Why did Feinstein sit on the Kavanaugh letter?

Professor accusing Kavanaugh is radical SJW with some damning student reviews

It's true that Bill Clinton's liberal '90s apologists justified his sexual misconduct with the claim "Character doesn’t matter." It nonetheless does, and since Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hopes are being influenced by accusations that may speak to his character, it's only fair to examine the character of his accuser. And this woman, Palo Alto University psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford, is a radical social-justice warrior with some damning student reviews - including one from a person who wrote "I am honestly scared of her."

Ford's accusation goes back to her high-school days, in approximately 1982, when she would have been 15 and Kavanaugh 17. She claims that Kavanaugh laid on top of her and groped her while heavily intoxicated and that the incident ended when a friend of his, Mark Judge, jumped on both of them, sending them all tumbling (you can read a more thorough account here).

Whatever the truth of the matter, however, certainly true is that Ford is a radical leftist who'd be inclined to zealously oppose a Kavanaugh nomination. For example, Breitbart reports that she not only has attended anti-Trump events, but actually donned a pink "brain pu**y hat" for a 2017 anti-Trump march.

Just as telling, though, may be her student reviews. Consider the following screen grab of one of her reviews (now scrubbed) from the popular site Rate My Professors:


(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

There are NO reviews whatsoever on RateMyProfessors on Christine Blasey Ford at Palo Alto University.
She is a RESEARCH Psychologist
You have fallen for RW claptrap - unless of course you can link this review :)
Last edited:
Who really cares ?

So what if this happened ?

Confirm him and get on with it.

Seriously? ^ Just WoW :rolleyes-41:

Seriously what, moron ?
Something that happened 35 years ago....matters now ?
Please make the connection.
You lost the election.
Suck on it.

If true, this is a serious matter and you should know that.
My country doesn't send gropers/ attempted rapists to lifetime appointments.
And PARTICULARY when the nominee has a history of frowning on women's rights.
You are beyond moronic - You're a Deplorable

Stop faking outrage.

It really gets old.

If you really cared about the issue, and if the press really cared, they would be all over this story 24/7, but they are not

Congress paid $17 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

Congress has, for a long time, used taxpayer money to keep women silent whom they have assaulted.

But alas, our problem is Trump, isn't it, and not the Swamp.

In fact, why not focus on drunk 17 year olds instead, right?

The slush fund was a travesty. But the subject here is Christine Blasey Ford and a SCOTUS nominee attempting to rape her while his self-admitted "black out drunk" school buddy watched.
Who really cares ?

So what if this happened ?

Confirm him and get on with it.

Seriously? ^ Just WoW :rolleyes-41:

Seriously what, moron ?
Something that happened 35 years ago....matters now ?
Please make the connection.
You lost the election.
Suck on it.

If true, this is a serious matter and you should know that.
My country doesn't send gropers/ attempted rapists to lifetime appointments.
And PARTICULARY when the nominee has a history of frowning on women's rights.
You are beyond moronic - You're a Deplorable

Save your lectures for someone who cares if you live or die.

Your country elects gropers, rapists and murderers to office in high profile fashion (Can anyone say Chapa....).

Your interpretation of what constitutes protected special interest are of no concern to me. He has ruled fairly and with distinction in all cases.

I enjoy being a "deplorable" (as per Hillary) and don't mind telling you to go fuck yourself.
Who really cares ?

So what if this happened ?

Confirm him and get on with it.

Seriously? ^ Just WoW :rolleyes-41:

Seriously what, moron ?
Something that happened 35 years ago....matters now ?
Please make the connection.
You lost the election.
Suck on it.

If true, this is a serious matter and you should know that.
My country doesn't send gropers/ attempted rapists to lifetime appointments.
And PARTICULARY when the nominee has a history of frowning on women's rights.
You are beyond moronic - You're a Deplorable

Stop faking outrage.

It really gets old.

If you really cared about the issue, and if the press really cared, they would be all over this story 24/7, but they are not

Congress paid $17 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

Congress has, for a long time, used taxpayer money to keep women silent whom they have assaulted.

But alas, our problem is Trump, isn't it, and not the Swamp.

In fact, why not focus on drunk 17 year olds instead, right?

The slush fund was a travesty. But the subject here is Christine Blasey Ford and a SCOTUS nominee attempting to rape her while his self-admitted "black out drunk" school buddy watched.

The subject here is whether such an accusation deserves any consideration.

It does not.

Time to move on.
I found it odd she said it basically ruined her life. Couldnt maintain relationships with men... yet, she dont remember many details about it that could lead to more witnesses. Like where it was and such.
This is a fucking joke. I dont like the kavfefe guy but i feel sorry for him..
Bunch of sorry mother fuckers in congress!

