Why do we pretend slavery ended with Lincoln?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Slavery still exists. Even here in the US. In addition to sex slavery, there's also labor slavery. Not just the perverbial sweat shop, lousy wages stuff either but bonafide slavery. And overseas it's either more overt. And the US benefits from it.

When ever people discuss America's slavery during the Civil War era they talk about it like it's something from long ago that we got rid of. Uh no not so much. Yet the people who seem to agree enslaving blacks was immoral have no problem accepting the fruits of modern day slavery. Never hear em railing againt Fortune 500 companies who rely on slave labor.
Are they immigrants?

Not all of them. Watch the documentary Food Inc to see very young American kids working tobacco fields in the south. Can't remember the Repub congressman who lies on camera and then runs when the proof of his lies are shown to him.

Mexican are de facto slave labor in the US. Funny that the right whines about Mexicans taking American jobs when its actually other nationalities who are taking many more jobs.
Slavery still exists. Even here in the US. In addition to sex slavery, there's also labor slavery. Not just the perverbial sweat shop, lousy wages stuff either but bonafide slavery. And overseas it's either more overt. And the US benefits from it.

When ever people discuss America's slavery during the Civil War era they talk about it like it's something from long ago that we got rid of. Uh no not so much. Yet the people who seem to agree enslaving blacks was immoral have no problem accepting the fruits of modern day slavery. Never hear em railing againt Fortune 500 companies who rely on slave labor.

Fortune 500 companies that rely on slave labor?

Name these companies
Slavery still exists. Even here in the US. In addition to sex slavery, there's also labor slavery. Not just the perverbial sweat shop, lousy wages stuff either but bonafide slavery. And overseas it's either more overt. And the US benefits from it.

When ever people discuss America's slavery during the Civil War era they talk about it like it's something from long ago that we got rid of. Uh no not so much. Yet the people who seem to agree enslaving blacks was immoral have no problem accepting the fruits of modern day slavery. Never hear em railing againt Fortune 500 companies who rely on slave labor.

Fortune 500 companies that rely on slave labor?

Name these companies


"In 2010, Philip Morris was "forced to admit" that at least 72 children were working on tobacco farms that sold to PM, some of which as young as ten years old. "Forced" is the key word in the last sentence; it was only after the Human Rights Watch uncovered a sordid tale of slavery and illegal practices on tobacco farms in Kazakhstan that Philip Morris took only partial responsibility for these problems.

Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret purchases fair trade cotton only, so what's the problem? Unfortunately, "fair trade" has become just another imaginary phrase like "gourmet" or the vague and somewhat meaningless label of "organic."

In Burkina Faso, Africa, many fair trade farms are claiming that they lack the resources to grow fair trade cotton without utilizing child labor. Bloomberg.com reported on one 13-year-old girl, Clarisse, who sleeps on a piece of plastic and is woken up by shouting at early hours in the morning. She plants and picks cotton all day, straining and sweating in somewhat of a hurry. She isn't going anywhere, but her 'boss' will beat her with a tree branch if she doesn't move quickly enough."

more example at
5 Giant Companies Who Use Slave Labor

Google 'fortune 500 companies caught using slave labor' if you're in doubt.
Ah I see.

that's such a terrible life for that little girl. Only a piece of plastic to sleep on. I just can't believe the cruelty.
Slavery still exists. Even here in the US. In addition to sex slavery, there's also labor slavery. Not just the perverbial sweat shop, lousy wages stuff either but bonafide slavery. And overseas it's either more overt. And the US benefits from it.

When ever people discuss America's slavery during the Civil War era they talk about it like it's something from long ago that we got rid of. Uh no not so much. Yet the people who seem to agree enslaving blacks was immoral have no problem accepting the fruits of modern day slavery. Never hear em railing againt Fortune 500 companies who rely on slave labor.

Fortune 500 companies that rely on slave labor?

Name these companies


"In 2010, Philip Morris was "forced to admit" that at least 72 children were working on tobacco farms that sold to PM, some of which as young as ten years old. "Forced" is the key word in the last sentence; it was only after the Human Rights Watch uncovered a sordid tale of slavery and illegal practices on tobacco farms in Kazakhstan that Philip Morris took only partial responsibility for these problems.

Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret purchases fair trade cotton only, so what's the problem? Unfortunately, "fair trade" has become just another imaginary phrase like "gourmet" or the vague and somewhat meaningless label of "organic."

In Burkina Faso, Africa, many fair trade farms are claiming that they lack the resources to grow fair trade cotton without utilizing child labor. Bloomberg.com reported on one 13-year-old girl, Clarisse, who sleeps on a piece of plastic and is woken up by shouting at early hours in the morning. She plants and picks cotton all day, straining and sweating in somewhat of a hurry. She isn't going anywhere, but her 'boss' will beat her with a tree branch if she doesn't move quickly enough."

more example at
5 Giant Companies Who Use Slave Labor

Google 'fortune 500 companies caught using slave labor' if you're in doubt.
just what I thought

not the same thing

now "Why do we pretend slavery ended with Lincoln?"

we don't 'pretend' any such thing.

Slavery in the USA
Slavery still exists. Even here in the US. In addition to sex slavery, there's also labor slavery. Not just the perverbial sweat shop, lousy wages stuff either but bonafide slavery. And overseas it's either more overt. And the US benefits from it.

When ever people discuss America's slavery during the Civil War era they talk about it like it's something from long ago that we got rid of. Uh no not so much. Yet the people who seem to agree enslaving blacks was immoral have no problem accepting the fruits of modern day slavery. Never hear em railing againt Fortune 500 companies who rely on slave labor.

Slavery was never made totally illegal.

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

-The 13th Amendment

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