Who Will Poll Better After The Debates Start? ...lol...

If, and its a big uncertain if, Trump can stay calm during the debates and just bring up Clintons past lies and how she got away with the classified information on her server due to political appointments, Hillary should blow up and show the true her.
If and another big if, Trump can stay calm through that, it will raise a big question as to who might be better in office. Then vindictive socialist anti American or the calm business man that wants to try and fix the budget.

He needs to say what his plans/policies are going to be and HOW he is planning on accomplishing/implementing them. If he just stands there insulting her and dredging up her past, she'll remain calm (remember, she wants to be potus at any cost) and he'll look like a fool.
If, and its a big uncertain if, Trump can stay calm during the debates and just bring up Clintons past lies and how she got away with the classified information on her server due to political appointments, Hillary should blow up and show the true her.
If and another big if, Trump can stay calm through that, it will raise a big question as to who might be better in office. Then vindictive socialist anti American or the calm business man that wants to try and fix the budget.

He needs to say what his plans/policies are going to be and HOW he is planning on accomplishing/implementing them. If he just stands there insulting her and dredging up her past, she'll remain calm (remember, she wants to be potus at any cost) and he'll look like a fool.
I agree. any debate between them has to be unlike any debate ever in history.
they are both open to being called out on past history and they are both not looking forward to that.
I think the debates will be less on what they will do and more on what they have done.
Nope.I'd be skeptical though, I don't forsee that kind of bounce coming either.

One of the best political analogies I've heard said this: people are going to either vote for Trump or vote for Hillary based on their (the voter's) personality, not some issue that suddenly comes up with either one. Those who are predisposed to liking Trump will always like Trump and nothing will sway them. Those that are predisposed to NOT liking Trump will always not like him. One thing is sure: there is no mild reaction to Trump.

So the vote will be "Trump!" lovers and Never-Trump folks. I think Trump has maxed out his appeal and Hillary has just gotten started selling herself. So, there you go.
Lmao! Its the complete opposite. She's had many years in the public eye and is known to be a corrupt political entity by everyone now...she has ZERO momentum. She can only hope that the Berntard faction of the loony toon party falls in line. Trump is unknown as a political entity, and can only go up or stagnate.
And that's not even taking into account the next DNC email drop from wikileaks.
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