Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Interesting. Why did the Jews accept part of Palestine in 1947 when they received the whole pie three decades earlier?

And since resolution 181 didn't happen, what did the Jews get?
You are a joke.

You know the history, just want to lie about it, change it, manipulate it.

Shove your resolution 181, and every other nonsense you think does not give the Jews the right to any part of the land.

You are a joke.

You know the history, just want to lie about it, change it, manipulate it.

Shove your resolution 181, and every other nonsense you think does not give the Jews the right to any part of the land.

The Jews came out of 1947 with nothing. What happened since then?

Nice duck though.
There are a few things Michigan voters may want to know about their newest congressional candidate.

Huwaida Arraf is a lawyer and self-described Palestinian activist who co-founded the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which, among other things, was probed by the FBI as part of a terrorism investigation between 2004 and 2006.

While ISM claims to be a ā€œPalestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles,ā€ part of its mission statement, which has since been excised from its website, expressed support for the ā€œPalestinian right to resistā€¦ via legitimate armed struggle.ā€

Similar to the Gaza Stripā€™s terrorist rulers Hamas, ISM and Arraf seem to have no problem with using volunteers as human shields ā€“ a fact ISM has even bragged about on its website.

In 2002, amid the height of the Second Intifada in which waves of Palestinian suicide bombings were launched against Israeli civilians, the ISM sent a number of ā€˜activistsā€™ to protect terrorists who were holed up inside the Church of the Nativity, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem.

During the 39-day standoff, Arraf personally organized a mission to bring food and water to the terrorists inside the church.

In 2003, Tel Avivā€™s popular seafront bar Mikeā€™s Place was targeted by two British-born Muslims in a terror attack that killed three Israeli civilians and injured dozens more. The suicide bombers, who were operating under the guidance of Hamas and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, had arrived in Israel from Jordan via the Allenby Bridge and, just days before the attack, visited the ISM at its office in Gaza.

Shortly afterward, they joined the organizationā€™s volunteers at a nearby memorial for ISM activist Rachel Corrie, who was accidentally crushed to death after she kneeled in front of an IDF bulldozer that was leveling the ground to expose terror tunnels used to store explosives.

An official Israeli report stated the terrorists were ā€œcareful to establish their presence in Judea and Samaria [West Bank] by forging links with foreign left wing activists and members of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).ā€

Thom Saffold, who co-founded the group with Arraf, later glibly summarized the deaths of volunteers working for ISM thus:

Itā€™s possible they [the protesters] were not as disciplined as we would have liked. But weā€™re like a peace army. Generals send young men and women off to operations, and some die.ā€
In 2010, Arraf was an organizer and spokesperson for the Free Gaza Flotilla, which deliberately provoked a violent confrontation with the Israeli Navy when it attempted to breach the blockade of Gaza. The headline-garnering stunt was also arranged with the help of the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Aid (IHH), a Turkish group that has ties to Hamas and donated funds to the terrorist organization.

Speaking about the incident, Arraf, who was on the ship Challenger 1, admitted that she had once again used activists as human shields:

We tried to put our bodies in the way. We repeated that weā€™re on an American flag vessel.ā€
To be clear, then, Arraf and the group she founded have certainly not kept a low profile over the years with the numerous controversies she has been linked to having been reported on (see here, here and here).

Therefore, it was surprising to see the relatively muted response from international media outlets to Arrafā€™s announcement that she is running as a Democrat in Michiganā€™s 10th Congressional District in the hopes she will unseat incumbent Republican Rep. Lisa McClain.

Indeed, according to an analysis of data collated by HonestReporting, Arrafā€™s candidacy was mentioned in just 11 news stories at the time of this pieceā€™s publication.

Arraf, who is a vocal supporter of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, even drew attention to her combative past while announcing her political campaign on Twitter:

I have been beaten, shot at, imprisoned and hijacked at sea standing up to injustice on the global stage. Iā€™m not afraid of a fight. Today, Iā€™m announcing my campaign for Congress in Michiganā€™s 10th District.ā€
Why donā€™t most media publications think it was newsworthy that a person who holds such disturbing views and has such a checkered past could potentially become a US lawmaker?

One of the key pillars of a free press is its duty to inform and criticize.

It appears Michigan voters are not being told of these troublesome facts about the person who hopes to represent them in Washingtonā€™s corridors of power.

