Who Weaponized the FBI


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Who Weaponized the FBI
Now comes the time to pay the piper

Who Weaponized the FBI?
04/09/17 ~ By Dr. Robert Owens
With the release of the Mueller Report we finally have what should be the definitive word: There never was any collusion between President Trump or his campaign and the Russian government. After 675 days of investigation, 2,800 subpoenas, 500 warrants, and 500 witness interviews nada, zip, nothing but false charges, innuendo, slander, and an obvious smear campaign by the sore losers and their megaphone media.
The beginning of this sordid chapter in American History is almost laughable.... After former Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from his job, Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein sends a letter to President Trump recommending he fire FBI director James Comey for his handling of the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Then Rosenstein appoints a Special Counsel to investigate supposed collusion between the Trump campaign and Vladimir Putin because President Trump fired Comey in an attempt to obstruct justice. You just can’t make this stuff up.
With the release of Mueller’s report the first act in the silent coup has collapsed.... Now comes the time to pay the piper. There are increasing cries to investigate the investigators. It’s high time the American people find out who weaponized the FBI and then used them in an illegal attempt to influence an election and once that failed to overthrow a duly elected president.... Rep. Devin Nunes (R. CA) the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee plans to send eight criminal referrals to the Department of Justice. Calling the gang-that-couldn’t-shoot-straight “Watergate Wannabes”, Nunes said the criminal activity includes leaks of highly classified material and conspiracies to lie to Congress and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court.... The collapse of the Mueller investigation hasn’t stopped those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome who infest Congress. This is not just a Republican witch hunt in response to the Democrat witch hunt.

These people who think they are above the law, must be investigated especially the top tier of criminals. Beginning with Obama and the Hillary, they being the reason why this WHOLE charade to go after Trump was just protection to keep these TREASONOUS people out of jail. If this does NOT happen there has been a failure to protect the Rule of Law and the foundation of our country will be no better then a vile dictatorship or third world country. In essence Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats succeeded in creating a Banana Republic of the USA.
Discounting the facts that during Obama's eight year tenure he weaponized our State Department, National Security, Intelligence Agencies and IRS. Stalin would be proud! All this was utilized to stay on track with the destruction of America , the hub of western Christian man and their G7, which President Trump wants to retake and rebuild.
We need to simply dissolve the federal government and start over. Go back to the original Constitution and 10 amendments and trash all precedent after that.

It is completely lost, at this point.
Who Weaponized the FBI
Now comes the time to pay the piper

Who Weaponized the FBI?
04/09/17 ~ By Dr. Robert Owens
With the release of the Mueller Report we finally have what should be the definitive word: There never was any collusion between President Trump or his campaign and the Russian government. After 675 days of investigation, 2,800 subpoenas, 500 warrants, and 500 witness interviews nada, zip, nothing but false charges, innuendo, slander, and an obvious smear campaign by the sore losers and their megaphone media.
The beginning of this sordid chapter in American History is almost laughable.... After former Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from his job, Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein sends a letter to President Trump recommending he fire FBI director James Comey for his handling of the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Then Rosenstein appoints a Special Counsel to investigate supposed collusion between the Trump campaign and Vladimir Putin because President Trump fired Comey in an attempt to obstruct justice. You just can’t make this stuff up.
With the release of Mueller’s report the first act in the silent coup has collapsed.... Now comes the time to pay the piper. There are increasing cries to investigate the investigators. It’s high time the American people find out who weaponized the FBI and then used them in an illegal attempt to influence an election and once that failed to overthrow a duly elected president.... Rep. Devin Nunes (R. CA) the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee plans to send eight criminal referrals to the Department of Justice. Calling the gang-that-couldn’t-shoot-straight “Watergate Wannabes”, Nunes said the criminal activity includes leaks of highly classified material and conspiracies to lie to Congress and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court.... The collapse of the Mueller investigation hasn’t stopped those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome who infest Congress. This is not just a Republican witch hunt in response to the Democrat witch hunt.

These people who think they are above the law, must be investigated especially the top tier of criminals. Beginning with Obama and the Hillary, they being the reason why this WHOLE charade to go after Trump was just protection to keep these TREASONOUS people out of jail. If this does NOT happen there has been a failure to protect the Rule of Law and the foundation of our country will be no better then a vile dictatorship or third world country. In essence Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats succeeded in creating a Banana Republic of the USA.
Discounting the facts that during Obama's eight year tenure he weaponized our State Department, National Security, Intelligence Agencies and IRS. Stalin would be proud! All this was utilized to stay on track with the destruction of America , the hub of western Christian man and their G7, which President Trump wants to retake and rebuild.
Don't forget the IRS, CIA and the balance of the DOJ.
We need to simply dissolve the federal government and start over. Go back to the original Constitution and 10 amendments and trash all precedent after that.

