Why are poorest states mostly GOP; Richest mostly Dem???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
America's 10 Poorest States: 24/7 Wall St.

If the Democrats only vote to give more free shit to the poor....why are their states usually more wealthy? And if GOP policies are truly meant to make everyone wealthier, to REALLY help the poor by getting them jobs.......then why are the poorest states so RED???

Poorest: Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, W Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina (look at the pic, they have the yellow "Dont Tread on Me" flag flying ABOVE their own state flag what a bunch of yahoos), Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina.

America’s Richest States - 24/7 Wall St.

Richest: Maryland, Alaska, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Virginia, Hawaii, Delaware, California.

With the exception of Alaska....few of the richest states seem to hold a high number of...Tea Partiers. But among the poorest states.....seems there is a Tea Party every weekend.

I dont get it. Seems the poorest states would be filled with the most Democrats (vote to give more to the poor) and the richest states would vote to give less aid to the poor and be filled with Republicans.
Because dumb asses can only understand the simplicity of 17th century economics - the economics of agrarian monarchies. So they vote GOP - a party that is trying to reverse 2 centuries of economic and political evolution.
California and Connecticut are rich because of defense contracts.

Connecticut is also the insurance capital of the world. The financial and insurance services sector earned 40 percent of corporate profits this decade.

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Yeah, Bucs, we really give a fuck what you think about anything. I like your new "Hardcandy" identity
America's 10 Poorest States: 24/7 Wall St.

If the Democrats only vote to give more free shit to the poor....why are their states usually more wealthy? And if GOP policies are truly meant to make everyone wealthier, to REALLY help the poor by getting them jobs.......then why are the poorest states so RED???

Poorest: Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, W Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina (look at the pic, they have the yellow "Dont Tread on Me" flag flying ABOVE their own state flag what a bunch of yahoos), Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina.

America’s Richest States - 24/7 Wall St.

Richest: Maryland, Alaska, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Virginia, Hawaii, Delaware, California.

With the exception of Alaska....few of the richest states seem to hold a high number of...Tea Partiers. But among the poorest states.....seems there is a Tea Party every weekend.

I dont get it. Seems the poorest states would be filled with the most Democrats (vote to give more to the poor) and the richest states would vote to give less aid to the poor and be filled with Republicans.

California has a 28 billion dollar debt and you see it as rich? typical fucking libtard.
You can't just use average income to determine wealth, you have to figure in cost of living and standard of living. I don't make allot of money, but I have a good standard of living because of lower taxes and lower cost for services and commodities.
Good question! Mainly because right wingers are poor and stupid. They seem to think that being poor, stupid, and obedient sheep to the (R), will one day "trickle down" and magically make them rich.
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These numbers have to be put in perspective because republican states are WAY cheaper than democrat states.
Poorly educated, and racism have a lot to do with those states. The poverty of NY, Cal, and Ill are Pubcrappe. Cal's problems are due to Pub refusal to allow a good Work/SS ID and draconian Pub tax and referendum restrictions.
America's 10 Poorest States: 24/7 Wall St.

If the Democrats only vote to give more free shit to the poor....why are their states usually more wealthy? And if GOP policies are truly meant to make everyone wealthier, to REALLY help the poor by getting them jobs.......then why are the poorest states so RED???

Poorest: Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, W Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina (look at the pic, they have the yellow "Dont Tread on Me" flag flying ABOVE their own state flag what a bunch of yahoos), Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina.

America’s Richest States - 24/7 Wall St.

Richest: Maryland, Alaska, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Virginia, Hawaii, Delaware, California.

With the exception of Alaska....few of the richest states seem to hold a high number of...Tea Partiers. But among the poorest states.....seems there is a Tea Party every weekend.

I dont get it. Seems the poorest states would be filled with the most Democrats (vote to give more to the poor) and the richest states would vote to give less aid to the poor and be filled with Republicans.

Why should you care. You're sitting this one out. Remember?
Poorest: Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, W Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina (look at the pic, they have the yellow "Dont Tread on Me" flag flying ABOVE their own state flag what a bunch of yahoos), Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina.

Only two of those states are outside the top ten states of blacks by percentage of population.

At number one, Mississippi is over 37% black.

And blacks, as a demographic, are much poorer than whites.

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I would suspect it hinges more on education than money. Perhaps it explains the reason Republican are so against educating the masses. In fact, it was Jefferson that harped on educating the masses as one of the answers to allow the nation to become more democratic. It would be interesting to see if some organizations have checked out the educational level of the typical Republican and Democratic political advertisments. Perhaps the Democrats have overlooked a large pool of voters, not in their policies but in their advertisements? We know that psychologists, and other experts are used in the millions of dollars spent on political propaganda.
Good question! Mainly because right wingers are poor and stupid. They seem to think that being poor, stupid, and obedient sheep to the (R), will one day "trickle down" and magically make them rich.

Except for Romney and Bush of course. How can republicans only care about the rich as you idiots always whine but still be poor?

Republicans want to say it's because those Red States have so many black people. But then, you look at the poor and a lot of them are white.

The problem is because Republican white wingers only have contempt for education. It's why Rick Santorum says college is for snobs and smart people aren't welcome in the Republican party and Bay Buchanan says Republicans don't want any "elites". Without education, you don't have science and technology. Don't get me started on "science". Republicans will say, "But we have more degrees". But how much is a degree in "Bible Study" worth? We call that a "BS".

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