Who can prevent Polish attack on Germany?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Practically Germany is defenseless, almost all its weapons have been given away to Ukraine for free.
The best chancellor of all times ( according to German MS pressitutes ) loves it to fight the American's wars.
Poland has the strongest conventional army in Europe now and demands from Germany suddenly $1.4bn on reparation for WWII.
It's well-known only Poland, UK and Ukraine are true partners of the U.S., not dying Old Europe, most of all Germany.
In the time of the Great Reset, SCAMdemic, the War in Ukraine anything is possible, also, why Poland can't declare the war on naked Germany and include its into the united Polish-Ukrainian state?
No one will help Germany, neither USA ( which will be glad one of competitors is definitive gone ) nor France ( almost equal defenseless dying situation) nor NATO ( a Department of Pentagon ).
Benefits for Ukraine & Poland; Germany is much easier to defeat as Russia in Donbass.
The hypotheses sounds crazy but almost anything happening today sounded insane ten years ago.

Who can prevent Polish attack on Germany?​

The krauts are practically defenseless, so almost nothing. Why? Are the Poles having fantasies about being relevant again?
You got a vivid imagination, I will give you that. But maybe you should try to get your history knowledge straight first - in order to promote a "what if" scenario

Poland doesn't want US$1.4 billion, (that would be kind of peanuts for Germany) they are demanding US$ 1.4 trillion
Poland's Armed forces are presently more then 10 years away from their planed figures and military expertise they would need to take on Germany.
Germany's Armed Forces aren't naked at all - we got loads of stuff - with 80% being out of function due to budget cuts in the past 20 years.
(due to exactly those same people - that are now constantly asking/demanding weapon supplies to fight Russia)

If at all, Poland's factual dilemma is that Ukraine and Belarus controls/holds around 50% of Poland's former territory - most people forgot that the Soviets never returned the 1939 occupied Polish territory to Poland - the lost 50% Polish territory to their East was compensated partially and solely in the West via claiming former German territory.

Taking your "what if" into account -Germany actually would have historical reasons to attack Poland.

Taking these brainwashed and misguided Ukrainians and the EU/US demo/lib mindset into account - Poland needs to liberate these forceful occupied and illegally annexed territories - and drive these Ukrainians and Belorussians occupiers/aggressors back to their pre-1939 Soviet borders.

The biggest idiocy by far from the UN in regards to Europe, was the recognition of Belarussia and Ukraine in 1991 as being sovereign states claiming their borders onto previous Soviet established Soviet Republics.

Who can prevent Polish attack on Germany?​

The krauts are practically defenseless, so almost nothing. Why? Are the Poles having fantasies about being relevant again?

Poles have USA behind them now.
USA doesn't need Europe and Germany as competitors, so it first blew NS2 up, than disarmed Germany now supports Poland to became more strong.
Germany can't pay $1.2bn reparations, so who can prohibit Poland to take a half of the country?
You got a vivid imagination, I will give you that. But maybe you should try to get your history knowledge straight first - in order to promote a "what if" scenario

Poland doesn't want US$1.4 billion, (that would be kind of peanuts for Germany) they are demanding US$ 1.4 trillion
Poland's Armed forces are presently more then 10 years away from their planed figures and military expertise they would need to take on Germany.
Germany's Armed Forces aren't naked at all - we got loads of stuff - with 80% being out of function due to budget cuts in the past 20 years.
(due to exactly those same people - that are now constantly asking/demanding weapon supplies to fight Russia)

If at all, Poland's factual dilemma is that Ukraine and Belarus controls/holds around 50% of Poland's former territory - most people forgot that the Soviets never returned the 1939 occupied Polish territory to Poland - the lost 50% Polish territory to their East was compensated partially and solely in the West via claiming former German territory.

Taking your "what if" into account -Germany actually would have historical reasons to attack Poland.

Taking these brainwashed and misguided Ukrainians and the EU/US demo/lib mindset into account - Poland needs to liberate these forceful occupied and illegally annexed territories - and drive these Ukrainians and Belorussians occupiers/aggressors back to their pre-1939 Soviet borders.

The biggest idiocy by far from the UN in regards to Europe, was the recognition of Belarussia and Ukraine in 1991 as being sovereign states claiming their borders onto previous Soviet established Soviet Republics.

Poland took already a fifth of German Territorials?
Who can prohibit it to take more?
USA, France, UK, Ukraine, Russia and others will only support it.


By the way Poland dreams since centuries about a Big Polish Kingdom


Who can prevent Polish attack on Germany?​

The krauts are practically defenseless, so almost nothing. Why? Are the Poles having fantasies about being relevant again?
US Khazarians corrupted Khazaria itself ( Ukraine) these last thirty years. .
It has been doing the same with Poland .
Perfectly simple and obvious. .
O% chance of Poland attacking Germany despite there being hatred -- both sides .
The name of the game is s Khazaria versus Russia on Khazarian territory .
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No .
They have been obligated by the US Khazarians corrupting them over many years . Just as they did with Khazaria ( Ukraine itself ) from at least thirty
years ago.

Poland attacking Germany is 100% BS and just standard deflection for Gullibles to miss seeing what is under their noses . As usual.

