Why do so many teachers leave the profession?

Admittedly, I'm quite bitter about the school board ruining my wife's career, then replacing her with a crony.
Yes, so much is up to parents. To attend board meetings and ask questions. Review the resumes of new hires and check backgrounds of principals, admins, and supers.
Why is a teacher with multiple years of experience passed over for a new graduate?
In this town, the new hire was related to a friend in administration.

But I'll stick to my assertion that 50% don't last because they are shown the door rather than be granted tenure.

If tenure was a universal grant, then I may agree.

However, it is not: in many states there is no "tenure," yet many teachers still leave the job.


I say it again: Easy come, easy go. The barriers to enter teaching are not terribly high. Most that get a teaching job do not realize how easy they have it, and consequently, the grass seems greener. Once they leave teaching and find their employment depends on actual, measurable financial rubrics that meet business goals, they often which they could return to the routine of teaching, or they become successful, enterprizing people who are rewarded proportionally for their efforts.

Don't let the latter get out: It will just be our secret.
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In Ohio, if teachers don't retire now, they have to wait 5 years or take a serious cut to their retirement. Many are getting out early because of it.

Another indication of the value that the "profession" has in our society.

Let's face it: after you teach Math for 10 years, whatever improvements you can make in adding fractions are going to be relatively marginal.
I can't imagine anyone entering the Teaching profession for any reason other than wanting to teach, an objective which is virtually impossible to accomplish in many parts of today's America.

I attended Catholic school and academy (St. Francis Xavier) and I recall wishing that I were in public school instead, which, based on what I'd heard from friends, was like a vacation in comparison. The discipline at St. Francis, and all Catholic schools so I'm told, was not just rigid -- it was very rigid.

We wore uniforms: blue blazer, black trousers & shoes, white shirt and maroon tie. There was no talking in classrooms without approval, and there was no talking in corridors where we walked in columns of two. There were tests every Friday afternoon and if one failed a test it meant 9 to 5 instead of 9 to 3 until a passing mark was achieved. And all of this was enforced by a variety of punishments -- including corporal.

Looking back, I am grateful for it all. Especially when I read and hear about the present situation in the public schools and how far behind the rest of the developed world the American educational system has become. I am convinced the reason for it is the absence of the kind of discipline which is necessary to properly educate children.

While I never was a committed Catholic I pretended to be to please my mother. In fact I became a committed atheist in my mid-teens. But I firmly believe a Catholic school education is 100% superior to that available from the average public school.
a lot is normal turnover

1. not being retained by administration for various reasons which could be any number of reasons including not getting decent evaluations. some teachers fail to re-certify after 5 years.

2. disillusionment with working conditions.ie you are less of a coach and more of an umpire. A thankless job getting all the blame and none of the credit

3. some decide to change professions

most teachers are normal people trying to do the best they can under what can be considered impossible odds.
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It is 10 months a year and most teachers work at least 10 hours a day because of homework, meetings, extra curricular activities, and coaching. And $50,000 is peanuts compared to other professionals with master's degrees, which is what most teacher have or have the equivalent of.


Add in all the school holidays, teacher development days etc and we're lucky if it's 9 months. And why don't teachers do their so called development in the summer rather than missing class during the school year.

And it's no one's fault but theirs if they have to take work home. The school day is barely 6 hours long.

You speak from ignorance..I dare you to find any Teacher anywhere that says they have a 6 hour work day. You wont because you make up anything to move on

Classes start at 8 and end at what 230 then there's lunch That's a 6 hour day and teachers don't teach every period.

For christ sake stop trying to act as if teaching is hard work.
a lot is normal turnover

1. not being retained by administration for various reasons which could be any number of reasons including not getting decent evaluations. some teachers fail to re-certify after 5 years.

2. disillusionment with working conditions.ie you are less of a coach and more of an umpire. A thankless job getting all the blame and none of the credit

3. some decide to change professions

most teachers are normal people trying to do the best they can under what can be considered impossible odds.

I served on school boards for many years, and as a school board president as well for four years. You are 100% correct in your conclusion, based on my experience and observation.
Far too many who complain about education were losers in the system as students.

Well, I've only been to college once so cut me some slack.
Education happens at the higher echelons as they dictate what takes place in classrooms. Even as a substitute teacher I saw such bullshit goings-on with principals, superintendents, and administrators. More so when the wife got hired on as a teacher.

It's a protected enclave populated by friends, relatives, and often-times fellow church-goers. Nepotism, cronyism, and favoritism rule the day.

Sadly there is much truth in those complaints, Mr. H.

As every community basically controls its own educational system, nepotism, and old boy (or girl) cronyism, and GROUP THINK prejudice is rather common in our schools.

Add in all the school holidays, teacher development days etc and we're lucky if it's 9 months. And why don't teachers do their so called development in the summer rather than missing class during the school year.

And it's no one's fault but theirs if they have to take work home. The school day is barely 6 hours long.

You speak from ignorance..I dare you to find any Teacher anywhere that says they have a 6 hour work day. You wont because you make up anything to move on

Classes start at 8 and end at what 230 then there's lunch That's a 6 hour day and teachers don't teach every period.

For christ sake stop trying to act as if teaching is hard work.

Why do you keep saying "classes start"? What time does the teachers day start? That is what we're talking about right? How long the teachers day is, right?

Add in all the school holidays, teacher development days etc and we're lucky if it's 9 months. And why don't teachers do their so called development in the summer rather than missing class during the school year.

And it's no one's fault but theirs if they have to take work home. The school day is barely 6 hours long.

You speak from ignorance..I dare you to find any Teacher anywhere that says they have a 6 hour work day. You wont because you make up anything to move on

Classes start at 8 and end at what 230 then there's lunch That's a 6 hour day and teachers don't teach every period.

