Why Are White Guys So Paranoid?

Pretty much if youre calling these type of white girls fat. :)

Porn stars will even do bruthaz. They don't count as normal chicks. Go ahead, fuck them.
Porn stars, normal chicks, and all white women will do brothas. Why do you think they are getting tanned, butt implants, and big lips? Thats exactly what this thread is about. It cracks me up that you white guys try to deny it but actually made laws against it. :)
All white women? LOL NOT
You show me a white woman that denies every being with or wanting to be with a Black guy and I will show you a liar. I have had way too many white women tell me that every white woman wants to be with a Black man. You all talk about it. Trust me. You arent fooling anyone with your denial. :rolleyes:

This is pretty much all white women.

It is you in denial thinking all white women want black men. I love my white husband, nobody could replace him.

Its not denial. Its years of observation and hearing it first hand from many many white women that had no connection with each other. I know you have pretend its not true but the facts are evident. Check out the look this white girl gives this guy. This is how most white women are around Black guys. I know the look very well.

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I'm not really paranoid about black guys. I have a bigger penis.
I think penis size is just the thing most white women fantasize about. When it comes down to it the attractions is based on other things. I have been told that Black men are more confident and manly. The coloring contrast is a big thing too. I've been described as a work of art by one woman with tears in her eyes. I once caught one white girl laying in bed smelling my shirt that I had played basketball in. She said she loved the way Black men smell. White women tell me they can be sexually aggressive with Black men and not feel like they are being judged. In short Black men make women really feel like women. Thats why everywhere we go on the planet there are women that want us.
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Dumb people struggle to understand irony I guess
Its not ironic that white women love Black men. Its ironic that they instinctively understand the benefits of procreating with Black men to get better genes. :)

No, what's ironic is that most of these women will end up as single moms.
Even if that was true it must really make you mad that white women still prefer Black men. :)

I couldn't care less if *some* white women have that preference. Women in general have terrible taste in men anyway that's why they end up hooking up with losers and wife beaters.
Not true. You are not an expert on women in general.

Sorry if the truth hurts but statistics don't lie. Not only in matters of relationships but also in politics, women tend to side with the left. Radical feminist activism is a huge obstacle for anything remotely conservative, perhaps the biggest obstacle of all. I have great respect for women who think for themselves and don't buy into gender politics but lets face it, they're outnumbered.
Men or all ethnic backgrounds must confront the fallacy that women of the same ethnic background are "our" women. Women think for ourselves and our sexuality is our own. No woman of any color is one of "your" women over which you have the right to fight. The first issue to disappear in these arguments is that women are entitled to make their choices for themselves.

It would be appropriate for men of all "races" to let go of the possessive idea that some women are "theirs" without even fucking asking.

One of the sexiest men I have ever seen is an Ashkenazi Jew.

As a woman, I am soooooo tired of this bullshit between you men.
I went Black for a while ... and never went all the way back ...

I'm not really paranoid about black guys. I have a bigger penis.
I think penis size is just the thing most white women fantasize about. When it comes down to it the attractions is based on other things. I have been told that Black men are more confident and manly. The coloring contrast is a big thing too. I've been described as a work of art by one woman with tears in her eyes. I once caught one white girl laying in bed smelling my shirt that I had played basketball in. She said she loved the way Black men smell. White women tell me they can be sexually aggressive with Black men and not feel like they are being judged. In short Black men make women really feel like women. Thats why everywhere we go on the planet there are women that want us.

A winning smile would do it for me. :04:
Trying to change the subject because it hurts you that white women love Black men eh? :)

Someone's got daddy issues, LOL
Someones got little dick issues. :)

It must really piss you off that white women prefer Black guys even though you guys own all the resources in this country. That must really suck for you?

It's a pretty well documented fact that many women date "damaged" men because they want to fix them.
Sounds like the typical white boy "sour grapes" reply to me. Further proof it really angers you. :)

Women are pretty bad at making decisions thats why abortion is such a hot topic I mean like nigga if you dont want to get pregnant just close your fucking legs LMAO
Do you give that same advice to the trash who impregnated them?
Someone's got daddy issues, LOL
Someones got little dick issues. :)

It must really piss you off that white women prefer Black guys even though you guys own all the resources in this country. That must really suck for you?