The news clip I saw on it started with, "California Professor accuses Supreme Court Nominee ...". The sad part is that I am just as likely to believe a California college professor would go as far as making shit up to stop a Supreme Court nomination, as I am to believe the nominee did anything. It's not that I want to believe one thing or another, but that fact that either would likely lie about it.
It is actually when BUT HILLARY!!! is not a rebuttal from your end of the stick. :)
/----/ But Hillary set the standard for harassing women accusers. She deserves the credit, don't ya think?.

That's stupid, so no
/----/ In case you missed it:
Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998
by Kristinn Taylor January 5, 2016 33 Comments
A 1998 interview confirms allegations by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton was involved in attacking women who accused her husband, then President Bill Clinton, of assault and other sexual improprieties.

In the interview, Hillary said those accusing and investigating her husband “would have a lot to answer for” and that their backgrounds would be investigated.

It was a dem. It was all good. Theyre hypocrites. It the Rs bow down to the dems on this, they can all get thrown out.

She'll be testifying. Collins, Corker, Heitkamp, Flake and others will insist on it prior to a vote.
Sorry, but for the ladies especially, not holding out on a vote prior to a hearing would be political suicide.

The Rs will bow down like a wet paper bag to the dems.
Diane Feinstein Sat on Letter With Bogus Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh for Months | LifeNews.com

So here Brett Kavanaugh was brought in to answer any and all questions and concerns, and the whole time Diane Feinstein sat on the letter about him assaulting that woman, that is, up until they are all ready to vote.

Really? How does that work exactly?

The woman didn’t want to go public with the accusation. And who can blame her. There is nothing ahead for her but attacks and abuse.

She changed her mind. She hoped he would be stopped some other way. When it didn’t happen, she went public.
What crap. Kindly tell me what woman is attacked and doesn't remember exactly where it happened, when it happened and didn't even tell her closest friends? This is the democrats made up hail mary attempt to delay this nomination beyond the midterms. Nothing else. This woman can lie with impunity, knowing that democrats never have to answer for it. Example.. Keith Ellison

What makes her so special ?


What the fuck was she doing at the party anyway ?
Who really cares ?

So what if this happened ?

Confirm him and get on with it.

Seriously? ^ Just WoW :rolleyes-41:

Seriously what, moron ?
Something that happened 35 years ago....matters now ?
Please make the connection.
You lost the election.
Suck on it.

If true, this is a serious matter and you should know that.
My country doesn't send gropers/ attempted rapists to lifetime appointments.
And PARTICULARY when the nominee has a history of frowning on women's rights.
You are beyond moronic - You're a Deplorable

Stop faking outrage.

It really gets old.

If you really cared about the issue, and if the press really cared, they would be all over this story 24/7, but they are not

Congress paid $17 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

Congress has, for a long time, used taxpayer money to keep women silent whom they have assaulted.

But alas, our problem is Trump, isn't it, and not the Swamp.

In fact, why not focus on drunk 17 year olds instead, right?

The slush fund was a travesty. But the subject here is Christine Blasey Ford and a SCOTUS nominee attempting to rape her while his self-admitted "black out drunk" school buddy watched.

No, the slush fund was not a travesty, it was a crime.

Now why are these folks not held to the same scrutiny?

You know, the EXACT same people deciding if Kavanaugh should get on SCOTUS.

Again, the allegations are about a 17 year old drunk kid, and not a sitting adult who is an elected Congressman.

The Swamp is the issue here. They have no credibility.
It is actually when BUT HILLARY!!! is not a rebuttal from your end of the stick. :)
/----/ But Hillary set the standard for harassing women accusers. She deserves the credit, don't ya think?.

That's stupid, so no
/----/ In case you missed it:
Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998
by Kristinn Taylor January 5, 2016 33 Comments
A 1998 interview confirms allegations by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that Hillary Clinton was involved in attacking women who accused her husband, then President Bill Clinton, of assault and other sexual improprieties.

In the interview, Hillary said those accusing and investigating her husband “would have a lot to answer for” and that their backgrounds would be investigated.

It was a dem. It was all good. Theyre hypocrites. It the Rs bow down to the dems on this, they can all get thrown out.

She'll be testifying. Collins, Corker, Heitkamp, Flake and others will insist on it prior to a vote.
Sorry, but for the ladies especially, not holding out on a vote prior to a hearing would be political suicide.

Its only up to McConnell to decide whether or not to have this broad testify before a vote.

Not up to any of the others.

