Why are Republicans afraid of Ron Paul?

Our government used to be a libertarian government but the constitution has been subverted and our rights slowly eroded. All I want is my constitution back along with my government and if you don't lik it FUCK YOU TRAITOR!!!!
Otherwise there's this saying in a democracy, when it comes to a small minority who want their way against the will of the majority: Fuck you.

Absolutely. That's the core of unlimited democracy (aka mob rule). Which is why we've tried to put constitutional constraints on that power - to prevent the minority from getting fucked.
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Otherwise there's this saying in a democracy, when it comes to a small minority who want their way against the will of the majority: Fuck you.

Absolutely. That's the core of unlimited democracy (aka mob rule). Which is why we've tried to put constitutional constraints on that power - to prevent the minority from getting fucked.

When the majority loses to the minority, it's because they underestimated the determination of the minority and simply assumed their majority alone was good enough. They didn't count on that irate, tireless minority to bust their asses to remain relevant. And that's the beauty of this system of government.
No....the adults in the GOP understand his national defense and foreign policies are NUTS. :cuckoo:

Ignoring the threats from Russia, China, North Korea, islamofascists and Iran is beyond stupid. You will have no liberty if they are able to do what they want to us and others around the world.

You can pontificate 24/7 about freedom this and that on your soapbx, but if you don't prepare for and counter evil threats out there then you are only asking for your freedom to be taken away for good.

This same bullshit from losertarians back in the 1920s-30s helped Adolf Hitler kill millions in the 30s-40s. Isolationsim only works if the US on the moon and everyone else is back on Earth.

Ron Paul offers a lot of individual freedom and this scares Republicans. After all, the outcome of liberty is unknown and most Republicans are scared of the unknown. They need control and they need to manipulate the outcome.

Hence, whey they want to impose their social conservative beliefs onto society. They are afraid of liberty and seek control. Hence, why they lied and manipulate wars instead of practicing diplomacy. Diplomacy brings into the unknown and this does not resonate well with Republicans. They need control, hence why they lied and manipulated into war.

American Conservatism is most closely related to classical liberalism in which there is an element of the unknown. However, an element of the unknown goes against the grain of the Republican and scares them. Instead, they seek to power to control and manipulate, instead of allowing man to be free.

Liberty scares Republicans, hence why they constantly throw their support behind statists freaks like Romney, Santorum, Bush, and even Reagan. Not to mention Nixon and Ike. Liberty scares Republicans and always has. They have always been mostly authoritative statists freaks, backed by soft appeals to liberty.

p.s. liberals are not better. They clamor for individual freedom, yet look for the state to grant them it, often times violating someone's elses freedom. So, please keep your strawman arguments to yourself.
Boy I'll tell you, for being irrelevant there certainly are a lot of the usual suspects showing up in this thread to talk about him.

Gonebezerk thinks he's so irrelevant that every time a Ron Paul thread appears it grabs his attention for a certain part of the day :lol:

The irrelevancy is duly noted :thup:
He is irrelevant, that is why he comes in last or 3rd in most races.

Just because we acknowledge he is nuts doesn't make him relevant. :cuckoo: That would be....nuts.

Boy I'll tell you, for being irrelevant there certainly are a lot of the usual suspects showing up in this thread to talk about him.

Gonebezerk thinks he's so irrelevant that every time a Ron Paul thread appears it grabs his attention for a certain part of the day :lol:

The irrelevancy is duly noted :thup:
He is irrelevant, that is why he comes in last or 3rd in most races.

Just because we acknowledge he is nuts doesn't make him relevant. :cuckoo: That would be....nuts.

Boy I'll tell you, for being irrelevant there certainly are a lot of the usual suspects showing up in this thread to talk about him.

Gonebezerk thinks he's so irrelevant that every time a Ron Paul thread appears it grabs his attention for a certain part of the day :lol:

The irrelevancy is duly noted :thup:

Yeah, relevancy is based on winning alone, and nothing else :rolleyes:

Relevancy couldn't possibly be based on how someone might shape the future of the party, affect potential platform changes, possibly have a keynote speech at the convention.

You're an idiot, sir.
He is irrelevant, that is why he comes in last or 3rd in most races.

Just because we acknowledge he is nuts doesn't make him relevant. :cuckoo: That would be....nuts.

