Who is more of an apartheid nation, the US or Israel?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Here are 10 reasons why Israel is not an apartheid nation.

1. All people living in Israel have full equal rights.

2. An Arab judge, George Karra, sentenced an ex-Israeli president Moshe Katsav to prison for seven years.

3. In 1953, the Bantu Education Act was passed.

4. Incitement to racism is a criminal offence in Israel.

5. Arabs and Israelis receive the same treatment in hospitals.

6. Non-whites in South Africa had separate amenities.

7. Israeli Arabs have their own political parties in the Knesset -- some of whom are Israel's harshest critics.

8. Arab citizens are allowed to seek redress through the courts and government if they feel they have been wronged.

9. Arabs in Israel have more fundamental rights than other Islamic and Arab countries in the Middle East.

10. In Israel, there are 1.6 million Arab citizens integrated within Israeli society.

But in the US
1. Not everyone has equal rights. Affirmative action is but one example. People are given special consideration because of their race in the US. Not so in Israel.
2. Incitement to racism in the US is not a criminal offense.
3. Israel is more integrated than the US. You can drive for hours in a major US city and not see a black person or a white person.
Here are 10 reasons why Israel is not an apartheid nation.

1. All people living in Israel have full equal rights.

2. An Arab judge, George Karra, sentenced an ex-Israeli president Moshe Katsav to prison for seven years.

3. In 1953, the Bantu Education Act was passed.

4. Incitement to racism is a criminal offence in Israel.

5. Arabs and Israelis receive the same treatment in hospitals.

6. Non-whites in South Africa had separate amenities.

7. Israeli Arabs have their own political parties in the Knesset -- some of whom are Israel's harshest critics.

8. Arab citizens are allowed to seek redress through the courts and government if they feel they have been wronged.

9. Arabs in Israel have more fundamental rights than other Islamic and Arab countries in the Middle East.

10. In Israel, there are 1.6 million Arab citizens integrated within Israeli society.

But in the US
1. Not everyone has equal rights. Affirmative action is but one example. People are given special consideration because of their race in the US. Not so in Israel.
2. Incitement to racism in the US is not a criminal offense.
3. Israel is more integrated than the US. You can drive for hours in a major US city and not see a black person or a white person.
You can drive for hours in a major US city and not see a black person or a white person.
i dont know where you live votto.....but take off your blinders.....even in S.California that doesnt happen....
Here are 10 reasons why Israel is not an apartheid nation.

1. All people living in Israel have full equal rights.

2. An Arab judge, George Karra, sentenced an ex-Israeli president Moshe Katsav to prison for seven years.

3. In 1953, the Bantu Education Act was passed.

4. Incitement to racism is a criminal offence in Israel.

5. Arabs and Israelis receive the same treatment in hospitals.

6. Non-whites in South Africa had separate amenities.

7. Israeli Arabs have their own political parties in the Knesset -- some of whom are Israel's harshest critics.

8. Arab citizens are allowed to seek redress through the courts and government if they feel they have been wronged.

9. Arabs in Israel have more fundamental rights than other Islamic and Arab countries in the Middle East.

10. In Israel, there are 1.6 million Arab citizens integrated within Israeli society.

But in the US
1. Not everyone has equal rights. Affirmative action is but one example. People are given special consideration because of their race in the US. Not so in Israel.
2. Incitement to racism in the US is not a criminal offense.
3. Israel is more integrated than the US. You can drive for hours in a major US city and not see a black person or a white person.
The problem is that Gaza and Palestine are effectively ruled by Israel and those people have no rights.

And they never will. Israel won’t allow it
They both function on successful surveillance and intelligence .
You only have to press apartheid buttons if you want to ratchet up hate and violence .
Just one of many mind control weapons . One of the easiest and most obvious
And Israel and the US are near identical .
Both are fundamentally Evil entities
The problem is that Gaza and Palestine are effectively ruled by Israel and those people have no rights.

And they never will. Israel won’t allow it
They don't have rights?

Where do people have more rights, in Israel or in Syria or Iran?

They both function on successful surveillance and intelligence .
You only have to press apartheid buttons if you want to ratchet up hate and violence .
Just one of many mind control weapons . One of the easiest and most obvious
And Israel and the US are near identical .
Both are fundamentally Evil entities
The Left hates the US and Israel and believe if they were destroyed it would usher in utopia.

Is this you?
They both function on successful surveillance and intelligence .
You only have to press apartheid buttons if you want to ratchet up hate and violence .
Just one of many mind control weapons . One of the easiest and most obvious
And Israel and the US are near identical .
Both are fundamentally Evil entities
we are so evil we just cant stop all those who want to come here and live with all the evil people.....why do they want to come to this evil empire?...
You can drive for hours in a major US city and not see a black person or a white person.
i dont know where you live votto.....but take off your blinders.....even in S.California that doesnt happen....
Depends on where you are, but that has happened a lot to me over the years.
They don't have rights?

Where do people have more rights, in Israel or in Syria or Iran?

They don’t. Arab citizens of Israel do have plenty of rights. Arab people on Israeli occupied territory have no rights whatsoever.

You conveniently forgot to mention them. It’s as if they don’t exist, which is expected since the conservative solution on the issue is to basically ignore it.
ZOMG Israel controls its borders!
Know whats funny?
Egypt does the same thing on their side and nobody says a word.
The Palestinians literally "live apart" from Israelis in open air prisons.
we are so evil we just cant stop all those who want to come here and live with all the evil people.....why do they want to come to this evil empire?...
And Israel is so horrible they have to erect walls to keep people out.
ZOMG Israel controls its borders!
Know whats funny?
Egypt does the same thing on their side and nobody says a word.
Zionism is based on the Torah, which is the real target.

That is the reason for the hypocrisy.

And the US is a Left wing target because the country was founded by those seeking religious freedom, all of which was also based on the Torah/Bible.
The real, unspoken problem is that Arab Muslims are breeders. Israel can never have anything approaching "democracy" because Jews are modern people and don't generally have large families. One man - one Vote in Israel would quickly result in another Islamic State in the Middle East.
The real, unspoken problem is that Arab Muslims are breeders. Israel can never have anything approaching "democracy" because Jews are modern people and don't generally have large families. One man - one Vote in Israel would quickly result in another Islamic State in the Middle East.
So you’re saying a two state solution is the only real option.

I think I’ve heard that before.
I sense that people don't really understand what "apartheid" means, nor what is actually happening and what life in Israel is really all about. I also sense that many people don't really care to learn and have already decided how they feel.
I sense that people don't really understand what "apartheid" means, nor what is actually happening and what life in Israel is really all about. I also sense that many people don't really care to learn and have already decided how they feel.
It is awe inspiring to realize the stupidity of people. You see a group of gays in San Fran protesting for Palestine when the very people they are protesting for would throw them off the roof tops for being gay.

Only in Israel would they be safe.
So you’re saying a two state solution is the only real option.

I think I’ve heard that before.
The solution for the Jews is to keep their Zionist state, no matter what.

Otherwise, it will be off to the ovens again.

I think it helps their resolve when they see the cruelty and hate from Palestinians every now and then. It is literally defend the Zionists state or be tortured and murdered.
The solution for the Jews is to keep their Zionist state, no matter what.

Otherwise, it will be off to the ovens again.

I think it helps their resolve when they see the cruelty and hate from Palestinians every now and then. It is literally defend the Zionists state or be tortured and murdered.
There’s no shortage of cruelty and hate on both sides, but we don’t see all of it. We aren’t supposed to talk about it.

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