Spygate: The Worst Corruption Scandal in American History

"conspiracy page" my ass. The deep state got caught. There will be indictments. Its just getting started.
Q-Tard conspircy nonsense.

kyzr, you are correct.

Hutch Starskey, you may be unaware of filegate so I am furnishing you this background on Senator Clintons' doings in 1993:

Uranium One Scandal

Just another of a long line of failed
" investigations".

What do the Clintons have that no one else does that allows them so much freedom of movement?

So you don’t really want to know what Russia did?

WTF are you talking about?

what is it you didn't understand that you really never wanted to know anything about russia, you just wanted trump gone? just admit it fk!
Bill Barr exposed himself yesterday as the Trump toady we all know him to be.
He began this nonsense with nothing and sat there stammering when asked if the FBI was spying on Trump or if he had seen any evidence

As the book says

Everything Trump Touches... Dies

The Proggies keep getting desperater and desperater as the truth of their corruption comes to light. It's great!
Did Trump and Putin collude to steal the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary?

I thought that’s what all the hub bub was about.

Is that a thing, or was it total bullshit?
Mueller sarted under Trump. It is a Trump investigation, & not a Democrat.
Dude, just STOP. The fact that you are trying to SCRAPE together any credibility for OBAMA's criminal Agency Directors by attempting to claim that the Mueller investigation was 'Trump's vaults past 'stupid' and soars right into 'criminally retarded'.

Mueller was Obama's Director of the FBI. EVIDENCE SHOWS Under Obama:
- Mueller hid Russian crimes, which included intimidation / violence / extorting / bribing nuclear agency officials and high ranking govt officials while they worked to successfully acquire Uranium One.

- Mueller was called in front of a Secret FISA Court to explain the FBI's - HIS FBI's...OBAMA's FBI's - culture / record of perpetrating FISA Court Abuses - 75 to be exact.

Mueller was working with Ohr and Steele on the UNRELIABLE Dossier BEFORE the official investigation of Trump and his team officially began and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel.

EVIDENCE SHOWS after the traitors / co-conspirators successfully got Sessions to moronically recuse himself, leaving co-conspirator Rosenstein in charge, Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI collaborated -intentionally using the Dossier they KNEW was unreliable (briefed as such by Ohr) to perpetrate the FISA Court Abuses to get warrants to illegally spy on Trump and his team AND (Clapper / Brennan / Strzok) knowingly illegally used the Dossier to author a bogus Intel Community Assessment (ICA) and Intel Community Report (ICR). Brennan briefed the ICR to Congress (later perjuring himself by claiming he knew nothing about the Dossier, which was exposed as a lie using Congressional Logs). IN BOTH THE FISA COURT AND CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFS THE CONSPIRATORS ILLEGALLY PRESENTED THE DOSSIER'S INFORMATION AS 'LEGITIMATE INTEL', WHICH THEY KNEW IT WAS NOT. (BOTH PAGE AND OHR TESTIFIED TO THIS). EVIDENCE ALSO SHOWS THEY WITHHELD THE SAME INFORMATION FROM THE FISA COURT AND CONGRESS, THAT THE DOSSIER INFOR WAS 1) UNRELIABLE, 2) WAS OPPOSITION RESEARCH ON TRUMP BY A TRUMP-HATING EX FOREIGN SPY AND RUSSIANS - AND SOME OF THE INFO CAME FROM A CNN BLOG SITE, & 3) HILLARY CLINTON PAID FOR IT.



Also blowing a giant hole in your BULLSHIT is Strzok's notes to his adulterous FBI partner, Page. In those texts he states OBAMA WANTED TO BE KEPT UPDATED ON EVERYTHING THEY WERE DOING!

Mueller was the FBI Director under Obama.
Mueller was already aware of the FBI's culture / history of FISA Warrant Abuses. Protecting the FBI was a top priority.
He was FBI Director Comey's MENTOR.
He was / is friends with Comey and Rosenstein.
ROSENSTEIN was the one who got Mueller appointed as Special Counsel.
ALL OF THIS is enough 'Conflict of Interest' to ensure Mueller never had any part in this investigation.
--- This was ONE of the many conflicts of Interest points in this entire coup.

Mueller, Comey, & Rosenstein - the 3 Amigos: Both Rosenstein & Mueller should not have had any part in it.
- Despite being friends with Mueller & Comey, Rosenstein was an immediate WITNESS in the case for Obstruction because HE authored the justification for firing Comey, HE recommended to Trump that Trump fire him, and as soon as Trump did, HE recommended Trump be investigated for Obstruction. (Ray F*ing Charles & Stevie F*ing Wonder could see this was a set-up!)

