Who Needs Planned Parenthood??

Second question. If a pregnant woman is killed (no matter how far along in the pregnancy) the killer is charged with two counts of murder. If a fetus is not a human being, why does our law call for two counts of murder?

If I walk out to my car, pick up a rock and break my own window...nothing happens to me. Now you try and break my window with a rock and see what happens.
Babies are property, eh?

Women and blacks used to be property, too.

Until it exists outside my body, it is a part of my body.

Allow me to point out that I answered the question as it applies to the law. Fish asked why.

Information isn't advocacy.

You're a fraud.

Your series of posts are no more than obfuscation.

You must be a Liberal, huh?
Second question. If a pregnant woman is killed (no matter how far along in the pregnancy) the killer is charged with two counts of murder. If a fetus is not a human being, why does our law call for two counts of murder?

If I walk out to my car, pick up a rock and break my own window...nothing happens to me. Now you try and break my window with a rock and see what happens.
Babies are property, eh?

Women and blacks used to be property, too.

Until it exists outside my body, it is a part of my body.

Allow me to point out that I answered the question as it applies to the law. Fish asked why.

Information isn't advocacy.

"Until it exists outside my body, it is a part of my body."

There are a number of clear biological facts, and all sorts of legal precedents, that easily refute the claim that the embryo or fetus is simply part of the mother's body.

  1. An individual's body parts all share the same genetic code. If the unborn child were actually a part of the mother's body, the unborn's cells would have the same genetic code as the cells of the mother. This is not the case. Every cell of the unborn's body is genetically distinct from every cell in the mother's body.
  2. In many cases, the blood type of the unborn child is different than the blood type of the mother. Since one body cannot function with two different blood types, this is clearly not the mother's blood.
  3. In half of all pregnancies, the unborn child is a male, meaning that even the sex of the child is different from the mother.
  4. As Randy Alcorn states in his book Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, "A Chinese zygote implanted in a Swedish woman will always be Chinese, not Swedish, because his identity is based on his genetic code, not on that of the body in which he resides."1
  5. It is possible for a fetus to die while the mother lives, and it is possible for the mother to die while the fetus lives. This could not be true if the mother and child were simply one person.
  6. When the embryo implants in the lining of the uterus, it emits chemical substances which weaken the woman's immune system within the uterus so that this tiny "foreign" body is not rejected by the woman's body. Were this tiny embryo simply "part of the woman's body" there would be no need to locally disable the woman's immunities.
  7. It is illegal to execute a pregnant woman on death row because the fetus living inside her is a distinct human being who cannot be executed for the crimes of the mother (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Article 6.5).
  8. When Scott Peterson killed his pregnant wife, Laci, he was convicted on two counts of murder.
  9. Sir Albert Liley (the "Father of Fetology") made this observation in a 1970 speech entitled, "The Termination of Pregnancy or the Extermination of the Fetus?"
Physiologically, we must accept that the conceptus is, in a very large measure, in charge of the pregnancy.... Biologically, at no stage can we subscribe to the view that the fetus is a mere appendage of the mother.2

10. The late Christopher Hitchens, a prominent public intellectual, atheist, and abortion advocate wrote the following in his book, God is Not Great:
As a materialist, I think it has been demonstrated that an embryo is a separate body and entity, and not merely (as some really did used to argue) a growth on or in the female body. There used to be feminists who would say that it was more like an appendix or even—this was seriously maintained—a tumor. That nonsense seems to have stopped… Embryology confirms morality. The words “unborn child,” even when used in a politicized manner, describe a material reality.3

Hitchens had other reasons for supporting legal abortion, but he recognized the absurdity of claiming that unborn children are simply part of the mother's body.

No matter how you spin it, women don't have four arms and four legs when they're pregnant. Those extra appendages belong to the tiny human being(s) living inside of them. At no point in pregnancy is the developing embryo or fetus simply a part of the mother's body.


  1. Randy Alcorn, Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments (Multnomah Publishers, 2000) 57.
  2. Sir William Albert Liley,“The Termination of Pregnancy or the Extermination of the Fetus?” cited by Randy Alcorn, Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, 58.
  3. Christopher Hitchens, God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything (Hachette Book Group. Kindle Edition, 2009), 378-379.
Part of the Mother’s Body?

