Rolling Stone Magazine Matt Tiabbi Article on the Clown Car


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
If you're a liberal, you're going to love this article from this month's RS. If you're a Conservative, you probably will not.

Can't quote it completely here but if you have read any of MT's past writings, you likely know what to expect. Here are some nuggets:

He compares Lindsay Graham to an over sized ventriloquist dummy

Scott Walker, he says, is the only candidate naturally meaner than Trump and accuses him of dressing like an "overdressed beat cop."

Rick Santorum takes some too....he is said to have a face "so Pious that God would be proud to eat a burrito off of it."

There are loads more in the article which is about 1/3 one-liners and two thirds honest appraisal of the sad state of our political scene.
*sigh* I remember the good old days of Rolling Stone when everyone was fair game and the rag wasn't so biased.

RS lost all cred a long time ago but truly sinking below a level I thought they could go was the publication of the fake rape on campus story followed by a cover with a Kardashian.

RIP RS. Pity about your demise.
LMAO @ Rolling Stone. Liberal rag

Not so much just a liberal rag, but an establishment piece of garbage. It used to be all right while Hunter Thompson wrote the political pieces. At least he kept it honest.
Seeing what it has become? No wonder he put a bullet in his head.:blowup:

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