Why Does 911 Attack Keep Pointing Back To Robert Mueller And James Comey Involvement?


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The FBI knew two of the 911 hijackers that crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon. The Robert Mueller led FBI covered up any ties that the hijackers had to Saudi Arabia for some strange reason. Exclusive: The Informant Who Lived With The Hijackers

On the surface it appears that the FBI botched surveillance of two suspects in the 911 attacks. But is there a deeper involvement here? Why did two attackers stay in San Diego with an FBI informant and go unnoticed until after the attack? Why did Robert Mueller cover this up. And why did he personally prevent a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia by families of some of the 911 victims?

Two of the Sept. 11 hijackers who lived in San Diego in 2000 rented a room from a man who reportedly worked as an undercover FBI informant, highlighting the lack of cooperation by the nation's law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Newsweek magazine reports that Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi lived with a "tested" undercover "asset" who had been working closely with the FBI office in San Diego.

The magazine does not name the informant.

The connection was discovered by congressional investigators, reports Newsweek, and raises more questions about information-sharing among government intelligence agencies.

A senior law-enforcement official told the magazine that the informant never provided the Bureau with the names of his two houseguests from Saudi Arabia — but his FBI contact never asked, either.

The CIA was keeping an eye on the men after the two had attended an al Qaeda summit in Malaysia in January 2000.

Alhazmi and Almihdhar moved into the house in September of 2000. Almihdhar left six weeks later and Alhazmi left at the end of the year.

While there, the FBI informant prayed with them and even helped one open a bank account. Alhazmi and Almihdhar took lessons at a flight school while living in San Diego.

The two men were aboard American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11.

There is no evidence the informant concealed the identity of the two men. In fact, after their names were reported in the news media following the attacks, the informant contacted his FBI case agent to say the two men had been his roommates.

A bigger questions, said one counter-intelligence expert, is why the case agent, who knew that two Saudi men were staying with the informant, didn't show more curiosity about them. If nothing else, he should have considered them as possible informants themselves.

Did Robert Mueller, current special counsel investigating President Donald Trump, play a role in misleading the public about a Sarasota family’s link to anyone connected to the 9/11 attacks?

The family fled their Sarasota home the week before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, leaving behind food, clothes, cars and suspicions. Almost immediately they were on the FBI’s radar. An investigation ensued. Who were they and what did they know?

Their names were Abdulazziz and Anound al-Hijji. They were from Saudi Arabia and lived at 4224 Escondito Circle, a $400,000 home in the gated community of Prestancia. He worked as a valet for a Siesta Key restaurant. She was the daughter of Esam Ghazzawi, a wealthy businessman with connections to the Saudi royal family.

It was believed by some that the family had been in contact with 9/11 hijackers Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi, who learned to fly at a small airport in Venice before carrying out the attacks that forever changed our country.

That the FBI had been investigating the Sarasota family since a week after the attacks first came to light on Sept. 8, 2011. That’s when a south Florida investigative news organization called the Broward Bulldog, now the Florida Bulldog, revealed something even Congress did not know.

Shortly after the story was published, Steven E. Ibison, special agent in the FBI’s Tampa field office, issued a statement to the press that said: “At no time did the FBI develop evidence that connected the family members to any of the 9/11 hijackers.″

The statement, however, severely contradicted some of the FBI’s own reports, one of which said, “further investigation of the (name deleted) family revealed many connections between the (name deleted) and individuals associated with the terror attacks on 9/11/01.″

It is interesting to note who the FBI director was while the Sarasota investigation was ongoing: Robert Mueller, current special counsel investigating whether or not President Donald Trump and/or his campaign colluded with the Russians in the 2016 election.


It seems clear the FBI misled the public when the agency issued a statement saying there was no connection between the Sarasota family and individuals involved in the attacks. There had to be something of substance, or why else would the investigation go on for more than a decade? And why did the FBI have such a large number of documents — 80,000 — to turn over upon a court’s request? That’s a lot of documents for no connection.

Recently uncovered court documents related to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s time as FBI Director show his lack of anything resembling credibility. The man who is responsible for investigating allegations of Trump/Russia collusion was involved in releasing deceptive statements that helped cover up a Saudi family’s involvement in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that shocked America and helped launch the modern surveillance state.

Mueller led the FBI from September 4, 2001 to September 4, 2013. One week after Mueller assumed his new job, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four airliners, using three of them to destroy the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York and severely damage the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives that day and more than another 6,000 were injured, many of them later dying from their injuries.

Fifteen of the 9/11 terrorists were citizens of Saudi Arabia.

Over the years, evidence of Saudi involvement has continued to come to light. In September 2011 — 10 years after the attacks — Florida Bulldog, a non-profit watchdog news group based in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, published an excellent piece of investigative journalism revealing the existence of the secret FBI investigation of a Saudi family living in Sarasota, Florida, with apparent ties to the 9/11 attackers.

