Who wrote the bible?

Besides, ancient writing...the style at the time was undoubtedly to write in third person. There were different styles for prophesy, for poetry, and for prose...
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How can they have been in direct contact with JC when the oldest part of the NT was writen 70 years after JC's death.

People lived A LOT longer back then than we do now. It was nothing for someone to live a couple hundred yrs or more. Jesus was only 32 when He died...

Actually, people did not live longer times due to the harsh and brutish nature of their lives.

The reason religion suggest people lived for hundred years tend to suggest that belief in their religious beliefs and righteous allows the god's blessings of long life and good health to fall upon you.

In short, the claims of long life was a trick to entice people to join the religion. The belivers of the religions still lived short and brutal lives, but by then it was too late.

By the way, some early religions did seek to establish the creed of longer life and good health by introducing religious diets, religious exercizes and some social philosophy to live by. The effect of these "novelties" did contribute to longer life and better heatlh and a less harsh society, but nothing is suggest that these people lived hundreds of years unless they changed the calender they measured years by.
Books of the NT:

"Their authors were associates of Jesus or his immediate followers, men to whom Jesus had entrusted the leadership of the early church. The Gospel writers Matthew and John were some of Jesus' closest followers. Mark and Luke were companions of the apostles, having access to the apostles' account of Jesus' life.
The other New Testament authors had immediate access to Jesus as well: James and Jude were half-brothers of Jesus who initially did not believe in him. Peter was one of the 12 apostles. Paul started out as a hater of Christianity, but he became an apostle after he had a vision of Christ. He was also in communication with the other apostles."

These are not Roman or Greek philosophers. Though some of the bible was written in Greek.

"Our modern translations are confirmed by a huge number of ancient manuscripts in both Hebrew and Greek, including the mid-20th century discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. These scrolls hold the oldest existing fragments of almost all of the Old Testament books, dating from 150 B.C. The similarity of the Dead Sea manuscripts to hand copies made even 1,000 years later is proof of the care the ancient Hebrew scribes took in copying their scriptures."

Who Wrote the Bible - Is the Bible Reliable?

Five books of the old testament were supposed to have been written by Moses yet most of that is written in third person. Who was that mystery writer who stood there and watched and listened to god and Moses and saw the burning bush

Pretty obvious that somebody imagined or made up that crock of shit

It could also be a recounting and collaboration of the story by people that heard it.

The basis of story can be tue, but the elaborative parts maybe included for several reasons.
1)To bridge the known parts of the story with unknown parts
2)to make the story more interesting
3)To promote Hebrew culture and God over other cultures and gods

Actually, the first 5 books of the OT is the Torah, which was given to Moses on Sinai when he got the 10 Commandments.
How can they have been in direct contact with JC when the oldest part of the NT was writen 70 years after JC's death.

People lived A LOT longer back then than we do now. It was nothing for someone to live a couple hundred yrs or more. Jesus was only 32 when He died...

Actually, people did not live longer times due to the harsh and brutish nature of their lives.

The reason religion suggest people lived for hundred years tend to suggest that belief in their religious beliefs and righteous allows the god's blessings of long life and good health to fall upon you.

In short, the claims of long life was a trick to entice people to join the religion. The belivers of the religions still lived short and brutal lives, but by then it was too late.

By the way, some early religions did seek to establish the creed of longer life and good health by introducing religious diets, religious exercizes and some social philosophy to live by. The effect of these "novelties" did contribute to longer life and better heatlh and a less harsh society, but nothing is suggest that these people lived hundreds of years unless they changed the calender they measured years by.

If you can prove any of that (which you can't) you go ahead and cite and link it. Otherwise I'll accept your "that's my story and I'm sticking to it" school of thought for what it is. Complete crap.
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men wrote the bible.

Specifically men who sought to control the masses via religion.

Exactly. It was written by men to benefit men.

Yeah and if anyone doubts that it was to benefit men look at all religions and how they say for a woman to be submissive to a man. Some worse than others.

That could be acarry over from the times that men believed all women should be protected, all women should be watched, all women are property.

The Modern concepts is a result of the Reformation, Enlightenment and Industrial eras.

Now some women are to be protected. They are little kids, pregnant women, the sick and the elderly(notice some males fall into this category)

Some people are to be watched carefully.

No one is property.
Let me clarify..not afraid of death...

I know plenty who are afraid of the process of DYING. But that's not fear of death, that's fear of pain.

That is not fear of pain.

It is fear of the unknown. There is more pain in life than in death
Don't tell me what I fear, I KNOW what I fear, and I know, from discussing this topic specifically with other Chrsitians individually, in bible class, and via other venues, what it is that Christians fear regarding death.

