Why California is a SHITHOLE

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And just because "I'm jealous" of my Cali clients that are still stuck in that hellhole -- I STILL charge them inflated Cali prices... :laughing0301: Couldn't get from Silicon Valley to San Fran anymore or Santa Cruz by car anymore anyways since Loma Prieta and all the "negative" transportation "fixes" that they decided to implement.

Why would or should you change rates any different? Let me get this straight....... You move out of California your have the same clients.... Why should you change your rates? Can you please help me understand that?

I sell my instruments the same price here in Ca or in remote areas of Wyoming or Alaska. I raised my price only if the installation/services is far from civilization that I have to pay another field service technicians.
1. So making a lot of money because of California is bad thing? So let me repeat my question. You made a lot of money because of Ca...... If members here read your post. They are not jealous?

What is this jealousy fixation of yours? You think EVERYONE is dying to be a Californian? You WILL die in California if that's YOUR wish. But don't think you've led a better or richer life BECAUSE you live in California. That's that freaking crazy..

I can't smoke a cigarette in public anywhere there. But you BUILD tent cities in the streets so folks can litter it with Hypos and their feces.. You guys are kinda fucked up... Because of that "what me worry" Cali spirit..

Wait until the State that took over Earthquake insurance needs to make a big payout. And they can't afford to fix the roads or the schools for a decade or more. I'll show you how "jealous" anyone is of you.

Hope you got a fantastic retirement account and can pay the luxury taxes that are coming for HAVING one..
Why would or should you change rates any different? Let me get this straight....... You move out of California your have the same clients.... Why should you change your rates? Can you please help me understand that?

See? There's your problem. You need to LOOK at quality of life and COST of living elsewhere.

I charge my clients the SAME outrageous amount I did in Cali. Because I can. But any clients I pick up out of Cali get more "normal" rates. Because Cali money is Monopoly money. It's HIGHLY inflated as is the way of life out there. Anyone leaving with a pension or retirement or savings or equity you "STOLE" from Cali shitty houses that you sell -- will see that money go TWICE or more as far elsewhere.

EVERYTHING is inflated with Cali money. Housing, insurance, hospitals, gasoline, utilities, EVERYTHING. You're NOT as rich as you THINK y'all are...
2. If you live in urban areas yes high cost of living is high..... but if you go outside the city is not that bad. Actually some of these nurses that have ( recruited) living allowances in moving here to Ca. They take those in cash then live elsewhere outside the city. Like those nurses at Cedars Sinai in Beverly Hills.

If those nurses took their cash to Nashville, they could LIVE like Beverley Hills. That's the point. Same kind of house would cost them 1/3 of what they pay with over an hour of commute every day and they wouldn't be killing the planet.
Raising the minimum wage does little more than raise prices....and increase the use of robotics.

California is a shithole!


Don’t you ever get tired? What the fuck did we do to you that you are so fucking bitter about California?
Get a life.
Just because you have no legitimate rebuttals to what I post here doesn't mean I'm bitter about California.

California is a shithole...that's all. California government thinks it can ignore US immigration laws. In doing so, it has turned itself into a shithole and threatens the entire nation with and endless stream of worthless fucking criminals and violent gang members.

I don't hate Californians. I hate California's government. Get with the program, shit-for-brains!

No legitimate rebuttal? REALLY? I MEAN REALLY MR. SHITHOLE?

Read post #375, 378, 386, 406, 485, 490, 503, 507 etc etc etc..... where I was trashing a piece of shit like you. Because you don’t really know anything much about Ca.

So far most of your post are nothing but shit this and shit that because you are a piece of shit despicable human being.

The only mistake I made against you .... was I thought you live here...... But you don’t even live here. All your information is cherry pick bad parts of California.

Keep trying MR.SHITHOLE.
One doesn't have to try hard at all to find articles proving California is a cesspool of rampant liberalism, a faltering economy, and a haven for illegal alien criminals. The fact that I don't live there has nothing to do with it. The fact that you are trapped there living in your basement gives you cause to defend your condition.

I've already read the posts you listed. What the fuck makes you think I would read them again? Nobody in their right mind would deliberately read posts from a shit-for-brains child like you.

Really? You asked me for legitimate rebuttal I gave you several post numbers then you backed off. The shit for brains. Really? Those post are California produce in billions in dollars and in volumes that you are trying to down played. Dude.

I’m not stuck at all here bud. I have lots of choices fr more than you can imagine and I don’t have a basement either.
I haven't backed off. I just refuse to read your tripe twice. You have rebutted nothing....except that you claim to have no basement. It must be uncomfortable in the garage.
California's Federal Tax $$$ for Homeless Go to Lawsuits, Misuse, Waste

The Los Angeles City Council has voted to develop a proposal to house every homeless person in the city. The project is being met with intense skepticism, especially as a new report highlights the billions of dollars statewide devoted to the issue going unspent, tied up in litigation, or wasted.

California’s homeless population has grown to 134,000. The money isn’t being spent on them or at all.

The only problem with your link came from an unknown media with heavily bias towards your kinds. Go get me something more credible.