Mueller went on to build an All-Star Political HIT Squad, never once hesitating to think about how his team lost all credibility from the start by having all Trump-Hating, Democrat-Party-Donating, Hillary-Donating, Hillary supporters on the team and not one single Republican / Conservative...or anyone resembling someone who might be Objective. Mueller even picked a lawyer who worked for the Clinton Foundation to be on his team.

Your claim that Comey is a Republican and therefore a 'Trump Guy' has been debunked also. FBI texts and e-mails show the FBI fully expected Hillary to win, did not want to do anything to incur her wrath as President - it proves they were in the tank for Hillary right off the bat.

This is only the tip of the proverbial evidence iceberg proving you are a F*ING LIAR, attempting to defend traitors who committed crimes, attempted to affect a coup against the President of the United States. Dude, making comments / false accusations like this is why you are a joke with no credibility regarding any of this.
Q-Tard conspircy nonsense.

kyzr, you are correct.

Hutch Starskey, you may be unaware of filegate so I am furnishing you this background on Senator Clintons' doings in 1993:

Uranium One Scandal

Just another of a long line of failed
" investigations".

What do the Clintons have that no one else does that allows them so much freedom of movement?

So you don’t really want to know what Russia did?

WTF are you talking about?

Hutch Starskey: WTF are you talking about?​
1. Criticing information that you don't care to read.
2. Criticizing information without reading it that just happens to follow the body of lies that were proven to be lies and -- horrors! -- cleared the name of President Donald Trump.
3. Ignoring evidence that President Trump is not guilty of any of the charges
4. Killing the messenger with with a load of bullshit that is in the publicly disproved category.​
Except for carrying the heavy hatchet of learning something about the lies your masters perpetrate on you and the rest of the world, and being unreceptive to current information on the dirt, which was also disproved by the Mueller report.

How do you know anything was disproved by the Mueller report? Neither you nor any neutral party has had an opportunity to read or examine it in full.
kyzr, you are correct.

Hutch Starskey, you may be unaware of filegate so I am furnishing you this background on Senator Clintons' doings in 1993:

Uranium One Scandal

Just another of a long line of failed
" investigations".

What do the Clintons have that no one else does that allows them so much freedom of movement?

So you don’t really want to know what Russia did?

WTF are you talking about?

Hutch Starskey: WTF are you talking about?​
1. Criticing information that you don't care to read.
2. Criticizing information without reading it that just happens to follow the body of lies that were proven to be lies and -- horrors! -- cleared the name of President Donald Trump.
3. Ignoring evidence that President Trump is not guilty of any of the charges
4. Killing the messenger with with a load of bullshit that is in the publicly disproved category.​
Except for carrying the heavy hatchet of learning something about the lies your masters perpetrate on you and the rest of the world, and being unreceptive to current information on the dirt, which was also disproved by the Mueller report.

How do you know anything was disproved by the Mueller report? Neither you nor any neutral party has had an opportunity to read or examine it in full.

for the umpteenth time. no open indictments to act on, and none sealed. what else do you need? hey step out of the leftist boilerplate and answer. be a man
What do we need?

The FULL Mueller Report released to Congress
Anything less is a cover up
Just another of a long line of failed
" investigations".

What do the Clintons have that no one else does that allows them so much freedom of movement?
So you don’t really want to know what Russia did?

WTF are you talking about?
Hutch Starskey: WTF are you talking about?​
1. Criticing information that you don't care to read.
2. Criticizing information without reading it that just happens to follow the body of lies that were proven to be lies and -- horrors! -- cleared the name of President Donald Trump.
3. Ignoring evidence that President Trump is not guilty of any of the charges
4. Killing the messenger with with a load of bullshit that is in the publicly disproved category.​
Except for carrying the heavy hatchet of learning something about the lies your masters perpetrate on you and the rest of the world, and being unreceptive to current information on the dirt, which was also disproved by the Mueller report.
How do you know anything was disproved by the Mueller report? Neither you nor any neutral party has had an opportunity to read or examine it in full.
for the umpteenth time. no open indictments to act on, and none sealed. what else do you need? hey step out of the leftist boilerplate and answer. be a man
We need for our Constitutionally designated oversight authorities to judge the subjective opinions of Barr.
"conspiracy page" my ass. The deep state got caught. There will be indictments. Its just getting started.
Q-Tard conspircy nonsense.

kyzr, you are correct.

Hutch Starskey, you may be unaware of filegate so I am furnishing you this background on Senator Clintons' doings in 1993:

Uranium One Scandal

Just another of a long line of failed
" investigations".

What do the Clintons have that no one else does that allows them so much freedom of movement?

