they look at you as if you are an idiot?

You should be thanking them for having enough faith and self respect to reject your ignorant beliefs about a triune edible mangod .

I am an Agnostic of Catholic heritage.
Even so I value Christmas.

Jews spent 2,000 years surrounded by Christians & still refused to assimilate.

Then can't grasp why they are despised
You have already explicitly stated you hate Observant and assimilated Jews.
Be consistent.

Liberal Jews maybe worse poison for the nation because of toxic Liberalism forced down everybody's throats by the institutions. But Hasidim make worse neighbors carry disease being dirty & poor so often & I heard they steal a lot.
Very poor...they own 99% of NYC.

The poorest NY neighborhoods are Jewish Kiryas Joel, Kaser, Newsquare, Monsey, the Hasidim part of Williamsburg, Crown Heights & Borough Park.
Are you complaining about Jews rejecting the stupid things that Christians claimed to believe about Jesus for the past 2000 years, or are you complaining about them rejecting you because you wish them a merry Christmas and then they look at you as if you are an idiot?

You should be thanking them for having enough faith and self respect to reject your ignorant beliefs about a triune edible mangod .

I am an Agnostic of Catholic heritage.
Even so I value Christmas.

Jews spent 2,000 years surrounded by Christians & still refused to assimilate.

Then can't grasp why they are despised
You have already explicitly stated you hate Observant and assimilated Jews.
Be consistent.

Liberal Jews maybe worse poison for the nation because of toxic Liberalism forced down everybody's throats by the institutions. But Hasidim make worse neighbors carry disease being dirty & poor so often & I heard they steal a lot.
Very poor...they own 99% of NYC.

The poorest NY neighborhoods are Jewish Kiryas Joel, Kaser, Newsquare, Monsey, the Hasidim part of Williamsburg, Crown Heights & Borough Park.
They’re not poor: they want you to think they’re poor.
The simply live modestly and don’t need yachts and chicks in bikinis.
I told Sobie to seek help.
His parents are toxic by enabling him.

Every country with a sizable Jewish population has seen expulsions or pogroms against Jews.

Either we're wrong or you are wrong.

Well during the Black Plague everyone was dying except the Jews.

Do you know why? It's because they followed the Mosaic cleanliness laws and avoided it.

Naturally, outsiders decided that it was because they made a deal with the devil and rounded them up and murdered them.

That is the type of intellect I'm talking to now.

Not really, Poland, Lithuania, and the Netherlands all didn't get much of a Plague either.

Also the Plague period is only a small amount of the anti-Jewish Pogroms, and Expulsions.

That's why Poland did accept Jewish refugees, mostly starting in the Plague, and granted them Statute of Kalisz Civil Rights.

Even though Poland had the highest Number of Righteous Among the Nations, and was the first to fight the Nazis in WW2.

Dumb Jews tend to hate Poles more than all other Europeans, it's really telling, and a sign of uber disrespect, and ignorance on Jews behalf.
Jews look down on Poles
Like most people

You sound like a Nazi when it comes to Poles.

Typical Liberal swines getting back at Poles for What? For abolishing Slavery 1300 AD, and giving Jews civil rights in 1300 AD too in the Statute of Kalisz.

You're very thoughtless, and Chimp like.

Poles aren't inferior, YOU ARE.

Your Black, Hispanic, and Muslim buddies are far inferior when compared to Poles.

You don't get it because of your inferior intelligence levels.

A lot of Jews, and Western Europeans are like this too, they don't have the ability to figure things out, they are idiots too.

Poles are way more intelligent on average to follow such stupid Liberalism as you tout of you, you're a brainwashed simpleton at best, everything wrong with Western Culture.
The intellectual liabilities of Poles are well documented

Jews and blacks look down on them
Jews spent 2,000 years surrounded by Christians & still refused to assimilate.

Then can't grasp why they are despised

Maybe it's you who can't grasp faith and dedication to God?

If you took a minute to investigate why they refuse to be assimilated by any people that profess a belief in a trinity that diddled a virgin to become a god made man made matzo made by human hands you would see that they have always been right to reject what christians profess to believe about Jesus.

If you despise them for doing what is right in Gods eyes why shouldn't they despise you for perpetuating what is evil?

As it is they most likely just feel sorry for you.

First you mock me for Catholic faith & now for lack of Catholic faith? So which is it?
Every country with a sizable Jewish population has seen expulsions or pogroms against Jews.

Either we're wrong or you are wrong.

Well during the Black Plague everyone was dying except the Jews.

Do you know why? It's because they followed the Mosaic cleanliness laws and avoided it.

Naturally, outsiders decided that it was because they made a deal with the devil and rounded them up and murdered them.

That is the type of intellect I'm talking to now.

Not really, Poland, Lithuania, and the Netherlands all didn't get much of a Plague either.