The Sept. 11 families he’s representing are continuing with their lawsuit, winning a court case in March 2018 where a judge ruled that they can proceed with their lawsuit. Still, Kreindler believes the only way victims’ families will ever learn the whole truth is if President Trump declassifies the investigation into Saudi ties with the Sept. 11 attacks.

“President Trump must declassify all documents related to the 9/11 investigation to fully reveal the significant degree to which Mr. Mueller and later Mr. Comey went to impede and cover up Saudi involvement in the 9/11 attacks,” Kreindler said. “The president should also issue an executive order holding harmless all retired FBI agents who were aware of the cover-up and impediments by their bosses at the time but are afraid to come forward to help the 9/11 victims today out of fear of retribution.”

Fifteen years have passed since that fateful day in 2001 when the United States found itself under attack on its own soil. Hundreds of pages of reports have detailed how the intelligence community failed to catch the Al Qaeda hijackers before it was too late.

But questions remain for some about who shares blame for allowing 19 hijackers to commandeer four planes, killing 2,977 people at the Pentagon, the World Trade Center and a field in Pennsylvania.

In December 2002, a congressional joint inquiry report — the first investigation into 9/11 — was declassified and released with the exception of a mysterious set of 28 pages that remained secret.

Those pages were withheld for years by intelligence officials, citing national security and concerns that the contents were fragmented and unvetted. They were finally declassified this past summer under pressure from 9/11 victim families and members of Congress.​

Families of Sept. 11 victims have been on a 17-year-long quest to seek financial retribution from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which they claim funded the terrorist attack that took the lives of their loved ones. Throughout the process, their attempts at uncovering the truth about Saudi Arabia’s role in the deadliest terrorist attack in American history have been impeded by the FBI and its former director, Robert Mueller — now famously the special counsel investigating collusion (or the lack thereof) between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

New York-based lawyer Jim Kreindler, representing the families of the Sept. 11 victims, said in an interview with me that Mueller and his successor, James Comey, engaged in a systematic cover-up of evidence that the Saudi government aided the terrorists who committed the Sept. 11 attacks.

CNN.com - How the FBI blew the case - May 27, 2002
Hijackers Lived With FBI Informant
Report probes Saudi links of San Diego's 9/11 hijackers
Report Details F.B.I.'s Failure on 2 Hijackers
Robert Mueller was the biggest obstacle for Sept. 11 families who wanted to sue Saudi Arabia
Court Documents Show Mueller Involved in 9/11 Cover-up
FBI chief Mueller says spy tactics could have stopped 9/11 attacks
Suddenly the Bush haters no longer believe 9/11 was an inside job. Anyone surprised? Um, no.

The FBI knew two of the 911 hijackers that crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon. The Robert Mueller led FBI covered up any ties that the hijackers had to Saudi Arabia for some strange reason. Exclusive: The Informant Who Lived With The Hijackers

On the surface it appears that the FBI botched surveillance of two suspects in the 911 attacks. But is there a deeper involvement here? Why did two attackers stay in San Diego with an FBI informant and go unnoticed until after the attack? Why did Robert Mueller cover this up. And why did he personally prevent a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia by families of some of the 911 victims?

Two of the Sept. 11 hijackers who lived in San Diego in 2000 rented a room from a man who reportedly worked as an undercover FBI informant, highlighting the lack of cooperation by the nation's law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Newsweek magazine reports that Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi lived with a "tested" undercover "asset" who had been working closely with the FBI office in San Diego.

The magazine does not name the informant.

The connection was discovered by congressional investigators, reports Newsweek, and raises more questions about information-sharing among government intelligence agencies.

A senior law-enforcement official told the magazine that the informant never provided the Bureau with the names of his two houseguests from Saudi Arabia — but his FBI contact never asked, either.

The CIA was keeping an eye on the men after the two had attended an al Qaeda summit in Malaysia in January 2000.

Alhazmi and Almihdhar moved into the house in September of 2000. Almihdhar left six weeks later and Alhazmi left at the end of the year.

While there, the FBI informant prayed with them and even helped one open a bank account. Alhazmi and Almihdhar took lessons at a flight school while living in San Diego.

The two men were aboard American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11.

There is no evidence the informant concealed the identity of the two men. In fact, after their names were reported in the news media following the attacks, the informant contacted his FBI case agent to say the two men had been his roommates.

A bigger questions, said one counter-intelligence expert, is why the case agent, who knew that two Saudi men were staying with the informant, didn't show more curiosity about them. If nothing else, he should have considered them as possible informants themselves.

Did Robert Mueller, current special counsel investigating President Donald Trump, play a role in misleading the public about a Sarasota family’s link to anyone connected to the 9/11 attacks?

The family fled their Sarasota home the week before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, leaving behind food, clothes, cars and suspicions. Almost immediately they were on the FBI’s radar. An investigation ensued. Who were they and what did they know?

