Why America needs guns

Let's get rid of cars.

There would be far less accidents.

Yes there would. But people would still need to get around. And there'd still be accidents.

People don't need to shoot signs.

Also, if measure were taken to reduce deaths on the road, that would work. Because it works in countries which actually have a proper government.

The US has 10.6 road fatalities per 100,000 people.

Norway has 2.2
Switzerland 2.6
Sweden 2.8
UK 2.9
Netherlands 3.4
Denmark 3.5

Well, let's see who shares a similar rate to the US.

The Philippines

Yeah, poorer former eastern European countries and the Philippines.
most all violent crime is in progressive controlled urban areas… So shut the fuck up

Teenager Accidentally Kills Marine After Shooting at Road Sign"

"A teenage boy, shooting a pistol at a road sign, ended up killing a retired Marine who was sitting on the front porch of his house."

Yeah, with MORE GUNS this event wouldn't have happened because the person who shot the sign, and then killed the retired Marine, would ALREADY BE DEAD.

More guns.
Mother of 8 killed over money spent on diapers instead of weed

we need to get rid of diapers too man. look at all the shit they cause.
Let's get rid of cars.

There would be far less accidents.

Yes there would. But people would still need to get around. And there'd still be accidents.

People don't need to shoot signs.

Also, if measure were taken to reduce deaths on the road, that would work. Because it works in countries which actually have a proper government.

The US has 10.6 road fatalities per 100,000 people.

Norway has 2.2
Switzerland 2.6
Sweden 2.8
UK 2.9
Netherlands 3.4
Denmark 3.5

Well, let's see who shares a similar rate to the US.

The Philippines

Yeah, poorer former eastern European countries and the Philippines.
You are comparing apples to oranges kid.

None of these nations have the same highway or road infrastucture system, nor do they have the same car ownership tradition as the U.S.

We can't even begin to make comparisons. It would be impossible.

The only nation that has an even comparable interstate system, that I am aware, would be either Canada or maybe Germany? Even then. . . .

And there is no nation that has a tradition of car ownership.

Here, middle class teens feel like they are deprived if they do not get a car when they get a license.

I doubt there are any other nations on the planet that have that same cultural attitude.

Of course, this is what the culture is in the "fly over states." I can't imagine what it is in them big metropolises where you ain't got no room to park cars. :auiqs.jpg:

Huh? it wasn't ME who brought up cars. Kid.

Why the fuck is it every time we compare the US to another country, the excuses come flowing out.

Oh, we can't deal with the gun problem in the US because... because... we're fucking retards.

Oh, we can't deal with the car death problem in the US because.... because... we're fucking retards.

Can't deal with the political problem
Can't deal with anything at all.


So why the fuck respond to me then with your lame ass excuses?
Other countries do not have the right to firearm ownership and the freedom of speech...
No other countries are irrelevant you sorry ass motherfucker

Right..... more of the lame arguments.

The Teen that fell to their death, did something wrong.

The ex-marine who got shot and died did nothing wrong.

Spot the difference.

Horrible accidents have been occurring for millennia.

Yes they have. Somehow the US seems to have a lot more of them than other civilized countries. And yet the American people seem to like other people having all these accidents......

Then a Muslim comes along and it's like "oh shit, we're all going to die, how can we die? I don't want to die"

The hypocrisy is fucking killing me.

Do what? You lost me on other people having accidents and muslims.

Yeah, and you people lost me so fucking long ago when you stopped giving a shit about anything other than a giant phallic symbol to beef up your dwindling masculinity.

It's amazing how quickly people can forget things.

You don't remember using the argument that Muslims couldn't enter the US because "oh, oh, Muslims might kill people". Or even immigrants. Yeah, immigrants might kill someone, so they're a danger. But an American with a gun, nah, not a danger at all, except for the criminals, the accidents, the mentally ill, the deranged and the men, of course.
Progressive controlled urban areas is where most of the violent crime in this country is at. Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims so shut the fuck up asshole
I've an arsenal , lotta guns , lotta ammo

they don't make me anymore free than a collection of toasters

you're a tool if you believe otherwise

Using that same logic there are people who still be alive if illegal aliens who committed murder had been deported there would be people alive today if irresponsible drivers weren't allowed to buy a car there are a number of people who would be alive today if not for the actions of stupid irresponsible people. So I guess the answer here is to punish all the intelligent responsible people because of the actions of the stupid irresponsible ones.

No, the logic here is that you let in those immigrants who you think are going to be positive.