Also the Plague period is only a small amount of the anti-Jewish Pogroms, and Expulsions.

That's why Poland did accept Jewish refugees, mostly starting in the Plague, and granted them Statute of Kalisz Civil Rights.

Even though Poland had the highest Number of Righteous Among the Nations, and was the first to fight the Nazis in WW2.

Dumb Jews tend to hate Poles more than all other Europeans, it's really telling, and a sign of uber disrespect, and ignorance on Jews behalf.
Jews look down on Poles
Like most people

You sound like a Nazi when it comes to Poles.

Typical Liberal swines getting back at Poles for What? For abolishing Slavery 1300 AD, and giving Jews civil rights in 1300 AD too in the Statute of Kalisz.

You're very thoughtless, and Chimp like.

Poles aren't inferior, YOU ARE.

Your Black, Hispanic, and Muslim buddies are far inferior when compared to Poles.

You don't get it because of your inferior intelligence levels.

A lot of Jews, and Western Europeans are like this too, they don't have the ability to figure things out, they are idiots too.

Poles are way more intelligent on average to follow such stupid Liberalism as you tout of you, you're a brainwashed simpleton at best, everything wrong with Western Culture.
The intellectual liabilities of Poles are well documented

Jews and blacks look down on them
Isn’t it fascinating that Shit4Brains can post endlessly about how stupid we all are but if we respond in kind...?
Jews spent 2,000 years surrounded by Christians & still refused to assimilate.

Then can't grasp why they are despised

Maybe it's you who can't grasp faith and dedication to God?

If you took a minute to investigate why they refuse to be assimilated by any people that profess a belief in a trinity that diddled a virgin to become a god made man made matzo made by human hands you would see that they have always been right to reject what christians profess to believe about Jesus.

If you despise them for doing what is right in Gods eyes why shouldn't they despise you for perpetuating what is evil?

As it is they most likely just feel sorry for you.

First you mock me for Catholic faith & now for lack of Catholic faith? So which is it?
He mocks you for being you.
Jews spent 2,000 years surrounded by Christians & still refused to assimilate.

Then can't grasp why they are despised

Maybe it's you who can't grasp faith and dedication to God?

If you took a minute to investigate why they refuse to be assimilated by any people that profess a belief in a trinity that diddled a virgin to become a god made man made matzo made by human hands you would see that they have always been right to reject what christians profess to believe about Jesus.

If you despise them for doing what is right in Gods eyes why shouldn't they despise you for perpetuating what is evil?

As it is they most likely just feel sorry for you.

First you mock me for Catholic faith & now for lack of Catholic faith? So which is it?

well, it depends on whether you hate Jews for rejecting christianity for the past 2000 years and enduring every sick form of persecution and attempts at extermination that europeans could come up with and are still succeeding in life, wtf, or is it because they think you are stupid?

Or is it because one of them didn't say merry Christmas?
Last edited:
Every country with a sizable Jewish population has seen expulsions or pogroms against Jews.

Either we're wrong or you are wrong.

Well during the Black Plague everyone was dying except the Jews.

Do you know why? It's because they followed the Mosaic cleanliness laws and avoided it.

Naturally, outsiders decided that it was because they made a deal with the devil and rounded them up and murdered them.

That is the type of intellect I'm talking to now.

Not really, Poland, Lithuania, and the Netherlands all didn't get much of a Plague either.

Also the Plague period is only a small amount of the anti-Jewish Pogroms, and Expulsions.

That's why Poland did accept Jewish refugees, mostly starting in the Plague, and granted them Statute of Kalisz Civil Rights.

Even though Poland had the highest Number of Righteous Among the Nations, and was the first to fight the Nazis in WW2.

Dumb Jews tend to hate Poles more than all other Europeans, it's really telling, and a sign of uber disrespect, and ignorance on Jews behalf.
Jews look down on Poles
Like most people

You sound like a Nazi when it comes to Poles.

Typical Liberal swines getting back at Poles for What? For abolishing Slavery 1300 AD, and giving Jews civil rights in 1300 AD too in the Statute of Kalisz.

You're very thoughtless, and Chimp like.

Poles aren't inferior, YOU ARE.

Your Black, Hispanic, and Muslim buddies are far inferior when compared to Poles.

You don't get it because of your inferior intelligence levels.

A lot of Jews, and Western Europeans are like this too, they don't have the ability to figure things out, they are idiots too.

Poles are way more intelligent on average to follow such stupid Liberalism as you tout of you, you're a brainwashed simpleton at best, everything wrong with Western Culture.
The intellectual liabilities of Poles are well documented

Jews and blacks look down on them

News-flash the IQ of Poland was 99, Israel 95 & Black Americans 85 & Mexican Americans a 89 IQ.

Even though Poland was poorer than all of those.

You are severely retarded & should be treated as an Animal.

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