Why America’s Workers Need Faster Wage Growth—And What We Can Do About It

shrinking because liberals invited 20 million illegals in, and because liberal taxes and unions drove 30 million jobs offshore. Isn't learning your ABC's fun. How old are you, liberal brainless parrot?

Greedy corporations and their political party the GOP are the cause.

dear corportations under capitalism so they cant be greedy. Do you understand?
No customers make you money, employees are an expense. The net cost difference maybe fired employees or some reduced to part-time in order to defeat the cost increase. The difference you asked for is about 30% more, two thirds of that is the wage increase itself, then there is the additional taxes and benefits paid by employers

Who serves the customers? Would you have customers if you didn't have employees? Do your customers return because you hired correctly? My employees are responsible for new and renewal of contracts.

The net cost (depending on tax structure) is 3% to 10%.

There wouldn't be any customers to serve if someone didn't invest capital in a building, products, marketing, etc.

Or do you think the Customers would just give the workers money for standing on a sidewalk holding out their hands?

and who would risk the investment without possibility of profit.

Uh...the Government. *cough* Solyndra *cough*

If I remember right Michelle Obama's friends DID profit from that.

Well, yes...in a Bail Outy sorta way.
shrinking because liberals invited 20 million illegals in, and because liberal taxes and unions drove 30 million jobs offshore. Isn't learning your ABC's fun. How old are you, liberal brainless parrot?

Greedy corporations and their political party the GOP are the cause.

Corporations are not alive, they cannot be greedy. Most corporations are small business in America and are far from greedy. I know it is necessary for your narrative to be correct, but it is a falsehood.
shrinking because liberals invited 20 million illegals in, and because liberal taxes and unions drove 30 million jobs offshore. Isn't learning your ABC's fun. How old are you, liberal brainless parrot?

Greedy corporations and their political party the GOP are the cause.

Corporations are not alive, they cannot be greedy. Most corporations are small business in America and are far from greedy. I know it is necessary for your narrative to be correct, but it is a falsehood.

if a corporation was greedy it would go bankrupt as it would be undercut by competition!! Simple but still not simple enough for a liberal to understand.
There wouldn't be any customers to serve if someone didn't invest capital in a building, products, marketing, etc.

Or do you think the Customers would just give the workers money for standing on a sidewalk holding out their hands?

Three MUST HAVES for any successful business:

Five years total capital. (OPM)

Know who to hire (which you can farm out)

We had onepercenter haters down the block. They paid top dollar for a landscape architect to design and build their yard. Three years later they auctioned most of their stuff off and are trying to sell their house before foreclosure.

What led up to foreclosure?
yes its not their money so they are happy to waste it as opposed to leaving it in the private sector where the folks who earned it will see that it is invested productively!!

Or, as what happened, the Chinese government subsidized their companies which led to sales of solar panels at below cost of manufacture. You did take advantage, didn't you?

Quit being a worker and start being an asset

Workers are assets.

You are seriously not impressing me here with arguments. Or your sincerity. Raising Min Wage doesn't promote a low skilled worker, it promotes a MENIAL job ! And the concept of keeping your assets pig happy in heart-breaking boredom for a career kind of reminds me of the plantation mindset.

First of all -- you don't have a PRAYER of understanding the pressures on jobs and salaries by looking at national averages. You'll just end up feathering the nest of the automation/robotics crowd. Which BTW is STARVING for qualified people at most ALL levels. Including programming, maintenance and sales.

If it was up to me -- I'd raise the Min Wage but make HIRING a min wage worker contingient on their being in some kind of continuing education program. (exceptions for mentally disabled and seniors).
And I would NEVER raise wages at the bottom whilst the H.S. drop-out rate in major cities is over 40%. Bleeding hearts like you don't understand the unintended consequences of fighting for higher education standards and what a $15/hour min wage would do to kids who are chomping to leave home and leave H.S.

At a time when FUTURE careers demand flexibility and a big toolbox, all leftists want to do is make folks comfortable in their stagnation. No chance that this mantra is gonna propel your minions into even more micro-management of a country in decline....
You are seriously not impressing me here with arguments. Or your sincerity. Raising Min Wage doesn't promote a low skilled worker, it promotes a MENIAL job ! And the concept of keeping your assets pig happy in heart-breaking boredom for a career kind of reminds me of the plantation mindset.