You make laws that reduce deaths on roads (you know, many civilized countries have a death rate on the roads 1/3rd that of the US, it's possible)

That's logic.
So you use a merit based system for immigration the very kind Trump wants that the left opposes with every fiber of their being you know these other countries might have a lower death rate on the roads because they have a consideribly smaller population that drives cars less and depends more on public transportation that the U.S. does.
Let's get rid of cars.

There would be far less accidents.
I love how you idiots compare cars (machines designed and created for transportation), with guns (machines designed and created for killing).

The logic of the comparison escapes me. Probably because there isn't a logical comparison.
No one has a right to vehicle ownership in this country, firearm ownership is a right... you sorry ass motherfucker

Teenager Accidentally Kills Marine After Shooting at Road Sign"

"A teenage boy, shooting a pistol at a road sign, ended up killing a retired Marine who was sitting on the front porch of his house."

Yeah, with MORE GUNS this event wouldn't have happened because the person who shot the sign, and then killed the retired Marine, would ALREADY BE DEAD.

More guns.

I'll cut right to the chase: GFY retarded shill.

If you don't want a gun, don't get one, faggot.
Horrible accidents have been occurring for millennia.

Yes they have. Somehow the US seems to have a lot more of them than other civilized countries. And yet the American people seem to like other people having all these accidents......

Then a Muslim comes along and it's like "oh shit, we're all going to die, how can we die? I don't want to die"

The hypocrisy is fucking killing me.

Do what? You lost me on other people having accidents and muslims.

Yeah, and you people lost me so fucking long ago when you stopped giving a shit about anything other than a giant phallic symbol to beef up your dwindling masculinity.

It's amazing how quickly people can forget things.

You don't remember using the argument that Muslims couldn't enter the US because "oh, oh, Muslims might kill people". Or even immigrants. Yeah, immigrants might kill someone, so they're a danger. But an American with a gun, nah, not a danger at all, except for the criminals, the accidents, the mentally ill, the deranged and the men, of course.

.....you're just rambling on now. It sounds like your rant is: gun bad, let's let everybody in.

Ah yes, more tactics "You're rambling" seems to be you can't say why what I'm saying is supposed to be wrong.

Hypocrisy is what I'm talking about. Compartmentalizing different issues so that you don't have to be consistent about the arguments you make.

Either "shit happens" so let's not deal with the problems connected with guns or "let's try and make things safe.

So, with immigration you can't use the argument that immigrants might potentially one day kill someone if you use the former argument.

But you know some will use one argument here, and the opposing argument there.

But shit, I'm "rambling" because this will be just a little too inconvenient.
More frivolous gun laws will save no one.. so shut the fuck up

Teenager Accidentally Kills Marine After Shooting at Road Sign"

"A teenage boy, shooting a pistol at a road sign, ended up killing a retired Marine who was sitting on the front porch of his house."

Yeah, with MORE GUNS this event wouldn't have happened because the person who shot the sign, and then killed the retired Marine, would ALREADY BE DEAD.

More guns.
Everybody knows that really bad people will turn in their guns along with all the good people.:icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:
Let's get rid of cars.

There would be far less accidents.
I love how you idiots compare cars (machines designed and created for transportation), with guns (machines designed and created for killing).

The logic of the comparison escapes me. Probably because there isn't a logical comparison.
No one has a right to vehicle ownership in this country, firearm ownership is a right... you sorry ass motherfucker
And another stupid fucking asshole is heard from.
Let's get rid of cars.

There would be far less accidents.
I love how you idiots compare cars (machines designed and created for transportation), with guns (machines designed and created for killing).

The logic of the comparison escapes me. Probably because there isn't a logical comparison.
No one has a right to vehicle ownership in this country, firearm ownership is a right... you sorry ass motherfucker
And another stupid fucking asshole is heard from.
Let's get rid of cars.

There would be far less accidents.
I love how you idiots compare cars (machines designed and created for transportation), with guns (machines designed and created for killing).

The logic of the comparison escapes me. Probably because there isn't a logical comparison.

No, dipshit...there is a comparison...gun accidents to car accidents...you don't like the comparison because gun accidents don't kill nearly as many people as cars do...in fact, cars accidentally kill more people than guns do when they are used to commit intentional murder....

And in America...guns save more lives than they take....showing that your post is stupid....according to the Centers for Disease Control, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives.....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC







You're another simpleton.
Using that same logic there are people who still be alive if illegal aliens who committed murder had been deported there would be people alive today if irresponsible drivers weren't allowed to buy a car there are a number of people who would be alive today if not for the actions of stupid irresponsible people. So I guess the answer here is to punish all the intelligent responsible people because of the actions of the stupid irresponsible ones.

