Why do Darwinists spend time debating with Creationists and believers in Intelligent Design?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Is there any scientific theory, other than evolution, where the scientists who promote it spend their time debating with people who make religion-based arguments that said scientific theory cannot be true?

I think not.

Imagine there was a religion that taught that God had made the world flat.

Would planetologists spend time debating with the proponents of the Flat Earth religion?

No, they would not.

Imagine there was a religion that taught that God had made the Moon out of cheese.

Would astronomers spend time debating with the proponents of the Moon is Cheese religion?

Absolutely, no.

Imagine there was a religion that taught that the entire universe was nothing more than an imaginary construct in the Mind of God?

Would astrophysicists seek out the believers in this Universe is the Mind of God religion to convince them they were wrong?


Then why is it that Darwinists are constantly engaged in endless debates with Creationists and promoters of Intelligent Design in a pointless effort to convince them they are mistaken?

And -- here's the thing, I admit that I myself have expressed doubts about Darwinism on this forum because (1) I find it interesting that a scientific theory is defended by its proponents with the same zeal as a religion, and (2) I find it amusing to watch Darwinism's zealous defenders get upset when I express the slightest doubt that their beloved scientific theory might not be true.

So -- what's really at stake in this debate?

It's not about science. Not at all.

The debate between Darwinists and Creationists/Promoters of Intelligent Design is a debate about God and his role in creating the universe.

Both sides of the argument believe that if Darwinism is accepted as true, God's role in the creation of the universe is disproven, ergo: there is no God.

With the belief in the existence of God at stake, both sides fight fiercely because no issue can be more important to the human race than that.

Both sides of the debate believe that if Darwinism is true, and God doesn't exist, life is a struggle where the strong prey on the weak, and there is no room for mercy because the weak should die out. This philosophy is called Social Darwinism, it is the belief system that inspired Adolph Hitler and his Nazis.

I believe there is a middle ground.

Darwinism is true, but God exists and had a hand in the universe's creation. The story of creation in the Book of Genesis teaches us important religious truths about God, man, and our role in the universe, but was not intended by its authors to teach science.

Social Darwinism is a wicked philosophy when applied to relationships between humans, and the role of government in the lives of humans. Social Darwinism inspired a genocide that cost the lives of millions of humans under the Nazi regime.

That, I believe, is the correct position. If I had the power, I would end this endless debate between the Darwinists and the Creationists/Promoters of Intelligent Design by saying: "You are both right -- but you are also both wrong. The theory of evolution and belief in God can co-exist."
I still dont know what came first the chicken or the egg

Ever since I was a kid everything science told us was the gospel has been disproved, changed or we found out instead of helping us like they said, it was killing us...Then when they are caught being wrong they use the same old line..."We came to the conclusion based on the best evidence at that time"
I do not bet my marbles on scientists that have create something sensational to keep getting grant money so they can get paid.
Science, like life, is constantly evolving.

What is known to be true today is discarded as falsehood tomorrow.

When scientists, or more likely those who falsely claim they speak for scientists, proclaim that "the science is settled", the more probable conclusion is that science has been forced to take a position in the interests of increasing the political power and wealth of those who are forcing science to take that position.

Dissent from an established scientific position is not something to be punished, it is to be encouraged as normal and healthy. The only way science will ever discover the truth is through a process of questioning positions that have been established as orthodoxy.
"Survival of the fittest" is an ugly thought when applied to humans' relationships with humans.

That is why so many Christians, despite the logical fallacy of defending Creationism, do so anyway.

The way to reach such people is to assure them that one can believe that a scientific theory that governs relationships amongst animals in the wild has no place amongst civilized people.
"Why do Darwinists spend time debating with Creationists and believers in Intelligent Design?"

LOL! They don't. You do. Keep posting silly non sense.
Why do confused catholics get drunk and post about religion in the science and technology section?
If the theory of evolution is a religious topic then color me confused.

Do you have anything intelligent to say?

Because so far, you haven't.
"Why do Darwinists spend time debating with Creationists and believers in Intelligent Design?"

LOL! They don't. You do. Keep posting silly non sense.
Why do confused catholics get drunk and post about religion in the science and technology section?
If the theory of evolution is a religious topic then color me confused.

Do you have anything intelligent to say?

Because so far, you haven't.
So -- what's really at stake in this debate?

It's not about science. Not at all.
The debate between Darwinists and Creationists/Promoters of Intelligent Design is a debate about God and his role in creating the universe.
Is there any scientific theory, other than evolution, where the scientists who promote it spend their time debating with people who make religion-based arguments that said scientific theory cannot be true?

I think not.

Imagine there was a religion that taught that God had made the world flat.

Would planetologists spend time debating with the proponents of the Flat Earth religion?

No, they would not.

Imagine there was a religion that taught that God had made the Moon out of cheese.

Would astronomers spend time debating with the proponents of the Moon is Cheese religion?