So you don’t really want to know what Russia did?

it's called denial, JC. If Stalinists get to the point where they cannot accept regular people who are being oppressed by their politics, their next step is to secure the nation militarily if it takes killing 100 million people possibly more. Look at China and Russia in the twentieth century. Mao's regime took out between 80,000,000 and 100,000,000, and while nobody was looking in WWII, Stalin was removing Russians, Ukraine and eastward to the tune of upward from 20,000,000. The ones who stayed on their farms got their fields burned and troopers entering their homes and finding all the food and burning it, too. The lucky ones in the farming communities may have crossed the Bering Strait in good weather and migrated down to Canada where they registered as refugees and became wheat fields in areas that were otherwise not arable. The Russians had the right kind of seeds from similar areas in Russia of long winters, and a will of wannabe that made them prosper. Canada received another windfall--they found more oil in certain provinces than all the provinces of Arab nations combined. The Queen Mother prospers. ;)

By the time I was a teenager, I loved watching the news. I didn't much care to see the long lines of people in the Soviet Socialist Republics standing in 2-block long lines for the chance they could buy a small sack of rationed oranges. It's too bad the socialists have obfuscated those kinds of things in their smartbooks in American universities. That way, only the other socialists in big cities can get them. Why else would these creeps go to such lengths to decimate the Electoral College? Answer: so they can maintain power in big cities by giving their most loyal apparatchiks the oranges from the Rio Grande and southern California would then be routed to Democrat Socialist cities, all of them huge. Canada and England became prosperous because of the newcomers. I'm not certain how it happened, but Canada's Asian population prospered them in big cities and are a friendly force to the Canadian nation, complete with friendly relations with far eastern provinces. Toward the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of this one. See why they have recruited Ocasio-Cortez and Ill-Hand the white man-haters? If they had been given a true education in worldly matters, they would know that their socialistic-communist ways would lead to starvation and genocide that crosses race lines. They're diabolical. Their apparatchiks of today have been fooled by fake news and big rewards for dissing online defenders of the truth. At first, I was shocked to learn that Christine Blasey-Ford's niche was teaching in a college in California, where socialists have a strong hold. She has been quietly subverting young impressionable minds with how-to classes to create a false scenario for the glorious future of socialism to fool non-believers. She's even been able to create their enthusiasm for this specific kind of lying to create a better society than freedom, and similar dogmas are taught and practiced in American universities as we speak. They've subverted our schools from the first day you turn your children over to these dowagers. They're laying a foundation in your children to have no feelings for parents or family starting out with free love, and now we're up to the level of not only anticipation of abortion (the first step in justifying personal murders), and now we're to the level of killing babies by giving young women a day to look at and decide whether they want to go through parenthood alone, because now people aren't even bothering to get married, thanks to Goldie Hawn, and many, many famous folk in Hollywood gone Hollyweird. Needless to mention, in order to get rid of families outright, there needs to be a dearth of men, so the gay community is now stalking innocent young boys to take them out of the marriage arena, but have declared marriage themselves, so they can permanently keep them that way.

That's what I am seeing. And when you investigate the money-making machine Bill and Hill are, and how they get away with unconscionable crimes from raping young women to profiting from the stock market to destroy old people's nest eggs, which decimates inheritance as does death taxes on farms and businesses. The kids who had security for life have nothing, which is divided amongst socialist baby-makers whose children need cash to support their drug and gangsta habits that fail before the law, which is also in the target range of socialists. Just look at the win that was controlling Mueller to get rid of an inconvenient president. They're not done with President Trump and his supporters yet! Just look at the ones they've sent here to believe in Socialism and to raid Christians who post here with people who almost seem human and can trigger a twang or two of pathos to let go an Ill Hand Omar go on spewing her venom around the web with simple people pitying her instead of waking up to the smell of the coffee and seeing what the Socialist Democrats are all about, which is (1) Taking your hard-earned savings and running, (2) Dumbing down the Constitution and converting it from a freedom-giving document to a freedom-taking document through over taxation of schools in areas unsympathetic to Emir Obama and Socialist hatemonger Hillary Clinton. They merely contact their apparatchiks in the justice department to tell them how to skirt the law with words and excuses that let criminals off the hook. They mean to establish a godless utopia for themselves here, and if we let them get away with it, America's future is this: throwing Christians and their children naked into the lion's den for not only public humiliation but also those who verbally explain their activities on the media, which they will credit to Democrat Al Gore who already has taken credit for what computer scientists invented. History will be rewritten, and Al Gore could be Einstein!!! lol

Be careful where you send your children for educational purposes from nursery school through phD courses. Keep in mind that computers and televisions are social teaching machines. Just sayin'.
kyzr, you are correct.