First of all -- you don't have a PRAYER of understanding the pressures on jobs and salaries by looking at national averages. You'll just end up feathering the nest of the automation/robotics crowd. Which BTW is STARVING for qualified people at most ALL levels. Including programming, maintenance and sales.

If it was up to me -- I'd raise the Min Wage but make HIRING a min wage worker contingient on their being in some kind of continuing education program. (exceptions for mentally disabled and seniors).
And I would NEVER raise wages at the bottom whilst the H.S. drop-out rate in major cities is over 40%. Bleeding hearts like you don't understand the unintended consequences of fighting for higher education standards and what a $15/hour min wage would do to kids who are chomping to leave home and leave H.S.

At a time when FUTURE careers demand flexibility and a big toolbox, all leftists want to do is make folks comfortable in their stagnation. No chance that this mantra is gonna propel your minions into even more micro-management of a country in decline....

In your tirade of bloviation you seem to forget your talking about human beings.

It's not nice to lump the mentally disabled and seniors in the same category, there are many seniors on here that may take offense.

Wage disparity has, and continues to be promoted by corporate America and their political organization the GOP.

If you want to fix the problem and pay-off the national debt, all you have to do is:

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.
You are seriously not impressing me here with arguments. Or your sincerity. Raising Min Wage doesn't promote a low skilled worker, it promotes a MENIAL job ! And the concept of keeping your assets pig happy in heart-breaking boredom for a career kind of reminds me of the plantation mindset.

First of all -- you don't have a PRAYER of understanding the pressures on jobs and salaries by looking at national averages. You'll just end up feathering the nest of the automation/robotics crowd. Which BTW is STARVING for qualified people at most ALL levels. Including programming, maintenance and sales.

If it was up to me -- I'd raise the Min Wage but make HIRING a min wage worker contingient on their being in some kind of continuing education program. (exceptions for mentally disabled and seniors).
And I would NEVER raise wages at the bottom whilst the H.S. drop-out rate in major cities is over 40%. Bleeding hearts like you don't understand the unintended consequences of fighting for higher education standards and what a $15/hour min wage would do to kids who are chomping to leave home and leave H.S.

At a time when FUTURE careers demand flexibility and a big toolbox, all leftists want to do is make folks comfortable in their stagnation. No chance that this mantra is gonna propel your minions into even more micro-management of a country in decline....

In your tirade of bloviation you seem to forget your talking about human beings.

It's not nice to lump the mentally disabled and seniors in the same category, there are many seniors on here that may take offense.

I didn't lump seniors and mentally disabled workers into anything. I EXEMPTED them from a requirement to seeking higher skills and education. A requirement that is KEY to raising folks out of the ENDANGERED "low skill worker" category.. And there is your insincerity on display. Token references (free for you to give) about your superior empathy for "people".. MY comments were more effective to promoting dignity and success..

Wage disparity has, and continues to be promoted by corporate America and their political organization the GOP.

I don't what century you are living in, but wage disparity is largely a function of the changing definition of a job. There will be INCREASINGLY FEW "low skilled jobs". They are not required. What we must do is to ignore your leftist prescriptions for inflating your way out of changing job market and INCREASE the expectations for education and training. NOT decrease them. FLEXIBILITY, not rigid union rules is what makes a successful career out of a repetitive hellish job. Folks have been given EQUAL TOOLS for creativity to large corporations. You can create on a $1000 investment TODAY, what only a Fortune 500 could do 20 years ago.. That applies to Music, arts, journalism, engineering, and most ALL vocations. People need to realize that creativity and intellectual property is gonna be more highly valued than sweat you measure by the hour..

If you want to fix the problem and pay-off the national debt, all you have to do is:

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

Good luck with all that. America would lose any educational edge we still have by artificially inflated entry level jobs that require ZERO skills. You'd end up destroying so many lives with this laundry list. But you'd still believe you are the saviour of the common people.. Wouldn't you?

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