Absolutely, no.

Imagine there was a religion that taught that the entire universe was nothing more than an imaginary construct in the Mind of God?

Would astrophysicists seek out the believers in this Universe is the Mind of God religion to convince them they were wrong?


Then why is it that Darwinists are constantly engaged in endless debates with Creationists and promoters of Intelligent Design in a pointless effort to convince them they are mistaken?

And -- here's the thing, I admit that I myself have expressed doubts about Darwinism on this forum because (1) I find it interesting that a scientific theory is defended by its proponents with the same zeal as a religion, and (2) I find it amusing to watch Darwinism's zealous defenders get upset when I express the slightest doubt that their beloved scientific theory might not be true.

So -- what's really at stake in this debate?

It's not about science. Not at all.

The debate between Darwinists and Creationists/Promoters of Intelligent Design is a debate about God and his role in creating the universe.

Both sides of the argument believe that if Darwinism is accepted as true, God's role in the creation of the universe is disproven, ergo: there is no God.

With the belief in the existence of God at stake, both sides fight fiercely because no issue can be more important to the human race than that.

Both sides of the debate believe that if Darwinism is true, and God doesn't exist, life is a struggle where the strong prey on the weak, and there is no room for mercy because the weak should die out. This philosophy is called Social Darwinism, it is the belief system that inspired Adolph Hitler and his Nazis.

I believe there is a middle ground.

Darwinism is true, but God exists and had a hand in the universe's creation. The story of creation in the Book of Genesis teaches us important religious truths about God, man, and our role in the universe, but was not intended by its authors to teach science.

Social Darwinism is a wicked philosophy when applied to relationships between humans, and the role of government in the lives of humans. Social Darwinism inspired a genocide that cost the lives of millions of humans under the Nazi regime.

That, I believe, is the correct position. If I had the power, I would end this endless debate between the Darwinists and the Creationists/Promoters of Intelligent Design by saying: "You are both right -- but you are also both wrong. The theory of evolution and belief in God can co-exist."
Actually Darwin said that 'Natural Selection' is 'possibly' a tool God used in his creation process.
So your just going on what has been said about Darwin and not what he said himself.
Many people - the German Medical profession up till the end of WWll, Nazi;s, these so call Social Darwinists, if they exist, yourself, just read into what they think Darwin said without ever studying the source material. If it isn't in 'On the Origin of Species' Charles Darwin that you have read yourself, don't assume anything!

As for -
"Imagine there was a religion that taught that God had made the world flat.
Would planetologists spend time debating with the proponents of the Flat Earth religion?
No, they would not".

Yes they would and did! Have you never heard of the 'Flat Earth Society'?
They were quite popular particularly in the US until 1969 when a photo from the Moon landing showing the Earth - a big blue and white disk in the blackness of space and made the front pages all around the world (you must have seen the very famous photo), seemed to spoil their party and their membership was decimated. However I recently read that there is a resurgence.

Think you need to do a lot more research before posting however I do agree with your final point -

"The theory of evolution and belief in God can co-exist."

So you shouldn't assume your alone in that
"Why do Darwinists spend time debating with Creationists and believers in Intelligent Design?" LOL! They don't. You do. Keep posting silly non sense.
What I've actually noticed is Creationists here starting conversations against Darwinism.

I've also noticed, over the last few years, them trying to leverage science into their arguments. Which is delicious in its irony, as so many of them hate science.

If their religion makes them happy, or provides them with comfort and strength and answers, that's nice. But this other stuff is pointless.
Never argue with stupid people. They will bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience
Is there any scientific theory, other than evolution, where the scientists who promote it spend their time debating with people who make religion-based arguments that said scientific theory cannot be true?

I think not.

Imagine there was a religion that taught that God had made the world flat.

Would planetologists spend time debating with the proponents of the Flat Earth religion?

No, they would not.

Imagine there was a religion that taught that God had made the Moon out of cheese.

Would astronomers spend time debating with the proponents of the Moon is Cheese religion?

Absolutely, no.

Imagine there was a religion that taught that the entire universe was nothing more than an imaginary construct in the Mind of God?

Would astrophysicists seek out the believers in this Universe is the Mind of God religion to convince them they were wrong?


Then why is it that Darwinists are constantly engaged in endless debates with Creationists and promoters of Intelligent Design in a pointless effort to convince them they are mistaken?

And -- here's the thing, I admit that I myself have expressed doubts about Darwinism on this forum because (1) I find it interesting that a scientific theory is defended by its proponents with the same zeal as a religion, and (2) I find it amusing to watch Darwinism's zealous defenders get upset when I express the slightest doubt that their beloved scientific theory might not be true.

So -- what's really at stake in this debate?

It's not about science. Not at all.

The debate between Darwinists and Creationists/Promoters of Intelligent Design is a debate about God and his role in creating the universe.

