Why aren't the gun-banners upset over 1.2 million deaths - A YEAR???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I’m Norma McCorvey, the former Jane Roe of the Roe vs. Wade decision that brought ‘legal’ child killing to America.

“I was persuaded by feminist attorneys to lie; to say that I was raped, and needed an abortion.

It was all a lie.

“Since then, over 50 million babies have been murdered. I will take this burden to my grave.

“Please, don’t follow in my mistakes. DO NOT vote for Barack Obama. He murders babies.”

LifeSiteNews Mobile | ?Jane Roe? of Roe v. Wade airs anti-Obama ad in Florida
And now Obama the baby killer President... is going to be impeached because he is a dictator in waiting....

“The President’s actions are an existential threat to this nation,” reads a statement by Rep. Steve Stockman. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms is what has kept this nation free and secure for over 200 years. The very purpose of the Second Amendment is to stop the government from disallowing people the means to defend themselves against tyranny. Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible.”
- He has aided America’s enemies, violating his oath, by sending funds to insurgents in Syria who are being commanded by Al-Qaeda terrorists.
- He has violated federal law by overseeing a cover-up surrounding Operation Fast and Furious, the transfer of guns to Mexican drug cartels direct from the federal government.
- He has lied to the American people by overseeing a cover-up of the Benghazi attack which directly led to the deaths of four American citizens. The cover-up has been called “Obama’s Watergate,” yet four months after the incident, no one in the administration has been held accountable.
- He has brazenly undermined the power of Congress by insisting his authority came from the United Nations Security Council prior to the attack on Libya and that Congressional approval was not necessary. “I don’t even have to get to the Constitutional question,” said Obama. This is an act that “constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution,” according to Congressman Walter Jones.
- He has ignored Congressional rejection of the cybersecurity bill and instead indicated he will pursue an unconstitutional executive order.
- He has signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act which includes provisions that permit the abduction and military detention without trial of U.S. citizens, violating Habeas Corpus. Despite Obama claiming he would not use the provisions to incarcerate U.S. citizens, it was his administration that specifically demanded these powers be included in the final NDAA bill.
- He has enacted universal health care mandates that force Americans to buy health insurance, a clear violation of the Constitution in exceeding congressional power to regulate interstate commerce. Obama has also handed outpreferential waivers to corporations friendly to his administration.
- He has declared war on America’s coal industry by promising to bankrupt any company that attempts to build a new coal plant while using unconstitutional EPA regulations to strangle competition, ensuring Americans see their energy costs rise year after year.
- He has violated the Constitution’s Takings and Due Process Clauses when he bullied the secured creditors of automaker Chrysler into accepting 30 cents on the dollar while politically connected labor unions and preferential others received better deals.
- He has violated Article II of the Constitution by using signing statements as part of his executive usurpation of power.

» Citizens File Articles of Impeachment Against Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Who wants to ban guns?

Be specific. Post a link. PROVE who wants to ban guns?

So when does the confiscation begin? I notice you ignored the original postng. Why is that?
The simple fact that Stalin, Hitler, and Mao Zedong have caused millions of deaths by starvation and murder has nothing on the Progressive Socialist Americans that have killed 50 million plus unborn in this nation.
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Putting gun control and abortion together in a single thread is a partisan hack's wet dream.

Now if you can only somehow figure out a way to integrate gay marriage and pot legalization into this, you'll really send them over the top.
Putting gun control and abortion together in a single thread is a partisan hack's wet dream.

Now if you can only somehow figure out a way to integrate gay marriage and pot legalization into this, you'll really send them over the top.

I' m just trying to understand why as Roe of Roe VS WADE says the killing of 50 million babies IS NOT important..
BUT when 88 people in one year get shot by crazy people you crazy people that favor killing babies want to BAN an inanimate object?

It makes absolutely no sense! YOU crazy people murder 50 million babies YET BLAME a GUN and therefore there should be NO GUNS!!!

DO you people know how absolutely crazy that sounds to intelligent life?

Instead of punishing the few the crazy people that help murder the 50 million want ALL of us to be punished!

Makes no sense!
Putting gun control and abortion together in a single thread is a partisan hack's wet dream.

Now if you can only somehow figure out a way to integrate gay marriage and pot legalization into this, you'll really send them over the top.

I' m just trying to understand why as Roe of Roe VS WADE says the killing of 50 million babies IS NOT important..
BUT when 88 people in one year get shot by crazy people you crazy people that favor killing babies want to BAN an inanimate object?

It makes absolutely no sense! YOU crazy people murder 50 million babies YET BLAME a GUN and therefore there should be NO GUNS!!!

DO you people know how absolutely crazy that sounds to intelligent life?

Instead of punishing the few the crazy people that help murder the 50 million want ALL of us to be punished!

Makes no sense!

Gun control doesn't have to be contrasted with a moral/ethical dilemma like abortion in order to reveal how little sense it makes. It makes no sense because it makes no sense. Abortion is a different issue entirely. Somewhere around half the country does not consider abortion to be a murder/death, because they do not consider a fetus to meet the legal definition of a person. I'm sure there are other variations of the argument that I don't in fact care to argue, but nonetheless the issue by itself is so complicated and the factors and definitions involved so distinct from the gun control issue that it doesn't make sense to package together.

:two cents:
Putting gun control and abortion together in a single thread is a partisan hack's wet dream.

Now if you can only somehow figure out a way to integrate gay marriage and pot legalization into this, you'll really send them over the top.

