Who should be sacrificed for the common good?

YES! it is worse than, it is terrorism! It targets a whole race at once not just the immediate victim.

Imagine if women were hung from trees just to keep them "in their place" barefoot, pregnant and subservient to their husband masters.

Imagine if everytime some uppity woman strayed from her second class role that she was made an example for the rest of her sex that she needs to stay in line, OR ELSE.

bullshit.....MURDER is MURDER.....and those who purposely do it....no matter what the reason....should get the ULTIMATE SENTANCE POSSIBLE ....which to me is DEATH.....to others its Life in Prison....which is ok....as long as the perpetrator SPENDS THE REST OF THEIR LIFE IN PRISON....with no parole....
True. The idea, I suppose, is that it's extra-heinous and awful to kill someone "just" because of their skin color or whatever, but when I think about it, it seems just as heinous and awful to end someone's life for the money in his or her wallet. Either way, you're saying that that life has no more value than the petty, trivial (to me, at least) motivation.

No, the idea is that hate crimes are terrorism.

bullshit....if you can kill ANYONE purposely....you must be a hateful person....but yet to some....the killer only is a rat bastard when he kills a minority......Gangs do Terrorism every dam day....why is that never called Terrorism when it is one of the best examples of it?....

I used to turn out my lights in my house, I would park blocks away, otherwise they would vandalize my truck. I used to call the cops all the time on drug dealing and drinking in the street. All Mexicans. I understand why they drink in the street, shits so expensive in Liberal California they would live fifteen people to a house, with kids, grandparents, mother and father, brother, or two. Fifty people to a four unit apartment building, south orange county in the lantern district of Dana Point.

It kind of sucked, definitely a gang area, minor by Los Angeles standards. I called the cops at least a hundred times in three years.

I do not thing others ever called the police, but I was on the corner and cared.

I would leave for weeks and come back and find them smoking and drinking on my front porch.

Can I blame Clinton?
Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues: Teen Hate Crimes Victim Commits Suicide

"Tuck and Turner dragged Ritcheson, who was Hispanic, into the backyard, where they taunted him with racial slurs, punched and kicked him in the head and burned him 17 times with cigarettes. They tried to carve a swastika into his chest."

They beat him with the patio umbrella stand then forced it into his rectum and repeatedly kicked the end of it to drive it further into his body, tearing his intestines and internal organs. He required 30 surgeries trying to repair the damage and still had to wear a colostomy bag (where the intestine is brought to the outside of the abdomen and feces are discharged into a plastic bag.) He not only suffered the horrific physical injuries but the humiliation of everyone knowing the details of his assault, the stares, whispers, outright questions, public scrutiny, media spotlights, 2 public trials of his attackers, an appearance in Washington and terrible psychological trauma. In spite of the fact that his attackers admitted shouting "white power" and using racial slurs during the attack, the crime was not prosecuted as a hate crime. ]

His attackers poured bleach on his face and body and left him for dead.

Dumb-asses don't know "real" torture.

The boy, after 30 surgeries, eventually committed suicide. His torture was so severe, the physiological scars so painful, he took his own life. But because he survived the initial attack, dumb fuck right wingers say, "But it was just a case of assault". They have laws for that.

your guilty of hate crimes every time you post Dean....
True. The idea, I suppose, is that it's extra-heinous and awful to kill someone "just" because of their skin color or whatever, but when I think about it, it seems just as heinous and awful to end someone's life for the money in his or her wallet. Either way, you're saying that that life has no more value than the petty, trivial (to me, at least) motivation.

No, the idea is that hate crimes are terrorism.

What about killing someone for sexual gratification, that is not a hate crime, which is worst, killing an eight year old girl after raping the eight year old girl or killing a homosexual that dressed as a woman and told everyone at the party how he she wanted to,,,, well, this is a true story of a transexual in the San Francisco Bay area, the he-she came onto a wanna be gang banger at a party and to save face the latino killed her-he.

So which is worst, one is a hate crime, the other not, both terrorize. Rape and murder of an eight year old girl or a macho killing of a tranny that came onto the wrong guy at a party, in front of his "homies".
Imagine we give Judges and Lawyers the ability to decide on a case by case basis with the expert opinion of psychologist.

Crime, let them all commit suicide, for that is what it will be, the Death Penalty for crimes as simple as breaking into an empty house as in the family is on vacation, after all if the family coincidently came home and surprised the bad guys the bad guys would murder every one but not before raping the children.

So from breaking and entering to rape, to murder, for any reason, fast track to the death penalty. Give them three trials at once, give em five, I do not care, if they are caught in the act, they have just brought the death penalty upon themselves.

