Who Is Right About WMDs in Iraq, the Right or Trump?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Here was the Right's position on WMDs in Iraq, right up to the present day:

Fox News 2002: Iraq Likely Has Weapons of Mass Destruction

Fox News 2003: The Connection Between 9/11 and Iraq

July 2004: UN Confirms: WMDs Smuggled Out of Iraq

Fox News 2006: Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq

September 2012: 63% of Republicans STILL Think Iraq Had WMDs

There were...Syria has them now.

fuck yeah.

the wmd were transported to syria.


GulfLINK Home

December 2012: Will Saddam’s WMDs Fall into the Hands of Al Qaeda?

June 2014:
Saddam’s WMDs: The Left’s Iraq Lies Exposed
The recent turmoil in Iraq brought on by the rise of the Sunni extremist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has ironically struck a blow to the American Left’s endlessly repeated narrative that there were no weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq prior to the war.

Indeed.. you're expecting Zombie cattle-like creatures who believe they come from monkey's to be able to read and actually comprehend .. Not going to happen..

October 2013: Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq

October 2014: Remember folks when you read this ...THERE WERE NEVER NEVER any WMDs!!!

In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

We've heard rumors of this, but now we have the proof.

Bush didn't lie after all folks.

January 2015: Saddam's WMDs Went To Syria, Then Lebanon....

August 2015: ISIS Using WMDs. Where Did They Get Them? HMMMMM????

So we see the Right claimed Saddam had WMDs right up until 2015. This milestone is very important to note.

Now, some mainstream Democrats also believed Saddam had WMDs. Their opinions were formed by the information fed to them by the Bush Administration.

But on the extreme left wing fringes of the Democratic spectrum, there were those who said that it was all lies. They held mass protests all over the country.

So here is the far left liberal Democrat position on WMDs in Iraq:

Oh no! "Negged"? Whatever shall I do?

Bush lied to invade Iraq. Bush lied to invade Iraq.

Say it out loud to yourself. "Bush lied to invade Iraq."

Welcome to Earth.

Back then, a very famous registered New York limousine liberal Democrat also voiced his far left position on the fake news channel CNN:

Trump: "I was surprised that she (Nancy Pelosi) didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost -- it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Blitzer: "Impeaching him?"

Trump: "Absolutely, for the war, for the war."

Blitzer: "Because of the conduct of the war."

Trump: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

Trump repeated his far left belief during the 2016 campaign. And the Chumps just sat there and took it. That's why you no longer hear them claiming there were WMDs in Iraq. Because retards vote for anyone who has an R after their name. Even one who was a far left D.

That's how stupid they are.
So who is correct about Saddam's WMDs, Chumps: the Right or Donald Trump?

Simple question. And you will dodge and weave and close this topic and pretend you didn't see it.
"I was surprised that she (Nancy Pelosi) didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost -- it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."
"I was surprised that she (Nancy Pelosi) didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost -- it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Trump is a Dem who pimped himself and his family to the Republicans for no other reason than what is happening, making lots of $$$$
Here was the Right's position on WMDs in Iraq, right up to the present day:

Fox News 2002: Iraq Likely Has Weapons of Mass Destruction

Fox News 2003: The Connection Between 9/11 and Iraq

July 2004: UN Confirms: WMDs Smuggled Out of Iraq

Fox News 2006: Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq

September 2012: 63% of Republicans STILL Think Iraq Had WMDs

There were...Syria has them now.

fuck yeah.

the wmd were transported to syria.


GulfLINK Home

December 2012: Will Saddam’s WMDs Fall into the Hands of Al Qaeda?

June 2014:
Saddam’s WMDs: The Left’s Iraq Lies Exposed
The recent turmoil in Iraq brought on by the rise of the Sunni extremist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has ironically struck a blow to the American Left’s endlessly repeated narrative that there were no weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq prior to the war.

Indeed.. you're expecting Zombie cattle-like creatures who believe they come from monkey's to be able to read and actually comprehend .. Not going to happen..

October 2013: Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq

October 2014: Remember folks when you read this ...THERE WERE NEVER NEVER any WMDs!!!

In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

We've heard rumors of this, but now we have the proof.

Bush didn't lie after all folks.

January 2015: Saddam's WMDs Went To Syria, Then Lebanon....

August 2015: ISIS Using WMDs. Where Did They Get Them? HMMMMM????

So we see the Right claimed Saddam had WMDs right up until 2015. This milestone is very important to note.

Now, some mainstream Democrats also believed Saddam had WMDs. Their opinions were formed by the information fed to them by the Bush Administration.