It's a pretty well documented fact that many women date "damaged" men because they want to fix them.
Sounds like the typical white boy "sour grapes" reply to me. Further proof it really angers you. :)

Women are pretty bad at making decisions thats why abortion is such a hot topic I mean like nigga if you dont want to get pregnant just close your fucking legs LMAO
Youre all over the place again. This must really be upsetting you? So your assertion is that women are stupid and thats why they all want to have sex with a Black guy at least once in their lifetime? I dont know how you deal with the stress of being the last choice your own white women would make for a mate. :)
Look, the curiosity goes both ways, so what is the big deal? In the end though most people are attracted to what they know and are familiar with, at least long term.
Did your daddy run out on you too like 80% of black fathers?
Trying to change the subject because it hurts you that white women love Black men eh? :)

Someone's got daddy issues, LOL
Someones got little dick issues. :)

It must really piss you off that white women prefer Black guys even though you guys own all the resources in this country. That must really suck for you?
The majority of white women do not.Otherwise you would see more interracial couples.
Not true. The vast majority of white women I dated were only booty calls that no one saw me with. A lot of them were married to white guys or had white boyfriends. I once had this white girl give me a BJ in the parking lot just because I asked her what her tongue ring was for. She was waiting for her white boyfriend to come off a train we were waiting for.
So what? Women cheat on their boyfriends of all races equally. I am an equal opportunity girl myself.
I'm not really paranoid about black guys. I have a bigger penis.
I think penis size is just the thing most white women fantasize about. When it comes down to it the attractions is based on other things. I have been told that Black men are more confident and manly. The coloring contrast is a big thing too. I've been described as a work of art by one woman with tears in her eyes. I once caught one white girl laying in bed smelling my shirt that I had played basketball in. She said she loved the way Black men smell. White women tell me they can be sexually aggressive with Black men and not feel like they are being judged. In short Black men make women really feel like women. Thats why everywhere we go on the planet there are women that want us.
Surprisingly the biggest penis I ever encountered was on a French guy who was 1m70cm at most I'd say. Plus, only girls act like size it what makes or breaks sex. Women know better. And all men stink, so there is that.
White guys dont generally like black women. Even white rapists pass on them, which is super insulting if you ask me. :laugh:
I have found that the ones who don't and are into white separatism generally look like they come from the shallow end of the gene pool, not to be too specific.

I apparently have a type irrespective of race and happen to know a couple of really fine white guys. The problem that their brethen have though is they think JUST being white qualifies them.
Goofyboy knows good and well white guys love Black women. He was just trying to change the subject.

Godboy wishes he had the style a brother has. We are universal;, women of all races like us. Godboy can't say that. They've been scared of black men since they created the first law banning white women from running to us.
Exactly. When I was in Korea I had this woman ask me if she could see my tail. Come to find out white GI's spread that rumor to scare off asian women from Black men. Sad and pathetic.

I heard that same thing when I was bussed to an all white school in the 60's as part of desegregation.
That all these Black guys want to be with white women just tells me that most black girls must be fugly
Someone's got daddy issues, LOL
Someones got little dick issues. :)

It must really piss you off that white women prefer Black guys even though you guys own all the resources in this country. That must really suck for you?

It's a pretty well documented fact that many women date "damaged" men because they want to fix them.
Sounds like the typical white boy "sour grapes" reply to me. Further proof it really angers you. :)

Women are pretty bad at making decisions thats why abortion is such a hot topic I mean like nigga if you dont want to get pregnant just close your fucking legs LMAO
Do you give that same advice to the trash who impregnated them?

Maybe she shouldnt sleep with trash?
White guys dont generally like black women. Even white rapists pass on them, which is super insulting if you ask me. :laugh:
I have found that the ones who don't and are into white separatism generally look like they come from the shallow end of the gene pool, not to be too specific.

I apparently have a type irrespective of race and happen to know a couple of really fine white guys. The problem that their brethen have though is they think JUST being white qualifies them.
Goofyboy knows good and well white guys love Black women. He was just trying to change the subject.

Godboy wishes he had the style a brother has. We are universal;, women of all races like us. Godboy can't say that. They've been scared of black men since they created the first law banning white women from running to us.
Exactly. When I was in Korea I had this woman ask me if she could see my tail. Come to find out white GI's spread that rumor to scare off asian women from Black men. Sad and pathetic.

I heard that same thing when I was bussed to an all white school in the 60's as part of desegregation.
So is the tail thing is true or not? You werent clear on that part.
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I have found that the ones who don't and are into white separatism generally look like they come from the shallow end of the gene pool, not to be too specific.