Their names were Abdulazziz and Anound al-Hijji. They were from Saudi Arabia and lived at 4224 Escondito Circle, a $400,000 home in the gated community of Prestancia. He worked as a valet for a Siesta Key restaurant. She was the daughter of Esam Ghazzawi, a wealthy businessman with connections to the Saudi royal family.

It was believed by some that the family had been in contact with 9/11 hijackers Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi, who learned to fly at a small airport in Venice before carrying out the attacks that forever changed our country.

That the FBI had been investigating the Sarasota family since a week after the attacks first came to light on Sept. 8, 2011. That’s when a south Florida investigative news organization called the Broward Bulldog, now the Florida Bulldog, revealed something even Congress did not know.

Shortly after the story was published, Steven E. Ibison, special agent in the FBI’s Tampa field office, issued a statement to the press that said: “At no time did the FBI develop evidence that connected the family members to any of the 9/11 hijackers.″

The statement, however, severely contradicted some of the FBI’s own reports, one of which said, “further investigation of the (name deleted) family revealed many connections between the (name deleted) and individuals associated with the terror attacks on 9/11/01.″

It is interesting to note who the FBI director was while the Sarasota investigation was ongoing: Robert Mueller, current special counsel investigating whether or not President Donald Trump and/or his campaign colluded with the Russians in the 2016 election.


It seems clear the FBI misled the public when the agency issued a statement saying there was no connection between the Sarasota family and individuals involved in the attacks. There had to be something of substance, or why else would the investigation go on for more than a decade? And why did the FBI have such a large number of documents — 80,000 — to turn over upon a court’s request? That’s a lot of documents for no connection.

Recently uncovered court documents related to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s time as FBI Director show his lack of anything resembling credibility. The man who is responsible for investigating allegations of Trump/Russia collusion was involved in releasing deceptive statements that helped cover up a Saudi family’s involvement in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that shocked America and helped launch the modern surveillance state.

Mueller led the FBI from September 4, 2001 to September 4, 2013. One week after Mueller assumed his new job, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four airliners, using three of them to destroy the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York and severely damage the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives that day and more than another 6,000 were injured, many of them later dying from their injuries.

Fifteen of the 9/11 terrorists were citizens of Saudi Arabia.

Over the years, evidence of Saudi involvement has continued to come to light. In September 2011 — 10 years after the attacks — Florida Bulldog, a non-profit watchdog news group based in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, published an excellent piece of investigative journalism revealing the existence of the secret FBI investigation of a Saudi family living in Sarasota, Florida, with apparent ties to the 9/11 attackers.

The Sept. 11 families he’s representing are continuing with their lawsuit, winning a court case in March 2018 where a judge ruled that they can proceed with their lawsuit. Still, Kreindler believes the only way victims’ families will ever learn the whole truth is if President Trump declassifies the investigation into Saudi ties with the Sept. 11 attacks.

“President Trump must declassify all documents related to the 9/11 investigation to fully reveal the significant degree to which Mr. Mueller and later Mr. Comey went to impede and cover up Saudi involvement in the 9/11 attacks,” Kreindler said. “The president should also issue an executive order holding harmless all retired FBI agents who were aware of the cover-up and impediments by their bosses at the time but are afraid to come forward to help the 9/11 victims today out of fear of retribution.”

Fifteen years have passed since that fateful day in 2001 when the United States found itself under attack on its own soil. Hundreds of pages of reports have detailed how the intelligence community failed to catch the Al Qaeda hijackers before it was too late.

But questions remain for some about who shares blame for allowing 19 hijackers to commandeer four planes, killing 2,977 people at the Pentagon, the World Trade Center and a field in Pennsylvania.

In December 2002, a congressional joint inquiry report — the first investigation into 9/11 — was declassified and released with the exception of a mysterious set of 28 pages that remained secret.

Those pages were withheld for years by intelligence officials, citing national security and concerns that the contents were fragmented and unvetted. They were finally declassified this past summer under pressure from 9/11 victim families and members of Congress.​

Families of Sept. 11 victims have been on a 17-year-long quest to seek financial retribution from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which they claim funded the terrorist attack that took the lives of their loved ones. Throughout the process, their attempts at uncovering the truth about Saudi Arabia’s role in the deadliest terrorist attack in American history have been impeded by the FBI and its former director, Robert Mueller — now famously the special counsel investigating collusion (or the lack thereof) between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

New York-based lawyer Jim Kreindler, representing the families of the Sept. 11 victims, said in an interview with me that Mueller and his successor, James Comey, engaged in a systematic cover-up of evidence that the Saudi government aided the terrorists who committed the Sept. 11 attacks.

CNN.com - How the FBI blew the case - May 27, 2002
Hijackers Lived With FBI Informant
Report probes Saudi links of San Diego's 9/11 hijackers
Report Details F.B.I.'s Failure on 2 Hijackers
Robert Mueller was the biggest obstacle for Sept. 11 families who wanted to sue Saudi Arabia
Court Documents Show Mueller Involved in 9/11 Cover-up
FBI chief Mueller says spy tactics could have stopped 9/11 attacks

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