Both sides of the argument believe that if Darwinism is accepted as true, God's role in the creation of the universe is disproven, ergo: there is no God.

With the belief in the existence of God at stake, both sides fight fiercely because no issue can be more important to the human race than that.

Both sides of the debate believe that if Darwinism is true, and God doesn't exist, life is a struggle where the strong prey on the weak, and there is no room for mercy because the weak should die out. This philosophy is called Social Darwinism, it is the belief system that inspired Adolph Hitler and his Nazis.

I believe there is a middle ground.

Darwinism is true, but God exists and had a hand in the universe's creation. The story of creation in the Book of Genesis teaches us important religious truths about God, man, and our role in the universe, but was not intended by its authors to teach science.

Social Darwinism is a wicked philosophy when applied to relationships between humans, and the role of government in the lives of humans. Social Darwinism inspired a genocide that cost the lives of millions of humans under the Nazi regime.

That, I believe, is the correct position. If I had the power, I would end this endless debate between the Darwinists and the Creationists/Promoters of Intelligent Design by saying: "You are both right -- but you are also both wrong. The theory of evolution and belief in God can co-exist."
I think countering the false claims of religionists is worth an effort.
Is there any scientific theory, other than evolution, where the scientists who promote it spend their time debating with people who make religion-based arguments that said scientific theory cannot be true?

I think not.

Imagine there was a religion that taught that God had made the world flat.

Would planetologists spend time debating with the proponents of the Flat Earth religion?

No, they would not.

Imagine there was a religion that taught that God had made the Moon out of cheese.

Would astronomers spend time debating with the proponents of the Moon is Cheese religion?

Absolutely, no.

Imagine there was a religion that taught that the entire universe was nothing more than an imaginary construct in the Mind of God?

Would astrophysicists seek out the believers in this Universe is the Mind of God religion to convince them they were wrong?


Then why is it that Darwinists are constantly engaged in endless debates with Creationists and promoters of Intelligent Design in a pointless effort to convince them they are mistaken?

And -- here's the thing, I admit that I myself have expressed doubts about Darwinism on this forum because (1) I find it interesting that a scientific theory is defended by its proponents with the same zeal as a religion, and (2) I find it amusing to watch Darwinism's zealous defenders get upset when I express the slightest doubt that their beloved scientific theory might not be true.

So -- what's really at stake in this debate?

It's not about science. Not at all.

The debate between Darwinists and Creationists/Promoters of Intelligent Design is a debate about God and his role in creating the universe.

Both sides of the argument believe that if Darwinism is accepted as true, God's role in the creation of the universe is disproven, ergo: there is no God.

With the belief in the existence of God at stake, both sides fight fiercely because no issue can be more important to the human race than that.

Both sides of the debate believe that if Darwinism is true, and God doesn't exist, life is a struggle where the strong prey on the weak, and there is no room for mercy because the weak should die out. This philosophy is called Social Darwinism, it is the belief system that inspired Adolph Hitler and his Nazis.

I believe there is a middle ground.

Darwinism is true, but God exists and had a hand in the universe's creation. The story of creation in the Book of Genesis teaches us important religious truths about God, man, and our role in the universe, but was not intended by its authors to teach science.

Social Darwinism is a wicked philosophy when applied to relationships between humans, and the role of government in the lives of humans. Social Darwinism inspired a genocide that cost the lives of millions of humans under the Nazi regime.

That, I believe, is the correct position. If I had the power, I would end this endless debate between the Darwinists and the Creationists/Promoters of Intelligent Design by saying: "You are both right -- but you are also both wrong. The theory of evolution and belief in God can co-exist."
Why do theists spend time debating with Darwinists and non-believers in evolution?
..why do theists constantly try to FORCE their beliefs on others?..
..I have a no solicitation sign and I get theists coming up to my door
..they tried/try to FORCE their religion on the Native Americans/Africans/etc
..this is a discussion board, yes???!!!
.I've never had a Darwinist come to my door
"Why do Darwinists spend time debating with Creationists and believers in Intelligent Design?" LOL! They don't. You do. Keep posting silly non sense.
What I've actually noticed is Creationists here starting conversations against Darwinism.

I've also noticed, over the last few years, them trying to leverage science into their arguments. Which is delicious in its irony, as so many of them hate science.

If their religion makes them happy, or provides them with comfort and strength and answers, that's nice. But this other stuff is pointless.
Oh my Gawd! Is that you, Q?
I still dont know what came first the chicken or the egg

Ever since I was a kid everything science told us was the gospel has been disproved, changed or we found out instead of helping us like they said, it was killing us...Then when they are caught being wrong they use the same old line..."We came to the conclusion based on the best evidence at that time"
I do not bet my marbles on scientists that have create something sensational to keep getting grant money so they can get paid.
Bet your marbles all you want, scientists investigate, study, make a hypothesis and either prover it, or not.

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