Who Is Trump? Really?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
There are so many opinions out there about The Donald that one can almost pick and choose the one that fits closest to your own version. That's why I found this article so interesting. It says some things “expert politicians” simply don't want to hear. A couple of examples:

What Trump offers is permission to conceive of an American interest as a national interest separate from the “international community” and permission to wish to see that interest triumph. What makes him popular on immigration is not how extreme his policies are, but the emphasis he puts on the interests of Americans rather than everyone else. His slogan is “Make America Great Again,” and he is not ashamed of the fact that this means making it better than other places, perhaps even at their expense.

Nothing in our politics seems worthy of being taken seriously anymore. The White House takes to Twitter with Straight Outta Compton memes about the Iran deal. We no longer know what political seriousness is—or we are afraid to pursue it, for fear of offending. We have reached a stage of decadence where we fear everything except frivolity. This is precisely the precondition for Trump’s popularity, and his unapologetic mockery of more conventional forms of political theater makes him in some ways the most serious candidate in the race.

Read the full article @ Traitor to His Class

In other words – we should worry about Americans and let the rest of the world worry about itself. Right?

Donald Trump: Americans Who Support Me Are ‘Tired of Being…the Patsy for Everybody’ @ Donald Trump: Americans Who Support Me Are ‘Tired of Being…the Patsy for Everybody’ and I think he's right
Trump says some things I like and some I do not, but one must remember, what is said on the campaign trail is not what one does when in office...
The "Interests of America" are not spending $400-600 B on a wall that will do zilch to prevent illegal immigration. Sorry.

Why don't you try honesty for a change instead of reciting these disingenuous arguments?
Who is Trump?
He is a big kid with big toys who likes getting attention.

Can't take him seriously, but sometimes I like to watch him to get a laugh ... at how stupid he acts.

If you like the status quo, you won't like Trump. If you don't like the status quo, who else?
'His slogan is “Make America Great Again”'

His 'slogan' is as ridiculous as the 'take back America' nonsense.

Trump's candidacy is about jingoistic emotionalism, devoid of facts, logic, or reason – an appeal to the unwarranted fears common to most on the right, and an appeal to their bigotry, racism, fear, and hate.

Trump is not what America is about, we are a better people than what Trump represents and seeks to achieve.
It's better than Hope and Change and voters not having a clue what it meant.

The American People are suppose to be in charge, not the politicians and media. That is what is meant by take back America.
It's about restoring fundamental principles that had built the most successful and prosperous Republic in the history of civilization.
Not a huge debtor Nation beholding to other Countries.
Countries should be borrowing from us not the other way around.
'His slogan is “Make America Great Again”'

His 'slogan' is a lie – America is currently great, it always has been, it always will be, unless Trump and his ilk never gain actual control.
It's better than Hope and Change and voters not having a clue what it meant.

The American People are suppose to be in charge, not the politicians and media.
In a representative republic like we have, we elect people to be "in charge"; otherwise, 300 million people would have to sign every act into law. The Media isn't in charge.

That is what is meant by take back America.
Same as Hope and Change....sound byte for the easily persuaded.
'His slogan is “Make America Great Again”'

His 'slogan' is as ridiculous as the 'take back America' nonsense.

Trump's candidacy is about jingoistic emotionalism, devoid of facts, logic, or reason – an appeal to the unwarranted fears common to most on the right, and an appeal to their bigotry, racism, fear, and hate.

Trump is not what America is about, we are a better people than what Trump represents and seeks to achieve.

His slogan says he doesn't think America is 'Great'.

I wonder what year he thought it was 'Great'?
It's better than Hope and Change and voters not having a clue what it meant.

The American People are suppose to be in charge, not the politicians and media.
In a representative republic like we have, we elect people to be "in charge"; otherwise, 300 million people would have to sign every act into law. The Media isn't in charge.

That is what is meant by take back America.
Same as Hope and Change....sound byte for the easily persuaded.

Yes and they are suppose to listen to the people they represent and they aren't.
They are representing the big bucks for payback favorers for elections.
Like the Health Care bill as an example.
55% did not want it for several reasons but they passed it anyway.
It was about the health insurance and hospitals who gave big money to get that bill.
Both parties do it.
'His slogan is “Make America Great Again”'

His 'slogan' is a lie – America is currently great, it always has been, it always will be, unless Trump and his ilk never gain actual control.

Speaking of slogans.....:banana:

Don't you ever post anything of substance?
The "Interests of America" are not spending $400-600 B on a wall that will do zilch to prevent illegal immigration. Sorry.

Why don't you try honesty for a change instead of reciting these disingenuous arguments?

Please tell us what part of my argument do you find "disingenuous".

1. "spending $400-600 B on a wall"

2. "a wall that will do "zilch" to prevent illegal immigration"

3. Concealing your real objection to a wall.

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