There are a few things Michigan voters may want to know about their newest congressional candidate.

Huwaida Arraf is a lawyer and self-described Palestinian activist who co-founded the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which, among other things, was probed by the FBI as part of a terrorism investigation between 2004 and 2006.

While ISM claims to be a ā€œPalestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles,ā€ part of its mission statement, which has since been excised from its website, expressed support for the ā€œPalestinian right to resistā€¦ via legitimate armed struggle.ā€

Similar to the Gaza Stripā€™s terrorist rulers Hamas, ISM and Arraf seem to have no problem with using volunteers as human shields ā€“ a fact ISM has even bragged about on its website.

In 2002, amid the height of the Second Intifada in which waves of Palestinian suicide bombings were launched against Israeli civilians, the ISM sent a number of ā€˜activistsā€™ to protect terrorists who were holed up inside the Church of the Nativity, in the West Bank town of Bethlehem.

During the 39-day standoff, Arraf personally organized a mission to bring food and water to the terrorists inside the church.

In 2003, Tel Avivā€™s popular seafront bar Mikeā€™s Place was targeted by two British-born Muslims in a terror attack that killed three Israeli civilians and injured dozens more. The suicide bombers, who were operating under the guidance of Hamas and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, had arrived in Israel from Jordan via the Allenby Bridge and, just days before the attack, visited the ISM at its office in Gaza.

Shortly afterward, they joined the organizationā€™s volunteers at a nearby memorial for ISM activist Rachel Corrie, who was accidentally crushed to death after she kneeled in front of an IDF bulldozer that was leveling the ground to expose terror tunnels used to store explosives.

An official Israeli report stated the terrorists were ā€œcareful to establish their presence in Judea and Samaria [West Bank] by forging links with foreign left wing activists and members of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).ā€

Thom Saffold, who co-founded the group with Arraf, later glibly summarized the deaths of volunteers working for ISM thus:

In 2010, Arraf was an organizer and spokesperson for the Free Gaza Flotilla, which deliberately provoked a violent confrontation with the Israeli Navy when it attempted to breach the blockade of Gaza. The headline-garnering stunt was also arranged with the help of the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Aid (IHH), a Turkish group that has ties to Hamas and donated funds to the terrorist organization.

Speaking about the incident, Arraf, who was on the ship Challenger 1, admitted that she had once again used activists as human shields:

To be clear, then, Arraf and the group she founded have certainly not kept a low profile over the years with the numerous controversies she has been linked to having been reported on (see here, here and here).

Therefore, it was surprising to see the relatively muted response from international media outlets to Arrafā€™s announcement that she is running as a Democrat in Michiganā€™s 10th Congressional District in the hopes she will unseat incumbent Republican Rep. Lisa McClain.

Indeed, according to an analysis of data collated by HonestReporting, Arrafā€™s candidacy was mentioned in just 11 news stories at the time of this pieceā€™s publication.

Arraf, who is a vocal supporter of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, even drew attention to her combative past while announcing her political campaign on Twitter:

Why donā€™t most media publications think it was newsworthy that a person who holds such disturbing views and has such a checkered past could potentially become a US lawmaker?

One of the key pillars of a free press is its duty to inform and criticize.

It appears Michigan voters are not being told of these troublesome facts about the person who hopes to represent them in Washingtonā€™s corridors of power.

When you are losing the debate, call names.
In large part, the answer is yes.

It can't be clearer that whatever payments or loans are made to the Islamic terrorists, there should be an expectation that those gestures will be rewarded with the PA continuing to incite their sociopaths to kill Israelis.

Is the Israeli government financing terrorism against its own citizens? Did Minister of Defense Benny Gantz break the law when he transferred ā€œadvance paymentsā€ and ā€œloansā€ to the Palestinian Authority (PA) earlier this year?

These were some of the questions posed to Gantz and Minister of Finance Avigdor Liberman by the Litigation Department of the Kohelet Policy Forum two months ago, which received a response it termed as ā€œworrying.ā€
Just give them more money and everything will be alright.