BTW, they can still vote "no", if they like, even without this broad testifying. I don't have a problem with that.
No. He's just a symptom. The ends of the spectrum are killing us.
'The Symptom, Not the Disease:' Michael Moore's New Film Shows How Deep Political Dysfunction—and Failure of Democrats—Set Stage for Trump - "Donald J. Trump did not just fall from the sky. His rise to the presidency was not an aberration and should not have come as a shock."

"In addition to Trump, Moore takes aim at Obama for his administration's insufficient response to the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, as well as Democratic establishment leaders including Nancy Pelosi and the Clintons for driving the party to become increasingly beholden to corporate interests while ignoring the needs of working class families and the common good".
Those we choose to "lead" us are a reflection of us, which should pretty much scare the shit out of any reasonable person.

Why I keep saying...our problems are not political and will not be solved politically.
Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to win the political battle. But the real problem is baked into the very system.
Who really cares ?

So what if this happened ?

Confirm him and get on with it.

Seriously? ^ Just WoW :rolleyes-41:

Seriously what, moron ?
Something that happened 35 years ago....matters now ?
Please make the connection.
You lost the election.
Suck on it.

If true, this is a serious matter and you should know that.
My country doesn't send gropers/ attempted rapists to lifetime appointments.
And PARTICULARY when the nominee has a history of frowning on women's rights.
You are beyond moronic - You're a Deplorable

Stop faking outrage.

It really gets old.

If you really cared about the issue, and if the press really cared, they would be all over this story 24/7, but they are not

Congress paid $17 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

Congress has, for a long time, used taxpayer money to keep women silent whom they have assaulted.

But alas, our problem is Trump, isn't it, and not the Swamp.

In fact, why not focus on drunk 17 year olds instead, right?

The slush fund was a travesty. But the subject here is Christine Blasey Ford and a SCOTUS nominee attempting to rape her while his self-admitted "black out drunk" school buddy watched.
"motherjones" isn't much of a reference at this point.
if he was "black out drunk" then you don't remember anything. in their rush to paint him in the worst way possible, they forget that if you're that drunk you're not going to remember a thing now are you? so how can he remember what happened 30 years ago as a blackout drunk high school student? if even true.
Seriously? ^ Just WoW :rolleyes-41:

Seriously what, moron ?
Something that happened 35 years ago....matters now ?
Please make the connection.
You lost the election.
Suck on it.

If true, this is a serious matter and you should know that.
My country doesn't send gropers/ attempted rapists to lifetime appointments.
And PARTICULARY when the nominee has a history of frowning on women's rights.
You are beyond moronic - You're a Deplorable

Stop faking outrage.

It really gets old.

If you really cared about the issue, and if the press really cared, they would be all over this story 24/7, but they are not

Congress paid $17 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

Congress has, for a long time, used taxpayer money to keep women silent whom they have assaulted.

But alas, our problem is Trump, isn't it, and not the Swamp.

In fact, why not focus on drunk 17 year olds instead, right?

The slush fund was a travesty. But the subject here is Christine Blasey Ford and a SCOTUS nominee attempting to rape her while his self-admitted "black out drunk" school buddy watched.

No, the slush fund was not a travesty, it was a crime.

Now why are these folks not held to the same scrutiny?

You know, the EXACT same people deciding if Kavanaugh should get on SCOTUS.

Again, the allegations are about a 17 year old drunk kid, and not a sitting adult who is an elected Congressman.

The Swamp is the issue here. They have no credibility.

Feinstein deserves her reputation as a partisan shithead.

It's amazing that the left has created the kind of environment where this kind of thing can even hope to be seen as anything but blatant.

That is why they lose elections they should easily win.
No, the slush fund was not a travesty, it was a crime.

Now why are these folks not held to the same scrutiny?
You know, the EXACT same people deciding if Kavanaugh should get on SCOTUS.
Again, the allegations are about a 17 year old drunk kid, and not a sitting adult who is an elected Congressman.
The Swamp is the issue here. They have no credibility.

At this point, Trump supporters should avoid at all cost discussing "The Swamp" :)

Seriously? ^ Just WoW :rolleyes-41:

Seriously what, moron ?
Something that happened 35 years ago....matters now ?
Please make the connection.
You lost the election.
Suck on it.

If true, this is a serious matter and you should know that.
My country doesn't send gropers/ attempted rapists to lifetime appointments.
And PARTICULARY when the nominee has a history of frowning on women's rights.
You are beyond moronic - You're a Deplorable

Stop faking outrage.

It really gets old.

