Who was the worst murderer in U.S. history?


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
Who was the worst killer in U.S. history? Which private U.S. citizen committed the most murders?

Some possibilities:

1) Harry Strauss - contract killer for Murder, Inc.

2) Steven Massof - He worked at Kermit Gosnell’s notorious abortion mill. Massof testified that he snipped the spines of more than 100 moving, breathing babies outside their mothers' wombs.

3) Charles Cullen – nurse who killed patients

Two were paid to do their killing (Strauss and Massof). Two were medical professionals (Massof and Cullen). All three did their murdering on the job.

I think Massof, who was possessed by a ghoulish fascination with abortion, is the worst. Massof’s high numbers are not in doubt. And what’s more horrible than killing an innocent baby with their entire life in front of them?
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Who was the worst killer in U.S. history? Which private U.S. citizen committed the most murders?

Some possibilities:

1) Harry Strauss - contract killer for Murder, Inc.

2) Steven Massof - He worked at Kermit Gosnell’s notorious abortion mill. Massof testified that he snipped the spines of more than 100 moving, breathing babies outside their mothers' wombs.

3) Charles Cullen – nurse who killed patients

Two were paid to do their killing (Strauss and Massof). Two were medical professionals (Massof and Cullen). All three did their murdering on the job.

I think Massof, who was possessed by a ghoulish fascination with abortion, is the worst. Massof’s high numbers are not in doubt. And what’s more horrible than killing an innocent baby with their entire life in front of them?

4) Lincoln... started a war that resulted in the deaths of 1million Americans.
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Lincoln... started a war that resulted in the deaths of 1million Americans.

closer to seven hundred thousand and the South was the mass murderer, and was murdered for its murdering.

American Justice.
Abortion is a medical procedure.

Murder is a legal definition.

Only the law determines what is murder, not the public.
Gosnell abused the law and was punished

Legal abortion is not murder......never has been

Which, thus, begs the question; Are all abortions legal?

You started this.

We have laws regulating the conditions abortions can be performed

If abortion is murder, why aren't the mothers in jail?

A legitimate question. Probably some pretty good answers having to do with the patients awareness of the law, but I am not a lawyer. Presumably the DA looked at that.
Who was the worst killer in U.S. history? Which private U.S. citizen committed the most murders?

Some possibilities:

1) Harry Strauss - contract killer for Murder, Inc.

2) Steven Massof - He worked at Kermit Gosnell’s notorious abortion mill. Massof testified that he snipped the spines of more than 100 moving, breathing babies outside their mothers' wombs.

3) Charles Cullen – nurse who killed patients

Two were paid to do their killing (Strauss and Massof). Two were medical professionals (Massof and Cullen). All three did their murdering on the job.

I think Massof, who was possessed by a ghoulish fascination with abortion, is the worst. Massof’s high numbers are not in doubt. And what’s more horrible than killing an innocent baby with their entire life in front of them?

Abortion is not murder......never has been

In case it has not yet been brought up in this thread, snipping the spines of babies outside their mother's womb is most definitely murder and if what he testified to is accurate, then he most definitely is a murderer.

Why do you guys have this impression that not being a Lawyer means you couldn't possibly understand the Law?

Being a "Practicing" Lawyer just means you're tied to a State Bar. Nothing more.

What makes you guys think that Lawyers and Judges actually follow the Law when they Argue Cases and pronounce Judgements?

Because the TV said so?
Why do you guys have this impression that not being a Lawyer means you couldn't possibly understand the Law?

Being a "Practicing" Lawyer just means you're tied to a State Bar. Nothing more.

What makes you guys think that Lawyers and Judges actually follow the Law when they Argue Cases and pronounce Judgements?

Because the TV said so?

With me, I just mean that I do not understand every nuance of a specific case without any research. You will have to ask Justice Starkey what his story is.

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