Independent Sentinel - Media Bias/Fact Check

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
This was in 2015. Statewide 115,738 Californians were counted as homeless. Of those counted, 73,699 people were unsheltered — by far the largest such population in the nation.
Homelessness in California - Western City - September 2016 - Sacramento

This is for Los Angelas County only...in 2018.
How can a place with 58,000 homeless people continue to function?
From dirty streets to wildfires to viral outbreaks, homelessness impacts us all. There is no passing the buck.
By The Times Editorial Board
L.A. homeless crisis grows despite political promises, many speeches and millions of dollars. How do we fix this?

This is from HUD (2017 numbers)
The 2017 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress: Part 1
States with the Highest and Lowest Rates of Unsheltered People
Experiencing Homelessness

That's 134,278....278 MORE than my first link claimed....and it came from the USGovernment agency called HUD.

Now shut the fuck up!

California is a shithole!
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion
I've found that right wingers who criticize California usually come from Mississippi, Georgia or Alabama.
It's called extremely jealous.

No --- I LEFT Cali with a huge pile of Cali dollars to Tenn. Where they SPEND better and the govt WORKS on it's fundamental responsibilities to the taxpayers. Not plastic bag bans or fining waiters for handing out plastic forks..

Lots of my acquaintances here are ALSO Cali escapees. Family down the road lived 6 miles from my old place in the Coastal hills of SF bay..

Jealous is LAST THING that folks in the South think of Cali you nidget.. First thing they think of is mismanagement, crystal worshippers, hollywood egomaniacs, and fruits and nuts..

So you made a lot of money after selling your house in Ca. Do you honestly believe that members here that read your post are not jealous of you? Wish they can make that fortunes. Like my post in a separate thread. My 2 friends from Los Gatos that sold their houses one made $1.5 and the other is $2. something. Bought retirement houses in PS newer and bigger paid it off without touching their savings. What a shit hole place to make money in Ca.

If you have a kid that just graduated of RNs or Engineering or even old timers...... how much do you think they will make in Nevada, Arizona, Texas etc etc etc around maybe $30 to $40 an hour max. Here in California especially in big cities they pay far higher than that. Do you honestly believe that they are not jealous that they wish they can travel to Ca seeking higher pay? Link below. Even outside the cities like Kaiser per diem starts at over $50/hour.

If I saw a bigger and nicer boat than mine.... of course I get jealous and that is normal for human. Isn’t it?

If visitors from other states come here to California and they see places like these. Link below. That are affordable from as low as $200k new houses ( less if you lease) with very nice community with golf course nearby. Do you think they are not jealous?

I live here. Why should you or I be worried or bothered about crystal worshippers or Hollywood egomaniacs? What’s wrong with fruits and nuts?

California is the 6th largest economy in this planet with current big time booming economy that no states can come close with current unemployment of 4.4%. Is that problem?

Palm Springs 55+ Communities | Active Adult Communities in CA

Best Cities for Travel Nurses

If you’re all about earning a top-paying salary, it’s likely that you’ll end up going west. California cities in particular boast some of the highest salaries for travel nurses in the nation, with San Jose leading the pack with an annual salary range of $73,000 to $116,000, according to salary survey data compiled by Onward Healthcare. Other California cities with the potential to earn over six figures include San Francisco, Oakland, Long Beach, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
Since you're so goddamned rich, why don't you take in a few dozen of the 134,247 homeless people and give them jobs washing down your boat and maintaining your lawns. You could even move some of them to your Florida mansion.
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Well let's see. One reason the San Francisco area might be called a shithole is because enough of its population urinate and defacate outside on neighborhood streets, sidewalks, parkways, etc. and have been for quite a while now virtually undisturbed by city government. Ah, breathe deep...take in that wonderful smell of left coast liberalism!
Well let's see. One reason the San Francisco area might be called a shithole is because enough of its population urinate and defacate outside on neighborhood streets, sidewalks, parkways, etc. and have been for quite a while now virtually undisturbed by city government. Ah, breathe deep...take in that wonderful smell of left coast liberalism!
San Franny City Fathers don't bother cleaning it up. They just provide maps to tell gentile tourists where to go to keep from steppin' in it. The stench goes for miles around, especially east of the turd/piss zones when the ocean breeze is movin, it.
Well let's see. One reason the San Francisco area might be called a shithole is because enough of its population urinate and defacate outside on neighborhood streets, sidewalks, parkways, etc. and have been for quite a while now virtually undisturbed by city government. Ah, breathe deep...take in that wonderful smell of left coast liberalism!
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage helps Labor pay for infrastructure.
Well let's see. One reason the San Francisco area might be called a shithole is because enough of its population urinate and defacate outside on neighborhood streets, sidewalks, parkways, etc. and have been for quite a while now virtually undisturbed by city government. Ah, breathe deep...take in that wonderful smell of left coast liberalism!
San Franny City Fathers don't bother cleaning it up. They just provide maps to tell gentile tourists where to go to keep from steppin' in it. The stench goes for miles around, especially east of the turd/piss zones when the ocean breeze is movin, it.
New Cities; let's ask Academia to provide off the shelf samples for any occasion.
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