And it isn't death itself. We fear, specifically, things like getting cancer and being in excruciating pain, losing our ability to function, getting bed sores and gangrene....or suffocating, or burning to death, or drowning....

It's the ACT of dying, not the result, that we find scary...as most people do.

But YOU fear the unknown, perhaps. So speak for yourself only.
Excuse me, you're the one who is telling me what I should believe and who is telling me what I think and feel.

Who's the busy body here? God, who you claim isn't real, or the person who races around telling people who have faith what they *really* think and feel?

I don't deny myself enjoyment at all. People who live debauched lives are not happy. You are the one who takes pleasure in attacking people for their faith...I get no joy at all from the thought of people in hell. Regardless of what you say.

Ultimately, you're just another lying anti-Christian, a tool of Satan, and a bigot. You are one of a multitude. We pity you.

"Bwaaaaaaaa, you're not letting me impose my backward ass superstition on you, you big meaniehead!""""

Of course, you guys get off on Hell. I mean, you'd hate a heaven where God made few moral judgements and everyone got in.

Seriously, you see, I don't tell anyone what they shouldn't do. I just don't want you idiots imposing yourselves on the rest of us, which is what you try to do at every oppurtunity.

You don't want an abortion, don't have one.

You don't want gay marriage, don't have one.

I have no desire to have either, but I don't go around telling people who want them they can't have them because a Magic Sky Pixie said they couldn't.
Another anti-Christian dipwad whining about having other people's beliefs "imposed" upon him, as he and others impose on those chrsitians thoughts and feelings that the Christians state repeatedly are not accurate.

So who's doing the imposing again? Why do you feel compelled to tell me what I think and fear? Why must you impose you own fears upon me???
Another anti-Christian dipwad whining about having other people's beliefs "imposed" upon him, as he and others impose on those chrsitians thoughts and feelings that the Christians state repeatedly are not accurate.

So who's doing the imposing again? Why do you feel compelled to tell me what I think and fear? Why must you impose you own fears upon me???

A good example of Christian imposition is the "personhood bill".
How dare people defend those who can't defend themselves, how DARE they *impose their beliefs* upon people who want to butcher and kill, by lawfully introducing a bill for approval.

The bastards. Somebody needs to prevent them from imposing their beliefs upon people...take away their right to lobby and submit bills! That's it...make it illegal for them to talk about it! Cuz they're trying to impose their beliefs and we don't like what they say! Shut those fuckers down! They shouldn't be allowed to voice an opinion that we're murdering pieces of shit, they must be prevented from recognizing babies as people!
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Another anti-Christian dipwad whining about having other people's beliefs "imposed" upon him, as he and others impose on those chrsitians thoughts and feelings that the Christians state repeatedly are not accurate.

So who's doing the imposing again? Why do you feel compelled to tell me what I think and fear? Why must you impose you own fears upon me???

You're afraid on an imaginary sadist... I can't imagine anything more cowardly than that.

I grew up Catholic, and realized Christians were solidly full of shit by teh time I was 11. I have nothing but contempt for you people.
How dare people defend those who can't defend themselves, how DARE they *impose their beliefs* upon people who want to butcher and kill, by lawfully introducing a bill for approval.

The bastards. Somebody needs to prevent them from imposing their beliefs upon people...take away their right to lobby and submit bills! That's it...make it illegal for them to talk about it! Cuz they're trying to impose their beliefs and we don't like what they say! Shut those fuckers down! They shouldn't be allowed to voice an opinion that we're murdering pieces of shit, they must be prevented from recognizing babies as people!

Please point out where we've made it illegal for religious nutters to scream horrid things at women seeking family planning. Some of them even do it on National Radio.

But to the point, until you nutters put your money where your mouth is and tell me that you are going to support every unwanted baby in the country, I personally wish you all would STFU.
Another anti-Christian dipwad whining about having other people's beliefs "imposed" upon him, as he and others impose on those chrsitians thoughts and feelings that the Christians state repeatedly are not accurate.

So who's doing the imposing again? Why do you feel compelled to tell me what I think and fear? Why must you impose you own fears upon me???

You're afraid on an imaginary sadist... I can't imagine anything more cowardly than that.

I grew up Catholic, and realized Christians were solidly full of shit by teh time I was 11. I have nothing but contempt for you people.

