Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

Iran wasn't an ally.

Iran was a puppet.

The government of Iran was installed by the United States government.

Maybe that's what he means by "lost" Iran. When we install a puppet, goddam it, we own it.

Same way we "lost" the Panama Canal.
Yeah ummm... it was the Carter Administration that got them out of there, history-man.

Revisionist much?

Clinton gets your blame for something that happened 9 months after he left office, but Carter doesn't get your credit for something that happened 1 day after he left office?

Actually it was the day of. Coincidence, but it's telling the level of self-delusion some people are willing to put themselves through in the quest for this little-boy hero worship they seem to like. As if the vision of Ronald Reagan taking the oath aired in Tehran where they went, "oh shit, the actor's in! Release them all!!" :rofl:

Simple scenaria for simple minds...
they were released the day Reagan was sworn in. history man

By Warren Christopher's negotiations, history schmuck. You could look it up.

on the very day Reagan was sworn in. why not sooner eh??

The Iranians released the hostages for 2 reasons, one as a sort of good will gesture to Reagan. The whole Warren Christopher thing was a stalling action by the Iranians to keep those men, and as long as stupid Christopher, much like Chamberlain, thought his supposed diplomacy was working, the Iranian's knew they could keep the hostages for the POLITICAL RELATIONS that the rest of the Islamic world could see that little Iran had made the BIG EVIL America come to a standstill, and do nothing. And two,because they knew Reagan would actually DO SOMETHING about the situation,unlike weak kneed Jimmy Carter who they knew was a pathetic, spineless pushover. If he wasn't they would have never been hostages taken in the first place, and again, if Carter showed any kind of spine for a conflict, the Iranians would have let them go much sooner. But, history has a way of bending around which side your on, and who's telling it!
Bullshit! He got bitch slapped by the Ayatollah, and when The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, Carter tried to call Breznev and Breznev wouldn't even come to the phone (the "red phone"). Opec screwed him over too. Carter's answer to that was to put price freezes on gas at the retail level. Idiot! He drove all the little independents out of business, leaving only the big companies like Shell, Exxon, Mobil.

If you call Reagan's treason to hold the hostages until after the election"bitch slapped". Carter was a friend of small business and but it was big business(International corporations, Federal Reserve) that hated him. Yes Soviet and OPEC was mad but what is stronger Carter trying to do something about it or Reagan talking tough and kissing their ass behind the scenes.
That's a crock of shit. Reagan held no office during the hostage crisis. No one knew if he would be elected or not, and the notion that he could have influenced Iran to hold the hostages is utterly ridiculous. That ludicrous scenario was dreamed up by the liberals in an effort to slander Reagan and make Jimmy Carter look less incompetent. Ted Koppel did a series on his "Nightline" show called "Closing in on the October Surprise". He claimed he was going to expose a conspiracy by Reagan to steal the presidency from Carter. He was gonna find the truth, and each week he gave an update on his investigation. Every one of his "leads" ended in a dead end. Finally he gave up but do you think he came on air and said "I found nothing"??? No, he said NOTHING. He just dropped the subject. Koppel wasn't man enough to admit he was wrong. Neither are you.

It's been a while since I read this but as I recall George Bush still can't account for his whereabouts in Paris (?) sometime in October '80. Just as he can't account for his whereabouts in Dallas on November 22nd of 1963. :eusa_think:

But hey, I'm sure it's just a lapse of memory, it's not like he was CIA or something.

Oh wait...
If you call Reagan's treason to hold the hostages until after the election"bitch slapped". Carter was a friend of small business and but it was big business(International corporations, Federal Reserve) that hated him. Yes Soviet and OPEC was mad but what is stronger Carter trying to do something about it or Reagan talking tough and kissing their ass behind the scenes.
That's a crock of shit. Reagan held no office during the hostage crisis. No one knew if he would be elected or not, and the notion that he could have influenced Iran to hold the hostages is utterly ridiculous. That ludicrous scenario was dreamed up by the liberals in an effort to slander Reagan and make Jimmy Carter look less incompetent. Ted Koppel did a series on his "Nightline" show called "Closing in on the October Surprise". He claimed he was going to expose a conspiracy by Reagan to steal the presidency from Carter. He was gonna find the truth, and each week he gave an update on his investigation. Every one of his "leads" ended in a dead end. Finally he gave up but do you think he came on air and said "I found nothing"??? No, he said NOTHING. He just dropped the subject. Koppel wasn't man enough to admit he was wrong. Neither are you.

It's been a while since I read this but as I recall George Bush still can't account for his whereabouts in Paris (?) sometime in October '80. Just as he can't account for his whereabouts in Dallas on November 22nd of 1963. :eusa_think:

But hey, I'm sure it's just a lapse of memory, it's not like he was CIA or something.

Oh wait...

oh wait.......you need to smell what your shovelin'
By Warren Christopher's negotiations, history schmuck. You could look it up.

on the very day Reagan was sworn in. why not sooner eh??

