Why didn't Obama denounce Harry Reid like he did the Cambridge Cop?

The point seemed to be that McCain was called a racist for referring to Obama as "that one"...

Was it that difficult to underswtand that point?

What ohter way could he have said it to make that point.

Please add in whatever words were missing to make that point...

Here...I re-wrote for you...please...enlighten me....is there a better choice of words to make the point?

"Didn't McCain get called a racist for using the phrase "that one" referring to Obama in a debate?"

While you are "re-writing" you should consider non-words such as "underswtand" and ohter"....just sayin'

As far as what the point was...WHO called McCain a racist for the "that one" remark"?

The same people that called Biden a racist for his clean and articulate statement.
ANd just as McCain PERSOANLLY put a stop to someone who blasted Obama incorrectly...it was up to the Obama camp to put a stop to the false accusations made toward Biden and then toward McCain....
But of course...why should he....afterall, he was able to capitalize on it.

Imagine that. Old is asked for proof and all he can do is offer vague generatlies as proof and then makes even more unsubstantiated claims that he will more than likely run away from supporting. LOL
Reid's "Dialect" comment was Racist in my opinion. Many people are still confused as to just because you mean no harm with your comments doesn't mean that your comments aren't Racist. I strongly believe that if a Republican had made this same "Dialect" comment,they would be immediately condemned and pressured to resign. I do see quite a bit of hypocrisy with Liberals and especially the Liberal Press.
Some people choose to have convenient convictions. Just because a person doesn't mean malice with their comments doesn't mean their comments aren't Racist. Reid's "Dialect" comment was Racist and insulting. For those of you who disagree,just pretend he has an (R) in front of his name rather than a (D). Hmm?
Reid's "Dialect" comment was Racist in my opinion. Many people are still confused as to just because you mean no harm with your comments doesn't mean that your comments aren't Racist. I strongly believe that if a Republican had made this same "Dialect" comment,they would be immediately condemned and pressured to resign. I do see quite a bit of hypocrisy with Liberals and especially the Liberal Press.

YOu've got to be kidding? The press has been ALL OVER THIS, running 24/7....I finally had to turn it off....

I also disagree, to me, there has to be malice for it to be racist....I did not think what trent lott said, was done in a malice manner and the same with Reid....neither to me, meant any harm....thus BOTH got cut a break, by me.
Reid's "Dialect" comment was Racist in my opinion. Many people are still confused as to just because you mean no harm with your comments doesn't mean that your comments aren't Racist. I strongly believe that if a Republican had made this same "Dialect" comment,they would be immediately condemned and pressured to resign. I do see quite a bit of hypocrisy with Liberals and especially the Liberal Press.

What's racist about it? It was an observation about racism. If I express the opinion that someone else might be racially affected in their voting choice, how does that make me a racist?
Neither did Trent Lott...But that didn't stop you barking moonbats from howling when he kissed Strom Thurmond's ass at his 100th birthday party.

So you admit that reid did nothing wrong and yet that hasn't stopped hypocritical and dishonest righties from trying to make something out of nothing all for political gain.

Thanks for the admission. LOL

I am really surprised. You really dont think that evaluating someone based on the shade of their skin is not insensitive to ones race.
I find that hard to believe.

it is an honest appraisal of the electorate. Like I said....go look at photographs of black politicians who have won elections in white districts. tell me what you think of their skin color when compared, for example, with a resident of Kenya.
I, as a white man, found his remarks racist and insulting toward me.

He is saying i'm too racially minded to vote for a darker than obama black man with a different vocabulary.....thanks Reid you asshole.
It's disingenuous at best to pretend that, in this country, the hue of one's skin, MAY be a hindrance to one's success or climb in the social ladder. Especially among a certain group. Let's not act like America's history is not America's history.
I, as a white man, found his remarks racist and insulting toward me.

He is saying i'm too racially minded to vote for a darker than obama black man with a different vocabulary.....thanks Reid you asshole.
It's disingenuous at best to pretend that, in this country, the hue of one's skin, MAY be a hindrance to one's success or climb in the social ladder. Especially among a certain group. Let's not act like America's history is not America's history.

Is it fair to assume that many Germans see the Jews as a religion that warrants extinction?
Do you think the Germans would want to be known for this?
How would the German population react if one of their highest political leaders said this?