We should be tough on crime, as it is now we let child rapers out of prison, these pedophiles go on to murdering there victims. We even have the rapist ask for the death penalty, true story, the guy was let out of prison and raped and murdered another person. He got caught and literally told the judge, I told you should of killed me.

Judges, Lawyers, and Politicians, how many failures do we allow them.
Workers who work around unsafe conditions?

People who are exposed to carcinogens?

People with respiratory trouble?

Who else should be sacrificed by getting rid of "job killing regulations?" Feel free to suggest your own

A full term abortion wants answers?
Workers who work around unsafe conditions?

People who are exposed to carcinogens?

People with respiratory trouble?

Who else should be sacrificed by getting rid of "job killing regulations?" Feel free to suggest your own
Every person who owns a vehicle with an Obama bumper sticker attached to their vehicle(s)

So? That's somehow worse than bashing some granny's head in for her cash? Worse than assaulting and killing someone in a bar because you had a bad a day and got shitfaced? Worse than cutting your husband's brake lines so you can get the insurance money? Is there a way to murder someone that ISN'T sickening and horrible?

YES! it is worse than, it is terrorism! It targets a whole race at once not just the immediate victim.

Imagine if women were hung from trees just to keep them "in their place" barefoot, pregnant and subservient to their husband masters.

Imagine if everytime some uppity woman strayed from her second class role that she was made an example for the rest of her sex that she needs to stay in line, OR ELSE.

hate crime laws were passed to give protected class status to politically correct groups of people.
Hate crimes laws are unconstitutionally applied.
Example.....A white guy sees a black man in his neighborhood...Robs him at gun point... DA says hate crime....nails white guy for 20 year sentence due to "aggravating circumstances"....i.e. hate crime..
A white guy is seen by a black guy in HIS neighborhood...robs the white guy at gun point.....DA offers plea deal. No jail time....
Happens all the time.
Hate crimes laws are garbage. We already have laws that make it illegal to do certain things to each other.
Ironic post considering today's tragedy don't you think?

The tragic shooting of 19 innocent people by a lunatic had not even crossed my mind. In fact that event is immaterial to the subject matter of this thread.
I see no irony or ambiguity here at all.
The two subjects are not related.
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No more compromise with those unwilling to compromise. The leftist, the liberal, the marxist, the democrat, or the anarchist, there is no compromise with these people.

Who should sacrifice, see any compromise or just an endless attack with no reason.

Sacrifice the government and its ability to confiscate private property with the burdensome tax system.

Cut government in half, throw everyone in government out on the street, let them be homeless, poor, hungry, with no guarantee that they have a fat retirement. I get to work for these assholes and they will not compromise.

The government confiscates my private property to give to government workers who make mistakes that are costing me thousands of dollars. The government is full of facism, authoritarian, pricks who make bad decisions that cost me thousands, billions across the nation.

Throw them all out on the street and make them work for a living.

Do not give them a chance, make anyone connected to the government homeless.

The government and its workers create the poor so make them poor, see how they like it.
No more compromise with those unwilling to compromise. The leftist, the liberal, the marxist, the democrat, or the anarchist, there is no compromise with these people.

Who should sacrifice, see any compromise or just an endless attack with no reason.

Sacrifice the government and its ability to confiscate private property with the burdensome tax system.

Cut government in half, throw everyone in government out on the street, let them be homeless, poor, hungry, with no guarantee that they have a fat retirement. I get to work for these assholes and they will not compromise.

The government confiscates my private property to give to government workers who make mistakes that are costing me thousands of dollars. The government is full of facism, authoritarian, pricks who make bad decisions that cost me thousands, billions across the nation.

Throw them all out on the street and make them work for a living.

Do not give them a chance, make anyone connected to the government homeless.

The government and its workers create the poor so make them poor, see how they like it.

i cant see how by delivering the mail i am making someone poor.....especially since i do deliver checks.....sometimes nice ones.....and i dont know of any Govt worker who was given property confiscated from you or anyone else....i think you have your head up your ass Mdn...OR are you the Right hand version of Dean?....
Anyone who does not contirbute to the profit of the corporations.

Do unprofitable corporations keep employees on?