Boy I'll tell you, for being irrelevant there certainly are a lot of the usual suspects showing up in this thread to talk about him.

Gonebezerk thinks he's so irrelevant that every time a Ron Paul thread appears it grabs his attention for a certain part of the day :lol:

The irrelevancy is duly noted :thup:

By the way, since you don't speak for the country, you really have no credibility in deciding who he's relevant to other than yourself, which you have proven time and again that he is with each Ron Paul thread appearance and subsequent long term stay :lol:
repubs are invested in the policeman of the world/offense industrial complex up to their necks (campaign donations & promises of future employment by defense contractors) even though they cry foul when a Democrat President utilizes the military.
Actually, you're the idiot supporting Ron Paul.

You and him are fringe people.

Most Americans (gasp) even Democrats understand the evil threats out there that you and Ron Paul ignore.

Pretty much you are in bed with he wacko left that hates this country and the US military too, congrats. :clap2: The OWS crowd and other anarchists would love you anti-US people at their rallies....

He is irrelevant, that is why he comes in last or 3rd in most races.

Just because we acknowledge he is nuts doesn't make him relevant. :cuckoo: That would be....nuts.

Boy I'll tell you, for being irrelevant there certainly are a lot of the usual suspects showing up in this thread to talk about him.

Gonebezerk thinks he's so irrelevant that every time a Ron Paul thread appears it grabs his attention for a certain part of the day :lol:

The irrelevancy is duly noted :thup:

Yeah, relevancy is based on winning alone, and nothing else :rolleyes:

Relevancy couldn't possibly be based on how someone might shape the future of the party, affect potential platform changes, possibly have a keynote speech at the convention.

You're an idiot, sir.
why do paulians think ANYONE is afraid of ron paul?

Because you CLEARLY are. You are afraid of what might become of Israeli relations if, GASP, a man like Ron Paul were president that would push for leaving nations to decide their own fates.

He's the only candidate that wouldn't be Israel's enforcer, and that scares the living shit out of you.

Insert obligatory and predictable anti-semite reply:

You mean like Jesus killers?

jillian is rabidly pro-israel and attacks any and all Dr. Paul threads.
Actually, you're the idiot supporting Ron Paul.

You and him are fringe people.

Most Americans (gasp) even Democrats understand the evil threats out there that you and Ron Paul ignore.

Pretty much you are in bed with he wacko left that hates this country and the US military too, congrats. :clap2: The OWS crowd and other anarchists would love you anti-US people at their rallies....

He is irrelevant, that is why he comes in last or 3rd in most races.

Just because we acknowledge he is nuts doesn't make him relevant. :cuckoo: That would be....nuts.

Yeah, relevancy is based on winning alone, and nothing else :rolleyes:

Relevancy couldn't possibly be based on how someone might shape the future of the party, affect potential platform changes, possibly have a keynote speech at the convention.

You're an idiot, sir.

What the fuck are you talking about???

You really HAVE gonebezerk :lol:
It figures you are too stupid to understand your anti-military rants here would fit in with the OWS and other far-left rallies.

But then again you are stupid enough to believe finishing 3rd or 4th is winning and being the norm.:cuckoo:

Actually, you're the idiot supporting Ron Paul.

You and him are fringe people.

Most Americans (gasp) even Democrats understand the evil threats out there that you and Ron Paul ignore.

Pretty much you are in bed with he wacko left that hates this country and the US military too, congrats. :clap2: The OWS crowd and other anarchists would love you anti-US people at their rallies....

Yeah, relevancy is based on winning alone, and nothing else :rolleyes:

Relevancy couldn't possibly be based on how someone might shape the future of the party, affect potential platform changes, possibly have a keynote speech at the convention.

You're an idiot, sir.

What the fuck are you talking about???

You really HAVE gonebezerk :lol:
It figures you are too stupid to understand your anti-military rants here would fit in with the OWS and other far-left rallies.

But then again you are stupid enough to believe finishing 3rd or 4th is winning and being the norm.:cuckoo:

Actually, you're the idiot supporting Ron Paul.

You and him are fringe people.

Most Americans (gasp) even Democrats understand the evil threats out there that you and Ron Paul ignore.

Pretty much you are in bed with he wacko left that hates this country and the US military too, congrats. :clap2: The OWS crowd and other anarchists would love you anti-US people at their rallies....

