EVangelical lunacy


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Evangelical lunacy. That are the words that came to mind after reading this.

Anti-Trump Evangelicals Are On A Nationwide Bus Tour To Flip Congress

So riddle me this. How is it that a group of Christians who believe that abortion is murder and mass genocide could ever vote for a democrat who have made abortion the key pillar to their party platform? It would be akin to evangelical Germans going around trying to round up support for Hitler because of his swell socialist programs.

The reasons they site for doing this is:

1. Immigration. They don't like the fact that Trump is securing the border and separating families.
So what is the alternative? Letting anyone in the country to come in that wants to come in? And what of all the criminals, like MS 13, who come here and rape and kill US citizens? They are not hard to spot because the dolts tattoo their gang symbols all over their body. Border security does not even have to do with keeping poor folk out. Once the border is secure then we can have a conversation as to who should get in and who should not. Separating families? Funny, they did not have a problem with this with Obama and the Dims, why now? And if you don't separate them, why separate anyone apprehended and put in jail? You may as well start jail child care agencies all across the country.

2. Lowering taxes for the rich? Funny, I thought everyone got a tax cut. People just assume that if you lower taxes for the rich then everyone else suffers. Really? Since when does everyone get a raise when the rich get taxed more or are given less if they are given a tax break? This is just a blatant lie. The government runs trillion dollar deficits every year. They have to, because there is simply not enough tax money in the world to pay for what democrats insist we pay for now.

3. They just don't like Trump. I think more than likely that hits the nail on the head. Sorry, can't help you there.

Any other evangelicals out there like this?
Funny how many idiots keep harping on tax cuts for the rich.

They seem unfamiliar with the ability to read. Wonder who's name is on that hospital that they went to? Did they just pick that name out of a hat? How about that scholarship that thier son or daughter just got?
Have they read the name of the donors on the stadium, pool or baseball field that they were using last week?
How many of these undeserving rich fund research into heart disease, cancer or even homeless shelters?

If you make $10,000.00 1% is a lot less money then 1% of ten million. Yet some will always complain that they do not get the biggest share of the pie.

No doubt they are worried that if undocumented immigrants are returned money in the collection plate may drop to far.
It appears as they are registered as Baptist at the Arkansas Secretary of State office. Perhaps a few Democrats from Arkansas maybe are getting a little desperate to try and get in on the preaching politician gigs. They says they is an "experimental" community. Not sure exactly what they experiment in but hey it must work somehow for someone down there. I do kinda wonder what exactly they 'creating' (conjuring perhaps).

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Eh evangelicals are strange

Well if they would key in on one verse in the Bible it might help them, "Thou shalt not covet"

But according to the Marxist Bible, coveting is a virtue.
Eh evangelicals are strange

Well if they would key in on one verse in the Bible it might help them, "Thou shalt not covet"

But according to the Marxist Bible, coveting is a virtue.

Marxists are robbers who use government for theft.

Well if you want to read one of the biggest slams against government in the Bible, try reading 1 Samuel 8.

It shows how the Hebrew people were clamoring for a king. Up till that time they just had Judges to keep the peace. God warned them of the abuses they would incur if they appointed a human king, but they would not listen so he gave them what they demanded.

The following years, apart from maybe a few decent kings like David, shows a spiral downward until the Hebrew nation was eventually destroyed and did not come back till the 1940's.

But alas, the most secular Jews are still looking for the human savior and collective salvation despite the destruction is caused in the past, which explains why most Jews are Left leaning.


I wish I knew how many Jews in Germany voted for Hitler because he had a swell socialist platform.

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