Why do liberals say secession is TREASON?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
When you are a member of a club you have the right to leave whenever you wish. That's what the original 13 colonies did and that's what the confederate states did in 1861. Naturally the central authorities don't like it, but what moral argument can they muster to keep you bound.?
I think if states want to leave the union they need to get a Constitutional Convention convened and amend the Constitution. I could be wrong though.

Firing cannons at Federal military outposts, not how you do it. I think they asked for return fire don't you think?
Because the states that decided to leave had a contract with other states in the Union. The Union gave them blood and treasure when they needed protection. One party of an agreement does not have the right to just quit the contract and agreement for some arbitrary or random reason. There were methods that could have been used by the southern states of accomplish their goals. They chose treason instead. Shooting at federal troops is treason in the manner that they did.
Because the states that decided to leave had a contract with other states in the Union. The Union gave them blood and treasure when they needed protection. One party of an agreement does not have the right to just quit the contract and agreement for some arbitrary or random reason.
Silly you.

Amendment 10.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

There's nothing in the constitution that prohibits a state from leaving and so the right to do so is reserved by the states.
They chose treason instead. Shooting at federal troops is treason in the manner that they did.
Secession in and of itself is not treason.
Secession is only treason if you lose. If you win, you have fathered a new nation.
You can think whatever you want, but the Constitution mentions no such requirement. Your theory is obvious horseshit.

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Secession is only treason if you lose. If you win, you have fathered a new nation.
Shootspeedo doesn't get it. He thinks he is a constitutional lawyer. The folks who were the secessionist lost. By your definition they are traitors. Thank you.
The Constitution is the national agreement that ties the nation together. If the agreement is illegally abrogated by legislation or judicial review, the states are free to do as they will.

Of course, as with every such disagreement, they must have sufficient means to enforce their decision, just as the American colonists did.
Why would 'liberals', whatever that is, call something that is treason something else?
What's funny is that the Democrats, who actually were traitors and racists according to their own current definition now find any dissent or confrontation against their own current racist beliefs and practices to be treasonous and/or racist.
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When you are a member of a club you have the right to leave whenever you wish. That's what the original 13 colonies did and that's what the confederate states did in 1861. Naturally the central authorities don't like it, but what moral argument can they muster to keep you bound.?

I think that Lincoln made a very good decision not to call the attack by Southern Americans on the United States treason.

While it did meet the definition of treason- it was better for the country not to call it treason.
I'm pretty liberal, I don't think the War for Southern Independence was treason.
To be honest, a lot people from every political ideology would consider that treason. It's not just liberals. However, I don't consider it treason be ause treason is more of an act of sabotage against the current government such as conspiring to do it harm. Succession is just wanting to exist as your own nation. It's not necessarily wanting to harm the people of the old nation.
To be honest, a lot people from every political ideology would consider that treason. It's not just liberals. However, I don't consider it treason be ause treason is more of an act of sabotage against the current government such as conspiring to do it harm. Succession is just wanting to exist as your own nation. It's not necessarily wanting to harm the people of the old nation.

A very liberal interpretation of the word.
Because the states that decided to leave had a contract with other states in the Union. The Union gave them blood and treasure when they needed protection. One party of an agreement does not have the right to just quit the contract and agreement for some arbitrary or random reason. There were methods that could have been used by the southern states of accomplish their goals. They chose treason instead. Shooting at federal troops is treason in the manner that they did.

The federal troops were trespassing in a foreign county, the CSA. They were told to leave and refused. THINK
Shootspeedo doesn't get it. He thinks he is a constitutional lawyer. The folks who were the secessionist lost. By your definition they are traitors. Thank you.

HAHAHA. Take a course in logic 101 and get back with us.
Succession is just wanting to exist as your own nation. It's not necessarily wanting to harm the people of the old nation.

Of course. The south had no desire to conquer the north like the north wanted to conquer the south. As Jefferson Davis said "We just want to be left alone."
Why would 'liberals', whatever that is, call something that is treason something else?
They do it because they are lying hose bags who are desperate to justify the mass muder and other war crimes of their saint, Abraham Lincoln.

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When you are a member of a club you have the right to leave whenever you wish. That's what the original 13 colonies did and that's what the confederate states did in 1861. Naturally the central authorities don't like it, but what moral argument can they muster to keep you bound.?

I think that Lincoln made a very good decision not to call the attack by Southern Americans on the United States treason.

While it did meet the definition of treason- it was better for the country not to call it treason.
Wrong, numskull, it doesn't come close to the definition of treason. Try actually reading the definition in the Constitution where it's defined, ignoranus

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