Now.....show that you're capable of learning.
Second question. If a pregnant woman is killed (no matter how far along in the pregnancy) the killer is charged with two counts of murder. If a fetus is not a human being, why does our law call for two counts of murder?

If I walk out to my car, pick up a rock and break my own window...nothing happens to me. Now you try and break my window with a rock and see what happens.
Babies are property, eh?

Women and blacks used to be property, too.

Until it exists outside my body, it is a part of my body.

Allow me to point out that I answered the question as it applies to the law. Fish asked why.

Information isn't advocacy.

You're a fraud.

Your series of posts are no more than obfuscation.

You must be a Liberal, huh?

I am a liberal that you can't respond to so you deflect.

You're still a raging hypocrite.
In the meantime, PP funding passed, didn't it?

yes, and the murder of unborn black children will continue. Margaret Sanger is happy in her grave, the blacks she hated are being reduced in number.

and you silly liberal shits are celebrating, what a bunch of idiots.
Your profound love for the stupid criminal welfare-sucking baby-making ******* is noted. And Sanger was Pro-Life.
Second question. If a pregnant woman is killed (no matter how far along in the pregnancy) the killer is charged with two counts of murder. If a fetus is not a human being, why does our law call for two counts of murder?

If I walk out to my car, pick up a rock and break my own window...nothing happens to me. Now you try and break my window with a rock and see what happens.
Babies are property, eh?

Women and blacks used to be property, too.

Until it exists outside my body, it is a part of my body.

Allow me to point out that I answered the question as it applies to the law. Fish asked why.

Information isn't advocacy.

You're a fraud.

Your series of posts are no more than obfuscation.

You must be a Liberal, huh?

I am a liberal that you can't respond to so you deflect.

You're still a raging hypocrite.

Actually, you're disingenuous....which is synonymous with Liberal.

You jumped into a thread about abortion and Planned Parenthood, because you demand the right to have the government pay for you to kill an unborn baby that you (Liberals) voluntarily created.
You've done your best to change the topic, and failed....seems your best is not that potent.

Disgusting, but not beyond what one expects from the scions of communists.

You claimed the 'right' because the baby is part of your body, but as I have shown, both science and legal precedent deny that.....so you've been shown to be both wrong and stupid...another synonym for Liberal.

I never mind explaining why Liberals, Progressives, Democrats are a lower form of life than conservatives.....so, please, drop by whenever you'd like to be part of that denouement.

Write soon, y'hear!
Regardless of one's position on legalized abortion, not reimbursing the pp health clinics for medical treatment GIVEN outside of abortion, with legit MEDICAID money is wrong.

Well....no one needs government funded slaughter of the unborn.

War does the same...

Funny how "conservatives" are almost to a man and woman eager to go to war and be responsible for hundreds of thousand of deaths per event of living breathing people with all of the rights of the living and breathing human beings. Preventing the death of people is CERTAINLY NOT what motivates conservatives.
If I walk out to my car, pick up a rock and break my own window...nothing happens to me. Now you try and break my window with a rock and see what happens.
Babies are property, eh?

Women and blacks used to be property, too.

Until it exists outside my body, it is a part of my body.

Allow me to point out that I answered the question as it applies to the law. Fish asked why.

Information isn't advocacy.

You're a fraud.

Your series of posts are no more than obfuscation.

You must be a Liberal, huh?

I am a liberal that you can't respond to so you deflect.

You're still a raging hypocrite.

Actually, you're disingenuous....which is synonymous with Liberal.

You jumped into a thread about abortion and Planned Parenthood, because you demand the right to have the government pay for you to kill an unborn baby that you (Liberals) voluntarily created.
You've done your best to change the topic, and failed....seems your best is not that potent.

Disgusting, but not beyond what one expects from the scions of communists.

You claimed the 'right' because the baby is part of your body, but as I have shown, both science and legal precedent deny that.....so you've been shown to be both wrong and stupid...another synonym for Liberal.

I never mind explaining why Liberals, Progressives, Democrats are a lower form of life than conservatives.....so, please, drop by whenever you'd like to be part of that denouement.