What the fuck are you talking about???

You really HAVE gonebezerk :lol:

My anti-military rants?? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm going to assume you have some posts to quote to display my "anti-military" stance, right?

And to preempt you, you understand that non-interventionism does not even REMOTELY equal anti-military. I'm all for arming to the bone and locking and loading our military for a potential fight against an enemy.

So this being said, I'll await your citations.
Idiot, you've said many times here our military actions in the middle east led to 9/11. Afterall they were just repsonding to us and our support of Israel.

You've also pushed for gutting the DoD budget, that isn't supporting the troops.

We know your kind, you hide behind the military when 9/11 happens but then blame the military and trash all the spending years after the dust settles.

Pretty much anyone that supports Ron Paul supports his 9/11 theories and anti-military (MIC) stance.

Oh, pulling back the troops to within our own borders doesn't help the US military, you've only made the job worse. Leaving the world's hotspot regions only gives the evil ones the idea of actually starting a war. There is a reason why we stayed in Europe after WWII, idiot.

It figures you are too stupid to understand your anti-military rants here would fit in with the OWS and other far-left rallies.

But then again you are stupid enough to believe finishing 3rd or 4th is winning and being the norm.:cuckoo:

What the fuck are you talking about???

You really HAVE gonebezerk :lol:

My anti-military rants?? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm going to assume you have some posts to quote to display my "anti-military" stance, right?

And to preempt you, you understand that non-interventionism does not even REMOTELY equal anti-military. I'm all for arming to the bone and locking and loading our military for a potential fight against an enemy.

So this being said, I'll await your citations.
Idiot, you've said many times here our military actions in the middle east led to 9/11. Afterall they were just repsonding to us and our support of Israel.

You've also pushed for gutting the DoD budget, that isn't supporting the troops.

We know your kind, you hide behind the military when 9/11 happens but then blame the military and trash all the spending years after the dust settles.

Pretty much anyone that supports Ron Paul supports his 9/11 theories and anti-military (MIC) stance.

Oh, pulling back the troops to within our own borders doesn't help the US military, you've only made the job worse. Leaving the world's hotspot regions only gives the evil ones the idea of actually starting a war. There is a reason why we stayed in Europe after WWII, idiot.

It figures you are too stupid to understand your anti-military rants here would fit in with the OWS and other far-left rallies.

But then again you are stupid enough to believe finishing 3rd or 4th is winning and being the norm.:cuckoo:

My anti-military rants?? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm going to assume you have some posts to quote to display my "anti-military" stance, right?

And to preempt you, you understand that non-interventionism does not even REMOTELY equal anti-military. I'm all for arming to the bone and locking and loading our military for a potential fight against an enemy.

So this being said, I'll await your citations.

And this is in any way "anti-military"?

You do understand what the prefix "anti" means, right?
I'm out, I have real life to go attend to.

Thanks for sustaining Ron Paul's relevancy here, home slice :thup:
Idiot, you've said many times here our military actions in the middle east led to 9/11. Afterall they were just repsonding to us and our support of Israel.

That's not anti-military, it's anti-stupidity.

You've also pushed for gutting the DoD budget, that isn't supporting the troops.

If you bring most of the troops home, you can cut the budget considerably. That's the kind of 'support' most troops would really appreciate.

We know your kind ...

We have a 'kind'?
Oh look another Paulestinian.:cuckoo:

Um, if the US military is only based inside the US then there will be more wars around the world because Iran, North Korea, China and Russia will invade their neighbors for resources.

You see if the police leave the ghetto and no longer patrol it, then the gangs and criminals get bold and attack their neighbors. It is that on a world scale when dealing with militaries.

Your option will be to let those countries take over parts of the world or send our troops to those regions without established bases to actually fight the war.....nice strategy. :clap2: Oh, that is going to destroy the US economy when our trading partners are invaded or we have to spend even more to go save them.....

Idiot, you've said many times here our military actions in the middle east led to 9/11. Afterall they were just repsonding to us and our support of Israel.

That's not anti-military, it's anti-stupidity.

You've also pushed for gutting the DoD budget, that isn't supporting the troops.

If you bring most of the troops home, you can cut the budget considerably. That's the kind of 'support' most troops would really appreciate.

We know your kind ...

We have a 'kind'?

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