Who believed ten years ago Russia attacks Ukraine?
Who believed ten years ago peoples will be enslaved by satanists through the SCAMdemic CONvid 1984?
Who believed ten years ago no one government will represent own people and serve only NWO masters?
Who believed ten years ago white cops will kiss foots of N-words?
Who believed ten years ago Christianity becomes a kind of insanity for MS whores?
Etc etc etc
The war in Ukraine is the war against Europa and criminals like Putin, Zelensky, Biden work together
Germany as the most strongest country in EU shall be eliminated as first.
So, anything is possible now, all laws and agreements had been abolished
Almost forgotten

Poland dreams about taking Ukraine into Poland, so with the US support it becomes the biggest and strongest state in Europe.
The new state will have the most strongest army in Europe
Question: who will defend Germany?

Poland took already a fifth of German Territorials?
Yes, signed off and accepted by a former German terrorist and later German Chancellor on 7. December 1970
Who can prohibit it to take more?
The Bundeswehr, NATO, China and Russia
USA, France, UK, Ukraine, Russia and others will only support it.
Russia supporting Poland? sure...

By the way Poland dreams since centuries about a Big Polish Kingdom
That is known - and this former Poland-Lithuanian empire lies in today's Belarus and Ukraine - not in Germany

The Bundeswehr, NATO, China and Russia

Russia supporting Poland? sure...

That is known - and this former Poland-Lithuanian empire lies in today's Belarus and Ukraine - not in Germany

Very funny, indeed.

- Bundeswehr, a completely disarmed and run by incompetent commanders small group of would be soldiers?
- NATO, a department of Pentagon
- China, of course it will support a competitor and enemy, you're funny
- Russia? 'Thanks' to the 'best chancellor' of all times Scholz and Ms Berbock all relation between Russia and Germany are broken for at least a hundred years.
Sooner Russia will support its neighboring state of another slavs as a countries of old enemies and backstabbers.
Neither Russia nor China nor NATO will do anything to support Germany
After the war Ukraine will need money for rebuild of industry
And Poland of course

USA will relocate all resources from the Old Europe to the New one ( Poland and Ukraine )
And will do nothing against annexation of Part of Germany into Polish / Ukrainian Union

Who believed ten years ago Russia attacks Ukraine? MOST SAVVY PUNDITS . PLUS SELF
Who believed ten years ago peoples will be enslaved by satanists through the SCAMdemic CONvid 1984? MANY . SELF INCLUDED .
Who believed ten years ago not one government will represent own people and serve only NWO masters? HAS NOT HAPPENED .YET
Who believed ten years ago white cops will kiss foots of N-words? N.A.
Who believed ten years ago Christianity becomes a kind of insanity for MS whores? N.A
Etc etc etc

The war in Ukraine is the war against Europa and criminals like Putin, Zelensky, Biden work together DISAGREE . LIKELY NONSENSE
Germany as the most strongest country in EU shall be eliminated as first. UNTRUE .
So, anything is possible now, all laws and agreements had been abolished

Khazaria wants the EU on its knees . Germany is just a key to achieve that .
IF ACHIEVED , GERMANY AND KHAZARIA WOULD BECOME TOTALLY UNITED . Don't forget to distinguish between a Government and its shadow .
Like the US is now , for example, ruled by its shadow government .
KHAZARIA CREATED MODERN GERMANY -- via US and UK banks . For reasons which are still being played out .
imho ..
Bruh, that must be some nice dope you're smoking if you think Poland is going to attack Germany, especially now...
it calls - Boyarka @Baron likes it A LOT !
Poles have USA behind them now.
USA doesn't need Europe and Germany as competitors, so it first blew NS2 up, than disarmed Germany now supports Poland to became more strong.
Germany can't pay $1.2bn reparations, so who can prohibit Poland to take a half of the country?
Hmmm... Poland attacking Germany? Sounds like a Polish joke.

But, as you say, what was insanity a decade or two ago -- seen by everyone, Left and Right, as ridiculous/impossible/unthinkable -- is now Orthodoxy on the Left.

But the Poles probably have better sense than to directly attack Germany. If Russia wins in Ukraine, they'll both have to hang together.

And, although Germany and France have been relying for 70 years on Uncle Sucker to pay the bills for defense, at some point their ruling elites are going to wake up and realize that Donald Trump was not an aberration, at least in his reluctance to continue the Sugar Daddy relationship with European nations p-- nations that are as rich as we are, and actually have more war-fighting experience in their histories.

However, no non-German in Europe is going to feel easy about a re-awakened Germany with a real military. (They didn't really mind the division of Germany for that very reason. That observation by a cynical Brit, that the purpose of NATO was 'to keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down' -- had a lot of truth in it.)
Practically Germany is defenseless, almost all its weapons have been given away to Ukraine for free.
The best chancellor of all times ( according to German MS pressitutes ) loves it to fight the American's wars.
Poland has the strongest conventional army in Europe now and demands from Germany suddenly $1.4bn on reparation for WWII.
It's well-known only Poland, UK and Ukraine are true partners of the U.S., not dying Old Europe, most of all Germany.
In the time of the Great Reset, SCAMdemic, the War in Ukraine anything is possible, also, why Poland can't declare the war on naked Germany and include its into the united Polish-Ukrainian state?
No one will help Germany, neither USA ( which will be glad one of competitors is definitive gone ) nor France ( almost equal defenseless dying situation) nor NATO ( a Department of Pentagon ).
Benefits for Ukraine & Poland; Germany is much easier to defeat as Russia in Donbass.
The hypotheses sounds crazy but almost anything happening today sounded insane ten years ago.
The op is nonsense

Germany may be short on weapons because under the previous commie fuhrer they didnt spend enough on defense

But Poland is not going to invade them

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