Why didn't Obama denounce Harry Reid like he did the Cambridge Cop?

Where are all the leftist loon bedwetters, who jumped Trent Lott's shit for sucking up to 100-year old man on his birthday?

Where are all the rightie nutjob toetapping bootlickers, who defended trent lott for wishing that the segregation supporting dixiecrat party won the presidency?

Besides that there is NO comparison between the two and only desperate righties out to try and use any and every tiny little thing that they believe they can spin against the democrats would stoop to pretending that there is a comparison. LOL

Of course this isn't the first time the right has dishonestly tried to make something out of nothing to score political points and I doubt it will be the last.

I ssem to recall that many repunblicans in congress called for his resignation. Likewise, GW Bush did not offer him any kind of support.

Really?? Who on the right called for lott's resignation? How many republicans did so compared to the number that defended him?? Got any specifics?

Look at this thread and see how many on the right still defend lott even as they demand for reid's resignation as an example of the right's hypocrisy.
Where are all the leftist loon bedwetters, who jumped Trent Lott's shit for sucking up to 100-year old man on his birthday?

Where are all the rightie nutjob toetapping bootlickers, who defended trent lott for wishing that the segregation supporting dixiecrat party won the presidency?

Besides that there is NO comparison between the two and only desperate righties out to try and use any and every tiny little thing that they believe they can spin against the democrats would stoop to pretending that there is a comparison. LOL

Of course this isn't the first time the right has dishonestly tried to make something out of nothing to score political points and I doubt it will be the last.

Do you really believe that the senate majority leader saying that lighter skin makes him a viable candidate is nothing?

I am surprised at how this racism thing in the US has subsided. We can comment on the darkness of skin and openly talk about how different shades lend different levels of credibility.

Or is this a site where the left likes to downplay things when it its the left that does it.

Is that what reid said?? I don't think so.

Did you read the comment or did you just make it up as you went along by pulling excerpts from other poster's opinions? I have to ask because I don't remember the quote showing that reid said anything about obama's viability or his credibility. Could you please quote the comment and show where reid said what you imply that he said?
Why aren't the Lott defenders defending Reid?

Lott's own party wanted him out after that was made public.

I for one agreed with the decision to get rid of lott for the same reasons i am upset with reid, his comments were offensive and not acceptable in any congressperson.
Can you explain exactly how Reid's comments were offensive? Offensive to Whites perhaps, indicating that it would take a half white black person that speaks just like educated Whites do, to get elected by the majority white citizens....then yes, it was offensive to whites perhaps? But how was it offensive or racist?

Do you believe that if Obama was not educated and did not speak in the same mannerisms or way as the White people that helped elect him did, that they would have voted for him and got him elected?

Harry, was insulting white people and the prejudices that lie within that race, no?

Unlike the previous poster said, I don't ignore the American history of prejudice. Not with slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, Red Squads here in Chicago, Chinese Exclusion Act, etc.

However, Reid's prejudice that more Americans are prejudiced is a slap in the face to not only whites, but perpetuates the climate of racial politics that has been played by both sides. He needs to go.
Please, you are expecting the corrupt hoodlums in Ali Baba Obama and His Forty Thieves/Czars to do the right thing?

Are you nuts?
Why aren't the Lott defenders defending Reid?

Lott's own party wanted him out after that was made public.

I for one agreed with the decision to get rid of lott for the same reasons i am upset with reid, his comments were offensive and not acceptable in any congressperson.

Lott's own party did call for his removal, not all of them, but enough of them.

There was NO DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP that called for the resignation of Trent Lott....because Lott's position is gotten by Republican vote only, the Dems do not choose the leader of the Republican Senate.

Why is it then that the Republicans in office are requesting that Reid be removed as leader of the Democratic Senate?

I'd say Al Gore in 2002 was part of Democrat leadership, no?

Caught whistling Dixie - Salon.com

...On Monday, however, Al Gore spoke up. In an interview with CNN's Judy Woodruff Monday, Gore said, "It is not a small thing, Judy, for one of the half dozen most prominent political leaders in America to say that our problems are caused by integration and that we should have had a segregationist candidate. That is divisive and it is divisive along racial lines. That's the definition of a racist comment."...
Neither did Trent Lott...But that didn't stop you barking moonbats from howling when he kissed Strom Thurmond's ass at his 100th birthday party.

So you admit that reid did nothing wrong and yet that hasn't stopped hypocritical and dishonest righties from trying to make something out of nothing all for political gain.

Thanks for the admission. LOL

I am really surprised. You really dont think that evaluating someone based on the shade of their skin is not insensitive to ones race.
I find that hard to believe.

Why are you asking me questions about the other posters opinion that both reid and lott did nothing wrong?? Why didn't you ask the other poster??

Besides that weren't their polls done around the election that showed some DO in fact evaluate a candidate based on the shade of their skin??
Why aren't the Lott defenders defending Reid?

Lott's own party wanted him out after that was made public.