It is completely lost, at this point.
Oh, God. I was in a thread on that yesterday with the nutcases Vastator and BrokeLoser; never occurred to me it was a talking point somewhere
Since the report has yet to be released and the only conclusion the Presidents lawyer let out was no criminal charges on Conspiracy with the Russian Government. No facts nada, zip, nothing but a single sentence that seemingly exonerated the President. Let's see Mueller's summary.
Who Weaponized the FBI
Now comes the time to pay the piper

Who Weaponized the FBI?
04/09/17 ~ By Dr. Robert Owens
With the release of the Mueller Report we finally have what should be the definitive word: There never was any collusion between President Trump or his campaign and the Russian government. After 675 days of investigation, 2,800 subpoenas, 500 warrants, and 500 witness interviews nada, zip, nothing but false charges, innuendo, slander, and an obvious smear campaign by the sore losers and their megaphone media.
The beginning of this sordid chapter in American History is almost laughable.... After former Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from his job, Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein sends a letter to President Trump recommending he fire FBI director James Comey for his handling of the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Then Rosenstein appoints a Special Counsel to investigate supposed collusion between the Trump campaign and Vladimir Putin because President Trump fired Comey in an attempt to obstruct justice. You just can’t make this stuff up.
With the release of Mueller’s report the first act in the silent coup has collapsed.... Now comes the time to pay the piper. There are increasing cries to investigate the investigators. It’s high time the American people find out who weaponized the FBI and then used them in an illegal attempt to influence an election and once that failed to overthrow a duly elected president.... Rep. Devin Nunes (R. CA) the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee plans to send eight criminal referrals to the Department of Justice. Calling the gang-that-couldn’t-shoot-straight “Watergate Wannabes”, Nunes said the criminal activity includes leaks of highly classified material and conspiracies to lie to Congress and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court.... The collapse of the Mueller investigation hasn’t stopped those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome who infest Congress. This is not just a Republican witch hunt in response to the Democrat witch hunt.

These people who think they are above the law, must be investigated especially the top tier of criminals. Beginning with Obama and the Hillary, they being the reason why this WHOLE charade to go after Trump was just protection to keep these TREASONOUS people out of jail. If this does NOT happen there has been a failure to protect the Rule of Law and the foundation of our country will be no better then a vile dictatorship or third world country. In essence Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats succeeded in creating a Banana Republic of the USA.
Discounting the facts that during Obama's eight year tenure he weaponized our State Department, National Security, Intelligence Agencies and IRS. Stalin would be proud! All this was utilized to stay on track with the destruction of America , the hub of western Christian man and their G7, which President Trump wants to retake and rebuild.

More crazy rumblings by a Trump sycophant. It is a fancy call for retaliation and turning this into a banana republic where political opponents are jailed for opposing the regime.
Oh, God. I was in a thread on that yesterday with the nutcases Vastator and BrokeLoser; never occurred to me it was a talking point somewhere
Well, look at all the subsequent amendments except part of the 13th, the 15th, and 19th. They are all fucked up or they completely undo the entire intent of the Union.

What is the point of being united with people of another state who are deliberately trying to ruin me?

Who Weaponized the FBI
Now comes the time to pay the piper

Who Weaponized the FBI?
04/09/17 ~ By Dr. Robert Owens
With the release of the Mueller Report we finally have what should be the definitive word: There never was any collusion between President Trump or his campaign and the Russian government. After 675 days of investigation, 2,800 subpoenas, 500 warrants, and 500 witness interviews nada, zip, nothing but false charges, innuendo, slander, and an obvious smear campaign by the sore losers and their megaphone media.
The beginning of this sordid chapter in American History is almost laughable.... After former Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from his job, Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein sends a letter to President Trump recommending he fire FBI director James Comey for his handling of the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Then Rosenstein appoints a Special Counsel to investigate supposed collusion between the Trump campaign and Vladimir Putin because President Trump fired Comey in an attempt to obstruct justice. You just can’t make this stuff up.
With the release of Mueller’s report the first act in the silent coup has collapsed.... Now comes the time to pay the piper. There are increasing cries to investigate the investigators. It’s high time the American people find out who weaponized the FBI and then used them in an illegal attempt to influence an election and once that failed to overthrow a duly elected president.... Rep. Devin Nunes (R. CA) the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee plans to send eight criminal referrals to the Department of Justice. Calling the gang-that-couldn’t-shoot-straight “Watergate Wannabes”, Nunes said the criminal activity includes leaks of highly classified material and conspiracies to lie to Congress and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court.... The collapse of the Mueller investigation hasn’t stopped those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome who infest Congress. This is not just a Republican witch hunt in response to the Democrat witch hunt.

These people who think they are above the law, must be investigated especially the top tier of criminals. Beginning with Obama and the Hillary, they being the reason why this WHOLE charade to go after Trump was just protection to keep these TREASONOUS people out of jail. If this does NOT happen there has been a failure to protect the Rule of Law and the foundation of our country will be no better then a vile dictatorship or third world country. In essence Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats succeeded in creating a Banana Republic of the USA.
Discounting the facts that during Obama's eight year tenure he weaponized our State Department, National Security, Intelligence Agencies and IRS. Stalin would be proud! All this was utilized to stay on track with the destruction of America , the hub of western Christian man and their G7, which President Trump wants to retake and rebuild.

More crazy rumblings by a Trump sycophant. It is a fancy call for retaliation and turning this into a banana republic where political opponents are jailed for opposing the regime.

"...political opponents are jailed for opposing the regime."

What a lack of self-realization on your part.

What do you suppose happened to Scooter Libby, Flynn, Manafort, Papadopoulos, Stone.

Put your hoof in your mouth again, huh?

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