Why do blacks and liberals


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
resent patriotism, personal responsibility and discipline so much?
White liberals teach blacks to try make a living by extorting compensation for imagined oppression.

White liberals do this for power. Blacks do it for preferences and free stuff.
Certificate of Elegibility for VA benefits does not a responsible, patriotic, disciplined person make DD214 or not
Certificate of Elegibility for VA benefits does not a responsible, patriotic, disciplined person make DD214 or not
It's more than you have which a big mouth with a little mind attached...So suck it fruit cake...Oh I am also self employed and have been for 30 years...Wanna come get some?
It's easier to bitch and moan about oppression.
Certificate of Elegibility for VA benefits does not a responsible, patriotic, disciplined person make DD214 or not
It's more than you have which a big mouth with a little mind attached...So suck it fruit cake...Oh I am also self employed and have been for 30 years...Wanna come get some?
I doubt you are a veteran and I am having another settlement of a property on Friday which has created about $60,000 in income to the various workers and suppliers and $60,00 pre tax profit to me. I would not seek to "come get some" from you because all you have to give is bitterness and distortion
However, if you absolutely insist on an ass whipping then we can meet out in front of Old Ebbits Grill in DC anytime like I did 3 years ago with another internet shit talker and perhaps watch you jump back into your car like he did when I rolled my 6'4" 265 lbs frame out of my car
It's easier to bitch and moan about oppression.

Black Americans have never experienced oppression. On the contrary, they're spoiled brats given things they haven't earned. That dumb negress with her finger up has certainly lived on the white man's back her whole life, and she repays him with hate.
She also most likely dropped 3 babies from 3 different guys and does not know where any of them are and thats all because of white cops
Certificate of Elegibility for VA benefits does not a responsible, patriotic, disciplined person make DD214 or not
It's more than you have which a big mouth with a little mind attached...So suck it fruit cake...Oh I am also self employed and have been for 30 years...Wanna come get some?
I doubt you are a veteran and I am having another settlement of a property on Friday which has created about $60,000 in income to the various workers and suppliers and $60,00 pre tax profit to me. I would not seek to "come get some" from you because all you have to give is bitterness and distortion
However, if you absolutely insist on an ass whipping then we can meet out in front of Old Ebbits Grill in DC anytime like I did 3 years ago with another shit talker and perhaps watch you jump back into you car like he did when i rolled my 6'4" 265 lbs frame out of my car
Fat boys they are easy meat...
White liberals teach blacks to try make a living by extorting compensation for imagined oppression.

White liberals do this for power. Blacks do it for preferences and free stuff.

Hardest ass conservative preaching personal responsibility I ever met was a black guy who was an e-6, when I first went in the navy. He taught a lot of us the ropes, but better not cross him.
resent patriotism, personal responsibility and discipline so much?
If patriotism is narrowly defined as unquestioning, conformist and unchallenged the question is: why bother calling America the Land of the Free?

If personal responsibility is defined as eschewing any and all largess provided by the government the question is: why should senior citizens retire with dignity or the poorest in what is touted as the richest nation on earth live in squalor?

And if discipline is defined as towing the party line, never questioning authority and conforming to a ridgid set of morality that has never proven to either work or really exist the question is: what is it about the American spirit you claim to admire?
resent patriotism, personal responsibility and discipline so much?
If patriotism is narrowly defined as unquestioning, conformist and unchallenged the question is: why bother calling America the Land of the Free?

If personal responsibility is defined as eschewing any and all largess provided by the government the question is: why should senior citizens retire with dignity or the poorest in what is touted as the richest nation on earth live in squalor?

And if discipline is defined as towing the party line, never questioning authority and conforming to a ridgid set of morality that has never proven to either work or really exist the question is: what is it about the American spirit you claim to admire?

Nobody said patriotism, personal responsibility or discipline were defined as such. It's pretty telling that those three words are so threatening to you.
resent patriotism, personal responsibility and discipline so much?
If patriotism is narrowly defined as unquestioning, conformist and unchallenged the question is: why bother calling America the Land of the Free?

If personal responsibility is defined as eschewing any and all largess provided by the government the question is: why should senior citizens retire with dignity or the poorest in what is touted as the richest nation on earth live in squalor?

And if discipline is defined as towing the party line, never questioning authority and conforming to a ridgid set of morality that has never proven to either work or really exist the question is: what is it about the American spirit you claim to admire?

Nobody said patriotism, personal responsibility or discipline were defined as such. It's pretty telling that those three words are so threatening to you.
Those definitions are the only way the OP could possibly rationalize this thread. Other than that, it's all bullshit, propaganda and trolling.
Because they've both been submerged in a pure victim mentality -- the results of which are never positive, always negative.

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