But on the extreme left wing fringes of the Democratic spectrum, there were those who said that it was all lies. They held mass protests all over the country.

So here is the far left liberal Democrat position on WMDs in Iraq:

Oh no! "Negged"? Whatever shall I do?

Bush lied to invade Iraq. Bush lied to invade Iraq.

Say it out loud to yourself. "Bush lied to invade Iraq."

Welcome to Earth.

Back then, a very famous registered New York limousine liberal Democrat also voiced his far left position on the fake news channel CNN:

Trump: "I was surprised that she (Nancy Pelosi) didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost -- it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Blitzer: "Impeaching him?"

Trump: "Absolutely, for the war, for the war."

Blitzer: "Because of the conduct of the war."

Trump: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

Trump repeated his far left belief during the 2016 campaign. And the Chumps just sat there and took it. That's why you no longer hear them claiming there were WMDs in Iraq. Because retards vote for anyone who has an R after their name. Even one who was a far left D.

That's how stupid they are.

You are not being fair, "everyone" was told the lie that WMD was a mistake even after we found some and knew of movement into Syria. He is only as good as the info feed to him and back then it was leftist influenced media and friends. You just smacked the left for being that missinformation propagandist they are.
There might have been a reaspn for the lie for classified reasons but most likely the typical leftist game playing to demonize the opposition party. They blamed Bush for everything even though they had majority and were part of that same gov't they moaned about.
HaShev, post: 17087089
. They blamed Bush for everything even though they had majority and were part of that same gov't they moaned about.

Bush and Bush alone decided to kick UN inspectors out of Iraq and then invade.

He lied the day he announced the invasion was coming and inspectors needed to leave.

He told the entire world on March 17, 2003 that he had intelligence that Saddam Hussein was hiding the most lethal weapons ever devised from the inspectors.

That was a lie because there was no intelligence telling Bush that. There could not have been intelligence that left no doubt because to leave no doubt they would have had to know where the most lethal weapons ever devised were being hidden.

They didn't know because they spent two years looking for them to no avail following the invasion based on that 'no doubt' lie.

Not one single Democrat except maybe Joe Lieberman wanted Bush to force the inspectors out and invade and occupy Iraq to find WMD.

Bush lied about intelligence leaving no doubt.

And you miserable Iraq war mongers still want to blame Democrats for Bush's lie.
The Right said there were WMDs in Iraq. Right up until 2015.

The far left liberal Democrat Donald Trump said, and still says, there weren't.

Who is correct?

Simple question.
The Right said there were WMDs in Iraq. Right up until 2015.

The far left liberal Democrat Donald Trump said, and still says, there weren't.

Who is correct?

Simple question.

Iraq warmongers can't answer simple questions. Lies don't work. But I appreciate you putting it to them.
So who is correct about Saddam's WMDs, Chumps: the Right or Donald Trump?

Simple question. And you will dodge and weave and close this topic and pretend you didn't see it.
Trump was wrong. The fact of the matter is that the NGIC recovered WMD in Iraq, including nerve agents. However what was much more concerning than that IMO, is the fact that Al Qaeda had a WMD research and production facility in the territory they controlled in Iraq. What was also a major concern is that the ROI had an indigenous NBC capability. So even if you got rid of them, they could simply make more at their convenience.

Anyone who says there was no WMD in Iraq is just plain wrong. They are either ignorant of the facts or simply lying.
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Here was the Right's position on WMDs in Iraq, right up to the present day:

Fox News 2002: Iraq Likely Has Weapons of Mass Destruction

Fox News 2003: The Connection Between 9/11 and Iraq

July 2004: UN Confirms: WMDs Smuggled Out of Iraq

Fox News 2006: Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq

September 2012: 63% of Republicans STILL Think Iraq Had WMDs

There were...Syria has them now.

fuck yeah.

the wmd were transported to syria.


GulfLINK Home

December 2012: Will Saddam’s WMDs Fall into the Hands of Al Qaeda?

June 2014:
Saddam’s WMDs: The Left’s Iraq Lies Exposed
The recent turmoil in Iraq brought on by the rise of the Sunni extremist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has ironically struck a blow to the American Left’s endlessly repeated narrative that there were no weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq prior to the war.

Indeed.. you're expecting Zombie cattle-like creatures who believe they come from monkey's to be able to read and actually comprehend .. Not going to happen..

October 2013: Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq

October 2014: Remember folks when you read this ...THERE WERE NEVER NEVER any WMDs!!!

In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

We've heard rumors of this, but now we have the proof.

Bush didn't lie after all folks.