I for one agreed with the decision to get rid of lott for the same reasons i am upset with reid, his comments were offensive and not acceptable in any congressperson.
Can you explain exactly how Reid's comments were offensive? Offensive to Whites perhaps, indicating that it would take a half white black person that speaks just like educated Whites do, to get elected by the majority white citizens....then yes, it was offensive to whites perhaps? But how was it offensive or racist?
Do you believe that if Obama was not educated and did not speak in the same mannerisms or way as the White people that helped elect him did, that they would have voted for him and got him elected?

Harry, was insulting white people and the prejudices that lie within that race, no?

As I described in another thread http://www.usmessageboard.com/race-...nts-were-racist-racist-against-americans.html i felt it was racist against the american voting populace. Exactly like you said as a white man I personally was offended by his comments.

I also felt his comments were racist/prejudiced in nature. The nature of that racism being his assumption that the american voters wouldn't vote for a black man. It may just be a prejudiced or bigoted view and not racist but still its not an opinion I share or agree with, in fact it is an opinion that disgusts me to such an extent that I keep participating in these threads when I dont want to anymore.
Los Angeles Times has a similar column today, 1/11

[/]Do light-skinned Black people have an advantage? Yes. They are likely to get hired first and may earn more money | Ebony | Find Articles at BNET[/url]

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Yellow Hair Color has been found helpful, in fact, in the past that any can remember!)

Racial insensitivity does not deal with comments that are false.
Racial insensitivity refers to comments made that are true, but considered insensitive.
People lose jobs due to racial insensitivity.
Take it away from race. Lets go to appearance. To tell a fat person that he or she is fat is insensiutive, but true. If Reid had referred to a lady in his state as "the fat woman in the third row" would he get a pass becuase she is?

Are you serious?? LOL Your simple statement that someone is fat has nothing to do with thies debate and not comparable at all. Now if reid had merely said "obama is light skinned" then there would be a direct comparison. However that is not what reid said. His statement was more complex than merely stating one of obama's attributes. However, nice try. LOL
So you admit that reid did nothing wrong and yet that hasn't stopped hypocritical and dishonest righties from trying to make something out of nothing all for political gain.

Thanks for the admission. LOL

I am really surprised. You really dont think that evaluating someone based on the shade of their skin is not insensitive to ones race.
I find that hard to believe.

Why are you asking me questions about the other posters opinion that both reid and lott did nothing wrong?? Why didn't you ask the other poster??

Besides that weren't their polls done around the election that showed some DO in fact evaluate a candidate based on the shade of their skin??

Color of their skin? Yes. I have no doubt.
But the shade of the color of their skin?
I dont know...call me naive if you wish...but if someone was to vote for a black man, something tells me he does not care if the man is darker or lighter.
I never read anything about whites hating blacks based on their skin color. I thought it was based on their race. Unwarranted hatred yes...but based on the fact that they were of a different race.
Isnt a light black man just as much a black man as a dark black man?
So you see nothing wromg with the senate majority leader saying IMPLYING that dialect and skin color, IN HIS EYES, are issues that are considered for candidates?

You are so partisan you will let anything a democrat says go as "nothing to see here folks...move along"

I find it pathetic

Do you even know what reid was quoted as saying?? He was refering to obama as a presidential candidate and how his attributes would help him. You are really good at reading something into a statement when it doesn't really exist. LOL

Are you actually denying that where some people are concerned that race isn't an issue to be considered for candidates??

You are so partisan you will try make something out of nothing continuously out of desperation in an attempt to claw your way back into the majority, no matter what it takes.

As usual I find your desperation very pathetic. LOL

Yes, I heard and read (on the news) the entire quote.
He made it clear that his ability to adjust to the audience gave him an advantage. I am OK with that.
But he also said that his light skin color gave him an advantage as well. This too, may be true, but I am not convinced of it as being true.
But regardless, true or not, it fives the people reason to believe that even the senate majoerity leader believes that lighter skin is best for a candidate.
Thjere are certain things someone ion the spotlight should never say. Whether he believes it or not.
As for Partisan.....I fear you are calling the kettle black.
I voted Obama......and I do not like what I heard from Reid. How on earth can you?

I just realized you responded to someone else. Why did you not respond to me?

Are you sure you heard it?? becuase I didn't think they had audio of it?? Could you provide a link to the audio?
True or not?? So the veractiy of the statement doesn't matter to you?? WOW, Thanks for clearing up the fact that this is all a partisan issue with you. LOL

Did reid actually say that lighter skinn is best for a candidate?? Or is this yet another thing that you made up?
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Does anyone remember that cop who supposely did something really racist by asking the black assailant some questions? Does anyone remember how quickly Obama came out and denounced the cop as racist?

Does anyone remember how quickly Obama denounced Harry Reid? Does anyone remember how the NAACP came out and denounced our racist society? Does anyone remember the television shows about racism in America?

NO. No one remembers because the latter did not happen. It did not happen because politics comes before race for democrats.

