Who should be the GOP nominee in 2016?

Who should the GOP Nominated in 2016

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Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Nominate, not nominated... caffine hasn't kicked in yet.

Personally, I think Jeb is probably the best the GOP has got, and that's kind of a sad commentary in and of itself.
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Yeah, Jeb is their best shot. He has a history with Latino voters and doesn't talk to/about them like they're an inconvenience. I don't personally care for the guy, but he is their best shot. Though, maybe it's too soon for another Bush. :dunno:
Yeah, Jeb is their best shot. He has a history with Latino voters and doesn't talk to/about them like they're an inconvenience. I don't personally care for the guy, but he is their best shot. Though, maybe it's too soon for another Bush. :dunno:

Jeb would be an awesome candidate, except that his name is Bush. Successful two term governor, Catholic, married to a Hispanic woman, has worked in a bipartisan way. And a rarer and rarer quality in the GOP, not a crazy person.

The question becomes, will people still blame his brother for stuff in four years? My guess is probably not. If the economy gets better, people will forget how bad it was. If it doesn't, they will be more inclined to blame Obama.

My thoughts on some of the others. How they fare will really depend on how successful the Mad Doctor (The Plutocrats and GOP Establishment) are at getting the Monster (the Tea Party) back into the dungeon of the lab. The problem with the sane candidates is that by most reckonings, McCain and Romney were "sane" safe choices, and they lost. So the GOP might draw the wrong lessons.

The Sane candidates (besides Jeb.)

Mitch Daniels- Solid candidate, has some funky stuff going on with his wife. (She left him for another man, then came back.)

Kasich - might be a dark horse, runs a major state.

Christy - Still liked by the Tea Party, but a pragmatist. The thing that might come back to haunt him was saying "Obama is kind of okay sometimes" after Sandy battered his state. Blasphemy to the Crazy right.

Jindal- Kind of gets it. But honestly, also has a habit of choking.

The Crazy Candidates -

Rick Santorum- Has really upped his rep by coming in as close as he did on nothing. Possibly the go-to guy if the GOP base doubles down on the social issues despite the Establishment's pushback.

Marco Rubio- A sweetheart of the Teabaggers. Personally, lost my vote when he started embracing the "Talking Snake" theory of Science.

Paul Ryan- Another Teabagger pinup boy. Being part of the Fail that was the 2012 ticket hasn't really tarnished him. Romney seems to be enjoying that Fail Sandwich all by himself.

Rand Paul- Frankly, the "Gummit Bad" tumor is getting more malignant in the GOP, and he could be the guy to ride that one out.

Sarah Palin- Naw, just kidding. Never took her seriously.
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Jeb would be an awesome candidate, except that his name is Bush. Successful two term governor, Catholic, married to a Hispanic woman, has worked in a bipartisan way. And a rarer and rarer quality in the GOP, not a crazy person.

Doesn't matter whether he's crazy or not, as long as the candidate has to pretend to be a crazy person for 9 months in order to get the nomination he'll go nowhere in the general election. The GOP needs a better base before it can field a better candidate.
Lol, Jeb... Has the same chances to win as Santorum or Newt...

I learned in politics, never say never.

If you told me 8 years ago, that some obscure, far left Senator from my state would win the presidency- twice- I'd have laughed at you.

I'd have thought you were out of your mind if you told me I'd vote for him the second time. But I did.

When Bush-41 left office in 1992, I was of an attitude of good riddance. But I got behind Dubya in 2000. Now I regret it, but who knows what I'll feel about it in 4 years.

It would really depend on who the Democrats put up against him and what the state of the economy is.
As a Floridian, I will never get behind a Jeb Bush candidacy. Jeb was involved in the savings and loan scandal in South Florida way back when his daddy was POTUS and the ONLY reason he wasn't locked up in a Federal Prison was because of who he is.

He walked away with millions while millions lost everything. If I was in the same room with him I'd punch him in the face.
You mean they won 3 out of 4 times?
Yeah and they got us involved in more interventionist foreign wars and nation building...I guess you like that, huh?

Not really. But you know what, we end up doing that shit no matter who is in the WH.
Then why should anyone vote for a republican anyways?

Oh yeah, as a poorly closeted lolberal doppelganger, you really don't want that.

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