January 2015: Saddam's WMDs Went To Syria, Then Lebanon....

August 2015: ISIS Using WMDs. Where Did They Get Them? HMMMMM????

So we see the Right claimed Saddam had WMDs right up until 2015. This milestone is very important to note.

Now, some mainstream Democrats also believed Saddam had WMDs. Their opinions were formed by the information fed to them by the Bush Administration.

But on the extreme left wing fringes of the Democratic spectrum, there were those who said that it was all lies. They held mass protests all over the country.

So here is the far left liberal Democrat position on WMDs in Iraq:

Oh no! "Negged"? Whatever shall I do?

Bush lied to invade Iraq. Bush lied to invade Iraq.

Say it out loud to yourself. "Bush lied to invade Iraq."

Welcome to Earth.

Back then, a very famous registered New York limousine liberal Democrat also voiced his far left position on the fake news channel CNN:

Trump: "I was surprised that she (Nancy Pelosi) didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost -- it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Blitzer: "Impeaching him?"

Trump: "Absolutely, for the war, for the war."

Blitzer: "Because of the conduct of the war."

Trump: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

Trump repeated his far left belief during the 2016 campaign. And the Chumps just sat there and took it. That's why you no longer hear them claiming there were WMDs in Iraq. Because retards vote for anyone who has an R after their name. Even one who was a far left D.

That's how stupid they are.
Haven't seen you at all since the election.
Did you get banned???? LOL
So who is correct about Saddam's WMDs, Chumps: the Right or Donald Trump?

Simple question. And you will dodge and weave and close this topic and pretend you didn't see it.
Trump was wrong. The fact of the matter is that there was WMD recovered in Iraq. However what was much more concerning is that Al Qaeda had a WMD research and production facility in Iraq. What was also a major concern is that the ROI had an indigenous NBC capability.

Anyone who say there was no WMD in Iraq is just plain wrong.
The WMD's found in Iraq were old obsolete munitions left in abandoned bunkers or improperly buried munitions. They are attributed to Iraqi's tasked with getting rid of them taking shortcuts. There is no evidence Saddam or his military had knowledge of the handfuls of junk munitions discovered.

Please provide a link that backs up your claim that al Qaeda had any kind of facility in Iraq, let alone a WMD facility.
Here was the Right's position on WMDs in Iraq, right up to the present day:

Fox News 2002: Iraq Likely Has Weapons of Mass Destruction

Fox News 2003: The Connection Between 9/11 and Iraq

July 2004: UN Confirms: WMDs Smuggled Out of Iraq

Fox News 2006: Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq

September 2012: 63% of Republicans STILL Think Iraq Had WMDs

There were...Syria has them now.

fuck yeah.

the wmd were transported to syria.


GulfLINK Home

December 2012: Will Saddam’s WMDs Fall into the Hands of Al Qaeda?

June 2014:
Saddam’s WMDs: The Left’s Iraq Lies Exposed
The recent turmoil in Iraq brought on by the rise of the Sunni extremist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has ironically struck a blow to the American Left’s endlessly repeated narrative that there were no weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq prior to the war.

Indeed.. you're expecting Zombie cattle-like creatures who believe they come from monkey's to be able to read and actually comprehend .. Not going to happen..

October 2013: Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq

October 2014: Remember folks when you read this ...THERE WERE NEVER NEVER any WMDs!!!

In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

We've heard rumors of this, but now we have the proof.

Bush didn't lie after all folks.

January 2015: Saddam's WMDs Went To Syria, Then Lebanon....

August 2015: ISIS Using WMDs. Where Did They Get Them? HMMMMM????

So we see the Right claimed Saddam had WMDs right up until 2015. This milestone is very important to note.

Now, some mainstream Democrats also believed Saddam had WMDs. Their opinions were formed by the information fed to them by the Bush Administration.

But on the extreme left wing fringes of the Democratic spectrum, there were those who said that it was all lies. They held mass protests all over the country.

So here is the far left liberal Democrat position on WMDs in Iraq:

Oh no! "Negged"? Whatever shall I do?

Bush lied to invade Iraq. Bush lied to invade Iraq.

Say it out loud to yourself. "Bush lied to invade Iraq."

Welcome to Earth.

Back then, a very famous registered New York limousine liberal Democrat also voiced his far left position on the fake news channel CNN:

Trump: "I was surprised that she (Nancy Pelosi) didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost -- it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Blitzer: "Impeaching him?"

Trump: "Absolutely, for the war, for the war."

Blitzer: "Because of the conduct of the war."

