Why did Romney Lose?

Why did Romney lose the election?

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Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
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I think they all applied except Mormonism and Paul Ryan.

I don't think Ryan really helped his campaign, but he didn't really hurt it that much.

I also don't think anti-Mormonism hurt his campaign as much as it should have, because he didn't talk about it and no one else wanted to talk about it, either.
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He was crazy?

He is a man of no principals. He will say anything to appear in agreement with any group of people. He was secretive about his personal finances..taxes and Bain especially. He is a bishop in a cult. He mistreats dogs. He thinks deisguising himself as a Michigan State trooper and pulling women over is a harmless prank. He is a bully that thought it was "good fun" to cut the hair off of a gay kid in school.

In other words he was barely a better candidate than the ham sandwich that was supposed to beat Obama in a landslide. It wasn't just Willard. His supporters are just as flawed.
He was crazy?

He is a man of no principals. He will say anything to appear in agreement with any group of people. He was secretive about his personal finances..taxes and Bain especially. He is a bishop in a cult. He mistreats dogs. He thinks deisguising himself as a Michigan State trooper and pulling women over is a harmless prank. He is a bully that thought it was "good fun" to cut the hair off of a gay kid in school.

In other words he was barely a better candidate than the ham sandwich that was supposed to beat Obama in a landslide. It wasn't just Willard. His supporters are just as flawed.

Yeah, the man was a creep. But so was Bill Clinton, and he won twice.

I think what his real flaw was his inability to connect with people.


Maybe they should have gone with the sandwich...
The traditional small government, hold the government to a standard and work culture is being replaced by the third world, entailment, leftist, third world culture.

Simply, people that think that the government has a place within your life beat out the people that didn't.
Hurricane Sandy hurt him some and in the end Obama just did a better job of getting his message out and getting his supporters to the polls. Even though the electoral gap was big the popular vote was pretty close and most of the swing state races were close Romney has nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of sometimes you just have to tip your hat to the other guy.
He was a frigging liberal running as a conservative.

He couldn't hide from his past and campaigning as a conservative cost him the liberal and moderate votes he might have gotten from those that were fed up with Obama. The only people that really supported him were the 47% of people who were "anybody but Obama".

Hehe, just had to throw in that number.

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It's nothing Romney did. Obama played a dirty campaign by bribing people to vote for him. We'd need another Reagan to have beaten Obama, and we will brew one in 2016 to beat whatever democrat is running. The fact of the matter is people like free stuff, and that's what Obama offered.
The traditional small government, hold the government to a standard and work culture is being replaced by the third world, entailment, leftist, third world culture.

Simply, people that think that the government has a place within your life beat out the people that didn't.

The Rs not only want a PLACE in our lives, they want to control it completely.

Its not the Ds who think they should control who we marry or when and if we reproduce.

The GObP/pubpots are crazy. They are so far right, they're about to fall of the edge of the flat earth they believe in.
It's nothing Romney did. Obama played a dirty campaign by bribing people to vote for him. We'd need another Reagan to have beaten Obama, and we will brew one in 2016 to beat whatever democrat is running. The fact of the matter is people like free stuff, and that's what Obama offered.


Grow up and take responsibility for what you say and do.

The LAST thing we need is another Reagan.

Pay for your own health care insurance instead of depending on Libs to pay for you ER trips.

And, for Pete's sake, turn off Fox, Lush, Beck, Dredge, Britbart.

Think for yourself.
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Edit- It's an open poll, vote for as many options as you like.

I think they all applied except Mormonism and Paul Ryan.

I don't think Ryan really helped his campaign, but he didn't really hurt it that much.

I also don't think anti-Mormonism hurt his campaign as much as it should have, because he didn't talk about it and no one else wanted to talk about it, either.

Not that Romney could have done anything about it, of course, but the advantage of the incumbency was clearly instrumental.

Apparently the Obama campaign never left Ohio after 2008, for example; they hunkered down for four years like the French Resistance, ready to go back into action just before primary season.

Overall the Obama ‘ground game’ was brilliant, effective, and decisive – Romney had no idea what hit him.
It's nothing Romney did. Obama played a dirty campaign by bribing people to vote for him. We'd need another Reagan to have beaten Obama, and we will brew one in 2016 to beat whatever democrat is running. The fact of the matter is people like free stuff, and that's what Obama offered.


Grow up and take responsibility for what you say and do.

The LAST thing we need is another Reagan.

Pay for your own health care insurance instead of depending on Libs to pay for you ER trips.

And, for Pete's sake, turn off Fox, Lush, Beck, Dredge, Britbart.

Think for yourself.

Take responsibilty? Uh, okay, I said that Obama bought votes because he offered free stuff to people. Do you not think this caused a lot of people to vote for him.

As for Reagan, he easily is one of the top five presidents of all time. He restored American prosperity and greatness that we were so lacking. He was a great speaker, even better than Obama. That's what we need right now. I think his farewell address sums it up well, if you ever have the time to watch it. It'll bring tears to your eyes, I gurantee it. Google "Ronald Reagan's Farewell Address" and it should be the 21 minute YouTube video that comes up.

And I'm 14; my parents cover my health coverage. But I'm glad to see you don't support universal healthcare!

And regarding my news source, I get information from many sources. I trust fox the most, though, because even though I do believe they have conservative bias they have a lot of liberals on it that pretty much even things out. They also are the minority in terms of having lots of conservative commentators; so if they mess up, we'll all here about it on the other outlets. Where do you get your news, MSNBC?
It's nothing Romney did. Obama played a dirty campaign by bribing people to vote for him. We'd need another Reagan to have beaten Obama, and we will brew one in 2016 to beat whatever democrat is running. The fact of the matter is people like free stuff, and that's what Obama offered.

I voted for him. Where is my free stuff?

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