Write soon, y'hear!

Deflect, deflect, deflect hypocrite. You support state funded abortion. :lol:
Regardless of one's position on legalized abortion, not reimbursing the pp health clinics for medical treatment GIVEN outside of abortion, with legit MEDICAID money is wrong.


Wait....you're the one who has no problem supporting this President, who favored infanticide.

Hence....why would your opinion on anything involving rectitude be valid?

BTW.....there is no basis for saying that they use any of the half billion dollars in taxpayer funds for anything but abortions.
Babies are property, eh?

Women and blacks used to be property, too.

Until it exists outside my body, it is a part of my body.

Allow me to point out that I answered the question as it applies to the law. Fish asked why.

Information isn't advocacy.

You're a fraud.

Your series of posts are no more than obfuscation.

You must be a Liberal, huh?

I am a liberal that you can't respond to so you deflect.

You're still a raging hypocrite.

Actually, you're disingenuous....which is synonymous with Liberal.

You jumped into a thread about abortion and Planned Parenthood, because you demand the right to have the government pay for you to kill an unborn baby that you (Liberals) voluntarily created.
You've done your best to change the topic, and failed....seems your best is not that potent.

Disgusting, but not beyond what one expects from the scions of communists.

You claimed the 'right' because the baby is part of your body, but as I have shown, both science and legal precedent deny that.....so you've been shown to be both wrong and stupid...another synonym for Liberal.

I never mind explaining why Liberals, Progressives, Democrats are a lower form of life than conservatives.....so, please, drop by whenever you'd like to be part of that denouement.

Write soon, y'hear!

Deflect, deflect, deflect hypocrite. You support state funded abortion. :lol:

Just caught you in yet another lie, huh?
Until it exists outside my body, it is a part of my body.

Allow me to point out that I answered the question as it applies to the law. Fish asked why.

Information isn't advocacy.

You're a fraud.

Your series of posts are no more than obfuscation.

You must be a Liberal, huh?

I am a liberal that you can't respond to so you deflect.

You're still a raging hypocrite.

Actually, you're disingenuous....which is synonymous with Liberal.

You jumped into a thread about abortion and Planned Parenthood, because you demand the right to have the government pay for you to kill an unborn baby that you (Liberals) voluntarily created.
You've done your best to change the topic, and failed....seems your best is not that potent.

Disgusting, but not beyond what one expects from the scions of communists.

You claimed the 'right' because the baby is part of your body, but as I have shown, both science and legal precedent deny that.....so you've been shown to be both wrong and stupid...another synonym for Liberal.

I never mind explaining why Liberals, Progressives, Democrats are a lower form of life than conservatives.....so, please, drop by whenever you'd like to be part of that denouement.

Write soon, y'hear!

Deflect, deflect, deflect hypocrite. You support state funded abortion. :lol:

Just caught you in yet another lie, huh?

You never caught me in initial lie so, no you didn't catch me in another lie.

You support aid to Israel. Using your logic, that means you support state funded abortions. We send money to Israel, they will pay for the abortions of women who want them. You support funding abortions in Isreal. No lie there, hypocrite.
You're a fraud.

Your series of posts are no more than obfuscation.

You must be a Liberal, huh?

I am a liberal that you can't respond to so you deflect.

You're still a raging hypocrite.

Actually, you're disingenuous....which is synonymous with Liberal.

You jumped into a thread about abortion and Planned Parenthood, because you demand the right to have the government pay for you to kill an unborn baby that you (Liberals) voluntarily created.
You've done your best to change the topic, and failed....seems your best is not that potent.

Disgusting, but not beyond what one expects from the scions of communists.

You claimed the 'right' because the baby is part of your body, but as I have shown, both science and legal precedent deny that.....so you've been shown to be both wrong and stupid...another synonym for Liberal.

I never mind explaining why Liberals, Progressives, Democrats are a lower form of life than conservatives.....so, please, drop by whenever you'd like to be part of that denouement.

Write soon, y'hear!

Deflect, deflect, deflect hypocrite. You support state funded abortion. :lol:

Just caught you in yet another lie, huh?

You never caught me in initial lie so, no you didn't catch me in another lie.