The Iranians released the hostages for 2 reasons, one as a sort of good will gesture to Reagan. The whole Warren Christopher thing was a stalling action by the Iranians to keep those men, and as long as stupid Christopher, much like Chamberlain, thought his supposed diplomacy was working, the Iranian's knew they could keep the hostages for the POLITICAL RELATIONS that the rest of the Islamic world could see that little Iran had made the BIG EVIL America come to a standstill, and do nothing. And two,because they knew Reagan would actually DO SOMETHING about the situation,unlike weak kneed Jimmy Carter who they knew was a pathetic, spineless pushover. If he wasn't they would have never been hostages taken in the first place, and again, if Carter showed any kind of spine for a conflict, the Iranians would have let them go much sooner. But, history has a way of bending around which side your on, and who's telling it!

So you're saying there was an October Surprise deal.

Well, you can fight it out with Demographics--Boy. I'll just watch.

Revisionists. Bless their hearts.
on the very day Reagan was sworn in. why not sooner eh??

The Iranians released the hostages for 2 reasons, one as a sort of good will gesture to Reagan. The whole Warren Christopher thing was a stalling action by the Iranians to keep those men, and as long as stupid Christopher, much like Chamberlain, thought his supposed diplomacy was working, the Iranian's knew they could keep the hostages for the POLITICAL RELATIONS that the rest of the Islamic world could see that little Iran had made the BIG EVIL America come to a standstill, and do nothing. And two,because they knew Reagan would actually DO SOMETHING about the situation,unlike weak kneed Jimmy Carter who they knew was a pathetic, spineless pushover. If he wasn't they would have never been hostages taken in the first place, and again, if Carter showed any kind of spine for a conflict, the Iranians would have let them go much sooner. But, history has a way of bending around which side your on, and who's telling it!

So you're saying there was an October Surprise deal.

Well, you can fight it out with Demographics--Boy. I'll just watch.

Revisionists. Bless their hearts.

OCD boy is slightly miffed because the scenario I point out is more logical than the tales from the N.Y. Times, and other subversive publications.
I always assumed he had to deal with a congress of the other party but i just checked and that is false. Democrats had huge majorities in both houses!

During his first two years dems held the senate 61-38 ( 1 indy} and the House 292-143

His next two years it was 58-41 ( 1 indy) and 277-158.

He prolly could have made a lot of changes if he wanted to, but chose not to. I like that. In particular, he didn't start any wars though the bankers and news media tried to push him into a war with the staged Iran hostage crisis of 1979. He was NOT a weak president. He stood up to the war profiteers.
With the exception of Bob Dole and Bob Michaels, Carter had very little help on the hill....from either party. Domestically he was done in by Democrats in Congress that resented the rube. Many of them thought they deserved to be in the White House instead of him.

That's a good point. He came out of nowhere. Clearly his election wasn't in the script. Why, he wasn't even a Skull and Bones Boy. Don't tell anybody but... he's not even a Mason :ack-1:
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The Iranians released the hostages for 2 reasons, one as a sort of good will gesture to Reagan. The whole Warren Christopher thing was a stalling action by the Iranians to keep those men, and as long as stupid Christopher, much like Chamberlain, thought his supposed diplomacy was working, the Iranian's knew they could keep the hostages for the POLITICAL RELATIONS that the rest of the Islamic world could see that little Iran had made the BIG EVIL America come to a standstill, and do nothing. And two,because they knew Reagan would actually DO SOMETHING about the situation,unlike weak kneed Jimmy Carter who they knew was a pathetic, spineless pushover. If he wasn't they would have never been hostages taken in the first place, and again, if Carter showed any kind of spine for a conflict, the Iranians would have let them go much sooner. But, history has a way of bending around which side your on, and who's telling it!

So you're saying there was an October Surprise deal.

Well, you can fight it out with Demographics--Boy. I'll just watch.

Revisionists. Bless their hearts.

OCD boy is slightly miffed because the scenario I point out is more logical than the tales from the N.Y. Times, and other subversive publications.

It's also unlinked. To anything.
"Logical"? :lol: I dunno about that but I'll refer you to what your opponent on this conspiracy said, Demographics-Boy hisself:

In other words, you have no fucking proof, just accusations and conspiracy theories that you can't back up.

Let's do another thought experiment.

Jimmy Carter runs against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democrat Party primaries.

Who will you vote for?

Carter will be 92 in 2016. But he hasn't lost a step. I heard an interview with him a week ago, and from the voice it could have been 1978.
Carter started FEMA to help Americans during a disaster. Bush used FEMA to make the disaster worse.
So you're saying there was an October Surprise deal.

Well, you can fight it out with Demographics--Boy. I'll just watch.

Revisionists. Bless their hearts.

OCD boy is slightly miffed because the scenario I point out is more logical than the tales from the N.Y. Times, and other subversive publications.

It's also unlinked. To anything.
"Logical"? :lol: I dunno about that but I'll refer you to what your opponent on this conspiracy said, Demographics-Boy hisself:

In other words, you have no fucking proof, just accusations and conspiracy theories that you can't back up.


But OCD boy, you can link to all the lies you want, as my scenario has the logic behind it!....But don't worry, just post up a PBS article about it, like I did with the KKK! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

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