Who can prevent Polish attack on Germany?

The op is nonsense

Germany may be short on weapons because under the previous commie fuhrer they didnt spend enough on defense

But Poland is not going to invade them

Good grief. You are even for an idiot a very impressing idiot. "Führer" means by the way only "leader". And Angela Merkel had been by the way a conservative politician. And whatever Donald Trump ever said in his life - believe nothing what he said and you know much more - even if you know nothing at all.

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Good grief. You are even for an idiot a very impressing idiot. "Führer" means by the way only "leader". And Angela Merkel had been by the way a conservative politician. And whatever Donald Trump ever said in his life - believe nothing what he said and you know much more - even if you know nothing at all.

I sincerely hope poland does not kick sand in your face and take your lunch money
If someone is really interested in this thing which we call normally "reality": We plan to build a tank factory for the production of 400 of our feline predator tanks per year directly in the Ukraine. The Russians say "We will bomb it down" and we say "We are able to protect it from your air strikes".
Practically Germany is defenseless, almost all its weapons have been given away to Ukraine for free.
The best chancellor of all times ( according to German MS pressitutes ) loves it to fight the American's wars.
Poland has the strongest conventional army in Europe now and demands from Germany suddenly $1.4bn on reparation for WWII.
It's well-known only Poland, UK and Ukraine are true partners of the U.S., not dying Old Europe, most of all Germany.
In the time of the Great Reset, SCAMdemic, the War in Ukraine anything is possible, also, why Poland can't declare the war on naked Germany and include its into the united Polish-Ukrainian state?
No one will help Germany, neither USA ( which will be glad one of competitors is definitive gone ) nor France ( almost equal defenseless dying situation) nor NATO ( a Department of Pentagon ).
Benefits for Ukraine & Poland; Germany is much easier to defeat as Russia in Donbass.
The hypotheses sounds crazy but almost anything happening today sounded insane ten years ago.
Have the Germans march into Poland backwards and tell the Polacks they were just leaving.
If someone is really interested in this thing which we call normally "reality": We plan to build a tank factory for the production of 400 of our feline predator tanks per year directly in the Ukraine. The Russians say "We will bomb it down" and we say "We are able to protect it from your air strikes".
If germany has grown a stiff penis thats good news to me
If germany has grown a stiff penis thats good news to me

Nothing is a good news for you in context Germany because this what you think what Germany could be is perhaps somewhere in the Andomeda galaxy and will need 2 billion years until it will arrive here.

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The Poles have been pretty cool-headed in their approach to war and alliances.

For example, they have supported the Ukrainians against the Russians.

To do that, they have had to put to one side memories of what Ukrainians did to Poles (and to a lesser extent, vice versa), within the memory of people still living.

Nothing is a good news for you in context Germany because this what you think what Germany could be is perhaps somewhere in the Andomeda galaxy and will need 2 billion years until it will arrive here.

You are paranoid

I dont hate Germany or wish anything bad for you

But I wont cry over your self inflicted wounds
Cool headed? ... The Polish? ... Aha ... Did I miss the point when the Polish government started to say not only nonsense any longer? ...
Too many double negatives there for me to understand you. Please re-phrase your point.
Too many double negatives there for me to understand you. Please re-phrase your point.

It's impossible for a German to use too many double negations. But which double negation did I use here? What about this: "Did I miss the point when the Polish government began to talk not only nonsense?"?
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It's impossible for a German to use too many double negations. But which double negation did I use here? What about this: "Did I miss the point when the Polish government began to talk not only nonsense?"?
Yes. That sentence makes no sense to me. I don't get the point you're making. Vielleicht bin ich einfach zu dumm.
Yes. That sentence makes no sense to me. I don't get the point you're making. Vielleicht bin ich einfach zu dumm.

Maybe you are right. It is a very simple sentence. I don't have any idea what you don't understand - except you don't like ot understand. If you really don't unerstand what I say then try to learn a foreign language to learn more about mistakes which not-native-speakers make in a foreign language. Nevertheless I do remember nothing what the Polish government said what I could call "cool-headed" in Poland. The aggression of Russia is very clear "You are next, Poland". The reaction from the Polish is ... let me call it "strange" from my German point of view. This would be okay, because Poland is a strange country - the only problem is that the Poles which I know here in Germany are much more reasonable than the Polish government ever had been. I don't know which anti-democratic species overtook the rulership in the animal farm Poland. And I do not like to see betrayed Polish and other people in the end of this Russian absurdity in the Ukraine and in Belarus.

Here a song which was once made from or for the soldiers of the légion étrangère. They could give a lot of cool-headed comments to the current situation of Europe - but they are much too cool-headed to do so. Here the German version - I don't know whether a French version is existing.



Oh by the way: Not to forget a message to all Russians: "Russians, go home! Leave the Ukraine and Belarus! What you do there is totally senseless and also counterproductive to your own country. And you are in danger to land in a third world war - alone - very alone!"

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Maybe you are right. It is a very simple sentence. I don't have any idea what you don't understand - except you don't like ot understand. If you really don't unerstand what I say then try to learn a foreign language to learn more about mistakes which not-native-speakers make in a foreign language. Nevertheless I do remember nothing what the Polish government said what I could call "cool-headed" in Poland. The aggression of Russia is very clear "You are next, Poland". The reaction from the Polish is ... let me call it "strange" from my German point of view. This would be okay, because Poland is a strange country - the only problem is that the Poles which I know here in Germany are much more reasonable than the Polish government ever had been. I don't know which anti-democratic species overtook the rulership in the animal farm Poland. And I do not like to see betrayed Polish and other people in the end of this Russian absurdity in the Ukraine and in Belarus.

Here a song which was once made from or for the soldiers of the légion étrangère. They could give a lot of cool-headed comments to the current situation of Europe - but they are much too cool-headed to do so. Here the German version - I don't know whether a French version is existing.



Oh by the way: Not to forget a message to all Russians: "Russians, go home! Leave the Ukraine and Belarus! What you do there is totally senseless and also counterproductive to your own country. And you are in danger to land in a third world war - alone - very alone!"

Although I can't claim to speak German, I did study it at school and at university. It is a beautiful language. Wo ich lebe, habe ich jedoch nur wenige Möglichkeiten zu üben.

Your English is 100 times better than my German. I'm NOT criticizing your grasp of English. It's easy, in a forum like this, to be unclear, even in one's native language.

Another haunting German 'military' song begins "Ich hatte einen Kameraden..."

I learned it in German, long ago, although with slightly different words: it -- the variant -- was one of the songs sung by German volunteers fighting fascism in Spain in the Thälmann Battalion.

Who can prevent Polish attack on Germany?​

Why would we want to prevent a Polish attack on Germany?

After all, it IS their turn ...


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