Who is the real Jon Stewart?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

In a recently resurfaced interview with Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge, Stewart revealed his more condescending side regarding child genital mutilation — and conservatives like Dave Rubin aren’t pleased.

“Why would the state of Arkansas step in to override parents, physicians, psychiatrists, endocrinologists who have developed guidelines?” Stewart asked Rutledge.

“Well, I think it’s important that all of those physicians, all of those experts, for every single one of them, there’s an expert that says we don’t need to allow children to be able to take those medications,” Rutledge shot back before Stewart interjected, “But you know that’s not true.”

“I don’t know that that’s not true,” Rutledge says, before adding that 98% of those with gender dysphoria are able to move past their issues without medical intervention.

“Wow,” Stewart mocks, “that’s an incredibly made up figure.”

“You’re suggesting that protecting children means overriding the recommendations of the American Medical Association, the American Association of Pediatrics, the Endocrine Society,” he continues.

But Jon Stewart is a man who recently questioned the medical establishment about the Covid Pandemic.

“I think we owe a great debt of gratitude to science,” Stewart said. “Science has, in many ways, helped ease the suffering of this pandemic, which was more than likely caused by science. There’s a novel respiratory coronavirus overtaking Wuhan, China. What do we do? Oh, you know who we could ask? The Wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab. The disease is the same name as the lab. That’s just a little too weird.”

Stewart jokingly compared the coronavirus outbreak to “an outbreak of chocolatey goodness near Hershey, Pennsylvania.”

“What do you think happened? Oh, I don’t know, maybe a steam shovel made it with a cocoa bean,” Stewart said. “Or it’s the fucking chocolate factory. Maybe that’s it.”

Stewart’s comments did receive pushback from those wary of peddling unfounded conspiracy theories about the virus. Colbert played the straight man to Stewart and asked whether Stewart was working for Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), who has lied and spread misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic, and joked that they stopped filming while Stewart was mid-bit.

Stewart also riffed on other aspects of the pandemic during his “The Late Show” appearance, including his dismay that the world’s response to pandemics — wear a mask and wash your hands — hadn’t changed much in the last 100 years.

“I was really hoping that in 1918 they’d be, like, ‘Drink a tincture of mercury and butterfly juice,'” Stewart said. “I was hoping it’d be some bizarre thing, like, ‘We’ve come a long way, baby.’ It’s the exact same [response].”

Would the real Jon Stewart stand up, or is he now trying to play PC all of a sudden after taking on his old show back again?
I think his time has passed, AND one needs to keep in mind that when he was witty, there was a small army of writers feeding him his witty lines. The chances that he has any more insight into important issues than your neighborhood plumber is slight. Why would anyone listen to HIM on any subject other than show biz?

It appears for all the world that he is nothing more than an oblivious Hollywood twit. Who knew?
Stewart is not relevant anymore.
He's the "new" John Oliver, so I guess that's mildly relevant.

I was trying to think of a word for "one blip above nothing" and came up with bupkis for the short term.

John Oliver was a MegaPutz.
Stewart is not relevant anymore.
But the issue is relevant, and that is, can we trust science/medical establishment?

Can we trust a group that now claims men can have babies?

Keep in mind, 10 years if you asked, you got a different answer.

It is akin to Fauci saying you don't need a mask, to you do need a mask, to you need to double mask, back to you don't need a mask again.

Jon's relevance rests in his ability to communicate with large numbers of people to either communicate the gospel of science being always correct and truthful, to actually being human and capable of being wrong or lying.
The program is a propaganda hit piece. Progs rule the waves. These men and women on TV have influenced a lot of people or make people feel good about themselves at the expense of the no-good people who are not 100% politically in their corner.
John Stewart is another tv hack and nothing more.

He says what he has to at the time to sound relevant and insightful. At the end of the day he is just a good speaker but terrible at talking for himself because his writers do all the heavy lifting.
I can't wait to see him on the Daily Show again.

Just as a general comment, one doesn't have to back every position of something or someone you generally agree with.

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