Fatah Secretary In Jenin Ata Abu Rumeileh Praises Bnei Brak Terror Attack: A Courageous Operation Carried Out By A Member Of Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Who Killed Zionists To Avenge Our Pure Martyrs​

RE: Apartheid
SUBTOPIC: Recent Violence
āœā†’ Hollie, et al,

I think we have to avoid falling into becoming an "Electronic Repeater" like P F Tinmore. It serves no real purpose to constantly see P F Tinmore repeat other peoples commentary unless is is in defense of his stated comment. Let's not become a bandwidth hog like Tinmore.


I'm not sure who the White House is supporting. But they certainly do NOT appear to me as acting like an ally to Israel. I think it is time for the Bidden Administration to start assembling a team of better advisors.

I am confused about what has recently happened in Israel. I was quite happy to see the article "Arab Israeli leaders have roundly denounced the terror attack March 27 in Hadera that killed two police officers."

But what is really happening. Who is the catalyst for the violence?


Most Respectfully,
I am confused about what has recently happened in Israel. I was quite happy to see the article "Arab Israeli leaders have roundly denounced the terror attack March 27 in Hadera that killed two police officers."

But what is really happening. Who is the catalyst for the violence?


Most Respectfully,

Short term catalyst is the Ramadan...long term the Abraham Accords.

There's this recent "prophecy" going viral in Pal-Arab media,
about the year 2022 being the end of Israel.

It's an industry, they're loosing market,
and attention in the Arab world.
Aman, a Palestinian anti-corruption NGO, issued its annual report on corruption in the Palestinian Authority last week.

Its findings are exactly what you would expect - and so is the lack of news coverage.

They included:

-Passing of laws "to reinforce domination of the Presidentā€™s office over public institutions and in particular the regulatory institutions. "

- Appointments to diplomatic, sharia and senior management in public institutions to Fatah loyalists or relatives of those in power.

- Firing or otherwise punishing PA employees who are not considered loyal enough to the government.

- Continued opacity in budgeting and spending, creating an atmosphere ripe for stealing government funds.

- The PA security services are used for political purposes.

Ironically, the head of the official Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commission was elected to chair the next session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Arab Convention against Corruption last month.

The PA is especially harsh to employees who are whistleblowers. Even though "Palestine" signs every international convention it can find, including against corruption and protecting whistleblowers, those who point out actual corruption get fired or even prosecuted.

Hamas, of course, is no better. Today there was an article about how massive amounts of aid sent to Gaza are disappearing, with Hamas presumably redirecting the aid to their own people or those it favors. One person reported seeing food that was labeled "a gift from the Italian people to Gaza" at a store warehouse in Nuseirat where it was going to be sold.

Outside The New Arab, I cannot find a single English-language news report of the Aman anti-corruption report. The region is filled with reporters yet they somehow manage to avoid any story that shows that the Palestinian Authority is filled with cronyism, nepotism and corruption, and that president Abbas is in every respect a dictator.

Because it doesn't fit the narrative of "evil Israel, righteous Palestinians," and that is the only story the media is willing to report.


ā€œOur war is with the Jews,ā€ says Fatah official​

Itamar Marcus | Apr 5, 2022
  • Fatah wants children to join terror:

ā€œWhen you see a 15-year-old with a rock or a knifeā€¦ know that this cause continues in the blood of our peopleā€

  • Fatah official: Murderer of 5 in Bnei Brak was ā€œheroicā€

  • Fatah official vowed to continue terror: ā€œStruggle with all meansā€ ā€

This is what results from a belligerent, unreformed, quasi religious ideology which has spent 1,400 years holding on to seething hatreds of jews (and Christians).
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Intentional Deception.
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

Another half truth. And quit your whining...

San Remo was not a land treaty. The Mandate had no authority to transfer territory. Resolution 181 was rejected.

Israel started the Nakba in 1947 with no land. What happened since then?

General Assembly Resolution 181 (1947) was not a binding resolution.
General Assembly Resolution 181 (1947) was a recommendation on future actions.
General Assembly Resolution 181 (1947) did not require Arab Palestinian approval. (There rejection was no impediment to the Jewish participation.)
General Assembly Resolution 181 (1947) was not a territorial land grant or transfer document.
The Jewish People exercised their Right of Self-Determination.
The Arab Palestinians did not exercise their Right of Self-Determination.

The Arab Palestinians, mostly through inaction, but made poor decisions, complain today about what they did not get. It is impossible to write a thumbnail history that would do the answer to your question justice. (What happened since then?)


Most Respectfully,
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