In my opinion...growing up Catholic may have been your downfall. Did you ever try any other Christian church and teachings? I don't believe in what Catholics believe, where you pray for intersession or whatever to the saints (or statues). My opinion is they are idol worshippers and i have a hard time with alot of their beliefs. I know many Catholics that think they can do whatever they want, as long as they go to confession each week and tell a Priest what they've done and are sorry for it,,, then they turn around and do it again the next week. Not ALL are like that, but i know quite a few that are. It sounds to me like you let "people" turn you away from Him. That's one of the ways Satan works on people....normally the weak minded.
In my opinion...growing up Catholic may have been your downfall. Did you ever try any other Christian church and teachings? I don't believe in what Catholics believe, where you pray for intersession or whatever to the saints (or statues). My opinion is they are idol worshippers and i have a hard time with alot of their beliefs. I know many Catholics that think they can do whatever they want, as long as they go to confession each week and tell a Priest what they've done and are sorry for it,,, then they turn around and do it again the next week. Not ALL are like that, but i know quite a few that are. It sounds to me like you let "people" turn you away from Him. That's one of the ways Satan works on people....normally the weak minded.

No one turned me away from superstition and stupidity but me, guy. Sorry. That's not how I roll.. I'm a contrarian by nature.

You know when I started to have doubt about it? It's when the nasty old nun told us about Noah's Ark... and when I asked why God would drown all the babies, she said, "Because they were wiiiiiiiiicked!"

Now, admitably, that was a particularly ass-poundingly stupid thing to say, but the thing is, I've talked to Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Mormons etc about things religious, and not a one of them could come up with a better excuse as to why God (who let's not forget is the good and merciful one) killed EVERY BABY IN THE WORLD while Satan in the whole bible only kills ten people. (He kills the children of Job in a bar bet with God.)

It's really what the nuns didn't tell me about what's in the bible. They pretty much Disneyfied the Bible as much as possible, which means they only told the stories that made God look good. They never told the story of Jephthah butchering his daughter as a sacrifice to God or God sending bears to rip children to shreds because they made fun of a Prophet's bald head.

In my opinion...growing up Catholic may have been your downfall. Did you ever try any other Christian church and teachings? I don't believe in what Catholics believe, where you pray for intersession or whatever to the saints (or statues). My opinion is they are idol worshippers and i have a hard time with alot of their beliefs. I know many Catholics that think they can do whatever they want, as long as they go to confession each week and tell a Priest what they've done and are sorry for it,,, then they turn around and do it again the next week. Not ALL are like that, but i know quite a few that are. It sounds to me like you let "people" turn you away from Him. That's one of the ways Satan works on people....normally the weak minded.

No one turned me away from superstition and stupidity but me, guy. Sorry. That's not how I roll.. I'm a contrarian by nature.

You know when I started to have doubt about it? It's when the nasty old nun told us about Noah's Ark... and when I asked why God would drown all the babies, she said, "Because they were wiiiiiiiiicked!"

Now, admitably, that was a particularly ass-poundingly stupid thing to say, but the thing is, I've talked to Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Mormons etc about things religious, and not a one of them could come up with a better excuse as to why God (who let's not forget is the good and merciful one) killed EVERY BABY IN THE WORLD while Satan in the whole bible only kills ten people. (He kills the children of Job in a bar bet with God.)

It's really what the nuns didn't tell me about what's in the bible. They pretty much Disneyfied the Bible as much as possible, which means they only told the stories that made God look good. They never told the story of Jephthah butchering his daughter as a sacrifice to God or God sending bears to rip children to shreds because they made fun of a Prophet's bald head.

Oh yes, someone did turn you away from the truth, his name is satan. You are the one full of S#$%.
How dare people defend those who can't defend themselves, how DARE they *impose their beliefs* upon people who want to butcher and kill, by lawfully introducing a bill for approval.

The bastards. Somebody needs to prevent them from imposing their beliefs upon people...take away their right to lobby and submit bills! That's it...make it illegal for them to talk about it! Cuz they're trying to impose their beliefs and we don't like what they say! Shut those fuckers down! They shouldn't be allowed to voice an opinion that we're murdering pieces of shit, they must be prevented from recognizing babies as people!

Please point out where we've made it illegal for religious nutters to scream horrid things at women seeking family planning. Some of them even do it on National Radio.

But to the point, until you nutters put your money where your mouth is and tell me that you are going to support every unwanted baby in the country, I personally wish you all would STFU.

Is this the topic now? Because it has nothing whatever to do with what we were talking about.

Back to what we were talking about...so is it "imposing your belief on others" to speak out against murder and to use legal means to circumvent it? Because that's exactly what you're saying.
Hear ye hear ye..only those who are willing to support all needy children are allowed to speak out against the murder of children.

If you can't support them, you must step aside and let the baby killers chop them up. Move to the side.

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