I apparently have a type irrespective of race and happen to know a couple of really fine white guys. The problem that their brethen have though is they think JUST being white qualifies them.
Goofyboy knows good and well white guys love Black women. He was just trying to change the subject.

Godboy wishes he had the style a brother has. We are universal;, women of all races like us. Godboy can't say that. They've been scared of black men since they created the first law banning white women from running to us.
Exactly. When I was in Korea I had this woman ask me if she could see my tail. Come to find out white GI's spread that rumor to scare off asian women from Black men. Sad and pathetic.

I heard that same thing when I was bussed to an all white school in the 60's as part of desegregation.
So is the tail thing is true or not? You werent clear on that part.

What do you think?
Porn stars will even do bruthaz. They don't count as normal chicks. Go ahead, fuck them.
Porn stars, normal chicks, and all white women will do brothas. Why do you think they are getting tanned, butt implants, and big lips? Thats exactly what this thread is about. It cracks me up that you white guys try to deny it but actually made laws against it. :)
All white women? LOL NOT
You show me a white woman that denies every being with or wanting to be with a Black guy and I will show you a liar. I have had way too many white women tell me that every white woman wants to be with a Black man. You all talk about it. Trust me. You arent fooling anyone with your denial. :rolleyes:

This is pretty much all white women.

Like i said, if that were true, you would see kkore interracial couples. I am never in denial. Sorry, but you arent my everything lol

You do see more interacial couples. The number goes up every month. My point is that you wont see the full extent if youre only looking at marriages. Take me for example. I have had sex with hundreds of white women but I never would marry one. I know it wasnt just me. Most of my fellow Black friends did the same thing and all of them married Black women. I might not be your everything but if youre like 99% of white women you have either already had sex with or fantasized about having sex with a dude like me. :rolleyes:

Not unless you look like Jason Mamoa LOL
I saw this movie awhile ago and honestly I thought it was just ok. However, there are some white guys that are up in arms over it. Why are white guys so paranoid about movies with Black guys with white girls?

Racists Attack Will Smith’s ‘Focus’ Over Film’s Depiction of An Interracial Relationship

Check some of the comments.

Jackson Grady of Delaware, the first person to report the issue, said: “My daughter watched that film last night and she hasn’t been the same since.

“She stopped practicing the violin and seems to be taking a keen interest in watching basketball in her underwear while licking her lips.”

Connor Rufus of Arkansas took his wife to see the movie but was unprepared for her transformation. He warned the rest of white America that if their wives and daughters see this movie, they’ll regret it for the rest of their lives.

Rufus said: “My wife went black, and guess what, she never came back!”

Really no big deal. A lot of white women own big dogs too. I don't see anyone going bananas.
A lot of colored guys think they get under our skin by fantasizing about white women falling all over one another in pursuit of a superior black male. The boys aren’t smart enough to realize we’re among primarily white women all the time and see and hear differently.
Porn stars will even do bruthaz. They don't count as normal chicks. Go ahead, fuck them.
Porn stars, normal chicks, and all white women will do brothas. Why do you think they are getting tanned, butt implants, and big lips? Thats exactly what this thread is about. It cracks me up that you white guys try to deny it but actually made laws against it. :)
All white women? LOL NOT
You show me a white woman that denies every being with or wanting to be with a Black guy and I will show you a liar. I have had way too many white women tell me that every white woman wants to be with a Black man. You all talk about it. Trust me. You arent fooling anyone with your denial. :rolleyes:

This is pretty much all white women.

It is you in denial thinking all white women want black men. I love my white husband, nobody could replace him.

Its not denial. Its years of observation and hearing it first hand from many many white women that had no connection with each other. I know you have pretend its not true but the facts are evident. Check out the look this white girl gives this guy. This is how most white women are around Black guys. I know the look very well.


I bet if he wasn't famous and rich she would have never gone near him.
I'm not really paranoid about black guys. I have a bigger penis.
I think penis size is just the thing most white women fantasize about. When it comes down to it the attractions is based on other things. I have been told that Black men are more confident and manly. The coloring contrast is a big thing too. I've been described as a work of art by one woman with tears in her eyes. I once caught one white girl laying in bed smelling my shirt that I had played basketball in. She said she loved the way Black men smell. White women tell me they can be sexually aggressive with Black men and not feel like they are being judged. In short Black men make women really feel like women. Thats why everywhere we go on the planet there are women that want us.

A winning smile would do it for me. :04:
I've been told my smile melts panties like a microwave melts butter. :laugh:

However, I dont think a good smile is confined to just Black guys.

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