It is simple to describe in either one or 2 words...take your pick

Double Standard.

Really now, there is no reason to be so hard on the hypocritical republicans. LOL

What was the stance of the majority of republicans concerning the cop and his arrest of a homeowner who was upset at being accused of breaking into his own house?? That is hardly what any HONEST person would call an "assailant" don't you think? Furthermore, didn't the right attack obama for his early statements in that incident and now look at how the right flip flops to the other side of the spectrum all because they believe it to be politically advantageous for them. tsk tsk.
Are my posts not visible or are am I being ignored becuase no one likes the fact that someone who voted for Obama was insulted by the remarks of Reid?

I, as a white man, found his remarks racist and insulting toward me.

He is saying i'm too racially minded to vote for a darker than obama black man with a different vocabulary.....thanks Reid you asshole.

WOW so pilgrim ASSUMES that reid was referring specifically to him. LOL way to self persecute. LOL

Are you denying that there are still some in this country who use race as factor when decided which candidate to vote for??
Are my posts not visible or are am I being ignored becuase no one likes the fact that someone who voted for Obama was insulted by the remarks of Reid?

Maybe it's because no one buys your story because you rush to defend and agree with the righties in this thread as you only seem to be confronting those on the left??? You appear disingenuous.
Are my posts not visible or are am I being ignored becuase no one likes the fact that someone who voted for Obama was insulted by the remarks of Reid?

I, as a white man, found his remarks racist and insulting toward me.

He is saying i'm too racially minded to vote for a darker than obama black man with a different vocabulary.....thanks Reid you asshole.

WOW so pilgrim ASSUMES that reid was referring specifically to him. LOL way to self persecute. LOL

Are you denying that there are still some in this country who use race as factor when decided which candidate to vote for??

hey jackanapes, he was referring to ALL voting americans, which I am one of.

Pffft....oh its DrHack, nevermind.
I, as a white man, found his remarks racist and insulting toward me.

He is saying i'm too racially minded to vote for a darker than obama black man with a different vocabulary.....thanks Reid you asshole.
It's disingenuous at best to pretend that, in this country, the hue of one's skin, MAY be a hindrance to one's success or climb in the social ladder. Especially among a certain group. Let's not act like America's history is not America's history.

So I can't take offence to someone's prejudice against me? How conservative of you.

So, can you show me in reid's comment where he directly mentions YOU?? Does it make you feel as though your are making a valid argument when you have to personalize it and try to make it about you?? LOL

Oh and do you care to explain your claim of prejudice??
I, as a white man, found his remarks racist and insulting toward me.

He is saying i'm too racially minded to vote for a darker than obama black man with a different vocabulary.....thanks Reid you asshole.

WOW so pilgrim ASSUMES that reid was referring specifically to him. LOL way to self persecute. LOL

Are you denying that there are still some in this country who use race as factor when decided which candidate to vote for??

hey jackanapes, he was referring to ALL voting americans, which I am one of.

Pffft....oh its DrHack, nevermind.

bullshit.... he was referring to a minority significant enough to tilt the results of an election.
WOW so pilgrim ASSUMES that reid was referring specifically to him. LOL way to self persecute. LOL

Are you denying that there are still some in this country who use race as factor when decided which candidate to vote for??

hey jackanapes, he was referring to ALL voting americans, which I am one of.

Pffft....oh its DrHack, nevermind.

bullshit.... he was referring to a minority significant enough to tilt the results of an election.

Really well then why did he apologize to ALL AMERICANS today? http://www.usmessageboard.com/current-events/101071-apology-accepted-thank-you-senator-reid.html
Where are all the leftist loon bedwetters, who jumped Trent Lott's shit for sucking up to 100-year old man on his birthday?

Why aren't the Lott defenders defending Reid?

Lott's own party wanted him out after that was made public.

I for one agreed with the decision to get rid of lott for the same reasons i am upset with reid, his comments were offensive and not acceptable in any congressperson.

Weren't there other reasons that they wanted him out??

OH and I am so sure that you agreed with the decision. LOL Can you prove that or are you merely claiming it now in an atttempt to avoid looking hypocrtical as you focus your attention on reid?
Why aren't the Lott defenders defending Reid?

Lott's own party wanted him out after that was made public.

I for one agreed with the decision to get rid of lott for the same reasons i am upset with reid, his comments were offensive and not acceptable in any congressperson.

Lott's own party did call for his removal, not all of them, but enough of them.

There was NO DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP that called for the resignation of Trent Lott....because Lott's position is gotten by Republican vote only, the Dems do not choose the leader of the Republican Senate.

Why is it then that the Republicans in office are requesting that Reid be removed as leader of the Democratic Senate?

Could it be political?? LOL They want him removed because with him out dems don't have 60 votes to bring about cloture and obstruction hating republicans can obstruct to the hearts content. They pretend that they have valid reasons but in the end it's nothing but partisan politics and hypocrisy.

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