Hutch Starskey, you may be unaware of filegate so I am furnishing you this background on Senator Clintons' doings in 1993:

Uranium One Scandal

Just another of a long line of failed
" investigations".

What do the Clintons have that no one else does that allows them so much freedom of movement?

So you don’t really want to know what Russia did?

WTF are you talking about?

Hutch Starskey: WTF are you talking about?​
1. Criticing information that you don't care to read.
2. Criticizing information without reading it that just happens to follow the body of lies that were proven to be lies and -- horrors! -- cleared the name of President Donald Trump.
3. Ignoring evidence that President Trump is not guilty of any of the charges
4. Killing the messenger with with a load of bullshit that is in the publicly disproved category.​
Except for carrying the heavy hatchet of learning something about the lies your masters perpetrate on you and the rest of the world, and being unreceptive to current information on the dirt, which was also disproved by the Mueller report.

How do you know anything was disproved by the Mueller report? Neither you nor any neutral party has had an opportunity to read or examine it in full.

Trump wasn't indicted. Nuff said.
Where are all of those Woodward and Bernstein investigation reporters?
FBIgate is another great example of Press bias because they are trying to bury it.
If I may be sardonic:
The socialists don't approve of having righties laundering their undies in public for 2 minutes.. But it's okay for lefties to wash righties' undies for two years and then some.
kyzr, you are correct.

Hutch Starskey, you may be unaware of filegate so I am furnishing you this background on Senator Clintons' doings in 1993:

Uranium One Scandal

Just another of a long line of failed
" investigations".

What do the Clintons have that no one else does that allows them so much freedom of movement?

So you don’t really want to know what Russia did?

WTF are you talking about?

Hutch Starskey: WTF are you talking about?​
1. Criticing information that you don't care to read.
2. Criticizing information without reading it that just happens to follow the body of lies that were proven to be lies and -- horrors! -- cleared the name of President Donald Trump.
3. Ignoring evidence that President Trump is not guilty of any of the charges
4. Killing the messenger with with a load of bullshit that is in the publicly disproved category.​
Except for carrying the heavy hatchet of learning something about the lies your masters perpetrate on you and the rest of the world, and being unreceptive to current information on the dirt, which was also disproved by the Mueller report.

I've seen your " information" for years. You're not presenting anything new. Just more contrived conspiracy bullshit.

You mean, you've IGNORED the truth for years. And from looking at your attitude as the bottom of the leftists' pyramid, you are so thoroughly brainwashed you scream first, read only if sent to prison and you have time on your hands away from spicy vices and other bits of leftist brainwashing and its accompanying allures.
Bill Barr exposed himself yesterday as the Trump toady we all know him to be.
He began this nonsense with nothing and sat there stammering when asked if the FBI was spying on Trump or if he had seen any evidence

As the book says

Everything Trump Touches... Dies

The Proggies keep getting desperater and desperater as the truth of their corruption comes to light. It's great!

I cant wait to see where the new investigation leads!!!!
If the truth comes to light it'll make 16 look like a minor blip on the radar when it comes to the hysterics!!
Really looking forward to the wacky spin we're going to see here and in the MSM!!!!
Last edited:
"conspiracy page" my ass. The deep state got caught. There will be indictments. Its just getting started.
I see it didn't take long for the cult to take the bait! Carry on, Trumptards.
Bill Barr exposed himself yesterday as the Trump toady we all know him to be.
He began this nonsense with nothing and sat there stammering when asked if the FBI was spying on Trump or if he had seen any evidence

As the book says

Everything Trump Touches... Dies

The Proggies keep getting desperater and desperater as the truth of their corruption comes to light. It's great!

I cant wait to see where the new investigation leads!!!!
If the truth comes to light it'll make 16 look like a minor blip on the radar when it comes to the hysterics!!
Really looking forward to the wacky spin we're going to see here and on the MSM!!!!
Latest bombshell about these issues of law enforcement and intelligence officials was on last night in case you missed it:

Bill Barr exposed himself yesterday as the Trump toady we all know him to be.
He began this nonsense with nothing and sat there stammering when asked if the FBI was spying on Trump or if he had seen any evidence

As the book says

Everything Trump Touches... Dies

The Proggies keep getting desperater and desperater as the truth of their corruption comes to light. It's great!

I cant wait to see where the new investigation leads!!!!
If the truth comes to light it'll make 16 look like a minor blip on the radar when it comes to the hysterics!!
Really looking forward to the wacky spin we're going to see here and on the MSM!!!!
Latest bombshell about these issues of law enforcement and intelligence officials was on last night in case you missed it:

Hannity put it together nicely.
To any thinking person it's pretty obvious what went down and I believe dems on this board know it as well,they just wont admit it.

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