Trump: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

Trump repeated his far left belief during the 2016 campaign. And the Chumps just sat there and took it. That's why you no longer hear them claiming there were WMDs in Iraq. Because retards vote for anyone who has an R after their name. Even one who was a far left D.

That's how stupid they are.

You are not being fair, "everyone" was told the lie that WMD was a mistake even after we found some and knew of movement into Syria. He is only as good as the info feed to him and back then it was leftist influenced media and friends. You just smacked the left for being that missinformation propagandist they are.
There might have been a reaspn for the lie for classified reasons but most likely the typical leftist game playing to demonize the opposition party. They blamed Bush for everything even though they had majority and were part of that same gov't they moaned about.

Liar. The Iraq war was unjustified then, and everything since has made it even less so. The US was once again lied into that war by the direct involvement of God's Chosen Warmongers. If it hadn't been for Jews there would have been no Iraq War. (Just as there would have been no Bolshevik Revolution, just as there would have been no US involvement in WWI and WWII, just as there would have been no 1965 Immigration Act, no Watergate, no 86 amnest, and the list goes on.)
So who is correct about Saddam's WMDs, Chumps: the Right or Donald Trump?

Simple question. And you will dodge and weave and close this topic and pretend you didn't see it.
Trump was wrong. The fact of the matter is that there was WMD recovered in Iraq. However what was much more concerning is that Al Qaeda had a WMD research and production facility in Iraq. What was also a major concern is that the ROI had an indigenous NBC capability.

Anyone who say there was no WMD in Iraq is just plain wrong.
The WMD's found in Iraq were old obsolete munitions left in abandoned bunkers or improperly buried munitions. They are attributed to Iraqi's tasked with getting rid of them taking shortcuts. There is no evidence Saddam or his military had knowledge of the handfuls of junk munitions discovered.

Please provide a link that backs up your claim that al Qaeda had any kind of facility in Iraq, let alone a WMD facility.
Yup. Turkey made sure we couldn't head off the Russian transfer of WMDs to Syria......which Assad used on his own people a few weeks ago.
Trump was wrong. The fact of the matter is that there was WMD recovered in Iraq. However what was much more concerning is that Al Qaeda had a WMD research and production facility in Iraq. What was also a major concern is that the ROI had an indigenous NBC capability.

Anyone who say there was no WMD in Iraq is just plain wrong.

Bush has admitted there were no WMD in Iraq.

But Mr Bush admits that he was shocked when no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. "No one was more shocked and angry than I was when we didn't find the weapons," he writes. "I had a sickening feeling every time I thought about it. I still do.""

George W Bush had 'sickening feeling' over WMD lack - BBC News

You should have that !sickening feeling! too, Muhhammed.

Why don't you believe the one man responsible for all the death and destruction his lie about WMD caused who has everything to gain by accepting all those fake news stories that WMD were found in Iraq.

Your version of history was pronounced dead a long time ago. And Bush himself put the lid on the coffin and buried it.

Only blind fools carry on with the WMD found in Iraq myth.
mudwhistle, post: 17087399,
Yup. Turkey made sure we couldn't head off the Russian transfer of WMDs to Syria......which Assad used on his own people a few weeks ago.

Why doesn't Bush support your myth? he would redeem himself if that 'moved to Syria' myth were true.

Explain that. Did you vote for Trump? He is no evader of tin foil hat theories. Why doesn't he embrace your moved to Syria myth.
cnelsen, post: 17087438
Bush wasn't a liar.

I don't buy the Zionist crap. Bush was his own liar. No one forced him to lie on March 17, 2003. He decided to lie all on his own.

The whole world could see the inspections were working. Sanctions would have come off Iraq when inspectors cleared Iraq of having WMD.

Bush wanted regime change so he lied. Case closed.

Bush chose to listen to Wolfowitz and his fellow scum. Deciding to knowingly lie about the intelligence Bush claimed to have, was a conscious and purposeful lie. It's on him. The buck stops there.
Trump was wrong. The fact of the matter is that the NGIC recovered WMD in Iraq, including nerve agents. However what was much more concerning than that IMO, is the fact that Al Qaeda had a WMD research and production facility in the territory they controlled in Iraq. What was also a major concern is that the ROI had an indigenous NBC capability. So even if you got rid of them, they could simply make more at their convenience.

Anyone who says there was no WMD in Iraq is just plain wrong. They are either ignorant of the facts or simply lying.
Hans Blix says there weren't any and it was his job to know this. What is your job? To shoot your fucking mouth off with bullshit about non-existent WMD's? BTW, decaying forgotten cans of sarin buried in the desert, does not constitute WMD's.

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