Why Are Trumpers So Quiet About Stephen Miller's Racism??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Opinion | Stephen Miller’s Sinister Syllabus

As Maya Angelou said, when someone tells you who they are, believe them....Stephen Miller is a white nationalist -- and there is no way you can spin it. This isn't someone's opinion of him, this is Miller in his own words...

"An analysis of more than 900 emails from Miller to editors at Breitbart News, the report shows Miller’s single-minded focus on nonwhite immigration and his immersion in an online ecosystem of virulent, unapologetic racism. The Miller of these emails isn’t just an immigration restrictionist, he’s an ideological white nationalist."

When 9 black church members were murdered by a racist coward in a South Carolina church -- the thing that Stephen Miller was most upset about was retailers removing confederate flags from their stores...how do I know this, because Miller said so -- "In June 2015, after Dylann Roof murdered nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., Miller emailed McHugh (Breitbart editor) with an outraged message about retailers pulling Confederate flags from their stores, pointing her toward statistics on Confederate deaths in the Civil War. He then wrote to her about efforts to remove Confederate memorials" -- not once did he utter a word about the terrorist act that took 9 peoples lives; just his worry that his alt-right base might not have more access to their Confederate revisionist merchandise.

…..so why are republicans so silent about this?? how do they think this appeals to minority voters? at least the minority voters who are not self hating to the degree that a Stephen Miller is...because as usual, when its convenient for a republican, they don't mind playing identity politics when its used to justify racism -- because so far, the only defense I have seen is "You are just picking on him because he is a Jew"

Republicans who endorse this are pathetic... Republicans who remain silent about this are cowards.....period
Opinion | Stephen Miller’s Sinister Syllabus

As Maya Angelou said, when someone tells you who they are, believe them....Stephen Miller is a white nationalist -- and there is no way you can spin it. This isn't someone's opinion of him, this is Miller in his own words...

"An analysis of more than 900 emails from Miller to editors at Breitbart News, the report shows Miller’s single-minded focus on nonwhite immigration and his immersion in an online ecosystem of virulent, unapologetic racism. The Miller of these emails isn’t just an immigration restrictionist, he’s an ideological white nationalist."

When 9 black church members were murdered by a racist coward in a South Carolina church -- the thing that Stephen Miller was most upset about was retailers removing confederate flags from their stores...how do I know this, because Miller said so -- "In June 2015, after Dylann Roof murdered nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., Miller emailed McHugh (Breitbart editor) with an outraged message about retailers pulling Confederate flags from their stores, pointing her toward statistics on Confederate deaths in the Civil War. He then wrote to her about efforts to remove Confederate memorials" -- not once did he utter a word about the terrorist act that took 9 peoples lives; just his worry that his alt-right base might not have more access to their Confederate revisionist merchandise.

…..so why are republicans so silent about this?? how do they think this appeals to minority voters? at least the minority voters who are not self hating to the degree that a Stephen Miller is...because as usual, when its convenient for a republican, they don't mind playing identity politics when its used to justify racism -- because so far, the only defense I have seen is "You are just picking on him because he is a Jew"

Republicans who endorse this are pathetic... Republicans who remain silent about this are cowards.....period
Sorry, can't read it but the NY Crimes has a pay blocker in place. Of course I was hoping for something more definitive than a potentially partisan opinion rant. :dunno:
just more BS . Miller can have and distribute his OPINIONS any way he likes in my opinion , I think he is just using his Free Speech isn't he Biff ??
Why do democrats say nothing about the virginia governor wearing blackface?

Why do democrats say nothing about bill mahr saying the "N" word on TV?
seems to me that you are all ready for the enemy to make the rules that you will adhere to and follow THUNK .
Why do democrats say nothing about the virginia governor wearing blackface?

Why do democrats say nothing about bill mahr saying the "N" word on TV?
Blackface thirty years ago is not the equivalent of embracing white supremacy today
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ITS an ever moving Scale eh RWinger . Anyway , and I know very little about this particular issue but MILLER has the RIGHT to say whatever he likes RWinger .
Why do democrats say nothing about the virginia governor wearing blackface?

Why do democrats say nothing about bill mahr saying the "N" word on TV?
Blackface thirty years ago is not the equivalent of embracing white supremacy today
And the judges, juries and executioners that you are part of give thumbs up or down to anyone who even disagrees even a miniscule from your agendas. White supremacy? Bwhahhaaaa!
Why do democrats say nothing about the virginia governor wearing blackface?

Why do democrats say nothing about bill mahr saying the "N" word on TV?
They tried to get him to resign, remember??

it was a big thing about it -- many many dems came out against him...

Now, can you tell me any policies that governor signed into law that helps to facilitate whatever white nationalist goals he has??

I can list a few for Miller.....So I will put you down in the "pathetic" category because your bitch ass is trying to defend it
ITS an ever moving Scale eh RWinger . Anyway , and I know very little about this particular issue but MILLER has the RIGHT to say whatever he likes RWinger .

RW is a dem.

they don't believe in free speech
By the way......you aspiring white nationalists are just amateurs if you haven't read Stephen Miller's favorite book yet.....its a must read for every upwardly mobile sociopathic white nationalist on the go...

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ITS an ever moving Scale eh RWinger . Anyway , and I know very little about this particular issue but MILLER has the RIGHT to say whatever he likes RWinger .

RW is a dem.

they don't believe in free speech
-------------------------------------------------- SURE , AGREE , !! I simply say , don't give them what they want as all words can be used in the USA Will .
Like clockwork, whenever you present a trumper with inconvenient facts about the racism their party BLATANTY supports, appeases and panders to -- they always play dumb....

But they can tell you every non-factual made up ass story about anybody with a D by their name, they can tell you all about how Pizzagate was a child sex trafficking ring, Sandy Hook was staged, Obama wasn't born here, they can tell you all about how Seth Rich was murdered by Hillary...they scour the internet to find any story possible about what some trans person did -- but will play dumb when it comes to their own.....

Trumpers are.....
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ITS an ever moving Scale eh RWinger . Anyway , and I know very little about this particular issue but MILLER has the RIGHT to say whatever he likes RWinger .

RW is a dem.

they don't believe in free speech
-------------------------------------------------- SURE , AGREE , !! I simply say , don't give them what they want as all words can be used in the USA Will .
In other words, don't be honest about your racism because it makes it harder for enablers to defend it?

Maybe you should take that up with the racist instead of feigning outrage at the people who called it out...
By the way......you aspiring white nationalists are just amateurs if you haven't read Stephen Miller's favorite book yet.....its a must read for every upwardly mobile sociopathic white nationalist on the go...View attachment 289962
------------------------------------------------ good book eh . I may read it someday but I prefer watching Real Life events that I think that book talks about Biff ??
By the way......you aspiring white nationalists are just amateurs if you haven't read Stephen Miller's favorite book yet.....its a must read for every upwardly mobile sociopathic white nationalist on the go...View attachment 289962
------------------------------------------------ good book eh . I may read it someday but I prefer watching Real Life events that I think that book talks about Biff ??
You were not around when Native Americans and other indigenous people were systematically murdered...so what real life events is your bitch ass talking about??
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but getting back to 'racism' , I think that NONVIOLENT so called 'cries' and whines of racism is legal in the USA Biff . Nonviolent is the KEY if I am correct Biff .
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