Who wants to abolish the US Military as did Costa Rica?

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
I was drafted into the Army. I sure wanted to abolish the US military at that time.
The draft is gone. Can it return? Who wants to do what Costa Rica did and abolish the military of the USA?
Chalk it up to government based education system that doesn't teach much more than putting a condom on a banana. The Founding Fathers listed the duty of the federal government in two sentences. "Provide for the common defense" "promote the general welfare". Note that the FF didn't say "provide for the general welfare" and "promote the common defense". Of course the "common defense" means putting Troops on the ground. You don't like it? Move to a NATO country that relies on American Troops.
I wouldn’t abolish it

I would just change their mission so that we are not the worlds Policeman
And that is the argument. Does the world run amok with no one policing? Is it our business? The NAVY was charted to keep the sea lanes open. Some years ago, they were running commercials saying it is a force for good. They need to clip the wings of the military/industrial complex and build what we can use and need. Apparently, we have no think tanks on having much cheaper counter measures on the weaponized drones launched at naval ships and commercial ships in the middle east.
What would the mission be? Seems as if you really are ready to abolish it.

We need to stop claiming that our Military is defending our country and that we would not have freedom and liberty without them

The truth is that we are surrounded by thousands of miles of ocean and have not been invaded for over 200 years. We are surrounded by peaceful neighbors and no nation on earth is capable of invading us.

Our military is there to extend our power globally
We need to stop claiming that our Military is defending our country and that we would not have freedom and liberty without them

The truth is that we are surrounded by thousands of miles of ocean and have not been invaded for over 200 years. We are surrounded by peaceful neighbors and no nation on earth is capable of invading us.

Our military is there to extend our power globally
Mexico shows that we do not defend our own country.
Are you certain you approve a military force for our country? Seems you deleted a reason to keep them.
Founding Fathers listed the duty of the federal government in two sentences. "Provide for the common defense" "promote the general welfare". Note that the FF didn't say "provide for the general welfare" and "promote the common defense"

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare
Consider the situation we are in now, thanks to generations of Leftist programming in American public schools.

A large percentage of our 18-year-old's simply would not qualify for the draft. They are either catatonically ignorant, obese, diseased (often "in the head"), substance abusers, or in horrible physical condition. Furthermore, they have not learned any reason why they should be prepared to fight for their country, and would piss and moan so pathetically that the screeners would simply allow them to drift off into their mothers' arms.

Civilized societies in this age should have compulsory public service, whether in military form or otherwise. But since we are not civilized...

Never mind.
Consider the situation we are in now, thanks to generations of Leftist programming in American public schools.

A large percentage of our 18-year-old's simply would not qualify for the draft. They are either catatonically ignorant, obese, diseased (often "in the head"), substance abusers, or in horrible physical condition. Furthermore, they have not learned any reason why they should be prepared to fight for their country, and would piss and moan so pathetically that the screeners would simply allow them to drift off into their mothers' arms.

Civilized societies in this age should have compulsory public service, whether in military form or otherwise. But since we are not civilized...

Never mind.

But those kids play a wicked video game.
Prepares them to fly the drones that are doing much of the fighting
I'll tell you who wants the U.S. to abolish its military: North Korea, Russia, China, Iran, Al Qaeda, the drug and human trafficking cartels, and Cuba.
Of course the "common defense" means putting Troops on the ground. You don't like it? Move to a NATO country that relies on American Troops.

Does "common defense" mean putting troops on the ground in more than 80 countries?
We need to stop claiming that our Military is defending our country and that we would not have freedom and liberty without them

The truth is that we are surrounded by thousands of miles of ocean and have not been invaded for over 200 years. We are surrounded by peaceful neighbors and no nation on earth is capable of invading us.

Our military is there to extend our power globally
There are much bigger threats to the U.S. than mere invasion

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