For christ sake stop trying to act as if teaching is hard work.


You, are clueless. But in a fun way.
You speak from ignorance..I dare you to find any Teacher anywhere that says they have a 6 hour work day. You wont because you make up anything to move on

Classes start at 8 and end at what 230 then there's lunch That's a 6 hour day and teachers don't teach every period.

For christ sake stop trying to act as if teaching is hard work.

Why do you keep saying "classes start"? What time does the teachers day start? That is what we're talking about right? How long the teachers day is, right?

Oh so the teacher has to get there 5 minutes before first period. Yeah that makes the day soooo much longer.

It's a part time job.
Classes start at 8 and end at what 230 then there's lunch That's a 6 hour day and teachers don't teach every period.

For christ sake stop trying to act as if teaching is hard work.

Why do you keep saying "classes start"? What time does the teachers day start? That is what we're talking about right? How long the teachers day is, right?

Oh so the teacher has to get there 5 minutes before first period. Yeah that makes the day soooo much longer.

It's a part time job.

You should go to your local high school and actually talk to a teacher. It'll clear up a lot of your misconceptions.
Skull, you really have no idea of what you are talking about.

Call the HS counselor. Make an appointment to shadow an instructor for an entire day. Do something like Spec Ed, Theatre, or Math.

Add in all the school holidays, teacher development days etc and we're lucky if it's 9 months. And why don't teachers do their so called development in the summer rather than missing class during the school year.

And it's no one's fault but theirs if they have to take work home. The school day is barely 6 hours long.

You speak from ignorance..I dare you to find any Teacher anywhere that says they have a 6 hour work day. You wont because you make up anything to move on

Classes start at 8 and end at what 230 then there's lunch That's a 6 hour day and teachers don't teach every period.

For christ sake stop trying to act as if teaching is hard work.

i have had jobs in govt and the private sector.

By far the most difficult and thankless is teaching
Admittedly, I'm quite bitter about the school board ruining my wife's career, then replacing her with a crony.
Yes, so much is up to parents. To attend board meetings and ask questions. Review the resumes of new hires and check backgrounds of principals, admins, and supers.
Why is a teacher with multiple years of experience passed over for a new graduate?
In this town, the new hire was related to a friend in administration.

But I'll stick to my assertion that 50% don't last because they are shown the door rather than be granted tenure.

Mr. H.

What benefit would TENURE have granted your wife?

Did you check her contract?

Because I am highly dubious it would have granted her much more than the right, should she fired, to demand a REVIEW of her firing.

The myth that k-12 public school teachers can not be let go, is just that...a myth.
Skull, you really have no idea of what you are talking about.

Call the HS counselor. Make an appointment to shadow an instructor for an entire day. Do something like Spec Ed, Theatre, or Math.

OH teaching theater now that's hard work.

Cut the crap. Nothing about teaching basic HS courses is difficult. The fucking material hasn't changed since my grandparents were in school.

Tell me how much as US history, basic English grammar, and algebra changed in the past 100 years.

If a teacher can't get his work done in an 8 hour day then that's his problem. Anyway most professionals I know plan to work at least 50 hours a week for their salary and they have to work all year long not just 3/4 of the year.
Skull, you really have no idea of what you are talking about.

Call the HS counselor. Make an appointment to shadow an instructor for an entire day. Do something like Spec Ed, Theatre, or Math.

OH teaching theater now that's hard work.

Cut the crap. Nothing about teaching basic HS courses is difficult. The fucking material hasn't changed since my grandparents were in school.

Tell me how much as US history, basic English grammar, and algebra changed in the past 100 years.

If a teacher can't get his work done in an 8 hour day then that's his problem. Anyway most professionals I know plan to work at least 50 hours a week for their salary and they have to work all year long not just 3/4 of the year.

Nonsense. Your are simply being stubborn because you know you are wrong. You simply can't stand being counseled by those who know better. You must be a difficult employee.

End of story.
Why do you keep saying "classes start"? What time does the teachers day start? That is what we're talking about right? How long the teachers day is, right?

Oh so the teacher has to get there 5 minutes before first period. Yeah that makes the day soooo much longer.

It's a part time job.

You should go to your local high school and actually talk to a teacher. It'll clear up a lot of your misconceptions.

You would think that by him needing to constantly change or edit the bullshit he says that is not true would lead him to the conclusion that he knows nothing about teaching at all.

But nope...He says it, finds out its not true, changes what he says and still claims his 1st, 2nd and 3rd revisions to be right the whole time
Skull, you really have no idea of what you are talking about.

Call the HS counselor. Make an appointment to shadow an instructor for an entire day. Do something like Spec Ed, Theatre, or Math.

OH teaching theater now that's hard work.

Cut the crap. Nothing about teaching basic HS courses is difficult. The fucking material hasn't changed since my grandparents were in school.

Tell me how much as US history, basic English grammar, and algebra changed in the past 100 years.

If a teacher can't get his work done in an 8 hour day then that's his problem. Anyway most professionals I know plan to work at least 50 hours a week for their salary and they have to work all year long not just 3/4 of the year.

You wouldn't spend 6-8 hours with 30 kids if they paid you too
Why do you keep saying "classes start"? What time does the teachers day start? That is what we're talking about right? How long the teachers day is, right?

Oh so the teacher has to get there 5 minutes before first period. Yeah that makes the day soooo much longer.

It's a part time job.

You should go to your local high school and actually talk to a teacher. It'll clear up a lot of your misconceptions.

I went to HS and the teachers were not there much before the students. To say they are there for hours before class is crap.

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