“Who is Generation Jihad?


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I imagine that the countries around the world who have taken in people like these young and even their parents or grandparents who were settled in places like Germany years ago will live to eventually regret it. We have all read how heartbroken many of their parents are, and this will probably continue among the young, leaving behind more parents who were happy to be allowed into the West and don't like what their kids are doing with, of course, the indigenous people getting more and more upset at whom is living in their midst.

December 8, 2014

Who is Generation Jihad?
By: Nicolai Sennels

Generation Jihad
Generation Jihad is here. 80 percent of young Turks in Holland see “nothing wrong” in waging Jihad against non-Muslims. 27 percent of all young French and 14 percent of all young British under 25 sympathize with the genocidal terror organisation Islamic State. This includes most probably the vast majority of young Muslims in these two countries. These horrific numbers fit well with the fact that 75 percent of Muslims in Europe think that the Quran must be taken literally.

The result is an increasing amount of attacks on non-Islamic authorities and non-Muslims around especially Western Europe. And an increasing amount of areas that are lost to Islamic invaders (“invaders”, as they do not just live here, they also conquer), where crimes are defined by and handled according to Islamic laws, the Sharia, and where non-Muslims are persecuted through threats, vandalism, violence, rapes (including “grooming”) and robberies.

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