NY wants more restrictions on guns but fewer on abortions


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
More proof that none of these gun-hating libs cares about saving lives, certainly not the lives of kids


Sweeping new abortion bill in New York: ?It defies common sense?

January 15, 2013 By Deacon Greg Kandra

Last week, Cardinal Timothy Dolan raised his objections to proposed abortion legislation in New York. Now the state Catholic Conference has issued a point-by-point memo that makes clear how extreme Governor Andrew Cuomo’s proposal really is. The memo below comes from the conference website.

This legislation this bill does not simply “update” New York law or codify Roe vs. Wade. It would usher in extreme and sweeping changes to abortion policy in New York State.

The bill would permit unlimited late-term abortion on demand. Current state law says abortions are legal in New York through 24 weeks of pregnancy (Article 125 Penal Law), but outlawed after that unless they are necessary to save a woman’s life. This bill would repeal that law and insert a “health” exception, broadly interpreted by the courts to include age, economic, social and emotional factors. It is an exception that will allow more third-trimester abortions in New York State, a policy which the public strongly disapproves. This ignores the state’s legitimate interest in protecting the lives of fully formed children in the womb, and ignores the will of a majority of New Yorkers who oppose late-term abortion.

This ignores the state’s legitimate interest in protecting the lives of fully formed children in the womb, and ignores the will of a majority of New Yorkers who oppose late-term abortion

This is a decision between a doctor and a patient. What "legitimate interest" does the state have in an unborn fetus?

Right wingers ignore the number of 3rd trimester abortions performed (very very few in number), and the fact that most involve the a legitimate danger to the mother or the baby. About time the state butted out of this matter. Bravo to New York.
This ignores the state’s legitimate interest in protecting the lives of fully formed children in the womb, and ignores the will of a majority of New Yorkers who oppose late-term abortion

This is a decision between a doctor and a patient. What "legitimate interest" does the state have in an unborn fetus?

Right wingers ignore the number of 3rd trimester abortions performed (very very few in number), and the fact that most involve the a legitimate danger to the mother or the baby. About time the state butted out of this matter. Bravo to New York.

They stab the baby in the back of the neck and suck out it's brain then collapse the skull with forceps and pull the baby out.

Or they give the woman a drug that forces her to go into labor giving birth to a baby that stays alive for sometimes up to an hour.

Any human that is in favor of this for any reason is sick.

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