Sorry. I fear this is being downplayed. Reid erred; and it was not a poor choice of words. He made an assumption about the American Population that may or may not be correct; but by no means a sentiment that should be articulated by a high ranking member of our government.
Seriously though,"Negro Dialect?" If not Racist,that certainly is pretty insulting. Reid's gotta go.
I, as a white man, found his remarks racist and insulting toward me.

He is saying i'm too racially minded to vote for a darker than obama black man with a different vocabulary.....thanks Reid you asshole.
It's disingenuous at best to pretend that, in this country, the hue of one's skin, MAY be a hindrance to one's success or climb in the social ladder. Especially among a certain group. Let's not act like America's history is not America's history.

So then you agree that this was actually a disparaging remark against the American voters and how they decide who to vote for and not against Obama.
I, as a white man, found his remarks racist and insulting toward me.

He is saying i'm too racially minded to vote for a darker than obama black man with a different vocabulary.....thanks Reid you asshole.
It's disingenuous at best to pretend that, in this country, the hue of one's skin, MAY be a hindrance to one's success or climb in the social ladder. Especially among a certain group. Let's not act like America's history is not America's history.

So I can't take offence to someone's prejudice against me? How conservative of you.
Where are all the leftist loon bedwetters, who jumped Trent Lott's shit for sucking up to 100-year old man on his birthday?

Why aren't the Lott defenders defending Reid?

Lott's own party wanted him out after that was made public.

I for one agreed with the decision to get rid of lott for the same reasons i am upset with reid, his comments were offensive and not acceptable in any congressperson.
Where are all the leftist loon bedwetters, who jumped Trent Lott's shit for sucking up to 100-year old man on his birthday?

Why aren't the Lott defenders defending Reid?

Lott's own party wanted him out after that was made public.

I for one agreed with the decision to get rid of lott for the same reasons i am upset with reid, his comments were offensive and not acceptable in any congressperson.
Can you explain exactly how Reid's comments were offensive? Offensive to Whites perhaps, indicating that it would take a half white black person that speaks just like educated Whites do, to get elected by the majority white citizens....then yes, it was offensive to whites perhaps? But how was it offensive or racist?

Do you believe that if Obama was not educated and did not speak in the same mannerisms or way as the White people that helped elect him did, that they would have voted for him and got him elected?

Harry, was insulting white people and the prejudices that lie within that race, no?
Where are all the leftist loon bedwetters, who jumped Trent Lott's shit for sucking up to 100-year old man on his birthday?

Why aren't the Lott defenders defending Reid?

Lott's own party wanted him out after that was made public.

I for one agreed with the decision to get rid of lott for the same reasons i am upset with reid, his comments were offensive and not acceptable in any congressperson.

Lott's own party did call for his removal, not all of them, but enough of them.

There was NO DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP that called for the resignation of Trent Lott....because Lott's position is gotten by Republican vote only, the Dems do not choose the leader of the Republican Senate.

Why is it then that the Republicans in office are requesting that Reid be removed as leader of the Democratic Senate?
Why aren't the Lott defenders defending Reid?

Lott's own party wanted him out after that was made public.

I for one agreed with the decision to get rid of lott for the same reasons i am upset with reid, his comments were offensive and not acceptable in any congressperson.

Lott's own party did call for his removal, not all of them, but enough of them.

There was NO DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP that called for the resignation of Trent Lott....because Lott's position is gotten by Republican vote only, the Dems do not choose the leader of the Republican Senate.

Why is it then that the Republicans in office are requesting that Reid be removed as leader of the Democratic Senate?

I assume it is becuase not one single democrat has spoken out negatively on this.

And I can say one thing for sure. Dialect will affect the electibility of anyone of any color if they do not speak articulately.

Likewise, I do not believe that anyone sees sa lighter skinned black man as less of a black man than one with darker skin. If a voter will vote for a black man, I do not think he is concerned with "how black he really is".

He deserved criticism from his party, but not to be outed. Obama did not warrant an apology, the American Electorate did. Obama should have not accepted the apology as he was not at all maligned.. He should have simply told Reid to apologize to thoise that you have so little faith in; The American Electorate.

But he nor Obama nor the party did anything but say it is "faux outrage". They want to say that about the republicans, go for it. But to say it about someone like me? A man who voted for Obama and has no party affiliation? I feel very slighted and applaud the republican party for speaking out. Sure would have been nice if Obama considered our feelings like he considered the feelings of that Harvard professor.

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