Apparently the left prefers the unprofitable kind -after all those are exactly the ones Obama put all taxpayers on the hook to foot the bill by the billions for their poor management decisions, bad business practices and undesirable products no one wanted. THOSE are the kinds of businesses the left can get behind! But let it be one that makes desirable products offered at a competitive price and as a result is actually making a profit instead of facing bankruptcy - and all of a sudden the left declares "success" to be a dirty word, a shameful thing and insists such businesses are undesirable entirely as evil entities run by the "evil, predatory and greedy". And always true to form, think government should inflict punitive tax measures on the successful until everyone has been indoctrinated to believe that success is a dirty word and we should all hate, envy and despise the successful, demand government DO something to them and confiscate it, tax them down to lower levels - and tell ourselves "how DARE they be successful when others are not! Why it only stands to reason they only got their success by STEALING it from those who were not." At all times the left will insist to be successful is IGNOBLE, a dirty, bad thing that must at all times be demeaned, discouraged and even punished. THAT is the leftist mentality.

Imagine that mentality taken to its ultimate conclusion and we'd have massive unemployment, widespread starvation, hardened poverty and a massive level of human misery. But at least those bad, evil profitable businesses would be a thing of the past -along with our standard of living and quality of life. Anyone who doubts that needs a refresher course on the joys of living under a far left regime -like Cuba, the Soviet Union, communist China, Cambodia, N. Korea -where shortages of goods and produce is the norm, but at least the successful were in extremely short supply. Find anything similar to that kind of government controlled and induced mass misery among the nations furthest to the right, one of which is still the US. Far left = totalitarian state with total control over the individual, far right =anarchy with no state power at all over the individual. (Far right is NOT Nazi Germany which was just another totalitarian state and therefore a far LEFT one. Stalin claimed Nazism was the opposite of communism but they were both far left -and just disagreed about which political group should be wielding that power and control.)

Whether a government is a far left is NOT based on WHY those in power want a government with massive power and control -only the fact they do. All sorts of groups may favor the totalitarian state from communists to little egomaniacal dictator thugs, making them all leftwing extremists. (In truth I think egomania is always a part of the package for everyone who is leftwing -even if its just their arrogant faux pose of being more "concerned and caring" than their political opponents which they then claim imparts "nobility" to their means as well -no matter how brutal or inhumane those means may be when put into practice. Gee if you claim your motives are pure and noble, doesn't it just stand to reason your chosen means must be equally "noble" as well? And who in their right mind would want to abandon the "noble" means for the means of their political opponents who can't possibly have "noble" motives -and therefore can't have "noble" means either! THAT is the mentality of a leftist! ROFL Their "care and concern" is actually much greater for their means than it is for the levels of misery that is produced by them!) Far leftwing favors a government system that has massive, total control of the individual -and just have an internal disagreement about which of them should be wielding all that state power, not whether the state should even have that kind of power in the first place.

Liberalism hides behind a phony face of caring but when left unchecked and able to grab full power and control - can only produce the most brutal, cold and heartless of regimes. That is because they put their full faith in a faceless, cold, nonhuman, man-made institution in the first place. Should be no surprise for them then when it fails to be warm, fuzzy and humane after all -but it always is. Just one more reason I could never be a liberal. I put my faith and trust in certain people but only as long as they continue to earn it. I will NEVER put my blind trust and faith in a faceless, nonhuman, man-made institution and then expect it to be a better "human" than human beings are! When people disappoint me it is always going to be much easier to find those who can earn my trust because good and intelligent people are actually the norm, not the exception -and therefore much easier to find than replacing an entire system of government that by definition can NEVER be a better "human" than humans are which means whatever it produces will always be far INFERIOR than the best of human beings. Government -a man-made creation - having superior qualities to human beings is impossible and never deserves anyone's total trust much less trusted to wield massive power and control -it requires constant monitoring to prevent the nonstop encroachment into our own power and rights as individuals which is the true nature of government. And we must do so for OUR own protection. History has repeatedly proven that governments are the worst mass murderers of its OWN citizens! The only way to make sure your own isn't eventually one of them is to refuse to allow it accumulate that kind of massive size, control and power in the first place! It is much easier to never allow government to have that kind of power at all than try to get it back later! Learning that the hard way is always going to be a very painful, brutal or even lethal lesson. A lesson the left never tires of though. Along with their never ending past time of wallowing in useless class envy -showing they prefer to see more people be unsuccessful to go along with those unsuccessful businesses they favor too.

And they wonder why that winning formula has never once produced a decent system of government. Duh.
Anyone who is not in Obama's back pocket like the Unions will be sacrificed. Repeal or defund Health Care Law.
Obama's goal is a French style system where companies are required to keep people employed without regard to need for the workers.
Obama and his ilk believe it is the responsibility of business to employ people and not concern themselves with fiscal viability.
France has labor laws so entangled in business that it is nearly impossible to discharge even the most worthless workers. France also has terrible unemployment numbers. Once finishing high school, young people have to simply wait their turn to find work as older workers and those who should be fired, remain in jobs for which there is no purpose.

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