I' m just trying to understand why as Roe of Roe VS WADE says the killing of 50 million babies IS NOT important..
BUT when 88 people in one year get shot by crazy people you crazy people that favor killing babies want to BAN an inanimate object?

It makes absolutely no sense! YOU crazy people murder 50 million babies YET BLAME a GUN and therefore there should be NO GUNS!!!

DO you people know how absolutely crazy that sounds to intelligent life?

Instead of punishing the few the crazy people that help murder the 50 million want ALL of us to be punished!

Makes no sense!

Gun control doesn't have to be contrasted with a moral/ethical dilemma like abortion in order to reveal how little sense it makes. It makes no sense because it makes no sense. Abortion is a different issue entirely. Somewhere around half the country does not consider abortion to be a murder/death, because they do not consider a fetus to meet the legal definition of a person. I'm sure there are other variations of the argument that I don't in fact care to argue, but nonetheless the issue by itself is so complicated and the factors and definitions involved so distinct from the gun control issue that it doesn't make sense to package together.

:two cents:

Explain why 88 deaths in 2012 from PEOPLE not the devices PEOPLE THAT shot people is MORE important to take away a basic Constitutional RIGHT
while it is a "Constitutional RIGHT" to murder 1.2 million babies a year???

If you don't see the moral equivalency you are an immoral person!
Who wants to ban guns?

Be specific. Post a link. PROVE who wants to ban guns?
Nobody...yet! Apparently, you do not understand the meaning of "shall not be infringed".

Work on that. Then get back to me.

Stop the chicken little crap.

He said "gun banners".

WHO has said they want to ban guns? WHO are the "gun banners"?

This isn't rocket surgery. All he has to do is answer the question.

Or, explain why he used that terminology - especially for the title of a thread that has nothing to do with guns.

(As if we don't know its just another dog whistle for the nutters.)
Who wants to ban guns?

Be specific. Post a link. PROVE who wants to ban guns?
Nobody...yet! Apparently, you do not understand the meaning of "shall not be infringed".

Work on that. Then get back to me.

Stop the chicken little crap.

He said "gun banners".

WHO has said they want to ban guns? WHO are the "gun banners"?

This isn't rocket surgery. All he has to do is answer the question.

Or, explain why he used that terminology - especially for the title of a thread that has nothing to do with guns.

(As if we don't know its just another dog whistle for the nutters.)

n a 1995 broadcast of CBS’ 60 Minutes, Feinstein made the obvious admission saying she would love to have instituted an “outright ban” on all guns.

Feinstein was the driving force to the failed and now lapsed, 1994 “assault weapons” ban and it was upon her success at getting the law passed that she made her admission.
Reminder: Sen. Feinstein Said She Wants All Guns Banned | Right Wing News


My next door neighbor wants to ban all guns
Who wants to ban guns?

Be specific. Post a link. PROVE who wants to ban guns?
Nobody...yet! Apparently, you do not understand the meaning of "shall not be infringed".

Work on that. Then get back to me.

Here. I'll make it simpler for you.

infringed past participle, past tense of in·fringe (Verb)

Actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.): "infringe a copyright".
Act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on: "infringe on his privacy".
Why can't the self-proclaimed constitutional 'experts' on the right around here acknowledge the fact that abortion is a constitutionally protected right?
Putting gun control and abortion together in a single thread is a partisan hack's wet dream.

Now if you can only somehow figure out a way to integrate gay marriage and pot legalization into this, you'll really send them over the top.

I' m just trying to understand why as Roe of Roe VS WADE says the killing of 50 million babies IS NOT important..
BUT when 88 people in one year get shot by crazy people you crazy people that favor killing babies want to BAN an inanimate object?

It makes absolutely no sense! YOU crazy people murder 50 million babies YET BLAME a GUN and therefore there should be NO GUNS!!!

DO you people know how absolutely crazy that sounds to intelligent life?

Instead of punishing the few the crazy people that help murder the 50 million want ALL of us to be punished!

Makes no sense!

Maybe we should pass laws about the unregistered and unrestricted use of surgical equipment used by abortionists. Certainly the government should control these instruments since they kill so many babies especially since the infringement of the Second Amendment is so important to the Progressive Socialist Left.
Why can't the self-proclaimed constitutional 'experts' on the right around here acknowledge the fact that abortion is a constitutionally protected right?

Okay, I'll play devils advocate with ya. Many believe that a fetus is a living human being and should be protected with the same constitutional rights all of us out of the womb enjoy and wish to change said law protect them.
Also many believe owning firearms is a constitutional, individual right that shall not be infringed and wish to protect this right from what they see as government overreaching it's boundaries with bans or potential bans which some here have advocated.
Both sides have a voice, both sides have the right to try and get laws changed according to the appropriate processes in place.
Other than a partisan reaction on both sides what makes one more right than the other? If there is no existent "higher ground" for either side then compromise or stalemate must be the result.
Still acting as devils advocate, I'll propose a compromise. You get to ban any weapons you so choose as long as they get to ban abortion. You "save children" by banning weapons, they "save children" by banning abortion.
Why can't the self-proclaimed constitutional 'experts' on the right around here acknowledge the fact that abortion is a constitutionally protected right?

So is the right to Bear Arms according to the Second Amendment. It seems that that right is inalienable.
I doubt that the right to kill unborn children can be considered an inalienable right as defined by the Constitution. SCOTUS has made mistakes before when Liberal Democrats legislate from the bench.

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