why Black Lives Matter matters


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
here are some of the things that cops did to blacks during Obama's presidency:

arrested a man named Michael for filing a false report cos he told them his name was "Mike"

locked up a woman in Ferguson for "occupancy permit violation" when she called 911 to report she was being beat up by her boyfriend and the police learned he was not legally living in the house

killed a 7 year old girl in Detroit while looking for drugs at her father's house

shot Walter Scott in the back in Charleston after stopping him for a traffic infraction

severed Freddie Gray's spinal cord in Baltimore.

unloaded 17 bullets into 17 year old LaQuan McDonald while he lays peacefully on a Chicago street.

pushed a teenage girl in a bikini to the ground in texas.

shot 12 year old Tamir Rice within 2 seconds of seein him in a public park.

pumped bullets into Philando Castie in Minnesota while his girlfriend livestreamed it on facebook, with her 4 year old daughter in the backseat.

what do you think will happen under Trump? this is why we kneel. this is why we protest. this is why we fight. because BLACK. LIVES. MATTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!

during the 2015 protests in Baltimore, Trump tweeted: "Our great African American president hasn't exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are happily and openly destroying Baltimore!"

most of the times that blacks have set aside traditional civil rights strategies like marching peacefully and instead rioted in the streets, destroyed property, and attacked symbols of the state have been because of something the police have done. Newark 1967. Miami 1980. LA 1992 Ferguson 2015. Charlotte & Baltimore 2016...these cities went up in flames because the police killed a black man.

the problem is the criminal justice process itself. cops routinely hurt and humiliate black people because that's what their paid to do.
The problem is that a lot of police departments go unchecked . Corrupt behavior It's actually accepted. and defended .
The anti-cop sentiment so common in today's society only makes us all less safe. It will affect you too, even in your posh, low-crime neighborhoods, eventually.
Those are pathetic and most have nothing to do with race.

Obama did nothing but race bait his entire life.

"Obama Youth" = can't read, write, or do basic math, but they hate whites, and they love Obama
The best example of what a complete fraud BLM really is started with all those arrests in Ferguson - all from OUT OF TOWN, all GOVERNMENT "workers." The two bigots who founded BLM are affirmative action poster children - merit and truth do not matter, since their ascension didn't depend on either. Race bait your way in life.

BLM told us Michael Brown was shot in the back. All of his wounds were in the front. BLM lied. BLM incited to riot by lying. BLM is nothing but a bunch of taxpayer funded bigots spreading bigotry.
here are some of the things that cops did to blacks during Obama's presidency:

arrested a man named Michael for filing a false report cos he told them his name was "Mike"

locked up a woman in Ferguson for "occupancy permit violation" when she called 911 to report she was being beat up by her boyfriend and the police learned he was not legally living in the house

killed a 7 year old girl in Detroit while looking for drugs at her father's house

shot Walter Scott in the back in Charleston after stopping him for a traffic infraction

severed Freddie Gray's spinal cord in Baltimore.

unloaded 17 bullets into 17 year old LaQuan McDonald while he lays peacefully on a Chicago street.

pushed a teenage girl in a bikini to the ground in texas.

shot 12 year old Tamir Rice within 2 seconds of seein him in a public park.

pumped bullets into Philando Castie in Minnesota while his girlfriend livestreamed it on facebook, with her 4 year old daughter in the backseat.

what do you think will happen under Trump? this is why we kneel. this is why we protest. this is why we fight. because BLACK. LIVES. MATTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!

during the 2015 protests in Baltimore, Trump tweeted: "Our great African American president hasn't exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are happily and openly destroying Baltimore!"

most of the times that blacks have set aside traditional civil rights strategies like marching peacefully and instead rioted in the streets, destroyed property, and attacked symbols of the state have been because of something the police have done. Newark 1967. Miami 1980. LA 1992 Ferguson 2015. Charlotte & Baltimore 2016...these cities went up in flames because the police killed a black man.

the problem is the criminal justice process itself. cops routinely hurt and humiliate black people because that's what their paid to do.
Give us machine guns and we wouldn't need police.


cops routinely hurt and humiliate black people because that's what their paid to do.

Cops will hurt and humiliate anyone of any color if the do not obey their orders and particularly if you give them attitude or even worse, reason to fear for their safety or the safety of other citizens.

It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture. Don't be an asshole and follow the cops orders and you'll be fine. It also helps not to be a criminal.
The cops are not racist.

Some (Democrat backed) Blacks are bigoted against cops.
The cops are racist. We can't rely on them to behave appropriately.

We need unrestricted access to automatic weapons to protect us from cops. It's the only way to be safe from their government tyranny.
It's does not matter because no one ever said that black lives don't matter
A black male has way way way more percentage chance of being killed by another black male than a white cop
Quit perpetuating the myth, it's a liberal emotional fallacy designed to deflect attention from black on black misconduct to the minuscule white cop on black .
Oh please Freddie Gray, who bashed his own head in, La Quan McDonald, another heroin dealer. Black drug dealers matter. Bring in Eric Garner, to add black criminal lives matter. With the number of black children black men kill, it is abundantly clear that black lives do not matter at all, not as much as fart smell.
The cops are racist. We can't rely on them to behave appropriately.

We need unrestricted access to automatic weapons to protect us from cops. It's the only way to be safe from their government tyranny.

BLM is the source of the bigotry, which traces right back to Obama and his effort to create an "Obama Youth" that hates whites and cops and demands everything from yet even bigger government.

To keep oneself safe from big government, vote against the DEMOCRATS... which BLM is funded by. To argue BLM is libertarian is pretty silly. But then again, so is everything else from BLM. BLM is just two privileged black bigots spreading bigotry because Obama wanted them to.
Ugly white supremacists marched in Charlottesville again yesterday, this time we all ignored them, and you know what? There was no violence
Since it is a statistical FACT (not simply opinion) black crybabies murder each other at many, many times the rate that any other race murders each other, obviously black lives don't even matter to each other, why the fuck would they matter to me?

Moreover, black crybabies and liberalfilth have never given me ONE solitary, logical reason why I should care in the slightest about this violently white-hating, proto-humanoid race.
Crooked Hillary asked a room full of white folks how they would feel if police and judges treated them the way blacks are treated. i now respect Crooked Hillary, so starting from now i will call her Secretary Clinton instead of Crooked Hillary.
Black Jive Splatters
Get your own conduct and responsibilities in order instead of trying to frivolously place the responsibility somewhere else
Because it appears that a percentage of America's police officers, the majority of whom are White, harbor an innate hostility toward Blacks I have often wondered if those cops who do manifest anti-Black behavior have brought that orientation with them to the job or acquired it while on the job. Unfortunately, because it would require that some police officer participants in a behavioral study of this phenomenon would need to admit being innately hostile to Blacks no such admission can be expected, therefore no such study could be conducted.

I grew up and went to school with a fellow who never indicated the slightest racist inclination. He got drafted, I joined the Marines, he got married, moved out of Brooklyn and became New York City cop. We got together after his father's funeral and during our long conversation I asked him about his job and part of what he had to say was very surprising to me.

He worked in a Harlem precinct and some of the things he told me reeked of bitterness, anger, and unmitigated hatred for Blacks, which was strikingly unusual for this fellow. When I expressed my surprise at this revelation he said I would feel no differently if I were a cop working in a "ghetto" area. He said the experience affects all White cops the same way and that every White cop in his precinct submits a transfer request every year.

That talk took place back in the seventies and I've since learned that NYPD now routinely rotates assignments to certain precincts and I've heard that all White NYPD cops dread reassignment to Harlem, Bedford/Stuyvestant, and South Bronx precincts.

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