No, the logic here is that you let in those immigrants who you think are going to be positive.

You make laws that reduce deaths on roads (you know, many civilized countries have a death rate on the roads 1/3rd that of the US, it's possible)

That's logic.
So you use a merit based system for immigration the very kind Trump wants that the left opposes with every fiber of their being you know these other countries might have a lower death rate on the roads because they have a consideribly smaller population that drives cars less and depends more on public transportation that the U.S. does.

Yes, I oppose the left on immigration.

"might have" a lower death rate... so you don't know?

Oh wow, that's amazing. You can't even be bothered to make your own fucking argument. Great.

List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia

List of countries and dependencies by population density - Wikipedia

US has 10.6 road deaths per 100,000 population and a population density of 86 people per square mile.

Norway has 2.2 road deaths per 100,000 population and a population density of 41 people per square mile.

Hey, you might be onto something.

The UK has a 2.9 road deaths per 100,000 people and a population density of 704 people per square mile.

Oh, wait, sorry, your made up "argument" just went up like a shit stick.
Let's get rid of cars.

There would be far less accidents.
I love how you idiots compare cars (machines designed and created for transportation), with guns (machines designed and created for killing).

The logic of the comparison escapes me. Probably because there isn't a logical comparison.

No, dipshit...there is a comparison...gun accidents to car accidents...you don't like the comparison because gun accidents don't kill nearly as many people as cars do...in fact, cars accidentally kill more people than guns do when they are used to commit intentional murder....

And in America...guns save more lives than they take....showing that your post is stupid....according to the Centers for Disease Control, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives.....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC







You're another simpleton.

There are close to 600 million guns in private hands....and over 17.5 million people carrying guns for self defense in the United States....

Number of accidental gun accidents? 495....out of a population of close to 320 million people.

Car deaths 38,748....

Comparing accident deaths to accident deaths....

Then, if you compare car accidental death to gun murder...the actual illegal use of guns to take a life?

10,982 gun murders in 2017. Accidental car deaths? 38, 748

Cars are deadlier than guns.....
Using that same logic there are people who still be alive if illegal aliens who committed murder had been deported there would be people alive today if irresponsible drivers weren't allowed to buy a car there are a number of people who would be alive today if not for the actions of stupid irresponsible people. So I guess the answer here is to punish all the intelligent responsible people because of the actions of the stupid irresponsible ones.

No, the logic here is that you let in those immigrants who you think are going to be positive.

You make laws that reduce deaths on roads (you know, many civilized countries have a death rate on the roads 1/3rd that of the US, it's possible)

That's logic.
So you use a merit based system for immigration the very kind Trump wants that the left opposes with every fiber of their being you know these other countries might have a lower death rate on the roads because they have a consideribly smaller population that drives cars less and depends more on public transportation that the U.S. does.

Yes, I oppose the left on immigration.

"might have" a lower death rate... so you don't know?

Oh wow, that's amazing. You can't even be bothered to make your own fucking argument. Great.

List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia

List of countries and dependencies by population density - Wikipedia

US has 10.6 road deaths per 100,000 population and a population density of 86 people per square mile.

Norway has 2.2 road deaths per 100,000 population and a population density of 41 people per square mile.

Hey, you might be onto something.

The UK has a 2.9 road deaths per 100,000 people and a population density of 704 people per square mile.

Oh, wait, sorry, your made up "argument" just went up like a shit stick.
Yeah if you want to make your case try using an actual source instead of Wikipedia that's the cry of the truly desperate your response was the classic example of the shit stick. With that said i'm going to finish watching the Astros and Red Sox and you can kiss my snow white ass.
Does the word "accidentally" escape you?
How about the murder rate in Chicago? Tracking Chicago shooting victims

Yeah, accidentally someone died. If there weren't guns, if idiots shooting signs didn't happen, then that former Marine would still be alive. Right?

What about the murder rate in Chicago? Is it fucking high? Does it point to the fact that guns in society is a bad thing TOO?

If there weren't bathtubs, ballons, soap,, rubber bands, plastic bags, scissor"s, dressers, buckets, draino, chain saws, hack saws hammers, screw drivers , fish bones .....no one would die from those either.
Let's get rid of cars.

There would be far less accidents.
I love how you idiots compare cars (machines designed and created for transportation), with guns (machines designed and created for killing).

The logic of the comparison escapes me. Probably because there isn't a logical comparison.
No one has a right to vehicle ownership in this country, firearm ownership is a right... you sorry ass motherfucker
And another stupid fucking asshole is heard from.

Fucking facts confuse you dick weed?

Go back to fucking school

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