Why appeal obamacare


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Doctors, private healthcare providers and medicare advantage plans want Obamacare appealed because they will have to actually provide healthcare. Blue Cross of Calif raised their premiums because under Obamacare they and other provider have to provide 85% of the premiums for medical care instead of 50% for medical care.
Obamacare works for americans, private healthcare work for themselves and CEOs.
If Obamacare is unconstitutional then amend the constitution so that it is not.
Personal responsibility is want republicans want Americans to do and they is what Obamacare is asking of them. Appealing Obamacare means I will have to be responsible for healthcare for those who do not take responsibility and get their own.
10 year old Tom wants Obamacare repealed? LMAO Ensign of Nevada used a 10 year old as reason to appeal Obamacare and Tom don‘t even know the cost of bubble gum. LMAO Had Tom read the 2,000 pay healthcare law? When Ensign and many others who oppose it have not read it?
Private healthcare is costing more and more and giving less and less medical care.
What american in their right mind would oppose affordable healthcare and getting the healthcare they pay for?
Private healthcare cannot give affordable and efficient healthcare and still make a profit to pay their CEOs and stay in business. Buying across state lines will only build competition, will not lower cost but will put small healthcare companies out of business resulting in a private healthcare monopoly. WalMart of healthcare. Cheap services and less services and NO regulations.

Can Colorado mandated to provide these services be unconstitutional?

Costs of federally mandated services to undocumented immigrants
in Colorado
The costs for each of the mandated services
are estimated to total:
• K-12 education — $175.6 million
• Emergency medical care — $31.3 million
• Incarceration — $18 million
• Total — $224.9 million
It's not about healthcare, it's always been about green energy. Obama and the like need that individual mandate to pass muster so that they could enforce under law that every American buy whatever product that they see fit. If the individual mandate passes, then they can say that for the good of the nation and our own well being we have to buy green energy products like windmills and what not, ever notice how Jeffrey Immelt AKA "President of General Electric" is Obamas top ecenomic advisor? Wonder what kind of kick back this special interest group business owner is going to get from Obama? Maybe a whole nation of 310,000,000 being made to buy green energy General Electric appliances? Well, at least we know of one big money special interest business owner that helped Obama buy off his election.
Also, ever notice how Al Gore has 2 Billion wrapped up in solar panels? Could this also be a coincidence? I doubt it.
Also have you noticed that Obama signed the drilling moratorium and now all of a sudden Egypt is about to go up and Obama supports Mubarak to step down? I will explain why he supports this, because for the last 30 years Mubarak has supported the United States, and by support I mean by keeping the Suez Canal open so that oil coming to America can flow freely through the canal to America. If Mubarak steps down and the Muslim brotherhood take over, that canal will be shut down, that coupled with the drilling moratorium that obama signed will crush America when it comes to energy, and what do you know?........the individual mandate gets passed just in time for them to make you also purchase green products from Jeffery Immelt and Al Gore.
Wow, isn't this hope and change awesome!!!
Don't kid yourself, this has nothing to do with healthcare, it has everything to do with that individual mandate. If the mandate falls, the whole bill falls, and there green agenda falls with it. That's why they would not do healthcare WITHOUT the MANDATE. These people stand to make trillions off of green energy, wake up.
Stick around kid, you might learn something from me.
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Doctors, private healthcare providers and medicare advantage plans want Obamacare appealed because they will have to actually provide healthcare. Blue Cross of Calif raised their premiums because under Obamacare they and other provider have to provide 85% of the premiums for medical care instead of 50% for medical care.
Obamacare works for americans, private healthcare work for themselves and CEOs.
If Obamacare is unconstitutional then amend the constitution so that it is not.
Personal responsibility is want republicans want Americans to do and they is what Obamacare is asking of them. Appealing Obamacare means I will have to be responsible for healthcare for those who do not take responsibility and get their own.
10 year old Tom wants Obamacare repealed? LMAO Ensign of Nevada used a 10 year old as reason to appeal Obamacare and Tom don‘t even know the cost of bubble gum. LMAO Had Tom read the 2,000 pay healthcare law? When Ensign and many others who oppose it have not read it?
Private healthcare is costing more and more and giving less and less medical care.
What american in their right mind would oppose affordable healthcare and getting the healthcare they pay for?
Private healthcare cannot give affordable and efficient healthcare and still make a profit to pay their CEOs and stay in business. Buying across state lines will only build competition, will not lower cost but will put small healthcare companies out of business resulting in a private healthcare monopoly. WalMart of healthcare. Cheap services and less services and NO regulations.

Can Colorado mandated to provide these services be unconstitutional?