You support aid to Israel. Using your logic, that means you support state funded abortions. We send money to Israel, they will pay for the abortions of women who want them. You support funding abortions in Isreal. No lie there, hypocrite.

Post #871 is a lie.

You posted it.

QED....I caught you in yet another lie.
And.your earlier lie....the 'lie' that the unborn human being is a part of the morther's body, when, in fact,it is a unique and separate entity with it's very own DNA, fingerprints, etc.
I am a liberal that you can't respond to so you deflect.

You're still a raging hypocrite.

Actually, you're disingenuous....which is synonymous with Liberal.

You jumped into a thread about abortion and Planned Parenthood, because you demand the right to have the government pay for you to kill an unborn baby that you (Liberals) voluntarily created.
You've done your best to change the topic, and failed....seems your best is not that potent.

Disgusting, but not beyond what one expects from the scions of communists.

You claimed the 'right' because the baby is part of your body, but as I have shown, both science and legal precedent deny that.....so you've been shown to be both wrong and stupid...another synonym for Liberal.

I never mind explaining why Liberals, Progressives, Democrats are a lower form of life than conservatives.....so, please, drop by whenever you'd like to be part of that denouement.

Write soon, y'hear!

Deflect, deflect, deflect hypocrite. You support state funded abortion. :lol:

Just caught you in yet another lie, huh?

You never caught me in initial lie so, no you didn't catch me in another lie.

You support aid to Israel. Using your logic, that means you support state funded abortions. We send money to Israel, they will pay for the abortions of women who want them. You support funding abortions in Isreal. No lie there, hypocrite.

Post #871 is a lie.

You posted it.

QED....I caught you in yet another lie.

Ah, so you're lying when you say that we pay for abortions at PP with taxpayer dollars? Pffft, we all knew that.

Tax dollars don't fund abortions. Glad I could enlighten you.
Actually, you're disingenuous....which is synonymous with Liberal.

You jumped into a thread about abortion and Planned Parenthood, because you demand the right to have the government pay for you to kill an unborn baby that you (Liberals) voluntarily created.
You've done your best to change the topic, and failed....seems your best is not that potent.

Disgusting, but not beyond what one expects from the scions of communists.

You claimed the 'right' because the baby is part of your body, but as I have shown, both science and legal precedent deny that.....so you've been shown to be both wrong and stupid...another synonym for Liberal.

I never mind explaining why Liberals, Progressives, Democrats are a lower form of life than conservatives.....so, please, drop by whenever you'd like to be part of that denouement.

Write soon, y'hear!

Deflect, deflect, deflect hypocrite. You support state funded abortion. :lol:

Just caught you in yet another lie, huh?

You never caught me in initial lie so, no you didn't catch me in another lie.

You support aid to Israel. Using your logic, that means you support state funded abortions. We send money to Israel, they will pay for the abortions of women who want them. You support funding abortions in Isreal. No lie there, hypocrite.

Post #871 is a lie.

You posted it.

QED....I caught you in yet another lie.

Ah, so you're lying when you say that we pay for abortions at PP with taxpayer dollars? Pffft, we all knew that.

Tax dollars don't fund abortions. Glad I could enlighten you.

$528 million taxpayer funds go to Planned Parenthood, the abortion mill....and they can use it in any way they choose.

Since their raison d'être is abortion.....guess where it goes.

Caught you ANOTHER lie.

You must be a Liberal, huh?
Regardless of one's position on legalized abortion, not reimbursing the pp health clinics for medical treatment GIVEN outside of abortion, with legit MEDICAID money is wrong.


Obamacare (ACA) provides those other services for free. There is no need for PP except as an abortion mill for minority women.
Well....no one needs government funded slaughter of the unborn.

War does the same...

Funny how "conservatives" are almost to a man and woman eager to go to war and be responsible for hundreds of thousand of deaths per event of living breathing people with all of the rights of the living and breathing human beings. Preventing the death of people is CERTAINLY NOT what motivates conservatives.

Who do you think wants war? No one, idiot. But the incompetent policies of obozo the kenyan clown prince have made war much more likely. What is he going to do when the russians shoot down an american fighter jet?

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