If you really cared about the issue, and if the press really cared, they would be all over this story 24/7, but they are not

Congress paid $17 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

Congress has, for a long time, used taxpayer money to keep women silent whom they have assaulted.

But alas, our problem is Trump, isn't it, and not the Swamp.

In fact, why not focus on drunk 17 year olds instead, right?

The slush fund was a travesty. But the subject here is Christine Blasey Ford and a SCOTUS nominee attempting to rape her while his self-admitted "black out drunk" school buddy watched.
"motherjones" isn't much of a reference at this point.
if he was "black out drunk" then you don't remember anything. in their rush to paint him in the worst way possible, they forget that if you're that drunk you're not going to remember a thing now are you? so how can he remember what happened 30 years ago as a blackout drunk high school student? if even true.

What was she doing at the party ?

Clearly she needed to be somewhere else.
The Rs will bow down like a wet paper bag to the dems.

Do you not understand that all it takes is ONE who holds out on a vote prior to a hearing that this woman is willing to give.
In this case, there are SEVERAL
Not a matter of paper bags, wet OR dry - It is political reality.

Yes, because they're weak R's that bow to the dems.
Seriously what, moron ?
Something that happened 35 years ago....matters now ?
Please make the connection.
You lost the election.
Suck on it.

If true, this is a serious matter and you should know that.
My country doesn't send gropers/ attempted rapists to lifetime appointments.
And PARTICULARY when the nominee has a history of frowning on women's rights.
You are beyond moronic - You're a Deplorable

Stop faking outrage.

It really gets old.

If you really cared about the issue, and if the press really cared, they would be all over this story 24/7, but they are not

Congress paid $17 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

Congress has, for a long time, used taxpayer money to keep women silent whom they have assaulted.

But alas, our problem is Trump, isn't it, and not the Swamp.

In fact, why not focus on drunk 17 year olds instead, right?

The slush fund was a travesty. But the subject here is Christine Blasey Ford and a SCOTUS nominee attempting to rape her while his self-admitted "black out drunk" school buddy watched.
"motherjones" isn't much of a reference at this point.
if he was "black out drunk" then you don't remember anything. in their rush to paint him in the worst way possible, they forget that if you're that drunk you're not going to remember a thing now are you? so how can he remember what happened 30 years ago as a blackout drunk high school student? if even true.

What was she doing at the party ?

Clearly she needed to be somewhere else.
at this point i have zero proof there was this "party" and if there were, i'm sure some of the 65 people who have vouched for him were there also.

65 > 1. esp when that "1" has a cleaned up profile in our history and suddenly not on much social media.
No, the slush fund was not a travesty, it was a crime.

Now why are these folks not held to the same scrutiny?
You know, the EXACT same people deciding if Kavanaugh should get on SCOTUS.
Again, the allegations are about a 17 year old drunk kid, and not a sitting adult who is an elected Congressman.
The Swamp is the issue here. They have no credibility.

At this point, Trump supporters should avoid at all cost discussing "The Swamp" :)


Saul Alinsk would be proud.
If true, this is a serious matter and you should know that.
My country doesn't send gropers/ attempted rapists to lifetime appointments.
And PARTICULARY when the nominee has a history of frowning on women's rights.
You are beyond moronic - You're a Deplorable

Stop faking outrage.

It really gets old.

If you really cared about the issue, and if the press really cared, they would be all over this story 24/7, but they are not

Congress paid $17 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics

Congress has, for a long time, used taxpayer money to keep women silent whom they have assaulted.

But alas, our problem is Trump, isn't it, and not the Swamp.

In fact, why not focus on drunk 17 year olds instead, right?

The slush fund was a travesty. But the subject here is Christine Blasey Ford and a SCOTUS nominee attempting to rape her while his self-admitted "black out drunk" school buddy watched.
"motherjones" isn't much of a reference at this point.
if he was "black out drunk" then you don't remember anything. in their rush to paint him in the worst way possible, they forget that if you're that drunk you're not going to remember a thing now are you? so how can he remember what happened 30 years ago as a blackout drunk high school student? if even true.

What was she doing at the party ?

Clearly she needed to be somewhere else.
at this point i have zero proof there was this "party" and if there were, i'm sure some of the 65 people who have vouched for him were there also.

65 > 1. esp when that "1" has a cleaned up profile in our history and suddenly not on much social media.

Color me shocked.

The left has never done this kind of things before.

Oh wait....

But in each case...they see no reason to apologize for jerking the American Public around. They just keep at it.

Now Kavanaugh has no history of anything like this.....and something from 35 years ago surfaces. If they were drunk...what was she ?

Maybe she'll produce a blue dress with barf all over it.

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