Costs of federally mandated services to undocumented immigrants
in Colorado
The costs for each of the mandated services
are estimated to total:
• K-12 education — $175.6 million
• Emergency medical care — $31.3 million
• Incarceration — $18 million
• Total — $224.9 milli

Where to begin.....*stretches arms, cracks knuckles, clears throat.

First, it's REPEAL, not APPEAL, second, I cannot understand a dang thing you are saying. I do agree with you on the amendment part, if they want to make it constitutionally sound they should amend the constitution to support it, but until then it is not constitutional and should not be implemented.
Health care is not a right according to the constitution. Under the commerce clause, the federal government is not allowed to force it's citizens to purchase anything, the commerce clause was set up to regulate how much and of what you may purchase, not to force you to purchase anything. If this was the case, the federal government should be buying every American citizen a fire arm because IT IS ACTUALLY A RIGHT IN THE CONSTITUTION under the second amendment. Get it?
Doctors, private healthcare providers and medicare advantage plans want Obamacare appealed because they will have to actually provide healthcare. Blue Cross of Calif raised their premiums because under Obamacare they and other provider have to provide 85% of the premiums for medical care instead of 50% for medical care.
Obamacare works for americans, private healthcare work for themselves and CEOs.
If Obamacare is unconstitutional then amend the constitution so that it is not.
Personal responsibility is want republicans want Americans to do and they is what Obamacare is asking of them. Appealing Obamacare means I will have to be responsible for healthcare for those who do not take responsibility and get their own.
10 year old Tom wants Obamacare repealed? LMAO Ensign of Nevada used a 10 year old as reason to appeal Obamacare and Tom don‘t even know the cost of bubble gum. LMAO Had Tom read the 2,000 pay healthcare law? When Ensign and many others who oppose it have not read it?
Private healthcare is costing more and more and giving less and less medical care.
What american in their right mind would oppose affordable healthcare and getting the healthcare they pay for?
Private healthcare cannot give affordable and efficient healthcare and still make a profit to pay their CEOs and stay in business. Buying across state lines will only build competition, will not lower cost but will put small healthcare companies out of business resulting in a private healthcare monopoly. WalMart of healthcare. Cheap services and less services and NO regulations.

Can Colorado mandated to provide these services be unconstitutional?

Costs of federally mandated services to undocumented immigrants
in Colorado
The costs for each of the mandated services
are estimated to total:
• K-12 education — $175.6 million
• Emergency medical care — $31.3 million
• Incarceration — $18 million
• Total — $224.9 milli

Where to begin.....*stretches arms, cracks knuckles, clears throat.

First, it's REPEAL, not APPEAL, second, I cannot understand a dang thing you are saying. I do agree with you on the amendment part, if they want to make it constitutionally sound they should amend the constitution to support it, but until then it is not constitutional and should not be implemented.
Health care is not a right according to the constitution. Under the commerce clause, the federal government is not allowed to force it's citizens to purchase anything, the commerce clause was set up to regulate how much and of what you may purchase, not to force you to purchase anything. If this was the case, the federal government should be buying every American citizen a fire arm because IT IS ACTUALLY A RIGHT IN THE CONSTITUTION under the second amendment. Get it?

The only thing that is in question is requiring people to buy it. And it's sad that people have to be forced to take responsibility for having healthcare and stop expecting the rest of society to pay for their treatment.
The only thing that is in question is requiring people to buy it. And it's sad that people have to be forced to take responsibility for having healthcare and stop expecting the rest of society to pay for their treatment.

It's actually this aspect that everyone seems to be stuck on. There is this premise that everyone else will pay for the health care of those that can't, and that's what is contributing, in part, to higher health care costs. Further it seems the only way the left can figure out to remedy this is to make everyone buy insurance. I really don't see how that is a solution. The people who can't afford it, can't afford it. Making telling them they have to buy insurance irrelevant. There's still going to need to be some other solution for them.

So the only people we're really talking about are people that could afford insurance but don't have it. How many of that group of people are really contributing to this problem? I have to believe it's not very many. Break down the number. We are told (and I'm being generous with these numbers) that 50 million americans do not have heath insurance. That's about 20% of the population. What percentage of that are the real free loaders? That is how many of that 20% are people that can afford insurance but haven't bought it AND have received medical services they didn't pay for?

Again what is the purpose of the mandate? We are told it is to make sure that other peope don't have to pay for those people that could have bought insurance but didn't. NO ONE ELSE. Those that can't afford don't count because we'll be paying for them anyway and those that are paying out of pocket don't count. Even those that don't have insurance by choice don't count, not until they need service and don't pay for it. I just have a hard time swalling that this very specific group of people is exhorbitantly contributing to the high cost of medical care in this country.

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